

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A Chance Meeting and a Secret Message
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Hermes smiled at that, enjoying the excitement that his friend had and he nodded his head as they walked. "Yes, a game that helps you memorize things and passes the time while you wait."

The two dragons stepped out of the greenhouse, Hermes blinking at the bright sunlight for a moment and tugged his white hood down to help cast shade over his eyes so that they could have proper time to adjust. "Well, first thing you would do is think of something...say a cloud," Hermes cast his glance upwards then towards the sky and smiled a little. "Then you begin listing things that clouds have in common with something else, white like snow, fluffy like a cumulous seal, soft like on and so forth."

Sirius nodded his head in agreement. "Ermine is a soldier...he could defend himself a tad bit easier than Hermes, but my brother doesn't know how to fight, refused to learn and preferred to heal and help then attack or defend."

The forest grew thicker, and the branches of the ever greens cut off more and more sunlight, with only a few streams able to penetrate the thick converse. Styrax glanced back at his friends before smiling as the two Mirrors ahead of them stopped at a large boulder before tracing symbols among the stone surface that began to glow gold before the boulder rolled slowly to the side to reveal the small hill it had been propped up against lead to a tunnel that lead downwards.
Hermes smiled at that, enjoying the excitement that his friend had and he nodded his head as they walked. "Yes, a game that helps you memorize things and passes the time while you wait."

The two dragons stepped out of the greenhouse, Hermes blinking at the bright sunlight for a moment and tugged his white hood down to help cast shade over his eyes so that they could have proper time to adjust. "Well, first thing you would do is think of something...say a cloud," Hermes cast his glance upwards then towards the sky and smiled a little. "Then you begin listing things that clouds have in common with something else, white like snow, fluffy like a cumulous seal, soft like on and so forth."

Sirius nodded his head in agreement. "Ermine is a soldier...he could defend himself a tad bit easier than Hermes, but my brother doesn't know how to fight, refused to learn and preferred to heal and help then attack or defend."

The forest grew thicker, and the branches of the ever greens cut off more and more sunlight, with only a few streams able to penetrate the thick converse. Styrax glanced back at his friends before smiling as the two Mirrors ahead of them stopped at a large boulder before tracing symbols among the stone surface that began to glow gold before the boulder rolled slowly to the side to reveal the small hill it had been propped up against lead to a tunnel that lead downwards.
"Hmm... What an odd game... But I suppose I can give it a shot." There was an extra spring in his step as they made their way towards the gate. They were halted on the path before they could get there however.

"I was really beginning to believe you weren't going to leave that place."

Springer turned to face Ragweed as the older spiral chuckled. "Oh, Ragweed!" Springer then turned to Hermes with a grin, "I think this is time we go off. Thanks for finding me today, I'll see you at lunch, alright?"

As they delved deeper in the woods, Calendula shivered. "It's like in that story Eira told yesterday. That part where the group went into the Tangled Woods." Eira likewise let out a huff, "At least the floor is not covered in thorns. This region already has the danger of us freezing to death."

They watched the boulder roll away to reveal an opening and Calendula made noise of wonderment. "It's kind of like the gate back at home," she would comment before adding quickly, "Well... Former home that is."
"Hmm... What an odd game... But I suppose I can give it a shot." There was an extra spring in his step as they made their way towards the gate. They were halted on the path before they could get there however.

"I was really beginning to believe you weren't going to leave that place."

Springer turned to face Ragweed as the older spiral chuckled. "Oh, Ragweed!" Springer then turned to Hermes with a grin, "I think this is time we go off. Thanks for finding me today, I'll see you at lunch, alright?"

As they delved deeper in the woods, Calendula shivered. "It's like in that story Eira told yesterday. That part where the group went into the Tangled Woods." Eira likewise let out a huff, "At least the floor is not covered in thorns. This region already has the danger of us freezing to death."

