

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Roleplay: Player Directory
Hello, please give me a ping if you'd like to role play. :D

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Everyone in my Family tab in my lair is an OC character. They each have very different personalities, roles and lives before coming together into one clan. Some are more developed than others, but each has a little blerb in their bios describing them and their overall personalities and duties in the clan. Depending on the story, I will use a different character when I role play. :)

Everyone in the Tenants tab are there for breeding or are projects. They should be considered replaceable and should not be considered for any role playing.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
**I prefer DND-style or fantasy/adventure style RPs (please note that I am a complete noob when it comes to DND; this is me wanting to learn and find a group to RP with).
**I am also ok with horror or survival RPs (but because I tend to be realistic in such situations, my characters often come across as "lone wolves" and "aggressive" to match with the scenario. If you're ok with that, then cool!)
**I would probably prefer a small group to a big group or 1-on-1. This is so I don't feel like I'm locked in a conversation waiting for a particular character to respond, but also so I'm not overwhelmed trying to keep track of who and what and where the plot ran off to while I was offline. ^^

Will not do: NSFW, adult themes/kinky stuff (strictly PG-13), excessive gore, romance, animal only (unless it's FR dragons, then it's fine) (may add as I find my comfort zone)

Player Information
Average reply length?
I post in complete sentences (it's been instilled in me to do that) unless it's in character. I usually post a few paragraphs depending on the situation. Forewarning though, the paragraphs WILL vary in length, again depending on the reason.

Average reply speed?
I'm on very often, so it usually doesn't take me more than a day to reply. I will always let you know if I will be delayed or unable to respond due to circumstances in life.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
**The usual, be nice, follow site rules, etc.
**I also prefer if the people RPing with me have at least 500 forum posts on FR (this assures me that you're not going to disappear on me after a few posts. I've had this happen to me several times already) :(
**Lastly, the response must be intelligible and must add to the scene or conversation. No "Really? I don't know what you mean," Cadence smirked." and that's all you post.

Would you like to share any additional information?
**I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.
**I do have discord, but I will only be able to respond 7-10pm (or 5-8pm FR time) as I am not comfortable using discord on a company computer and I have a simple keyboard phone with only basic talk and text features. Thus most communications will be on FR unless you're ok waiting until the time specified for a response. Reason: I wake up at 5:30, drive to my work 1hr 15 min away, work till 4:30, drive back during early part of rush hour, get home around 6:30. Such is the life of an adult.
**I do not have an account with any other communication platforms like Facebook and Twitter. All I have is discord and FR (though I'm thinking of getting Reddit, but that's hardly a place to RP).
**I like to incorporate their thinking/feelings as they make their decisions/actions. This usually results in me essentially restating what another RPer has already said, but from my character's perspective (with my character's response to the conversation/action). Text differentiations between thinking, "signing", and "speaking" are as shown.
**Some of my characters have communication issues that result in short responses or none at all. For example, Wynes is mute, so she uses a skill called Mindspeech (aka telepathy) to communicate with others. However, she also doesn't understand the structure of the spoken word, so she only communicates by sending pictures and feelings.
**may add more as I see them pop up
Hello, please give me a ping if you'd like to role play. :D

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
Everyone in my Family tab in my lair is an OC character. They each have very different personalities, roles and lives before coming together into one clan. Some are more developed than others, but each has a little blerb in their bios describing them and their overall personalities and duties in the clan. Depending on the story, I will use a different character when I role play. :)

Everyone in the Tenants tab are there for breeding or are projects. They should be considered replaceable and should not be considered for any role playing.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
**I prefer DND-style or fantasy/adventure style RPs (please note that I am a complete noob when it comes to DND; this is me wanting to learn and find a group to RP with).
**I am also ok with horror or survival RPs (but because I tend to be realistic in such situations, my characters often come across as "lone wolves" and "aggressive" to match with the scenario. If you're ok with that, then cool!)
**I would probably prefer a small group to a big group or 1-on-1. This is so I don't feel like I'm locked in a conversation waiting for a particular character to respond, but also so I'm not overwhelmed trying to keep track of who and what and where the plot ran off to while I was offline. ^^

Will not do: NSFW, adult themes/kinky stuff (strictly PG-13), excessive gore, romance, animal only (unless it's FR dragons, then it's fine) (may add as I find my comfort zone)

Player Information
Average reply length?
I post in complete sentences (it's been instilled in me to do that) unless it's in character. I usually post a few paragraphs depending on the situation. Forewarning though, the paragraphs WILL vary in length, again depending on the reason.

