

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A Chance Meeting and a Secret Message
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Hermes was humming softly to himself as he was gathering his herbs and other ingredients among the shelves. He didn't mind the other apprentices that were there, and they clearly chose to ignore him and that was something he was becoming use to as it seemed most had a prejudice against him simply by catching Moraine's attention and becoming their apprentice, which Hermes was proud of and wouldn't give it up, even if it meant he would only ever make a select few friends, those he did make easily made up for the harshness of the rest of the clan.

Though he was caught by surprise as a purple claw shot out and grabbed the vile before he could. Hermes turned and looked at the Pearlcatcher before letting out a soft sigh.

"Pardon me," Hermes began as he turned to face her entirely, the shadow of his hood hiding his face as he preferred. He pointed a claw to the vile as he continued to speak. "I only need a little bit of that, if you would be so kind to share with me that would be greatly appreciated." Hermes could tell this was going from a pretty alright time to another one where someone thought they were better than him and was eager to try and put him in his place. This was wearing on his nerves just a bit, but he wouldn't show it, or at least wouldn't try to show it.

Styrax looked over the three before jerking with his head. "Come on and I'll take you to the Infirmary and introduce you to the head healer, a Tundra named Katrun." He says as he slowly walks towards the cave entrance and through the short tunnel to another large opening that had blankets and pillows strewn about along the sides, leading a pathway for healers to walk down. The path down the center lead to the back wall which was lined with tables with alchemy sets, flasks and herbs and some Tundra's and Mirror's working at them. There were some injuries, a hatchling or two there with a cold, and an older dragon they were tending to who seemed as if he had simply reached the end of his life, a Mirror scarred heavily from years of fighting and surviving.

"This is...a lot bigger than I remember..." Sirius whispered to Eira, feeling like he shouldn't talk too loudly in a place of healing.
Hermes was humming softly to himself as he was gathering his herbs and other ingredients among the shelves. He didn't mind the other apprentices that were there, and they clearly chose to ignore him and that was something he was becoming use to as it seemed most had a prejudice against him simply by catching Moraine's attention and becoming their apprentice, which Hermes was proud of and wouldn't give it up, even if it meant he would only ever make a select few friends, those he did make easily made up for the harshness of the rest of the clan.

Though he was caught by surprise as a purple claw shot out and grabbed the vile before he could. Hermes turned and looked at the Pearlcatcher before letting out a soft sigh.

"Pardon me," Hermes began as he turned to face her entirely, the shadow of his hood hiding his face as he preferred. He pointed a claw to the vile as he continued to speak. "I only need a little bit of that, if you would be so kind to share with me that would be greatly appreciated." Hermes could tell this was going from a pretty alright time to another one where someone thought they were better than him and was eager to try and put him in his place. This was wearing on his nerves just a bit, but he wouldn't show it, or at least wouldn't try to show it.

Styrax looked over the three before jerking with his head. "Come on and I'll take you to the Infirmary and introduce you to the head healer, a Tundra named Katrun." He says as he slowly walks towards the cave entrance and through the short tunnel to another large opening that had blankets and pillows strewn about along the sides, leading a pathway for healers to walk down. The path down the center lead to the back wall which was lined with tables with alchemy sets, flasks and herbs and some Tundra's and Mirror's working at them. There were some injuries, a hatchling or two there with a cold, and an older dragon they were tending to who seemed as if he had simply reached the end of his life, a Mirror scarred heavily from years of fighting and surviving.

"This is...a lot bigger than I remember..." Sirius whispered to Eira, feeling like he shouldn't talk too loudly in a place of healing.
“I apologize, but I need this more than you do,” came the response. Despite the flat tone, there was still a sense of mocking, so far from direct antagonism but it still can be picked up.

“It would be a shame if my treatment did not work because it is a few measurements off. She’s been very ill for the past week and I really can not afford to lose time. I’m even wasting my time explaining to you why I need these batch of petals.” Each word seems a bit drawn out despite what she was saying, maybe that was the reason for this supposed haughty edge he would have been getting.

