

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Red Mourning, tavern RP [Closed!]
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*sorry for shortpost*))

Ilphnitra smiled and nodded at the statement, though she took too long in gathering together her reply. She watched Carmack and Jo now, but only after letting out a rather awful-sounding sneeze. One was bound to pick up something when they kept going around to new places.
*sorry for shortpost*))

Ilphnitra smiled and nodded at the statement, though she took too long in gathering together her reply. She watched Carmack and Jo now, but only after letting out a rather awful-sounding sneeze. One was bound to pick up something when they kept going around to new places.

Monster Collector

Jo was just about to grab the book when the pointy-eared lady sneezed. The sudden loud noise made him flinch. "Bless you". Wait, what if that's not the proper reply to a sneeze where she's from? What if she gets offended? "I"
He took the book from the big man, and looked at the picture of...Is!
The picture looked a bit like him, what with the dark eyes and horns, but...Do I really look that scary? This picture looks like the devil.
He wasn't really offended, though. He knew he looked a little intimidating to others.
"It's...nice," he said to the big man as he handed the journal back. "Er, what's your name? Mine is Jo."
[Your drawing made my day, thank you!]
[EDIT: I'm sorry, I can't tell: is Carmack bald, or is he just wearing a bandanna?]
Jo was just about to grab the book when the pointy-eared lady sneezed. The sudden loud noise made him flinch. "Bless you". Wait, what if that's not the proper reply to a sneeze where she's from? What if she gets offended? "I"
He took the book from the big man, and looked at the picture of...Is!
The picture looked a bit like him, what with the dark eyes and horns, but...Do I really look that scary? This picture looks like the devil.
He wasn't really offended, though. He knew he looked a little intimidating to others.
"It's...nice," he said to the big man as he handed the journal back. "Er, what's your name? Mine is Jo."
[Your drawing made my day, thank you!]
[EDIT: I'm sorry, I can't tell: is Carmack bald, or is he just wearing a bandanna?]
Demiguy; He/Him or They/Them

Carmack kept his eyes locked on Jo's face as the boy examined his doodle. He didn't seem to hate it, but didn't particularly like it either. It was interesting, but Carmack thought he might be overthinking his reaction to the drawing, so he dismissed that line of thinking from his head instead. Then he started enthusiastically: ''Jo huh? that's allright, I'm Carmack. I told this fine lady here about my hobby too just now, cuz I dunno if you could tell, but in reality my job is to swing weapons at peoples faces for a living.''
As he said this, he couldn't help but laugh a little at the juxtaposition of his two areas of expertise. Stranger things have happened; he figured. ''What's the deal with you then, huh? Awful late for a kid to walk around at night among strangers don't ya think?'' The question WAS directed toward Jo, but he also snuck a wayward glance at Ilphnitra at the end of his sentence out of awkward curiosity; the look asked her the same question, but didn't necessarily expect a reply from the cagey elf.

[ @NaettleLeaf This for clarifications sake. ]

Carmack kept his eyes locked on Jo's face as the boy examined his doodle. He didn't seem to hate it, but didn't particularly like it either. It was interesting, but Carmack thought he might be overthinking his reaction to the drawing, so he dismissed that line of thinking from his head instead. Then he started enthusiastically: ''Jo huh? that's allright, I'm Carmack. I told this fine lady here about my hobby too just now, cuz I dunno if you could tell, but in reality my job is to swing weapons at peoples faces for a living.''
As he said this, he couldn't help but laugh a little at the juxtaposition of his two areas of expertise. Stranger things have happened; he figured. ''What's the deal with you then, huh? Awful late for a kid to walk around at night among strangers don't ya think?'' The question WAS directed toward Jo, but he also snuck a wayward glance at Ilphnitra at the end of his sentence out of awkward curiosity; the look asked her the same question, but didn't necessarily expect a reply from the cagey elf.