They watched the boulder roll away to reveal an opening and Calendula made noise of wonderment. "It's kind of like the gate back at home," she would comment before adding quickly, "Well... Former home that is."
Hermes nodded his head and smiled at Springer. "I will meet you at once, it is good to see you again, Sir Ragweed."

The Tundra watched as his friend and his mentor walked away before Hermes turned around to go and find Moraine, figuring that she most likely was waiting for him as well.

As he walked away from the greenhouse, Hermes allowed his thoughts to drift back to his brother, his friends and the tasks he had to finish. It was true he had allowed himself to become sidetrack, but he needed to find Ermine and start working out a plan to get things going on their end. Neither of them knew how much time they would have left, and he wanted to keep his brother and the girls safe and they needed to make a move while everyone was busy with getting ready for the competition.

Styrax chuckled as his ear turned back to listen to them. "The pack dug out miles and miles of tunnels because it's warmer underground."

Sirius followed his friend in, the cave walls had lanterns lining them in equal space intervals to light the cavern once the boulder once more rolled back into place and cast the tunnel into darkness, only cast in a glow from the lanterns.
Hermes nodded his head and smiled at Springer. "I will meet you at once, it is good to see you again, Sir Ragweed."

The Tundra watched as his friend and his mentor walked away before Hermes turned around to go and find Moraine, figuring that she most likely was waiting for him as well.

As he walked away from the greenhouse, Hermes allowed his thoughts to drift back to his brother, his friends and the tasks he had to finish. It was true he had allowed himself to become sidetrack, but he needed to find Ermine and start working out a plan to get things going on their end. Neither of them knew how much time they would have left, and he wanted to keep his brother and the girls safe and they needed to make a move while everyone was busy with getting ready for the competition.

Styrax chuckled as his ear turned back to listen to them. "The pack dug out miles and miles of tunnels because it's warmer underground."

Sirius followed his friend in, the cave walls had lanterns lining them in equal space intervals to light the cavern once the boulder once more rolled back into place and cast the tunnel into darkness, only cast in a glow from the lanterns.
There was the noise of footfall that seemed heavy, if only due to the size. At the same time, a rumbly voice belonging to his mentor spoke up. "Are you done with your task, Hermes?" Before the tundra knew it, Moraine was there, towering over the trail like a building, though Moraine was not as grand as all the buildings which were meant to accommodate for all breeds of all sizes.

Judging by the shadow that fell over Hermes, her figure almost seemed to blot out the sun for him before she leaned down as if to gain better hearing on what the smaller dragon was saying. "Do you want to head on back so we can proceed with your lessons?"

Calendula looked all around her, a small note of nostalgia dancing in her eyes. "They did that back there too! They would make lots of tunnels with rooms for everyone! It sounds kind of danger with the chance of tunnel collapse... I know I asked about that, but I heard they spaced it out in some way... I don't remember."

Eira would now allow herself to relax, muscles no longer tense now that it seemed they were in good company. She wasn't sure how much of good company it was, but in the few days she managed to spend with Sirius and Hermes, it was clear enough that they aren't malicious in any way, so there was not much to be worried about for the time being.
There was the noise of footfall that seemed heavy, if only due to the size. At the same time, a rumbly voice belonging to his mentor spoke up. "Are you done with your task, Hermes?" Before the tundra knew it, Moraine was there, towering over the trail like a building, though Moraine was not as grand as all the buildings which were meant to accommodate for all breeds of all sizes.

Judging by the shadow that fell over Hermes, her figure almost seemed to blot out the sun for him before she leaned down as if to gain better hearing on what the smaller dragon was saying. "Do you want to head on back so we can proceed with your lessons?"

Calendula looked all around her, a small note of nostalgia dancing in her eyes. "They did that back there too! They would make lots of tunnels with rooms for everyone! It sounds kind of danger with the chance of tunnel collapse... I know I asked about that, but I heard they spaced it out in some way... I don't remember."