As the pearlcatcher turned back to go back to her table, she would add, “If you really need Icewarden’s breathe petals, why don’t you look in the greenhouse? It isn’t like your mentor is going to get mad at you for ingredient searching isn’t she?” Coming from probably anyone else it might be genuine advice, but from her it sounded backhanded for all she had said prior.

Perhaps it was a blessing or a curse that seemingly no one seemed to notice them talking, still going on their day of work and too focused on brewing. She turned back towards her table without another word, and started to walk back.

Eira looked around, nodding her head in appreciation for the place. “When was the last time you’ve been here? Sometimes a clan never stops growing.” As she said that, she suddenly felt melancholy. When she last saw Cryosta, it was years ago. Though the clan was willing to throw her away before secrets could be leaked, she really did miss it. How much has the clan expanded since she left? How many new dragons had come through since she had gone? (Though actually, now that she thought of it, that’s not a good thing.) Did they make any new buildings? How many more additions were made to the greenhouse?

“Is this clan really made up of just mirrors and tundras?” Calendula would wonder out loud towards Styrax. She on the other hand had been busy trying to look at everything and take it in, gazing at every detail while her friends talked. There was a look of wonder to her. Never in her life has she been in another clan. As a former gatherer, her duty was strictly to getting food within Cryosta’s lands. It was only the scouts, messengers, ambassadors, and students of the leading dragons that would be allowed anywhere near their allies’ clans.
“I apologize, but I need this more than you do,” came the response. Despite the flat tone, there was still a sense of mocking, so far from direct antagonism but it still can be picked up.

“It would be a shame if my treatment did not work because it is a few measurements off. She’s been very ill for the past week and I really can not afford to lose time. I’m even wasting my time explaining to you why I need these batch of petals.” Each word seems a bit drawn out despite what she was saying, maybe that was the reason for this supposed haughty edge he would have been getting.

As the pearlcatcher turned back to go back to her table, she would add, “If you really need Icewarden’s breathe petals, why don’t you look in the greenhouse? It isn’t like your mentor is going to get mad at you for ingredient searching isn’t she?” Coming from probably anyone else it might be genuine advice, but from her it sounded backhanded for all she had said prior.

Perhaps it was a blessing or a curse that seemingly no one seemed to notice them talking, still going on their day of work and too focused on brewing. She turned back towards her table without another word, and started to walk back.

Eira looked around, nodding her head in appreciation for the place. “When was the last time you’ve been here? Sometimes a clan never stops growing.” As she said that, she suddenly felt melancholy. When she last saw Cryosta, it was years ago. Though the clan was willing to throw her away before secrets could be leaked, she really did miss it. How much has the clan expanded since she left? How many new dragons had come through since she had gone? (Though actually, now that she thought of it, that’s not a good thing.) Did they make any new buildings? How many more additions were made to the greenhouse?

“Is this clan really made up of just mirrors and tundras?” Calendula would wonder out loud towards Styrax. She on the other hand had been busy trying to look at everything and take it in, gazing at every detail while her friends talked. There was a look of wonder to her. Never in her life has she been in another clan. As a former gatherer, her duty was strictly to getting food within Cryosta’s lands. It was only the scouts, messengers, ambassadors, and students of the leading dragons that would be allowed anywhere near their allies’ clans.
Hermes could pick up on the tone quite easily, it was something he heard all the time here and for the first time Hermes could feel the fur on his neck beginning to bristle in his frustration.

Hermes closed his eyes when he realized the anger that was beginning to boil in his blood. He was not a dragon prone to giving into such negative feelings, but Hermes was still just a dragon and could have those thoughts and feelings but it was how he acted on them that spoke of his character.

The Tundra released a breath slowly and made his way towards his table without another word, opening up his journal, flipping through his journal, his brow furrowed slightly before shutting it and heading back to the shelves, looking through them before plucking a vial labeled: Star Moss.

