

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Sornieth's New Humans (ooc/open)
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If you have room for one more

Asher Morei [Goes by Ash]


Flight Affiliation:

He can sort of control lightning, but only around him, and it works by generating electrical energy basically. If his power is activated he will electrocute anyone he touches, and sometimes the lightning will move through anything conductive he touches, it is possible that he can do more with his lightning control that he has yet to discover. When he uses his powers, his eyes appear to be that closer to primal eyes with lightning sparking from them. He also has a certain sense for electronics, and can detect most nearby electronic, and occasionally by accident he interferes with them and can fry them.

Ash is generally a pretty nice and friendly guy, he’s pretty easy-going and peaceful. When meeting new people he’s always been extremely friendly and outgoing. He may be outgoing, but he still is pretty secretive, and doesn’t really like to talk about himself, especially his past. He trusts people pretty easily, but is very quick to turn on someone if they've betrayed them.

Ash is taller than average, he has a slightly muscular build as well. He has short and messy black hair that appears to be lighter when bright light shines on it. He has bright electric blue eyes.

Ash was pretty much a normal kid, he grew up in a relatively big city, with his parents and his three sisters. He was around 7 when he figured out about his lightning powers. Being the secretive kid he is, he didn't tell anyone and hid them. Once figuring out about his powers he began fascinated with their origins, the old Sorneith continent and their gods, and learned everything he could about them. He also became fascinated with learning more about his powers. Ash didn't have too much of a hard time hiding them for a long time, but within the last couple years it became harder for him to hide them and he began to lose any semblance of control he had. It started with simple things, like shorting out the microwave, then began escalating to frying the entire house's power, even to almost electrocuting his siblings. After one such incident where he accidentally electrocuted his sister, not killing her although it did result in her being sent to the hospital, his parents decided it was enough and sent him to New Flight High School.

He has a photographic memory, and he can remember most things he’s heard or seen, although older memories take more concentration to recall
He's fifteen and a high school softmore
If you have room for one more

Asher Morei [Goes by Ash]


Flight Affiliation:

He can sort of control lightning, but only around him, and it works by generating electrical energy basically. If his power is activated he will electrocute anyone he touches, and sometimes the lightning will move through anything conductive he touches, it is possible that he can do more with his lightning control that he has yet to discover. When he uses his powers, his eyes appear to be that closer to primal eyes with lightning sparking from them. He also has a certain sense for electronics, and can detect most nearby electronic, and occasionally by accident he interferes with them and can fry them.

Ash is generally a pretty nice and friendly guy, he’s pretty easy-going and peaceful. When meeting new people he’s always been extremely friendly and outgoing. He may be outgoing, but he still is pretty secretive, and doesn’t really like to talk about himself, especially his past. He trusts people pretty easily, but is very quick to turn on someone if they've betrayed them.

Ash is taller than average, he has a slightly muscular build as well. He has short and messy black hair that appears to be lighter when bright light shines on it. He has bright electric blue eyes.

Ash was pretty much a normal kid, he grew up in a relatively big city, with his parents and his three sisters. He was around 7 when he figured out about his lightning powers. Being the secretive kid he is, he didn't tell anyone and hid them. Once figuring out about his powers he began fascinated with their origins, the old Sorneith continent and their gods, and learned everything he could about them. He also became fascinated with learning more about his powers. Ash didn't have too much of a hard time hiding them for a long time, but within the last couple years it became harder for him to hide them and he began to lose any semblance of control he had. It started with simple things, like shorting out the microwave, then began escalating to frying the entire house's power, even to almost electrocuting his siblings. After one such incident where he accidentally electrocuted his sister, not killing her although it did result in her being sent to the hospital, his parents decided it was enough and sent him to New Flight High School.

He has a photographic memory, and he can remember most things he’s heard or seen, although older memories take more concentration to recall
He's fifteen and a high school softmore
ImLwTCX.pngNew_Ice_Banner.png Hello! Call me Crazy or Panda.
-I accept friend requests if I know you
-A gamer and artist
-FR time +2
@AmethystSeaWing @Sincerity11 Both accepted! Jeez I have been so sluggish today, I am so sorry I haven't been on much, but I'm glad we have more people!
@AmethystSeaWing @Sincerity11 Both accepted! Jeez I have been so sluggish today, I am so sorry I haven't been on much, but I'm glad we have more people!
Thank you! You're completely fine! I'm subbed, so you don't have to ping me :)
Thank you! You're completely fine! I'm subbed, so you don't have to ping me :)
Smoky-Bantam-Fangar.png ~call me Amethyst!
~check out this super cool hatchery!
~and this other cool subspecies!
~Every day I play a game online where you dress up overgrown lizards. Oh wait...
Alright, thanks!!
Alright, thanks!!
Solas has a last name now btw I just thought that would make things easier
Solas has a last name now btw I just thought that would make things easier
+3 FR time, frequent user of highly questionable logic.
i might as well give Zudal a last name.
i might as well give Zudal a last name.
ImLwTCX.pngNew_Ice_Banner.png Hello! Call me Crazy or Panda.
-I accept friend requests if I know you
-A gamer and artist
-FR time +2
:P totally not stealing names froms my dragons in my lair.
:P totally not stealing names froms my dragons in my lair.
ImLwTCX.pngNew_Ice_Banner.png Hello! Call me Crazy or Panda.
-I accept friend requests if I know you
-A gamer and artist
-FR time +2
Gah! I forgot a last name! Might want to ammend that really quick...
Gah! I forgot a last name! Might want to ammend that really quick...
Oh that is so funny, I was thinking of making a character with the name Asher for this rp the other day. XD
Good taste in names! :)
Oh that is so funny, I was thinking of making a character with the name Asher for this rp the other day. XD
Good taste in names! :)
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