Eira would now allow herself to relax, muscles no longer tense now that it seemed they were in good company. She wasn't sure how much of good company it was, but in the few days she managed to spend with Sirius and Hermes, it was clear enough that they aren't malicious in any way, so there was not much to be worried about for the time being.
Hermes looked up at his mentor, it always caught him off guard how tall and imposing they could be, which was off-putting until they opened their mouth and began talking. To Hermes that was something comforting, or maybe that was because Hermes thrived better among other dragons, more so than his brother did who seemed to prefer the company of a select few as Hermes liked a large clan with different flowing ideas and opinions being shared by other dragons.

"I have finished, Moraine," Hermes said with a nod of his head as he moved to walk next to the Imperial. "I am ready to head back and continue lessons!" He couldn't hide the excitement in his voice as he loved every single chance he had to learn from them and for the moment pushed his thoughts back for the time being so that he could focus on Moraine's incredible medical knowledge.

Styrax nodded as he listened, turning down a tunnel that went down a small slope. "Well, yeah, my pack isn't the first dragons that ever thought of digging out tunnels and living underground, especially in places where living above ground is inhospitable for most. Though we also have small little hidden entrances that allow us to help with our hunts, no prey is easier to take down then the ones in a panic and afraid when they continue to lose sight of whatever is hunting them at the moment."

Sirius looked back at Eira, noticing that she had begun to relax and he whispered to her softly. "Since we aren't running would you feel better about walking as much as you can?" The black Tundra asked, wanting to do his best to try and make this a little easier for either of them.
Hermes looked up at his mentor, it always caught him off guard how tall and imposing they could be, which was off-putting until they opened their mouth and began talking. To Hermes that was something comforting, or maybe that was because Hermes thrived better among other dragons, more so than his brother did who seemed to prefer the company of a select few as Hermes liked a large clan with different flowing ideas and opinions being shared by other dragons.

"I have finished, Moraine," Hermes said with a nod of his head as he moved to walk next to the Imperial. "I am ready to head back and continue lessons!" He couldn't hide the excitement in his voice as he loved every single chance he had to learn from them and for the moment pushed his thoughts back for the time being so that he could focus on Moraine's incredible medical knowledge.

Styrax nodded as he listened, turning down a tunnel that went down a small slope. "Well, yeah, my pack isn't the first dragons that ever thought of digging out tunnels and living underground, especially in places where living above ground is inhospitable for most. Though we also have small little hidden entrances that allow us to help with our hunts, no prey is easier to take down then the ones in a panic and afraid when they continue to lose sight of whatever is hunting them at the moment."

Sirius looked back at Eira, noticing that she had begun to relax and he whispered to her softly. "Since we aren't running would you feel better about walking as much as you can?" The black Tundra asked, wanting to do his best to try and make this a little easier for either of them.
The imperial lifted their great head, letting out a hum of approval. "Let us make our way back again, now." The imperial would then make their way back to Cryosta, walking along at a slow enough pace for Hermes to catch up.

When the two of them returned to the Infirmary, Moraine would turn to Hermes. "Do you remember the makeshift salve you've talked about before? It was during one of your first lessons." She then gestured to the alchemy set laying on his desk. "I want you to replicate one of those. However, I must ask, do you know how to operate one of these?"

"Oh wow. What kind of prey have you guys hunted before? Have you had some difficult hunts?" Calendula would ask, leaning a bit forward as if it would help her listen better.

Eira perked up and nodded, "I think that would be nice." She then began to shift, moving out from under the cloak then waiting for Sirius to stop moving as to minimize the impact from getting off of his back. She was still a little injured after all.
The imperial lifted their great head, letting out a hum of approval. "Let us make our way back again, now." The imperial would then make their way back to Cryosta, walking along at a slow enough pace for Hermes to catch up.

When the two of them returned to the Infirmary, Moraine would turn to Hermes. "Do you remember the makeshift salve you've talked about before? It was during one of your first lessons." She then gestured to the alchemy set laying on his desk. "I want you to replicate one of those. However, I must ask, do you know how to operate one of these?"