He would need to readjust some of the other ingredients he had acquired, and he writes down the adjustments on his next blank page, muttering softly as he talked himself through this before beginning to make his salve.

Sirius thought for a moment. "A year...or two ago?" He said after a moment of thinking.

Styrax smiled at Calendula and shrugged one shoulder casually. "Mostly but not entirely. Got two Nocturne's, less the one finally went and got himself killed...a Bogsneak that helps brew the medicine and a Guardian that's on patrol."
Hermes could pick up on the tone quite easily, it was something he heard all the time here and for the first time Hermes could feel the fur on his neck beginning to bristle in his frustration.

Hermes closed his eyes when he realized the anger that was beginning to boil in his blood. He was not a dragon prone to giving into such negative feelings, but Hermes was still just a dragon and could have those thoughts and feelings but it was how he acted on them that spoke of his character.

The Tundra released a breath slowly and made his way towards his table without another word, opening up his journal, flipping through his journal, his brow furrowed slightly before shutting it and heading back to the shelves, looking through them before plucking a vial labeled: Star Moss.

He would need to readjust some of the other ingredients he had acquired, and he writes down the adjustments on his next blank page, muttering softly as he talked himself through this before beginning to make his salve.

Sirius thought for a moment. "A year...or two ago?" He said after a moment of thinking.

Styrax smiled at Calendula and shrugged one shoulder casually. "Mostly but not entirely. Got two Nocturne's, less the one finally went and got himself killed...a Bogsneak that helps brew the medicine and a Guardian that's on patrol."
Minutes would shuffle by and Moraine would return back to the room, as signified by the sound of the door shutting and heavy footfalls reaching his location. Moraine would look to the concoction bubbling away inside the beaker before nodding approvingly. "How goes your work? Do you have a rough estimate of how long it will take to finish?" They lowered their head towards his level alongside the volume of her voice, mostly so Hermes could hear her without the conversation carrying around the room.

Moraine looked to the table, taking in the sights of the vial standing empty or almost depleted of all its content. Though their eyesight was starting to decline since they were truly reaching the end of their lifespan, Moraine couldn't help but notice how off one of the ingredients is as to when Hermes talked to her about substituting ingredients for certain salves. Gingerly, she reached forward and with the tip of her claw she picked up the star moss vial, the item looking rather miniscule in her clutch.

"I do not recall this herb from that conversation about medicinal substitution. Did one of the herb stock run out?"

"Oh," Eira nearly snorted, "That explains a lot. A year or two is a lot of time for something to grow. You could harvest up to three to six batches of potato onions in that time." She would look around as they paced further into the infirmary, trying to gauge which of these dragons would happen to be a tundra named Katrun. "Asides from Styrax, do you know anyone else that lives here?"

"Oh wow, really? How did they even come about?" Calendula would continue to ask, still aching to sate her endless curiosity. It's been very long since she had spoken to more than four dragons that are somewhat friendly or neutral to her. Not only that but if they were on the move, she may as well take the push to explore the world again.
Minutes would shuffle by and Moraine would return back to the room, as signified by the sound of the door shutting and heavy footfalls reaching his location. Moraine would look to the concoction bubbling away inside the beaker before nodding approvingly. "How goes your work? Do you have a rough estimate of how long it will take to finish?" They lowered their head towards his level alongside the volume of her voice, mostly so Hermes could hear her without the conversation carrying around the room.

Moraine looked to the table, taking in the sights of the vial standing empty or almost depleted of all its content. Though their eyesight was starting to decline since they were truly reaching the end of their lifespan, Moraine couldn't help but notice how off one of the ingredients is as to when Hermes talked to her about substituting ingredients for certain salves. Gingerly, she reached forward and with the tip of her claw she picked up the star moss vial, the item looking rather miniscule in her clutch.

"I do not recall this herb from that conversation about medicinal substitution. Did one of the herb stock run out?"

"Oh," Eira nearly snorted, "That explains a lot. A year or two is a lot of time for something to grow. You could harvest up to three to six batches of potato onions in that time." She would look around as they paced further into the infirmary, trying to gauge which of these dragons would happen to be a tundra named Katrun. "Asides from Styrax, do you know anyone else that lives here?"

