

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 with syrk! :D
(Yeah to both.)
(Yeah to both.)
1623183848670.png Clan Tainted shadows
Lore clan
+9H FR
"Don't forget to smile from time to time."
1617910529009-1.png Always interested in RPing!
Bio codes! (Free)
@syrk ?
@syrk ?
1623183848670.png Clan Tainted shadows
Lore clan
+9H FR
"Don't forget to smile from time to time."
1617910529009-1.png Always interested in RPing!
Bio codes! (Free)
((Sorry I fell asleep. Good morning! I'm normally awake from now up until about 9am or so server time. I was up late last night so I knocked out after posting. Sorry again for suddenly falling asleep)) Emperor nodded his understanding, watching Varkat disappear into the foliage. He turned at the sound of the rustling movements of Varkat's companion, and padded over to the side of the boulder where he sat. "One day-" he began, but before he could continue with whatever he wanted to say, another hatchling burst out from the trees, tripped, and promptly fell on its face. [center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center] King's feet flailed for a second before he managed to right himself, and he blinked and looked around the area, a little disoriented. His eyes caught sight of the dragon and the serpent and he froze. "Uh..." he began, before quickly shaking the dust off himself as best as he could and pulling himself up to his full height. His full height, though, wasn't actually very tall. "Good evening. My name is King." His eyes narrowed when he realised the other dragon was an imperial. "Did I interrupt something?" he asked. His voice sounded confident and haughty, but the tight, shaking hold his claws had on his pearl signified otherwise. He flinched slightly at every small rustle from the surrounding foliage, and although he tried his best to control it, his body trembled just the slightest bit. Emperor, who was watching quietly, replied, "No, you're not interrupting anything." His voice held just the slightest bit of disdain, but otherwise nothing betrayed the dislike he had towards the pearlcatcher in his view. "I am Emperor, but I'm normally just called Emp." King just stared blankly at Emperor before turning towards the serpent. "And, if I may ask, who are you?"
((Sorry I fell asleep. Good morning! I'm normally awake from now up until about 9am or so server time. I was up late last night so I knocked out after posting. Sorry again for suddenly falling asleep))

Emperor nodded his understanding, watching Varkat disappear into the foliage. He turned at the sound of the rustling movements of Varkat's companion, and padded over to the side of the boulder where he sat. "One day-" he began, but before he could continue with whatever he wanted to say, another hatchling burst out from the trees, tripped, and promptly fell on its face.

King's feet flailed for a second before he managed to right himself, and he blinked and looked around the area, a little disoriented. His eyes caught sight of the dragon and the serpent and he froze. "Uh..." he began, before quickly shaking the dust off himself as best as he could and pulling himself up to his full height. His full height, though, wasn't actually very tall. "Good evening. My name is King." His eyes narrowed when he realised the other dragon was an imperial. "Did I interrupt something?" he asked. His voice sounded confident and haughty, but the tight, shaking hold his claws had on his pearl signified otherwise. He flinched slightly at every small rustle from the surrounding foliage, and although he tried his best to control it, his body trembled just the slightest bit.

Emperor, who was watching quietly, replied, "No, you're not interrupting anything." His voice held just the slightest bit of disdain, but otherwise nothing betrayed the dislike he had towards the pearlcatcher in his view. "I am Emperor, but I'm normally just called Emp."