"Oh wow. What kind of prey have you guys hunted before? Have you had some difficult hunts?" Calendula would ask, leaning a bit forward as if it would help her listen better.

Eira perked up and nodded, "I think that would be nice." She then began to shift, moving out from under the cloak then waiting for Sirius to stop moving as to minimize the impact from getting off of his back. She was still a little injured after all.
Hermes looked at the alchemy set that sat upon the desk and his face lit up in excitement, seeming more like a hatchling than he did an adult dragon. He hurried over to the table, looking at the different glass beakers, the Bunsen burner and the varying plants and liquids he would need to try and recreate what he had once discussed making with his mentor. He was already planning all the things he could make when the Imperial's voice broke his thoughts.

"I have one at home," he replied to their question. "Nothing has grand as this one though, it was something I had purchased off a merchant that came through where me and my brother lived that we often bought supplies from, every once in awhile we could trade for something we couldn't afford with be fair he was the only one we ever bargained with, so it wasn't like he was ever loosing out on making his gold back."

Styrax stopped to think for a moment. "There isn't anything a Mirror dragon won't take on, especially if we are hunting in a pack. I guess the most dangerous think we've hunted is, of course, other dragons. The most difficult hunt I ever have been on was a Beastclan of Kitsune's, luring one away to take it down alone wasn't easy, it took at least three days before we could land a kill. Out here food is food, and you kind of take a different appreciation for it when you've watched one of your brother's starve to death."

Sirius only let out a small hum as he listened to his friend talk, stopping as he felt Eira moving. "You ready to get down?" He asked her with some concern in his voice as he looked back to the Wildclaws on his back.
Hermes looked at the alchemy set that sat upon the desk and his face lit up in excitement, seeming more like a hatchling than he did an adult dragon. He hurried over to the table, looking at the different glass beakers, the Bunsen burner and the varying plants and liquids he would need to try and recreate what he had once discussed making with his mentor. He was already planning all the things he could make when the Imperial's voice broke his thoughts.

"I have one at home," he replied to their question. "Nothing has grand as this one though, it was something I had purchased off a merchant that came through where me and my brother lived that we often bought supplies from, every once in awhile we could trade for something we couldn't afford with be fair he was the only one we ever bargained with, so it wasn't like he was ever loosing out on making his gold back."

Styrax stopped to think for a moment. "There isn't anything a Mirror dragon won't take on, especially if we are hunting in a pack. I guess the most dangerous think we've hunted is, of course, other dragons. The most difficult hunt I ever have been on was a Beastclan of Kitsune's, luring one away to take it down alone wasn't easy, it took at least three days before we could land a kill. Out here food is food, and you kind of take a different appreciation for it when you've watched one of your brother's starve to death."

Sirius only let out a small hum as he listened to his friend talk, stopping as he felt Eira moving. "You ready to get down?" He asked her with some concern in his voice as he looked back to the Wildclaws on his back.
Moraine nodded in understanding before speaking once more, "I will assume that you may be left on your own devices until you make the medicine so I shall stand back to watch your workings. If there is something you don't understand about the set, however, you may ask and I shall aid you in whatever way I can." And just like that, Hermes was left to make the salve.

The alchemy set on close inspection was not that much different from the one Hermes was familiar with. It certainly seemed much more brand new and well made... However it must have been here a while judging from the stains and old herbal smells coming from the set. It also seemed to smell a bit dusty too, with the smell of parchment and leather lingering around it as if it was sitting in someone's office for some time. Particularly Moraine's office, as far as his nose could tell him. Still, it looks well maintained.

Nearby the stand were differently shaped glass beakers and bottles that could be used in the stand, some were unfamiliar to Hermes. They were all labeled though, and even if some of the ink on the label looked scratched and stained with mystery liquid, they were all readable. And frankly, the labels cleared up the purpose. All that was left to do was to gather the materials. Below the desk was an empty wooden bucket and around the room were shelves of herbs that students and medics were gathering from.