"Oh wow, really? How did they even come about?" Calendula would continue to ask, still aching to sate her endless curiosity. It's been very long since she had spoken to more than four dragons that are somewhat friendly or neutral to her. Not only that but if they were on the move, she may as well take the push to explore the world again.
Hermes looked over when he heard the approach of his mentor and their voice, giving them a warm smile before reaching out to adjust the flame that was boiling the liquid in one of the vials, bringing it to a shimmer to finish cooking down the last of the sweetgrass he used to try and adjust the bitter taste of the star moss since he had to use quite a bit.

"No, it wasn't one of the herbs we spoke of," he agreed with his mentor before looking up and casting a glance towards the Pearlcatcher who was working at her own table. He seriously doubted her words about a sick patient, but he would not call out such a thing as he knew not for certain if she spoke the truth or not and did not want to claim someone was lying without there being a way to back it up. The last thing he wanted to do was cause more fighting for himself by someone claiming he was selfish or wasn't thinking of the patients.

"Someone said they needed the ingredient more than me," Hermes finally responded after a moment of weighing what he should say. "And although I could head to the greenhouse to gather more, it is quite a distance and time wasn't on my side for such a task," he scooted his journal towards his mentor, pointing to the math he had done, some scratched out and double and triple checked to ensure he was adjusting the ingredients accordingly. "So I went to improvise, Star Moss can do the same things as Icewarden's Breath, one just needs more of it."

Sirius shook his head. "Not too well," he admitted. "I met Katrun once or twice, getting herbs from her to bring to Hermes and I've seen the Bogsneak but never talked to him."

"What, the clan?" Styrax asked but stopped and waved over a Tundra with beautiful cream colored fur, a mane of green that faded into a dark gray in her wings and runes that glowed a soft purple as she was healing a Guardian who stood silent and vigil, wearing a black hood and coat. "Katrun!" Styrax called to get her attention. "Sirius came back and brought with him some company!"

"Oh, it is a pleasure to meet you!" Katrun's sweet voice greeted them as two chickadee's flew from her back to perch on a small potted tree by the stone desk.
Hermes looked over when he heard the approach of his mentor and their voice, giving them a warm smile before reaching out to adjust the flame that was boiling the liquid in one of the vials, bringing it to a shimmer to finish cooking down the last of the sweetgrass he used to try and adjust the bitter taste of the star moss since he had to use quite a bit.

"No, it wasn't one of the herbs we spoke of," he agreed with his mentor before looking up and casting a glance towards the Pearlcatcher who was working at her own table. He seriously doubted her words about a sick patient, but he would not call out such a thing as he knew not for certain if she spoke the truth or not and did not want to claim someone was lying without there being a way to back it up. The last thing he wanted to do was cause more fighting for himself by someone claiming he was selfish or wasn't thinking of the patients.

"Someone said they needed the ingredient more than me," Hermes finally responded after a moment of weighing what he should say. "And although I could head to the greenhouse to gather more, it is quite a distance and time wasn't on my side for such a task," he scooted his journal towards his mentor, pointing to the math he had done, some scratched out and double and triple checked to ensure he was adjusting the ingredients accordingly. "So I went to improvise, Star Moss can do the same things as Icewarden's Breath, one just needs more of it."

Sirius shook his head. "Not too well," he admitted. "I met Katrun once or twice, getting herbs from her to bring to Hermes and I've seen the Bogsneak but never talked to him."

"What, the clan?" Styrax asked but stopped and waved over a Tundra with beautiful cream colored fur, a mane of green that faded into a dark gray in her wings and runes that glowed a soft purple as she was healing a Guardian who stood silent and vigil, wearing a black hood and coat. "Katrun!" Styrax called to get her attention. "Sirius came back and brought with him some company!"