King just stared blankly at Emperor before turning towards the serpent. "And, if I may ask, who are you?"
(Ah no problem frend,everything is alright. UwU)
Latoth was almost asleep when King showed up and started talking.So he looked a bit irritated because his beauty sleep or whatever was interrupted.
He scoffed a bit in disdain at the newcomer and straightened himself up,even though he was still somewhat laying on the boulder he planned to nap on.
Then he propped himself on his elbows,cupping his face with his gloved hands,his blue scaled tail slowly wrapping around the boulder.
With a hauty sneer and a snarky grin he calmy drawled his answer to the little nuisance's question.
"Well hello there darling,my name is Latoth.It's a pleasure to make aquintence."
Just like before,his voice was falsely sweet and friendly,and especially venomous at the last phrase.
He seemed like he was going to say something else but the foliage started rustling softly and soon,the younger Serthis emerged from the bushes,holding a bunch of twigs and sticks of varying sizes.
He smiled warmly at the imperial and slithered over to where his companion was,stopping a few meters away and lowering the materials on the ground.
"How are you,Emp? I hope Latoth wasn't causing you-"he didn't finish his scentence as his olive eyes landed on the new hatchling,causing him to raise his brows in surprise.
"Who...are you?"Was the only thing he managed to utter as he felt like he could just collapse right then and there.
Yet he remained awake and started arranging the materials to make the campfire,then lit it up,his movements bit slow.
The flames danced,cracked and popped delightfully and the Serthis nearly burned his hand because of how slow and disoriented his movements were,in the end he was okay.
The night has arrived and the shadow forest was even darker than it is during the day,making traveling a bit difficult.
(Ah no problem frend,everything is alright. UwU)
Latoth was almost asleep when King showed up and started talking.So he looked a bit irritated because his beauty sleep or whatever was interrupted.
He scoffed a bit in disdain at the newcomer and straightened himself up,even though he was still somewhat laying on the boulder he planned to nap on.
Then he propped himself on his elbows,cupping his face with his gloved hands,his blue scaled tail slowly wrapping around the boulder.
With a hauty sneer and a snarky grin he calmy drawled his answer to the little nuisance's question.
"Well hello there darling,my name is Latoth.It's a pleasure to make aquintence."
Just like before,his voice was falsely sweet and friendly,and especially venomous at the last phrase.
He seemed like he was going to say something else but the foliage started rustling softly and soon,the younger Serthis emerged from the bushes,holding a bunch of twigs and sticks of varying sizes.
He smiled warmly at the imperial and slithered over to where his companion was,stopping a few meters away and lowering the materials on the ground.
"How are you,Emp? I hope Latoth wasn't causing you-"he didn't finish his scentence as his olive eyes landed on the new hatchling,causing him to raise his brows in surprise.
"Who...are you?"Was the only thing he managed to utter as he felt like he could just collapse right then and there.
Yet he remained awake and started arranging the materials to make the campfire,then lit it up,his movements bit slow.
The flames danced,cracked and popped delightfully and the Serthis nearly burned his hand because of how slow and disoriented his movements were,in the end he was okay.
The night has arrived and the shadow forest was even darker than it is during the day,making traveling a bit difficult.
1623183848670.png Clan Tainted shadows
Lore clan
+9H FR
"Don't forget to smile from time to time."
1617910529009-1.png Always interested in RPing!
Bio codes! (Free)
"Don't call me darling. That's gross," King said, looking mildly disgusted. He glared at Emperor when he heard the quietest snicker coming from the imperial.

Before King could say anything, both of them turned towards the source of rustling.

"I'm fine," Emperor replied quietly, even though the question was left incomplete. He left out the part about it not having been a particularly fun experience, thinking it might be a little rude seeing all the trouble they were going through for him. Seeing Varkat set down the items he had gathered, he walked closer to where Varkat was and watched curiously as a flame started.

King took a few steps closer to the party when he was spoken to, clutching his pearl tightly. This new stranger seemed a little more welcoming than the other two had been. Maybe he was a little more worth talking to. "My name is King," he said, his eyes also watching the fire that had just started. "You look like you almost burned yourself," he pointed out as he watched, blinking as the fire's light gradually got brighter and naturally taking a few steps closer to the growing warmth. He would have felt a little more worried for the stranger, if not for the fact that he was currently uncomfortably deep in the forest with the surroundings quickly growing darker.
"Don't call me darling. That's gross," King said, looking mildly disgusted. He glared at Emperor when he heard the quietest snicker coming from the imperial.

Before King could say anything, both of them turned towards the source of rustling.

