

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 with ElwynWanderer
(( OOF! i am so fricking sorry! OOf! i forgot about godmodding heh... i'll keep it in mind- oof.))

"What? Is he in trouble!? Oh- if his is it's probably my fault, not his!" Erin said, he wanted to defend his friend, "I'm sorry master, i asked if i could go get a snack with him, since he came back... i figured that maybe i could hear his stories to catch up with him!" Erin lied, one thing Erin was good at was lying, in fact, this wasn't the first time he'd lied. Erin looked back at Lucien with a you'd-better-go-with-it look.
(( OOF! i am so fricking sorry! OOf! i forgot about godmodding heh... i'll keep it in mind- oof.))

"What? Is he in trouble!? Oh- if his is it's probably my fault, not his!" Erin said, he wanted to defend his friend, "I'm sorry master, i asked if i could go get a snack with him, since he came back... i figured that maybe i could hear his stories to catch up with him!" Erin lied, one thing Erin was good at was lying, in fact, this wasn't the first time he'd lied. Erin looked back at Lucien with a you'd-better-go-with-it look.
((Haha, don’t worry about it! Like I said, I don’t mind, since it is your character! ^^))

“It’s all right, Erin, you’re not in trouble,” Argon sighed. “Lucien, you can’t just steal my keys. I told you, it’s…” He glanced down at Erin, looking conflicted. “It’s not…safe, Lucien.” He patted Erin’s back. “I am glad no one was hurt, though.”

“That’s just the thing, Father,” Lucien said. “I don’t think shackling little Erin is going to work—certainly not in the long run! It’s just going to make him sad and miserable.” Lucien slammed a fist into his palm, looking determined. “What we need is a foolproof way to keep the demon happy in a way that doesn’t make Erin miserable! Erin, wouldn’t you like not having to work as an assassin? And going to school, and all that?”

Argon shook his head. “Lucien…”
((Haha, don’t worry about it! Like I said, I don’t mind, since it is your character! ^^))

“It’s all right, Erin, you’re not in trouble,” Argon sighed. “Lucien, you can’t just steal my keys. I told you, it’s…” He glanced down at Erin, looking conflicted. “It’s not…safe, Lucien.” He patted Erin’s back. “I am glad no one was hurt, though.”

“That’s just the thing, Father,” Lucien said. “I don’t think shackling little Erin is going to work—certainly not in the long run! It’s just going to make him sad and miserable.” Lucien slammed a fist into his palm, looking determined. “What we need is a foolproof way to keep the demon happy in a way that doesn’t make Erin miserable! Erin, wouldn’t you like not having to work as an assassin? And going to school, and all that?”

Argon shook his head. “Lucien…”
((Logging off for the night!))
((Logging off for the night!))
Erin looked up, as his name was thrown in the conversation," Yes...." Erin responded quietly. He didn't want to make master mad, "Master? I know i asked you a lot...but...i really think that i want to go to school..... a-and.....i don't want to keep killing people....." Erin said even quieter. Erin looked at Argon, he kept his head low, trying his best to make him not as angry.
Erin looked up, as his name was thrown in the conversation," Yes...." Erin responded quietly. He didn't want to make master mad, "Master? I know i asked you a lot...but...i really think that i want to go to school..... a-and.....i don't want to keep killing people....." Erin said even quieter. Erin looked at Argon, he kept his head low, trying his best to make him not as angry.
(( Otay!))
(( Otay!))
((Whew, sorry this is so late! I was researching education in the middle ages! ^^))

Argon ran a hand over his face. “Erin…you know that a university will expect you to know the basics of law, history, advanced mathematics, philosophy, literature…”

“Oh, well, I could help him with that, Father—”

“—And Lucien has his own studies to attend to,” Argon said, giving him a stern look. Lucien grinned sheepishly. “You would have to work tirelessly to catch up, and that might take years. I started hiring tutors for Lucien when he was six, and he still wasn’t ready to go to university until he was fourteen.” Argon shook his head. “If an education is that important to you, Erin, I could hire a tutor…but you would need to pay it off, and tutors are expensive. So is university. You would be in debt for…for years and years. Maybe even the rest of your life.”