"Oh, it is a pleasure to meet you!" Katrun's sweet voice greeted them as two chickadee's flew from her back to perch on a small potted tree by the stone desk.
"I see," Moraine would say with an approving nod. "Flexibility is of importance, so it is good you've managed. It is unfortunate how sometimes our stock can run low during certain months where some diseases are more prominent..." Moraine would sigh at that before looking to the cooking concoction, "This kind of thinking can't be taught to everyone studying in the infirmary, however. Our teachers usually do things strictly by the text, since it is often more important that the students learn the standard ingredients for safety reasons. It takes years to learn everything down pat, and often students are too busy to experiment on their own or don't want to face the risk."

Moraine would then glance around the room, full of busy and rigid figures fixated on their studies or work. Only one other head medic was present, the fae that took Moraine out of the room for a brisk moment. "I do believe Springer and Cygnet also has that liberty, though I haven't spoken with them much to know for sure... Perhaps Cygnet knows something of the sort? Bombyx often has interesting methods to creating her own medicines. She uses insects, a method that I believe stems from many other regions."

It seemed like Moraine was talking as to let the time pass by quicker now. "Bombyx is undeniably an ice dragon, but she was raised in a nature clan. From what I've been told when she was younger, insects were sometimes used as ingredients for their medicines. They weren't ordinary insects, but insects are used around parts of Sornieth."

The conversations being held died quickly as the two wildclaws turned to face the head healer. Calendula first glanced at the guardian, noting that they must be one of the dragons Styrax had mentioned before focusing her attention on Katrun. "Hello there! I'm Calendula and my friend over there," she gestured to Eira who only nodded her head, "is Eira."
"I see," Moraine would say with an approving nod. "Flexibility is of importance, so it is good you've managed. It is unfortunate how sometimes our stock can run low during certain months where some diseases are more prominent..." Moraine would sigh at that before looking to the cooking concoction, "This kind of thinking can't be taught to everyone studying in the infirmary, however. Our teachers usually do things strictly by the text, since it is often more important that the students learn the standard ingredients for safety reasons. It takes years to learn everything down pat, and often students are too busy to experiment on their own or don't want to face the risk."

Moraine would then glance around the room, full of busy and rigid figures fixated on their studies or work. Only one other head medic was present, the fae that took Moraine out of the room for a brisk moment. "I do believe Springer and Cygnet also has that liberty, though I haven't spoken with them much to know for sure... Perhaps Cygnet knows something of the sort? Bombyx often has interesting methods to creating her own medicines. She uses insects, a method that I believe stems from many other regions."

It seemed like Moraine was talking as to let the time pass by quicker now. "Bombyx is undeniably an ice dragon, but she was raised in a nature clan. From what I've been told when she was younger, insects were sometimes used as ingredients for their medicines. They weren't ordinary insects, but insects are used around parts of Sornieth."

The conversations being held died quickly as the two wildclaws turned to face the head healer. Calendula first glanced at the guardian, noting that they must be one of the dragons Styrax had mentioned before focusing her attention on Katrun. "Hello there! I'm Calendula and my friend over there," she gestured to Eira who only nodded her head, "is Eira."
Hermes listened to his Mentor carefully, glancing towards the other Head Healer in the room for a moment. "It's not as if I do not understand why you would do it by the book, and at times that is the best approach...but from growing up on the Floes, doing it by the book is not always an option, if you can not adapt than you can't help your patient...the option for doing by the book is not always one present."

At the mention of using insects in leu of herbs got the young Tundra to tilt his head in curiosity. "Insects? I mean...that's not unheard of, logically speaking...just not something I have ever considered using before."

Hermes smiled then. "I should start studying the use of insects then!"

Katrun turned her full attention to them and smiled, warm and gentle as her two birds chattered upon her back. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," she looked upon their injuries and her smiled faltered. She turned to the Bogsneak in the back. "Kuai! Get me some healing salve, quick!"

The purple Bogsneak lifted his head before nodding and moving towards the stone shelves and started gathering things as Katrun gestured for the two Wildclaws to follow her to the nests lined with fine, soft furs. "Both of you lay down, you look like you are barely alive!"