[ @NaettleLeaf This for clarifications sake. ]
[@YarnBarn Ah okay, thanks :)]
So this man, Carmack, was a...mercenary? Assassin? Bandit?
Probably not an assassin, at least. Assassins were usually of a smaller build, and less likely to stand out in a crowd. At least, that was what Jo had been led to believe.
He listened to Cormack's question. "It was raining outside, and I noticed this tavern, so I decided to come in. I guess it is a little late, isn't it? I hope the innkeeper appears soon, so I can ask them if there are any rooms."
He thought a little about the other half of the question. "What's the deal with you then, huh?" What did that mean?
[@YarnBarn Ah okay, thanks :)]
So this man, Carmack, was a...mercenary? Assassin? Bandit?
Probably not an assassin, at least. Assassins were usually of a smaller build, and less likely to stand out in a crowd. At least, that was what Jo had been led to believe.
He listened to Cormack's question. "It was raining outside, and I noticed this tavern, so I decided to come in. I guess it is a little late, isn't it? I hope the innkeeper appears soon, so I can ask them if there are any rooms."
He thought a little about the other half of the question. "What's the deal with you then, huh?" What did that mean?
Demiguy; He/Him or They/Them
Carmack thought Jo's little tale sounded plausible enough, even if it was as vague as anyone in this tavern was willing to give one out it seems... The kid was clad in such a way that he might actually have some money on him too so Carmack was sure he really wasn't here to be freeloader or beggar, even if he did look strange. ''Yeah wouldn't I like to know that aswell, haven't seen the owner around at all. Nobody's come down to greet us or anything either.'' Then a mischievous thought came to his head and he started: ''Y'know, It's kinda spooky ain't it? Next thing we know the lights are gonna go out and the whole place gets overrun by skeletons and ghoulies!'' He exclaimed the end of his sentence with an evil laugh that was hilariously overacted.

[ @Duskawakening @Flamestar @Xulvran , You guys still in on this? ]
Carmack thought Jo's little tale sounded plausible enough, even if it was as vague as anyone in this tavern was willing to give one out it seems... The kid was clad in such a way that he might actually have some money on him too so Carmack was sure he really wasn't here to be freeloader or beggar, even if he did look strange. ''Yeah wouldn't I like to know that aswell, haven't seen the owner around at all. Nobody's come down to greet us or anything either.'' Then a mischievous thought came to his head and he started: ''Y'know, It's kinda spooky ain't it? Next thing we know the lights are gonna go out and the whole place gets overrun by skeletons and ghoulies!'' He exclaimed the end of his sentence with an evil laugh that was hilariously overacted.

[ @Duskawakening @Flamestar @Xulvran , You guys still in on this? ]
(I'm around, but multitasking ^^ I'll get around to posting at some point)
(I'm around, but multitasking ^^ I'll get around to posting at some point)
Same. I'm here, but my character isn't doing much.))
Same. I'm here, but my character isn't doing much.))

Monster Collector

Skeletons and ghoulies? Was Carmack trying to scare him? Well, even if the owner was mysteriously absent, the inn was hardly spooky. It was well lit inside, and there was a fair amount of patrons.
"Skeletons aren't scary; they're just dead bodies". He replied. Jo was probably more comfortable around corpses than most people. It had been his mother's duty to tend to the sick in their village, and to dispose of the dead.
If it was someone you knew, seeing a corpse was incredibly sad, but a dead body by itself was hardly scary. A little unsettling, perhaps, but not scary.
"And if monsters come, you can fight them off". He smiled for the first time at Carmack, revealing slightly pointed canines. "Right?"
Skeletons and ghoulies? Was Carmack trying to scare him? Well, even if the owner was mysteriously absent, the inn was hardly spooky. It was well lit inside, and there was a fair amount of patrons.
"Skeletons aren't scary; they're just dead bodies". He replied. Jo was probably more comfortable around corpses than most people. It had been his mother's duty to tend to the sick in their village, and to dispose of the dead.
If it was someone you knew, seeing a corpse was incredibly sad, but a dead body by itself was hardly scary. A little unsettling, perhaps, but not scary.
"And if monsters come, you can fight them off". He smiled for the first time at Carmack, revealing slightly pointed canines. "Right?"
Demiguy; He/Him or They/Them
Garrett had been listening to anything that caught his attention. At first. Nothing interesting had really been happening, so he turned his focus to the small group that had formed on the other side of the tavern. The elf had a strong aura about her - 'I'd better not get on her bad side, I think I'd be killed before I could run.' Then there was the merc-looking dude with the notebook. He wasn't so sure about him - "Carmack" he heard the others call him - Garrett thought he kinda looked like one of the Baron's guard back in his city, which made him a little more wary of him than the other people around. Then there was the younger looking one, the one with the crazy eyes. 'Nice to know I'm not the only one with something odd going on with my eyes.' He thought with a small smile.