Average reply speed?
I'm on very often, so it usually doesn't take me more than a day to reply. I will always let you know if I will be delayed or unable to respond due to circumstances in life.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
**The usual, be nice, follow site rules, etc.
**I also prefer if the people RPing with me have at least 500 forum posts on FR (this assures me that you're not going to disappear on me after a few posts. I've had this happen to me several times already) :(
**Lastly, the response must be intelligible and must add to the scene or conversation. No "Really? I don't know what you mean," Cadence smirked." and that's all you post.

Would you like to share any additional information?
**I am 2 hours ahead of FR time.
**I do have discord, but I will only be able to respond 7-10pm (or 5-8pm FR time) as I am not comfortable using discord on a company computer and I have a simple keyboard phone with only basic talk and text features. Thus most communications will be on FR unless you're ok waiting until the time specified for a response. Reason: I wake up at 5:30, drive to my work 1hr 15 min away, work till 4:30, drive back during early part of rush hour, get home around 6:30. Such is the life of an adult.
**I do not have an account with any other communication platforms like Facebook and Twitter. All I have is discord and FR (though I'm thinking of getting Reddit, but that's hardly a place to RP).
**I like to incorporate their thinking/feelings as they make their decisions/actions. This usually results in me essentially restating what another RPer has already said, but from my character's perspective (with my character's response to the conversation/action). Text differentiations between thinking, "signing", and "speaking" are as shown.
**Some of my characters have communication issues that result in short responses or none at all. For example, Wynes is mute, so she uses a skill called Mindspeech (aka telepathy) to communicate with others. However, she also doesn't understand the structure of the spoken word, so she only communicates by sending pictures and feelings.
**may add more as I see them pop up
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

I prefer using original characters, any attempt I make at using fandom characters makes me feel like I'm very ooc with them. At least with ocs I know what I'm doing and how they think in certain situations.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

I'm pretty flexible I'd think. I'm down for just about any plot lines or settings. Whether they be silly and cute, whimsical fantasy, thrilling sci-fi, romantic dramas, dark and gritty, I like all genres. So I'm down for whatever my rp partner is in the mood for. If I had to pick, I do enjoy action and dark themes most with a sprinkle of comedy to lighten it up at times. We can rp with our Flight Rising dragons, or if you have OCs you want to show off, I'm ok with that too!!

Player Information

Average reply length?

I work with what I'm given, but on average I've been able to output at least a single paragraph or more in reply. Again, if I get a long reply it gives me more to work off of, so my reply in turn will be long. A short reply will net you a short response.

Average reply speed?

Unless I'm currently busy, I say my replies are decently quick, usually within the hour. At the very least in the same day. If I'm busy or unable to reply right away I try to give a little heads up so my partner doesn't think I just blipped out of existence.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I prefer 1x1 rps. I just feel more comfortable one on one. But I've been in small rp groups before. But I refuse to be in a group with more than 5 people in it (including myself). Big groups get too hectic for me and my anxiety spikes like no tomorrow. Eventually I just fade out. Also, I like to talk to my future rp partners a little before jumping straight into the meat of it. I like to establish characters, boundaries, maybe even plan out a loose little outline for how we'd like the rp to go. It just makes things a little smoother, though I'm not asking for an in-depth play-by-play, just so I know what to expect what what's needed from me.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I'm hella busy from Monday-Thursday, I only get 4 hours of free time those days, but I'm 100% free from Fridays to Sundays. I'm also about 2 hours ahead of Flight Rising server time so keep that in mind. If you prefer, I do have a Discord (I prefer it) and if you want to chat with me, just PM me and we can exchange Discords.
Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?

I prefer using original characters, any attempt I make at using fandom characters makes me feel like I'm very ooc with them. At least with ocs I know what I'm doing and how they think in certain situations.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?