Styrax chuckled as he watched the other Tundra's runes begin to glow as she looked over them. "Hey now Katrun, don't expend all your magic today, how many dragons have you healed?" When he asked the question she snorted, but her glowing runes dimmed and then stopped.

Sirius made his way over, but the Guardian moved to stop him and for a moment the black Tundra prepared to argue but sighed and sat back on his haunches as he watched his friends. "You're in good claws," he said. "I'm not allowed to get any closer, but these guys are a little more advanced than Hermes...I think Katrun may have gone to school or something." Sirius looked at the female Tundra, who just smiled and shook her head slightly.
Hermes listened to his Mentor carefully, glancing towards the other Head Healer in the room for a moment. "It's not as if I do not understand why you would do it by the book, and at times that is the best approach...but from growing up on the Floes, doing it by the book is not always an option, if you can not adapt than you can't help your patient...the option for doing by the book is not always one present."

At the mention of using insects in leu of herbs got the young Tundra to tilt his head in curiosity. "Insects? I mean...that's not unheard of, logically speaking...just not something I have ever considered using before."

Hermes smiled then. "I should start studying the use of insects then!"

Katrun turned her full attention to them and smiled, warm and gentle as her two birds chattered upon her back. "It's a pleasure to meet both of you," she looked upon their injuries and her smiled faltered. She turned to the Bogsneak in the back. "Kuai! Get me some healing salve, quick!"

The purple Bogsneak lifted his head before nodding and moving towards the stone shelves and started gathering things as Katrun gestured for the two Wildclaws to follow her to the nests lined with fine, soft furs. "Both of you lay down, you look like you are barely alive!"

Styrax chuckled as he watched the other Tundra's runes begin to glow as she looked over them. "Hey now Katrun, don't expend all your magic today, how many dragons have you healed?" When he asked the question she snorted, but her glowing runes dimmed and then stopped.

Sirius made his way over, but the Guardian moved to stop him and for a moment the black Tundra prepared to argue but sighed and sat back on his haunches as he watched his friends. "You're in good claws," he said. "I'm not allowed to get any closer, but these guys are a little more advanced than Hermes...I think Katrun may have gone to school or something." Sirius looked at the female Tundra, who just smiled and shook her head slightly.
"That is quite understandable. How medicine is practice in each clan is rather diverse since the methods would have to be influenced by what is available to them." Moraine would then let out a light smile at Hermes' enthusiasm for newer methods. "As far as I know, insect parts are often extracted to soothe swelling and infection treatments, but that is beyond my specialty. If you are eager to learn, perhaps asking your friends or Bombyx would be of aid, but that is if you feel you are up to it."

Moraine would then gesture to Hermes' desk with the alchemy set and other academic supplies. "You already have so much to do after all."

Calendula couldn't help but let out a sheepish laugh, replying with, "Eheh... Hermes sorta said the same thing when he first saw us. We were really lucky to run into him back then..." Eira would aid her friend off of Sirius' back and led her into one of the nests before settling into the next one herself.

The usage of magic seemed to perk Calendula's interest and she lifted her head to ask, "Wait, if you can use magic, does that mean we can get better quicker?" She seemed a bit excited at the aspect. After so long of being stuck down there and receiving a good amount of injuries that would see to her resting for a month and possibly even longer... Calendula wanted to be able to explore places on her own again and maybe even run or even...

"My wings! They got torn up a few days ago and I'm wondering if it's even possible I can fly again...?" There was a look of hopefulness as she leaned forward, though Eira was quick to speak up. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Calendula." Immediately, she sank back in the nest, deflating at the reprimand. "But," Eira added, "Even if nothing can be done about that, it's not impossible with the right kind of magic. You are lucky they decided to not mangle your wings all those years ago. It's just that..." She looked at Katrun, "Is it possible for you?"
"That is quite understandable. How medicine is practice in each clan is rather diverse since the methods would have to be influenced by what is available to them." Moraine would then let out a light smile at Hermes' enthusiasm for newer methods. "As far as I know, insect parts are often extracted to soothe swelling and infection treatments, but that is beyond my specialty. If you are eager to learn, perhaps asking your friends or Bombyx would be of aid, but that is if you feel you are up to it."