"I'm fine," Emperor replied quietly, even though the question was left incomplete. He left out the part about it not having been a particularly fun experience, thinking it might be a little rude seeing all the trouble they were going through for him. Seeing Varkat set down the items he had gathered, he walked closer to where Varkat was and watched curiously as a flame started.

King took a few steps closer to the party when he was spoken to, clutching his pearl tightly. This new stranger seemed a little more welcoming than the other two had been. Maybe he was a little more worth talking to. "My name is King," he said, his eyes also watching the fire that had just started. "You look like you almost burned yourself," he pointed out as he watched, blinking as the fire's light gradually got brighter and naturally taking a few steps closer to the growing warmth. He would have felt a little more worried for the stranger, if not for the fact that he was currently uncomfortably deep in the forest with the surroundings quickly growing darker.
Varkat hummed something then smiled tiredly at the two.
"Nice to meet you,King.I'm Varkat."he said then used his tail to gently drag the two hatchlings away from the fire just a tiny bit so that they won't get burnt,saying a serious "Careful you two!".
Even tough he scolded the young dragons,he was still smiling somewhat softly.
After that the Serthis looked around,searching for a nearby bush,his smile fading away to be replaced with a concerned pout as his mind wandered to his group.
Are they going to make it? Are they okay? He closed his eyes and shook his head.
I'm worring too much.He thought as he kept looking for something that can be considered food,knowing that the hatchlings are likely starving.
The younger Beast noticed a fairly large stick next to him and picked it up,then took out a small vial with a gel like blue substance.
"I never thought I would use this."Varkat mumbled as he carefully poured some of the gel on the tip of the stick ,causing it stick to it like glue.He lowered the stick to the fire,the tip quickly catching ablaze.
Strangely enough the flames didn't move further down to consume the wood but rather stayed firmly on the tip wherever the gel was applied.
He turned to the other serpent and spoke up,his tone tired and making it clear that he's not in the mood for bratty behavior at all.
"Latoth,could you please make yourself useful for once and go look for berries?"
The Lithetail Assasin looked at him with a scowl,evidently displeased at the idea of leaving the fire's warmth and begrudgingly took the makeshift torch,grumbling an irritated "fine." then raising up and getting off his boulder.
With a huff he slithered into the woods,holding his torch in hand,still grumbling unhappily.
Varkat hummed something then smiled tiredly at the two.
"Nice to meet you,King.I'm Varkat."he said then used his tail to gently drag the two hatchlings away from the fire just a tiny bit so that they won't get burnt,saying a serious "Careful you two!".
Even tough he scolded the young dragons,he was still smiling somewhat softly.
After that the Serthis looked around,searching for a nearby bush,his smile fading away to be replaced with a concerned pout as his mind wandered to his group.
Are they going to make it? Are they okay? He closed his eyes and shook his head.
I'm worring too much.He thought as he kept looking for something that can be considered food,knowing that the hatchlings are likely starving.
The younger Beast noticed a fairly large stick next to him and picked it up,then took out a small vial with a gel like blue substance.
"I never thought I would use this."Varkat mumbled as he carefully poured some of the gel on the tip of the stick ,causing it stick to it like glue.He lowered the stick to the fire,the tip quickly catching ablaze.
Strangely enough the flames didn't move further down to consume the wood but rather stayed firmly on the tip wherever the gel was applied.
He turned to the other serpent and spoke up,his tone tired and making it clear that he's not in the mood for bratty behavior at all.
"Latoth,could you please make yourself useful for once and go look for berries?"
The Lithetail Assasin looked at him with a scowl,evidently displeased at the idea of leaving the fire's warmth and begrudgingly took the makeshift torch,grumbling an irritated "fine." then raising up and getting off his boulder.
With a huff he slithered into the woods,holding his torch in hand,still grumbling unhappily.
1623183848670.png Clan Tainted shadows
Lore clan
+9H FR
"Don't forget to smile from time to time."
1617910529009-1.png Always interested in RPing!
Bio codes! (Free)
"What was that weird thing you put on the stick?" King asked curiously, settling down on the ground and yawning. He cuddled his pearl close as if it was a teddy bear, resting his chin on the top of it as he looked at Varkat.