I'm pretty flexible I'd think. I'm down for just about any plot lines or settings. Whether they be silly and cute, whimsical fantasy, thrilling sci-fi, romantic dramas, dark and gritty, I like all genres. So I'm down for whatever my rp partner is in the mood for. If I had to pick, I do enjoy action and dark themes most with a sprinkle of comedy to lighten it up at times. We can rp with our Flight Rising dragons, or if you have OCs you want to show off, I'm ok with that too!!

Player Information

Average reply length?

I work with what I'm given, but on average I've been able to output at least a single paragraph or more in reply. Again, if I get a long reply it gives me more to work off of, so my reply in turn will be long. A short reply will net you a short response.

Average reply speed?

Unless I'm currently busy, I say my replies are decently quick, usually within the hour. At the very least in the same day. If I'm busy or unable to reply right away I try to give a little heads up so my partner doesn't think I just blipped out of existence.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?

I prefer 1x1 rps. I just feel more comfortable one on one. But I've been in small rp groups before. But I refuse to be in a group with more than 5 people in it (including myself). Big groups get too hectic for me and my anxiety spikes like no tomorrow. Eventually I just fade out. Also, I like to talk to my future rp partners a little before jumping straight into the meat of it. I like to establish characters, boundaries, maybe even plan out a loose little outline for how we'd like the rp to go. It just makes things a little smoother, though I'm not asking for an in-depth play-by-play, just so I know what to expect what what's needed from me.

Would you like to share any additional information?

I'm hella busy from Monday-Thursday, I only get 4 hours of free time those days, but I'm 100% free from Fridays to Sundays. I'm also about 2 hours ahead of Flight Rising server time so keep that in mind. If you prefer, I do have a Discord (I prefer it) and if you want to chat with me, just PM me and we can exchange Discords.
Player Information
VioletSnails! I'm super happy to RP any of my dragons though I'm slowly building information and personalites for all of them so some are a little empty at the moment!

Average reply length?
Anywhere between 2-3 paragraphs to just a few sentences! I know big blocks of text are horrendous so If I plan on writing a lot I will format it in a way that's easy to read!

Average reply speed?
I have a lot of free time, but my timezone is BST and I'm only up until about 1am so you'll have to keep that in mind!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I just wanna roleplay dragons so please don't try and invite me to your Boku No Hero Acadamia roleplay! It sounds great but its not something I want to really be part of!

Would you like to share any additional information?
We have DID and,, pretty rough amnesia sometimes so please be patient if we forget stuff! We'll try and keep notes on the story and what's going on but it gets hard sometimes ahah
Player Information
VioletSnails! I'm super happy to RP any of my dragons though I'm slowly building information and personalites for all of them so some are a little empty at the moment!

Average reply length?
Anywhere between 2-3 paragraphs to just a few sentences! I know big blocks of text are horrendous so If I plan on writing a lot I will format it in a way that's easy to read!

Average reply speed?
I have a lot of free time, but my timezone is BST and I'm only up until about 1am so you'll have to keep that in mind!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I just wanna roleplay dragons so please don't try and invite me to your Boku No Hero Acadamia roleplay! It sounds great but its not something I want to really be part of!

Would you like to share any additional information?
We have DID and,, pretty rough amnesia sometimes so please be patient if we forget stuff! We'll try and keep notes on the story and what's going on but it gets hard sometimes ahah
Player Information
howdy, i'm kuro, and i'm a semi-lit roleplayer who's looking to develop my dragons. I'm down for whatever, as long as it's kept within FR's rules + guidelines. I like to play as 1-2 dragons at most, or i might get myself confused, haha. i'm not looking for fandom roleplays, especially if it's about anime / tv shows ( i don't watch tv ), but i may make an exception here and there. other then that, i'm fine with whatever ^^

Average reply length?
around 1-3 paragraphs, though i can write longer or shorter if desired.

Average reply speed?
a bit spotty, but i usually reply within a day or so.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
i'd prefer to roleplay with other semi-lit roleplayers, but if you're not semi-lit that's perfectly fine too ! ^^

Would you like to share any additional information?
i'm seeking to develop spiff, acel + ghostly the most out of everyone, but i can work with other dragons from my end if desired.
Player Information
howdy, i'm kuro, and i'm a semi-lit roleplayer who's looking to develop my dragons. I'm down for whatever, as long as it's kept within FR's rules + guidelines. I like to play as 1-2 dragons at most, or i might get myself confused, haha. i'm not looking for fandom roleplays, especially if it's about anime / tv shows ( i don't watch tv ), but i may make an exception here and there. other then that, i'm fine with whatever ^^

Average reply length?
around 1-3 paragraphs, though i can write longer or shorter if desired.