Moraine would then gesture to Hermes' desk with the alchemy set and other academic supplies. "You already have so much to do after all."

Calendula couldn't help but let out a sheepish laugh, replying with, "Eheh... Hermes sorta said the same thing when he first saw us. We were really lucky to run into him back then..." Eira would aid her friend off of Sirius' back and led her into one of the nests before settling into the next one herself.

The usage of magic seemed to perk Calendula's interest and she lifted her head to ask, "Wait, if you can use magic, does that mean we can get better quicker?" She seemed a bit excited at the aspect. After so long of being stuck down there and receiving a good amount of injuries that would see to her resting for a month and possibly even longer... Calendula wanted to be able to explore places on her own again and maybe even run or even...

"My wings! They got torn up a few days ago and I'm wondering if it's even possible I can fly again...?" There was a look of hopefulness as she leaned forward, though Eira was quick to speak up. "Don't get too ahead of yourself, Calendula." Immediately, she sank back in the nest, deflating at the reprimand. "But," Eira added, "Even if nothing can be done about that, it's not impossible with the right kind of magic. You are lucky they decided to not mangle your wings all those years ago. It's just that..." She looked at Katrun, "Is it possible for you?"
"I will ask Springer and Cygnet the next time we are sitting down together," Hermes said with a nod to his mentor. He glanced towards his alchemy set, following his mentor's gaze and he simply smiled before looking back to them. "I do have a lot to do," he admitted to her. "But medicine is always changing and evolving, if I'm not willing to adapt and learn new things then what good am I?" He posed the question to his mentor before chuckling a little. "I wouldn't have trouble with others swiping the last ingredient then."

The young Tundra moved back to his desk to remove the salve once it had finished and held it up to his mentor, almost like a hatchling seeking approval, and in a way he was. "Does it meet your approval?" He asked, unable to keep the hopeful tone from his voice.
Sirius watched the hope almost brim over from Calendula, it was refreshing to see that she still had some brightness in her eyes, that the harsh world had not crushed everything out of her. He looked over to Eira then, giving her a small and encouraging smile.

Katrun gently placed a talon on Calendula's mouth to silence her from asking more questions, her eyes softened as her small chickadee's landed on the Tundra's head, looking down at the Wildclaw, twittering softly. When Eira spoke Katrun put her arm down and nodded slowly.

"It is possible, the thing about healing magic is it works hand in hand with traditional medicine to help it, but Styrax is right, I've used a lot of my magical reserves today and would need rest to be able to use them again."
"I will ask Springer and Cygnet the next time we are sitting down together," Hermes said with a nod to his mentor. He glanced towards his alchemy set, following his mentor's gaze and he simply smiled before looking back to them. "I do have a lot to do," he admitted to her. "But medicine is always changing and evolving, if I'm not willing to adapt and learn new things then what good am I?" He posed the question to his mentor before chuckling a little. "I wouldn't have trouble with others swiping the last ingredient then."

The young Tundra moved back to his desk to remove the salve once it had finished and held it up to his mentor, almost like a hatchling seeking approval, and in a way he was. "Does it meet your approval?" He asked, unable to keep the hopeful tone from his voice.
Sirius watched the hope almost brim over from Calendula, it was refreshing to see that she still had some brightness in her eyes, that the harsh world had not crushed everything out of her. He looked over to Eira then, giving her a small and encouraging smile.

Katrun gently placed a talon on Calendula's mouth to silence her from asking more questions, her eyes softened as her small chickadee's landed on the Tundra's head, looking down at the Wildclaw, twittering softly. When Eira spoke Katrun put her arm down and nodded slowly.