With a quiet sigh, he removed his bow and quiver from his back and leaned back against the chair, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath. He was still a little chilled from the rain outside, but he was content with sitting there on his own, listening to the conversation across the room. 'If any of them start a conversation with me, though, I won't turn them away.' The thought flashed through his mind and he blinked his eyes back open, crossing his arms.
Garrett had been listening to anything that caught his attention. At first. Nothing interesting had really been happening, so he turned his focus to the small group that had formed on the other side of the tavern. The elf had a strong aura about her - 'I'd better not get on her bad side, I think I'd be killed before I could run.' Then there was the merc-looking dude with the notebook. He wasn't so sure about him - "Carmack" he heard the others call him - Garrett thought he kinda looked like one of the Baron's guard back in his city, which made him a little more wary of him than the other people around. Then there was the younger looking one, the one with the crazy eyes. 'Nice to know I'm not the only one with something odd going on with my eyes.' He thought with a small smile.

With a quiet sigh, he removed his bow and quiver from his back and leaned back against the chair, closing his eyes as he took in a deep breath. He was still a little chilled from the rain outside, but he was content with sitting there on his own, listening to the conversation across the room. 'If any of them start a conversation with me, though, I won't turn them away.' The thought flashed through his mind and he blinked his eyes back open, crossing his arms.
Pinn scraped at the bottom of her cast iron pot, picking through some globs of congealed stew. It would take some time to prepare something that was at least edible but she certainly couldn't serve this to anyone who had a tongue! It would give her some time to calm herself and rethink her situation. Time for her was being cut dangerously short. She couldn't tell if it was the anxiety of the situation setting in or the onions she was chopping that was making her cry. She slid them into the pot and switched to sweeter thoughts and ingredients. As she washed carrots she heard the front door creak open again and she froze with panic but soon unfroze when she heard benign voices chatting.

She sighed heavily and grabbed even more rabbit to chop for the stew. It seems that business was booming. What a strange night. I hope this is a good sign. After some more ingredients, nail biting, and a helping of time for the stew to simmer, she rounded the corner again into the main room of the tavern.

"Fresh stew's ready!" She sweetly called out, but the last syllable lost confidence as she saw several new visitors. She glanced at Terrian, who must have awoken with the commotion, with wide eyes. Where did they all come from?!

She sputtered her words out a bit less gracefully than she wished, but the sudden crowd was alarming. Did news spread? "Ah, um. Hello all. My name is Pinniprelle Brenn. And maybe I should get more bowls.." She flashed a weak smile at all the new visitors.

((I am so slow. A million apologies!))
Pinn scraped at the bottom of her cast iron pot, picking through some globs of congealed stew. It would take some time to prepare something that was at least edible but she certainly couldn't serve this to anyone who had a tongue! It would give her some time to calm herself and rethink her situation. Time for her was being cut dangerously short. She couldn't tell if it was the anxiety of the situation setting in or the onions she was chopping that was making her cry. She slid them into the pot and switched to sweeter thoughts and ingredients. As she washed carrots she heard the front door creak open again and she froze with panic but soon unfroze when she heard benign voices chatting.

She sighed heavily and grabbed even more rabbit to chop for the stew. It seems that business was booming. What a strange night. I hope this is a good sign. After some more ingredients, nail biting, and a helping of time for the stew to simmer, she rounded the corner again into the main room of the tavern.

"Fresh stew's ready!" She sweetly called out, but the last syllable lost confidence as she saw several new visitors. She glanced at Terrian, who must have awoken with the commotion, with wide eyes. Where did they all come from?!

She sputtered her words out a bit less gracefully than she wished, but the sudden crowd was alarming. Did news spread? "Ah, um. Hello all. My name is Pinniprelle Brenn. And maybe I should get more bowls.." She flashed a weak smile at all the new visitors.

((I am so slow. A million apologies!))
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