Average reply speed?
a bit spotty, but i usually reply within a day or so.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
i'd prefer to roleplay with other semi-lit roleplayers, but if you're not semi-lit that's perfectly fine too ! ^^

Would you like to share any additional information?
i'm seeking to develop spiff, acel + ghostly the most out of everyone, but i can work with other dragons from my end if desired.
Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
My character will be coming from my lair. Almost always will one of the characters I play in FR be from my lair and thereby an OC!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
I like long term RP with storylines that develop slowly but steadily. Such themes and genres include: Mystery, Adventure, Action, Romance, Thriller, and Magic. I do not do anything that has to do with outside fandoms on this site, nor will I do RP that breaks the terms of service for flight rising.

Player Information

Average reply length: I tend to get kind of detailed when I write. Depending on what I've been presented with I can do posts ranging from very short to quite long. The best way I would describe my average reply length would be 'mirroring the responder.' If that makes sense.

Average reply speed? If I'm being quick, not long but full of errors. If I'm taking a bit more time it probably means I went back and looked for errors. Average reply speed would probably be 30 minutes to an hour

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? I absolutely will not under any circumstances do RP from other fandoms on this site. If you have an RP idea and you'd like to bring me and one of my characters in please direct message me. Any other form of messaging WILL get lost. Once more: Please send me a letter directly.

Other Info: I've played as a story teller for a lot of stories over many years. I often enjoy telling the stories and shaping them as time goes on. I've been a DM in several DnD and other roleplaying games and have a few games that've been running for years. If you don't hear from me right away then don't worry! I'll be back when I can. Out of my dragons if you take a look in my lair and see that the description has some notes in it then that means I'm willing to play those dragons. Any others not marked are either reserved or not in character.
Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
My character will be coming from my lair. Almost always will one of the characters I play in FR be from my lair and thereby an OC!

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
I like long term RP with storylines that develop slowly but steadily. Such themes and genres include: Mystery, Adventure, Action, Romance, Thriller, and Magic. I do not do anything that has to do with outside fandoms on this site, nor will I do RP that breaks the terms of service for flight rising.

Player Information

Average reply length: I tend to get kind of detailed when I write. Depending on what I've been presented with I can do posts ranging from very short to quite long. The best way I would describe my average reply length would be 'mirroring the responder.' If that makes sense.

Average reply speed? If I'm being quick, not long but full of errors. If I'm taking a bit more time it probably means I went back and looked for errors. Average reply speed would probably be 30 minutes to an hour

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? I absolutely will not under any circumstances do RP from other fandoms on this site. If you have an RP idea and you'd like to bring me and one of my characters in please direct message me. Any other form of messaging WILL get lost. Once more: Please send me a letter directly.

Other Info: I've played as a story teller for a lot of stories over many years. I often enjoy telling the stories and shaping them as time goes on. I've been a DM in several DnD and other roleplaying games and have a few games that've been running for years. If you don't hear from me right away then don't worry! I'll be back when I can. Out of my dragons if you take a look in my lair and see that the description has some notes in it then that means I'm willing to play those dragons. Any others not marked are either reserved or not in character.
Character Information: Usually I do ocs and I have them evolve during the rp. I'm happy to play fandom characters, but I vastly prefer my own ocs

Specific Storyline?: Nope

Player Information
Average reply length? 2 -3 sentences but can sometimes do paragraphs

Average reply speed?: Typically as soon as I see the notification

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? Not really, just so long as I know beforehand if there's anything that would potentially be triggering or such. And I prefer not to interact with other people OOC because I'm very socially awkward

Would you like to share any additional information?: We can rp through dms if you want, I'm not picky. Just send me a message if you wanna know anything!
Character Information: Usually I do ocs and I have them evolve during the rp. I'm happy to play fandom characters, but I vastly prefer my own ocs

Specific Storyline?: Nope

Player Information
Average reply length? 2 -3 sentences but can sometimes do paragraphs

Average reply speed?: Typically as soon as I see the notification

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups? Not really, just so long as I know beforehand if there's anything that would potentially be triggering or such. And I prefer not to interact with other people OOC because I'm very socially awkward

Would you like to share any additional information?: We can rp through dms if you want, I'm not picky. Just send me a message if you wanna know anything!
Heyo! You can call me Trowa or Treize. I like anime, ocs and big ol giant robots. (also dragons. I love dragons.)