Emperor was already comfortable, all curled up to conserve body heat on the opposite side of the fire from King. Both dragons were bathed in the orange glow from the fire and the warmth was making them sleepy, their grumbling tummies beginning to lose the fight to keep them awake.

Surprisingly, Emperor looked calm considering his plight. Alone and lost in the forest, he looked as if he could fall asleep right then and there. He gave off an aura as if he was accustomed to being alone, and he didn't really make much effort to attempt to make conversation. He did, however, listen carefully to any chatter that happened, internalising what was said and committing it to memory.

King, on the other hand, still looked a little nervous. He twitched every time the forest surrounding them made a sound, though the sleepiness was slowly winning over.
"What was that weird thing you put on the stick?" King asked curiously, settling down on the ground and yawning. He cuddled his pearl close as if it was a teddy bear, resting his chin on the top of it as he looked at Varkat.

Emperor was already comfortable, all curled up to conserve body heat on the opposite side of the fire from King. Both dragons were bathed in the orange glow from the fire and the warmth was making them sleepy, their grumbling tummies beginning to lose the fight to keep them awake.

Surprisingly, Emperor looked calm considering his plight. Alone and lost in the forest, he looked as if he could fall asleep right then and there. He gave off an aura as if he was accustomed to being alone, and he didn't really make much effort to attempt to make conversation. He did, however, listen carefully to any chatter that happened, internalising what was said and committing it to memory.

King, on the other hand, still looked a little nervous. He twitched every time the forest surrounding them made a sound, though the sleepiness was slowly winning over.
Varkat was looking at the dancing flames,his mind beginning to cloud as slumber was slowly enveloping him in its arms,singing soothing lullabies.
Somehow the pearlcatcher's voice still managed to reach him even tough it sounded like a distant echo.
The Serthis hazily looked at King,letting out a bit dazed "hmm?" before registering what he had been asked then reliped.
"It's an...experimental potion,a failed attempt actually...I was trying to brew a healing potion that's capable of healing all kinds of wounds and maybe even sicknesses,an ultimate cure if you will.It's was a...fairly ambitious project that was simply doomed to fail,and it did."
He let out a quiet chuckle as his mind wandered back to the moment.Yes it was indeed ambitious and delicate,uncomfortably easy to fall apart and needing to be constantly stabilized at every turn.
The dragons in the clan called him foolish and jockingly gave him nicknames like Mad scientist,Alchemist impostor,Airheaded potion master and the list goes on.
At least he gained some experience along the way so it was still worth the effort and enhusiasm,right?
He resisted the urge to start humming,knowing that he would fall asleep.
Varkat was looking at the dancing flames,his mind beginning to cloud as slumber was slowly enveloping him in its arms,singing soothing lullabies.
Somehow the pearlcatcher's voice still managed to reach him even tough it sounded like a distant echo.
The Serthis hazily looked at King,letting out a bit dazed "hmm?" before registering what he had been asked then reliped.
"It's an...experimental potion,a failed attempt actually...I was trying to brew a healing potion that's capable of healing all kinds of wounds and maybe even sicknesses,an ultimate cure if you will.It's was a...fairly ambitious project that was simply doomed to fail,and it did."
He let out a quiet chuckle as his mind wandered back to the moment.Yes it was indeed ambitious and delicate,uncomfortably easy to fall apart and needing to be constantly stabilized at every turn.
The dragons in the clan called him foolish and jockingly gave him nicknames like Mad scientist,Alchemist impostor,Airheaded potion master and the list goes on.
At least he gained some experience along the way so it was still worth the effort and enhusiasm,right?
He resisted the urge to start humming,knowing that he would fall asleep.
1623183848670.png Clan Tainted shadows
Lore clan
+9H FR
"Don't forget to smile from time to time."
1617910529009-1.png Always interested in RPing!
Bio codes! (Free)
"How did it fail?" King asked, craning his neck in an attempt to steal a look at it. Nothing entered his view though, and he soon settled back down looking disappointed. "Did you test it on something?"