There was intrigue to the story in Calendula's eyes, but her attention was taken when she realized Sirius stopped. She looked over as Eira gave a nod to Sirius before making a steady descent. She was in a better shape than Calendula, being the one who just came out with one eye lost instead of her bones broken. Getting off of Sirius' back was an easier feat. that way, and the days of rest seemed to make it easier for her to move. With care, it didn't irritate any of the slashes and cuts on her body climbing down.

Eira relished in being able to move her legs again, though they were still a little sore. "Thank you, Sirius," she would say before beginning to tread forward again.
Moraine nodded in understanding before speaking once more, "I will assume that you may be left on your own devices until you make the medicine so I shall stand back to watch your workings. If there is something you don't understand about the set, however, you may ask and I shall aid you in whatever way I can." And just like that, Hermes was left to make the salve.

The alchemy set on close inspection was not that much different from the one Hermes was familiar with. It certainly seemed much more brand new and well made... However it must have been here a while judging from the stains and old herbal smells coming from the set. It also seemed to smell a bit dusty too, with the smell of parchment and leather lingering around it as if it was sitting in someone's office for some time. Particularly Moraine's office, as far as his nose could tell him. Still, it looks well maintained.

Nearby the stand were differently shaped glass beakers and bottles that could be used in the stand, some were unfamiliar to Hermes. They were all labeled though, and even if some of the ink on the label looked scratched and stained with mystery liquid, they were all readable. And frankly, the labels cleared up the purpose. All that was left to do was to gather the materials. Below the desk was an empty wooden bucket and around the room were shelves of herbs that students and medics were gathering from.

There was intrigue to the story in Calendula's eyes, but her attention was taken when she realized Sirius stopped. She looked over as Eira gave a nod to Sirius before making a steady descent. She was in a better shape than Calendula, being the one who just came out with one eye lost instead of her bones broken. Getting off of Sirius' back was an easier feat. that way, and the days of rest seemed to make it easier for her to move. With care, it didn't irritate any of the slashes and cuts on her body climbing down.

Eira relished in being able to move her legs again, though they were still a little sore. "Thank you, Sirius," she would say before beginning to tread forward again.
"Thank you Moraine!" Hermes said quickly before turning to look at the alchemist set.

Hermes could feel his excitement growing to a point that his tail had begun to sway in his excitement, and the Tundra was well aware if he didn't get control of his emotions he would end up breaking something. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before releasing it. He did that a few more times before he picked each flask up in his claws and read the labels, setting them down in order of when he would need them before reaching under the table and grabbing the bucket.

"Let's see what we have here..." Hermes muttered to himself as he went to the shelves and began to gather the herbs he would need.

"You're welcome, Eira," Sirius said gently as they continued walking. Styrax glanced over his shoulder at the three dragons and slowed his pace as the tunnel eventually opened up to a massive cavern. Mirror and Tundra dragons milled about, there were tunnels heading out in every which direction. The middle of the cavern was used as a common area, where dragons gathered to talk, off to the left side there was something that resembled a pit, dragons surrounded the edge as they roared in excitement at something going on over there. Enchanted lanterns floated around to cast the large area in light. A small group of hatchlings were practicing fighting as a light violet colored Tundra was watching over them. Another Tundra dressed in clothes that had been similar to Hermes walked into a tunnel across the way.

"Welcome to the Den," Styrax replied as he made a gesture to the area they had walked in, pointing each area out. "That's the common area, over there is the Pit where we practice fighting and strengthen our skills, over in those tunnels lead to the hatchery, and the tunnels next to the Pit leads to the Infirmary." He looked around for a moment before pointing to a few ledges of ice that protruded out from the wall. "Up there are the sleeping area's. Since you're injured, the Healers are going to want you staying in the Infirmary, less you think you can fly and fight?"
"Thank you Moraine!" Hermes said quickly before turning to look at the alchemist set.