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
All characters will be original characters and my FR dragons. Characters are all shapeshifters and at varying times will have a human/half human and a dragon form. Some will have an anthro form if that’s the form they feel comfortable in.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Currently seeking an RP based around very loose clan lore I’ve been developing. My clan lives in the Ashfall waste in a currently unnamed city built up and around a monolith where my clan’s leader, Acasto, resides with many of his worshippers and subordinates. The city is noted for its decorative use of obsidian and gold. Commonly referred to by outsiders as the Muted City. The inner parts of the city are bright and decadent but the further you move out the more apparent the scars of the tyrannical rule start to show.

It’s not a city that’s very kind to outsiders as a general rule but with certain genes they are every worse. Most people believe in various superstitions and rumors of those from afar. Though this is for the worse and the best as those with certain traits get treated like absolute royalty as many of the elite worship the parasitic life forms they refer to as the demons of the ashfall waste.

My entire lair is not part of this lore but I have a great many characters in various parts of this world/idea that I want to develop along with wanting to just develop the lore and hopefully we can build up our own head canons for this sort of alternative universe of FR.

Other dragons are not bound by any clan lore or anything and are just free to use.

Player Information

Average reply length?
o I mirror my partners length typically. So anywhere between a paragraph or several to (in rare cases if it’s my partners preference only) pages.

Average reply speed?
o I will try to reply once a day but I have a full time job and school. So sometimes if I do reply, it might be shorter than expected if I’m trying to move things along. I prefer talking and headcanon-ing on days I don’t have the energy to reply but I will always make my best effort.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
o Please be 18+ as I myself am 25+ so I rather not RP with anyone under the age of 18 though preference is to 20+ . The only important part of that though is being 18 or over.

o I like action, drama, shipping, comedy, etc. I also like buying art and spoiling rp friends so that’s really the journey I’m on here. I like to scream in caps and get too emotionally attached to peoples oc’s and spend stupidly long nights talking about shenanigans and etc so really I’m here to have fun even if the Rp turns out to be a serious one. Even with my serious characters I will joke about them doing stupid things even ooc just for a laugh and I myself remain rather light hearted and dumb and that’s the kinda atmosphere I’d like.

o Feel free to ghost me. I know its extremely anxiety inducing having to like confront people especially over something like an rp. You do not owe me a thing. That said, if you do decide to ghost I’m not the type to kinda go chasing for replies or anything so I’ll just assumed you vanished if you don’t reply after some time unless you’ve stated to me that you’re not the type to ghost or that it’s okay to nudge you.

o I’m totally down for making this a group rp or effort? Mixing a few different clan lores and characters types into a big thing is like totally my style. In the case of a group RP I can promise a few replies a day so momentum doesn’t break.

o Anyone wanting to RP needs to be LBGT+ friendly as many of my dragons are just that. Typically, I will only ship mxm but welcome all others as well. Once I feel a bit more comfortable around you and your characters, I will open to all manner of ships and possibilities.

Would you like to share any additional information?
o RP’s can be done on FR via messages or threads. I prefer group ones take place over threads but don’t mind having a discord set up for just chatter and headcanon and keeping information in.

o One x One’s can also be done over discord after we iron out everything over messages and stuff first. Inquiry can be made into a discord group rp as well.

Heyo! You can call me Trowa or Treize. I like anime, ocs and big ol giant robots. (also dragons. I love dragons.)

Character Information

Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
All characters will be original characters and my FR dragons. Characters are all shapeshifters and at varying times will have a human/half human and a dragon form. Some will have an anthro form if that’s the form they feel comfortable in.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Currently seeking an RP based around very loose clan lore I’ve been developing. My clan lives in the Ashfall waste in a currently unnamed city built up and around a monolith where my clan’s leader, Acasto, resides with many of his worshippers and subordinates. The city is noted for its decorative use of obsidian and gold. Commonly referred to by outsiders as the Muted City. The inner parts of the city are bright and decadent but the further you move out the more apparent the scars of the tyrannical rule start to show.