A quiet snore came from Emperor, the imperial having lost the fight against the sleepiness. King wondered how he could sleep when their surroundings were so creepy, with every rustle of leaves from the winds sounding like someone might be sneaking up on them. He also wondered whether Latoth would be coming back soon, if he was ever actually planning to come back instead of just running away and leaving them here. He noticed how close to sleep Varkat was and it unnerved him. He didn't really want to be the only one still awake. It also vaguely crossed his mind that maybe the sleepiness wasn't only from just how tired he was, and it made him even more anxious of his surroundings. He quickly glanced around, praying that he wouldn't see eyes in the darkness looking back.
"How did it fail?" King asked, craning his neck in an attempt to steal a look at it. Nothing entered his view though, and he soon settled back down looking disappointed. "Did you test it on something?"

A quiet snore came from Emperor, the imperial having lost the fight against the sleepiness. King wondered how he could sleep when their surroundings were so creepy, with every rustle of leaves from the winds sounding like someone might be sneaking up on them. He also wondered whether Latoth would be coming back soon, if he was ever actually planning to come back instead of just running away and leaving them here. He noticed how close to sleep Varkat was and it unnerved him. He didn't really want to be the only one still awake. It also vaguely crossed his mind that maybe the sleepiness wasn't only from just how tired he was, and it made him even more anxious of his surroundings. He quickly glanced around, praying that he wouldn't see eyes in the darkness looking back.
Varkat couldn't answer as his mind was way too clouded and it wouldn't be long until he passes out,it was quite evident that he was gradually loosing his battle to stay awake.
Two pink eyes can be seen as the Assasin was finally back at camp,the makeshift torch still in hand,the other dragging a dead rabbit instead of berries.
Latoth still looked grumpy about his lil late exploring as he approached the campfire and hurtled the rodent carelessly then shot a disdainfull glance at the hatchlings before going back to his boulder.
The hare landed right next to King,nearly hitting him in the face.
Before the young dragon could even think of saying anything,the blue serpent was asleep,or at least trying to fall into slumber.
After a moment of silence he opened his eyes,tail flicking agitatedly.
"What are you staring at? Go to sleep already."He scoffed when he got no responce and lifted a brow.
"What,too scared? Go cuddle with Varkat,he wouldn't mind the company."
Meanwhile the beast in question was sleeping,his rest dreamless.
(@syrk sorry I couldn't reply sooner ^^')
Varkat couldn't answer as his mind was way too clouded and it wouldn't be long until he passes out,it was quite evident that he was gradually loosing his battle to stay awake.
Two pink eyes can be seen as the Assasin was finally back at camp,the makeshift torch still in hand,the other dragging a dead rabbit instead of berries.
Latoth still looked grumpy about his lil late exploring as he approached the campfire and hurtled the rodent carelessly then shot a disdainfull glance at the hatchlings before going back to his boulder.
The hare landed right next to King,nearly hitting him in the face.
Before the young dragon could even think of saying anything,the blue serpent was asleep,or at least trying to fall into slumber.
After a moment of silence he opened his eyes,tail flicking agitatedly.
"What are you staring at? Go to sleep already."He scoffed when he got no responce and lifted a brow.
"What,too scared? Go cuddle with Varkat,he wouldn't mind the company."
Meanwhile the beast in question was sleeping,his rest dreamless.
(@syrk sorry I couldn't reply sooner ^^')
1623183848670.png Clan Tainted shadows
Lore clan
+9H FR
"Don't forget to smile from time to time."
1617910529009-1.png Always interested in RPing!
Bio codes! (Free)