Hermes could feel his excitement growing to a point that his tail had begun to sway in his excitement, and the Tundra was well aware if he didn't get control of his emotions he would end up breaking something. He closed his eyes, taking in a deep breath and holding it for a few seconds before releasing it. He did that a few more times before he picked each flask up in his claws and read the labels, setting them down in order of when he would need them before reaching under the table and grabbing the bucket.

"Let's see what we have here..." Hermes muttered to himself as he went to the shelves and began to gather the herbs he would need.

"You're welcome, Eira," Sirius said gently as they continued walking. Styrax glanced over his shoulder at the three dragons and slowed his pace as the tunnel eventually opened up to a massive cavern. Mirror and Tundra dragons milled about, there were tunnels heading out in every which direction. The middle of the cavern was used as a common area, where dragons gathered to talk, off to the left side there was something that resembled a pit, dragons surrounded the edge as they roared in excitement at something going on over there. Enchanted lanterns floated around to cast the large area in light. A small group of hatchlings were practicing fighting as a light violet colored Tundra was watching over them. Another Tundra dressed in clothes that had been similar to Hermes walked into a tunnel across the way.

"Welcome to the Den," Styrax replied as he made a gesture to the area they had walked in, pointing each area out. "That's the common area, over there is the Pit where we practice fighting and strengthen our skills, over in those tunnels lead to the hatchery, and the tunnels next to the Pit leads to the Infirmary." He looked around for a moment before pointing to a few ledges of ice that protruded out from the wall. "Up there are the sleeping area's. Since you're injured, the Healers are going to want you staying in the Infirmary, less you think you can fly and fight?"
A few dragons drifted into place to gather their herbs, but so far all of them were pointedly ignoring him. At some point during the gathering process, Moraine would wander off as one of the other head medics, a fae, would gather her attention and bring her through one of the doors. Hermes was alone for the time being.

Most of the time went unbothered... Up until Hermes was left to reach for the last bottle with the last dosage of ingredients. It was at that moment, a purple scaled claw shot out and swiped it before he could reach it.

The perpetrator was a pearlcatcher, a female one if the single horn was anything to go by. She was looking at him scathingly, almost as if she was searching for a reaction from him or even sizing him up. She tucked the bottle into the pouch she had on her side containing a few other bottle of herbs, presumably for her own batch of medicines.

"I definitely can't fly yet... And Hermes told us to rest..." Calendula would say as her ears drooped as she thought of the prospect of being landbound like a snapper. Eira would sigh, saying, "And that's why we would have to rest with the healers. Maybe then we would be able to recover faster since there wouldn't be one healer who has to go away for a bit."

The wildclaw would then look to Styrax, nodding, "We will take to the infirmary then. Thank you for taking us in." She glanced at Sirius, seeing if he was going to lead them to the infirmary.
A few dragons drifted into place to gather their herbs, but so far all of them were pointedly ignoring him. At some point during the gathering process, Moraine would wander off as one of the other head medics, a fae, would gather her attention and bring her through one of the doors. Hermes was alone for the time being.

Most of the time went unbothered... Up until Hermes was left to reach for the last bottle with the last dosage of ingredients. It was at that moment, a purple scaled claw shot out and swiped it before he could reach it.

The perpetrator was a pearlcatcher, a female one if the single horn was anything to go by. She was looking at him scathingly, almost as if she was searching for a reaction from him or even sizing him up. She tucked the bottle into the pouch she had on her side containing a few other bottle of herbs, presumably for her own batch of medicines.

"I definitely can't fly yet... And Hermes told us to rest..." Calendula would say as her ears drooped as she thought of the prospect of being landbound like a snapper. Eira would sigh, saying, "And that's why we would have to rest with the healers. Maybe then we would be able to recover faster since there wouldn't be one healer who has to go away for a bit."

The wildclaw would then look to Styrax, nodding, "We will take to the infirmary then. Thank you for taking us in." She glanced at Sirius, seeing if he was going to lead them to the infirmary.
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