It’s not a city that’s very kind to outsiders as a general rule but with certain genes they are every worse. Most people believe in various superstitions and rumors of those from afar. Though this is for the worse and the best as those with certain traits get treated like absolute royalty as many of the elite worship the parasitic life forms they refer to as the demons of the ashfall waste.

My entire lair is not part of this lore but I have a great many characters in various parts of this world/idea that I want to develop along with wanting to just develop the lore and hopefully we can build up our own head canons for this sort of alternative universe of FR.

Other dragons are not bound by any clan lore or anything and are just free to use.

Player Information

Average reply length?
o I mirror my partners length typically. So anywhere between a paragraph or several to (in rare cases if it’s my partners preference only) pages.

Average reply speed?
o I will try to reply once a day but I have a full time job and school. So sometimes if I do reply, it might be shorter than expected if I’m trying to move things along. I prefer talking and headcanon-ing on days I don’t have the energy to reply but I will always make my best effort.

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
o Please be 18+ as I myself am 25+ so I rather not RP with anyone under the age of 18 though preference is to 20+ . The only important part of that though is being 18 or over.

o I like action, drama, shipping, comedy, etc. I also like buying art and spoiling rp friends so that’s really the journey I’m on here. I like to scream in caps and get too emotionally attached to peoples oc’s and spend stupidly long nights talking about shenanigans and etc so really I’m here to have fun even if the Rp turns out to be a serious one. Even with my serious characters I will joke about them doing stupid things even ooc just for a laugh and I myself remain rather light hearted and dumb and that’s the kinda atmosphere I’d like.

o Feel free to ghost me. I know its extremely anxiety inducing having to like confront people especially over something like an rp. You do not owe me a thing. That said, if you do decide to ghost I’m not the type to kinda go chasing for replies or anything so I’ll just assumed you vanished if you don’t reply after some time unless you’ve stated to me that you’re not the type to ghost or that it’s okay to nudge you.

o I’m totally down for making this a group rp or effort? Mixing a few different clan lores and characters types into a big thing is like totally my style. In the case of a group RP I can promise a few replies a day so momentum doesn’t break.

o Anyone wanting to RP needs to be LBGT+ friendly as many of my dragons are just that. Typically, I will only ship mxm but welcome all others as well. Once I feel a bit more comfortable around you and your characters, I will open to all manner of ships and possibilities.

Would you like to share any additional information?
o RP’s can be done on FR via messages or threads. I prefer group ones take place over threads but don’t mind having a discord set up for just chatter and headcanon and keeping information in.

o One x One’s can also be done over discord after we iron out everything over messages and stuff first. Inquiry can be made into a discord group rp as well.

+2 FR Time
Hi there, I'm Pink. I'm into a lot of stuff including dragons.
  • Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
  • Majority of the time, they will be FR dragons that I own. There are some that I will exclude from rp as I may have difficulty with finding a backstory for them.
  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
  • At the moment I'm uncertain due to beginning another semester of college. Perhaps later in the year I will join.
  • Player Information
  • Average reply length?
  • I'll stick to an average of at least two paragraphs.
  • Average reply speed?
  • I'll check daily on weekdays and on the weekends I'll be around to check hourly.
  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
  • I would prefer the group to be from one on one to a small group of 4. i might get overwhelmed or confused otherwise.
  • Would you like to share any additional information?
  • I might be open to roleplaying on discord, but I prefer to do threads on the FR forums for a bit as well as message to get to know other roleplayers better. I've had experience roleplay wise outside of FR for about 4 years but I've only joined for 3 days so I'll take a while to read the lore and fit it to my characters.
Hi there, I'm Pink. I'm into a lot of stuff including dragons.
  • Character Information
  • Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
  • Majority of the time, they will be FR dragons that I own. There are some that I will exclude from rp as I may have difficulty with finding a backstory for them.
  • Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
  • At the moment I'm uncertain due to beginning another semester of college. Perhaps later in the year I will join.
  • Player Information
  • Average reply length?
  • I'll stick to an average of at least two paragraphs.
  • Average reply speed?
  • I'll check daily on weekdays and on the weekends I'll be around to check hourly.
  • Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
  • I would prefer the group to be from one on one to a small group of 4. i might get overwhelmed or confused otherwise.
  • Would you like to share any additional information?
  • I might be open to roleplaying on discord, but I prefer to do threads on the FR forums for a bit as well as message to get to know other roleplayers better. I've had experience roleplay wise outside of FR for about 4 years but I've only joined for 3 days so I'll take a while to read the lore and fit it to my characters.
Roleplay Form