“He doesn’t need a silly old tutor, Father!” Lucien protested. “I can take him with me to university as…as a servant! And surely we can cover his room and board. And he could attend classes with me and…and pick up things! And that way we can all have a jolly time together and Erin can still learn things, and we can also look into how to control his moon spirit!”

Argon hesitated. “Well…”

“Oh, please, Father! At least let us try it; this is important!”
((Whew, sorry this is so late! I was researching education in the middle ages! ^^))

Argon ran a hand over his face. “Erin…you know that a university will expect you to know the basics of law, history, advanced mathematics, philosophy, literature…”

“Oh, well, I could help him with that, Father—”

“—And Lucien has his own studies to attend to,” Argon said, giving him a stern look. Lucien grinned sheepishly. “You would have to work tirelessly to catch up, and that might take years. I started hiring tutors for Lucien when he was six, and he still wasn’t ready to go to university until he was fourteen.” Argon shook his head. “If an education is that important to you, Erin, I could hire a tutor…but you would need to pay it off, and tutors are expensive. So is university. You would be in debt for…for years and years. Maybe even the rest of your life.”

“He doesn’t need a silly old tutor, Father!” Lucien protested. “I can take him with me to university as…as a servant! And surely we can cover his room and board. And he could attend classes with me and…and pick up things! And that way we can all have a jolly time together and Erin can still learn things, and we can also look into how to control his moon spirit!”

Argon hesitated. “Well…”

“Oh, please, Father! At least let us try it; this is important!”
(( OOf! lol *whenever you know nothing about the past* ))

" know that i stay here all day......i want to be able to sctually see and experiance things for a change...."Erin explained, "Lucien can help me! I know that catching up will be difficult, but at least i'll get some help from Lucien....He can help me understand the lessons" erin paused, hearing the 'servant' part , "T-that could work.."
(( OOf! lol *whenever you know nothing about the past* ))

" know that i stay here all day......i want to be able to sctually see and experiance things for a change...."Erin explained, "Lucien can help me! I know that catching up will be difficult, but at least i'll get some help from Lucien....He can help me understand the lessons" erin paused, hearing the 'servant' part , "T-that could work.."
Argon sighed. “It’s true that a servant as a servant wouldn’t need to pay tuition…and if you’re all right with being far behind everyone else…” Argon shook his head. “But your moon demon is dangerous, Erin. I can’t let you go unless I know for certain that you can keep it under control.”
Argon sighed. “It’s true that a servant as a servant wouldn’t need to pay tuition…and if you’re all right with being far behind everyone else…” Argon shook his head. “But your moon demon is dangerous, Erin. I can’t let you go unless I know for certain that you can keep it under control.”
"Master! Please! Lucien already has a few theories that might work.... please just give me a chance!" Erin looked at Argon hopefully, "Please master..." he really wanted to go with Lucien, he looked back at Lucien, "You'll help me right!?...."
"Master! Please! Lucien already has a few theories that might work.... please just give me a chance!" Erin looked at Argon hopefully, "Please master..." he really wanted to go with Lucien, he looked back at Lucien, "You'll help me right!?...."
“Of course!” said Lucien. “We’re bound to find something that can keep your little flatmate happy!”

“Theories aren’t good enough,” Argon said. “If you find a foolproof way to control the moon demon, then fine, you can accompany my son to university. But until then, it simply isn’t safe. I need you with at least one foot shackled at all times. Remember, Erin? We talked about this. That way if your demon gets out of hand, anyone in the room with you has a chance to get away.” His expression softened, and he put his hands on Erin’s shoulders. “I’d love it if you could find a way past this. But you have to do it safely. Understand?”
“Of course!” said Lucien. “We’re bound to find something that can keep your little flatmate happy!”

“Theories aren’t good enough,” Argon said. “If you find a foolproof way to control the moon demon, then fine, you can accompany my son to university. But until then, it simply isn’t safe. I need you with at least one foot shackled at all times. Remember, Erin? We talked about this. That way if your demon gets out of hand, anyone in the room with you has a chance to get away.” His expression softened, and he put his hands on Erin’s shoulders. “I’d love it if you could find a way past this. But you have to do it safely. Understand?”