"It is possible, the thing about healing magic is it works hand in hand with traditional medicine to help it, but Styrax is right, I've used a lot of my magical reserves today and would need rest to be able to use them again."
Moraine's eyes shifted over to the concoction before they lifted their head with a hum. "I suppose we'll see how efficient it will be. Let us make way to the menagerie. Even with all the experience over the years, one can't just glean how effective medicine will be with the naked eye after all." They made their way to the door and lingered long enough for them to look back and wait for their apprentice to make his way up to her. Once Hermes was there, she'd push open the door and would start making her way around the camp.

"Fortunately the outbreak of mites inside of camp grounds was contained. Though it does affect certain familiars, it didn't mean it won't happen to dragons either. However, we still had the issue to deal with in the outside menagerie. It will be quite a ways out there but we should be able to make it back in time for a lecture."

They pushed out one of the backdoors, and soon was trekking away on a pathway. Like the greenhouse, it was some distance away and well decorated with plants. Along the pathway, Hermes could see the sun already slinking past the midpoint in the sky, though the sky has yet to darken.

A musky smell began to hit Hermes' nose as they drew near and soon they were stood amidst a farm looking place, structures and pens all around. In some of the pens Hermes could see large looking creatures roam about, varying in shapes and sizes. There were also dragons dipping in and out of the buildings set about, carrying buckets of varying contents or lingering around.

"Welcome to the menagerie," Moraine would say as they led Hermes further and further down the path. "We have two separate menageries on our grounds, one for familiars and beasts that require less room to maintain and one for those that need a lot of it. For today you will be working with an owlynx. It is something I am quite familiar with, so your safety will be assured in treating it." Suddenly Moraine stopped in front of one of the buildings, built out of crafted pine wood. "Is there any questions before we start?"

Eira nodded as relief seemed to flood Calendula's expression. "That is alright, we can wait if we need to," Eira would say as Calendula flopped onto her nest with a happy squeal. "I'm going to fly again! Eira, did you hear that? I can fly again!"

There was another exasperated sigh from Eira, though it wasn't from embarassment. "I suppose there's nothing else that needs to be said for today?" She asked.
Moraine's eyes shifted over to the concoction before they lifted their head with a hum. "I suppose we'll see how efficient it will be. Let us make way to the menagerie. Even with all the experience over the years, one can't just glean how effective medicine will be with the naked eye after all." They made their way to the door and lingered long enough for them to look back and wait for their apprentice to make his way up to her. Once Hermes was there, she'd push open the door and would start making her way around the camp.

"Fortunately the outbreak of mites inside of camp grounds was contained. Though it does affect certain familiars, it didn't mean it won't happen to dragons either. However, we still had the issue to deal with in the outside menagerie. It will be quite a ways out there but we should be able to make it back in time for a lecture."

They pushed out one of the backdoors, and soon was trekking away on a pathway. Like the greenhouse, it was some distance away and well decorated with plants. Along the pathway, Hermes could see the sun already slinking past the midpoint in the sky, though the sky has yet to darken.

A musky smell began to hit Hermes' nose as they drew near and soon they were stood amidst a farm looking place, structures and pens all around. In some of the pens Hermes could see large looking creatures roam about, varying in shapes and sizes. There were also dragons dipping in and out of the buildings set about, carrying buckets of varying contents or lingering around.

"Welcome to the menagerie," Moraine would say as they led Hermes further and further down the path. "We have two separate menageries on our grounds, one for familiars and beasts that require less room to maintain and one for those that need a lot of it. For today you will be working with an owlynx. It is something I am quite familiar with, so your safety will be assured in treating it." Suddenly Moraine stopped in front of one of the buildings, built out of crafted pine wood. "Is there any questions before we start?"

Eira nodded as relief seemed to flood Calendula's expression. "That is alright, we can wait if we need to," Eira would say as Calendula flopped onto her nest with a happy squeal. "I'm going to fly again! Eira, did you hear that? I can fly again!"

There was another exasperated sigh from Eira, though it wasn't from embarassment. "I suppose there's nothing else that needs to be said for today?" She asked.
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