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
My characters are mostly original. If there are fandom characters involved it will only be for fandom role-plays. I will try not to bring in any fandom characters into the role-play. I have characters I have created from scratch and characters in the flight rising game that I can play with. I mostly want to play with flight rising characters. Almost all characters are welcome.
Note: I tend to role-play with one or more characters. Why? Because I can and it make things a bit more interesting. I am used to handling up to five to even ten characters at once.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not quite yet, but maybe possibly in the future. I'm an open book!

Player Information

Average reply length?
I tend to write in paragraphs, only really replying in shorter sentences when I'm stumped for any better ideas or don't have any useful and insightful information on my characters that I haven't already mentioned before hand. But expect a bit of writing!

Average reply speed?
Pretty quickly, depending on the devices I am using and what I am doing at that moment. I tend to multi task a lot and irl stuff can happen too. So you may see me say SFLR (sorry for late reply) quite a bit if that is the case! Sometimes I miss the notifs completely and you might have to message me again! So you have been warned!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I tend to enjoy the more literate side of role-play and people who know how to chuck up an essay of information. I tend to write like an author would. Things like:

"I am Glorian," said the giant blue and purple dragon. She fixed her goggles, positioning them over her eyes snuggly as she looked down at the smaller dragon before her. She smelled of grinding metal and motor oil with a bit of singed scales, possibly from shock burns. She definitely looked like she got shocked often with all the gears and cogs adorning her body and head, "What is your name?"

I don't tend to like:

*he sat up* I am Algor and you?*He blinked*

But I'm not completely against it either and will TOTALLY role-play with you if that's all you can do (I'm used to having role-plays that are mostly that. I'll just write the way I write and you write the way you write! ^^). It's just a preference.
And I tend to enjoy a multiple player role-play rather than 1x1s. They are just more comfortable for me to role-play in and easier to connect with others.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I am in school and I am way behind so I may not be as active as I like too or more active then I should be, but here I am anyways! I have yet to start a group to role-play with and I am looking for a solid group to start with.
I am not driven by ships or drama. I just want a chillax role-play. I don't mind ships or drama, but just know that's not what I'm looking for. And NO ship has to be permanent! I find that some ships can actually be really toxic and locking yourself into the agreement that it has to work can make it even more draining then before. So ships are open, they are just not completely permanent unless said otherwise.
If you want to cross lore with each other through role-play then I am ok with that! I am ok with including outside characters into my character's bios if we find it makes a rather pleasant experience to have there. So my dragons can be friends or enemies to yours. Clans can be allies or enemies, etc!

I am chill with both threads and pms (whichever is best in FR)! So call me whenever you feel like you're up to it! See ya then!
Roleplay Form

Character Information
Is your character an original character or a fandom character?
My characters are mostly original. If there are fandom characters involved it will only be for fandom role-plays. I will try not to bring in any fandom characters into the role-play. I have characters I have created from scratch and characters in the flight rising game that I can play with. I mostly want to play with flight rising characters. Almost all characters are welcome.
Note: I tend to role-play with one or more characters. Why? Because I can and it make things a bit more interesting. I am used to handling up to five to even ten characters at once.

Are you currently seeking a specific roleplay storyline?
Not quite yet, but maybe possibly in the future. I'm an open book!

Player Information

Average reply length?
I tend to write in paragraphs, only really replying in shorter sentences when I'm stumped for any better ideas or don't have any useful and insightful information on my characters that I haven't already mentioned before hand. But expect a bit of writing!

Average reply speed?
Pretty quickly, depending on the devices I am using and what I am doing at that moment. I tend to multi task a lot and irl stuff can happen too. So you may see me say SFLR (sorry for late reply) quite a bit if that is the case! Sometimes I miss the notifs completely and you might have to message me again! So you have been warned!

Any requirements for future roleplayers/groups?
I tend to enjoy the more literate side of role-play and people who know how to chuck up an essay of information. I tend to write like an author would. Things like:

"I am Glorian," said the giant blue and purple dragon. She fixed her goggles, positioning them over her eyes snuggly as she looked down at the smaller dragon before her. She smelled of grinding metal and motor oil with a bit of singed scales, possibly from shock burns. She definitely looked like she got shocked often with all the gears and cogs adorning her body and head, "What is your name?"

I don't tend to like:

*he sat up* I am Algor and you?*He blinked*

But I'm not completely against it either and will TOTALLY role-play with you if that's all you can do (I'm used to having role-plays that are mostly that. I'll just write the way I write and you write the way you write! ^^). It's just a preference.
And I tend to enjoy a multiple player role-play rather than 1x1s. They are just more comfortable for me to role-play in and easier to connect with others.

Would you like to share any additional information?
I am in school and I am way behind so I may not be as active as I like too or more active then I should be, but here I am anyways! I have yet to start a group to role-play with and I am looking for a solid group to start with.
I am not driven by ships or drama. I just want a chillax role-play. I don't mind ships or drama, but just know that's not what I'm looking for. And NO ship has to be permanent! I find that some ships can actually be really toxic and locking yourself into the agreement that it has to work can make it even more draining then before. So ships are open, they are just not completely permanent unless said otherwise.
If you want to cross lore with each other through role-play then I am ok with that! I am ok with including outside characters into my character's bios if we find it makes a rather pleasant experience to have there. So my dragons can be friends or enemies to yours. Clans can be allies or enemies, etc!

I am chill with both threads and pms (whichever is best in FR)! So call me whenever you feel like you're up to it! See ya then!
She/her Asexual Sagitarius Artist, Roleplayer, Writer PST timezone Unscheduled T.E.A. Parties
I'm bored so here we go.
Are we really going to do this again?
Yes, yes we are. And you're part of it this time.
...I don't like you.
I know, but you still have to listen to me. I created you and I can remove you.

I'm sorry everyone, I didn't explain! That's Sai. He is my Kitsune, and the only-
I'm not your anything.
For the last time, I literally made you. I have the right to say that.
As I was saying he's the only one who can actually see what's going on out here. You can say hey to him any time, in any forum, but there's no guarantee he'll actually respond. This introduction was going to be for myself, Aonair, Solas and him but he's introduced himself kinda already... and I'm annoyed at him so ask him yourself if you want to know what he looks like.

Alright, first there's me! Lily, Jay or Jai, whichever you prefer. I'm a weirdo Leo/Cancer pansexual oddball with almost no temper so you can say pretty much anything you want and I won't get upset or offended.
Then Aonair, my werewolf-shifter. He's a small soft boi with a love for cute things and he's too innocent to exist, so of course I put him in all the goriest, worst dystopian RPs I can find :3
Lastly Solas, a Nephil. Half seraph, half human, he's got razor sharp feathers and a tough exterior, but don't be fooled! He's loyal and protective as long as you stay on his good side.
I'm bored so here we go.
Are we really going to do this again?
Yes, yes we are. And you're part of it this time.
...I don't like you.
I know, but you still have to listen to me. I created you and I can remove you.

I'm sorry everyone, I didn't explain! That's Sai. He is my Kitsune, and the only-
I'm not your anything.
For the last time, I literally made you. I have the right to say that.
As I was saying he's the only one who can actually see what's going on out here. You can say hey to him any time, in any forum, but there's no guarantee he'll actually respond. This introduction was going to be for myself, Aonair, Solas and him but he's introduced himself kinda already... and I'm annoyed at him so ask him yourself if you want to know what he looks like.

Alright, first there's me! Lily, Jay or Jai, whichever you prefer. I'm a weirdo Leo/Cancer pansexual oddball with almost no temper so you can say pretty much anything you want and I won't get upset or offended.
Then Aonair, my werewolf-shifter. He's a small soft boi with a love for cute things and he's too innocent to exist, so of course I put him in all the goriest, worst dystopian RPs I can find :3
Lastly Solas, a Nephil. Half seraph, half human, he's got razor sharp feathers and a tough exterior, but don't be fooled! He's loyal and protective as long as you stay on his good side.
+3 FR time, frequent user of highly questionable logic.