

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Red Mourning, tavern RP [Closed!]
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@NaettleLeaf Sorry i'll edit my post.
@NaettleLeaf Sorry i'll edit my post.
Ilphni rested for a few minutes in silence, casting the occasional glance around but otherwise keeping to herself. She seemed to become a bit more curious when she was a bit warmer, and after making a quick check of her belongings, she turned her head to openly watch the other patrons. The drow's red eyes met those of Garrett and she paused to stare in mild surprise at the way they mismatched, but the noise of pen on paper caught her attention soon enough.

She called out to Carmack, voice firm and stern out of habit. "Writing to anyone in particular?"

As she asked his, though it was her own doing to call attention to herself, she found herself straightening up somewhat defensively. Being one of the smaller people in the room she found herself wishing for her armor. She frowned, resting her hands together as if the warmth of the room wasn't enough for them.
Ilphni rested for a few minutes in silence, casting the occasional glance around but otherwise keeping to herself. She seemed to become a bit more curious when she was a bit warmer, and after making a quick check of her belongings, she turned her head to openly watch the other patrons. The drow's red eyes met those of Garrett and she paused to stare in mild surprise at the way they mismatched, but the noise of pen on paper caught her attention soon enough.

She called out to Carmack, voice firm and stern out of habit. "Writing to anyone in particular?"

As she asked his, though it was her own doing to call attention to herself, she found herself straightening up somewhat defensively. Being one of the smaller people in the room she found herself wishing for her armor. She frowned, resting her hands together as if the warmth of the room wasn't enough for them.

Monster Collector

Carmack raised his head to glance in the direction of the elf that was apparently calling out to him. Seeing as nobody else had a writing implement in hand he had to assume the inquiry was directed at him. The elf had this stern look on her face that made him feel like he had done something bad, but he shoved that feeling into the back of his head where it belonged. Carmack thought he might humor her with his little doodles, so he got up and began to walk casually towards her, trying his best to not appear too intimidating with his size.

There was a little bit of excitement bubbling in his gut. For one, He didn't usually get a second pair of eyes on his work (even if they are just quick sketches) and second, because of the chance to meet and maybe even connect with another person over something others may consider a tad trivial. He had a stupid smirk on his face and his eyes were directed at the furniture in his way rather than hers, but they settled once he found a chair to drag close enough to not be too uncomfortable or invasive in that nigh palpable bubble of hers that he could sense so clearly.

Once he settled in his spot on the new chair he did his best to look non-aggressive and said ''I got somethin' better than just some letter. Take a look for yourself'' He finally looked her in the eyes with an expression of mirth (there was also a hint of exhaustion from his grueling journey that he couldn't hide) then he motioned to hand the journal over to her. The page with the little drawings was open for her to see. Carmack also noticed her eyes that reminded him of summer wine, it was a little perplexing since he'd never anyone with eyes like that before, but he tried not to let his surprise show through.
Carmack raised his head to glance in the direction of the elf that was apparently calling out to him. Seeing as nobody else had a writing implement in hand he had to assume the inquiry was directed at him. The elf had this stern look on her face that made him feel like he had done something bad, but he shoved that feeling into the back of his head where it belonged. Carmack thought he might humor her with his little doodles, so he got up and began to walk casually towards her, trying his best to not appear too intimidating with his size.

There was a little bit of excitement bubbling in his gut. For one, He didn't usually get a second pair of eyes on his work (even if they are just quick sketches) and second, because of the chance to meet and maybe even connect with another person over something others may consider a tad trivial. He had a stupid smirk on his face and his eyes were directed at the furniture in his way rather than hers, but they settled once he found a chair to drag close enough to not be too uncomfortable or invasive in that nigh palpable bubble of hers that he could sense so clearly.

Once he settled in his spot on the new chair he did his best to look non-aggressive and said ''I got somethin' better than just some letter. Take a look for yourself'' He finally looked her in the eyes with an expression of mirth (there was also a hint of exhaustion from his grueling journey that he couldn't hide) then he motioned to hand the journal over to her. The page with the little drawings was open for her to see. Carmack also noticed her eyes that reminded him of summer wine, it was a little perplexing since he'd never anyone with eyes like that before, but he tried not to let his surprise show through.
"Alright." The drow quirked a brow, and leaned to look at the drawings. She considered them for a few long seconds, resting a crooked finger against her chin in thought. Though not displeased by what she saw the elf had a stiffness about her that suggested she might recoil or reach for her blade at any moment.

"You draw well," she admitted, as though surprised. Maybe she was. Elves often had a reputation for arrogance, whatever their origins. She looked back towards Carmack's face impassively, resting her hand on the nearby table. "Classes or practice?"

Ilphnitra had failed to recognize the immediate resemblance between the sketches and the tavern's patrons, but that was largely because she hadn't looked too closely at most of them.

((sorry for late response, there was an incident.))
"Alright." The drow quirked a brow, and leaned to look at the drawings. She considered them for a few long seconds, resting a crooked finger against her chin in thought. Though not displeased by what she saw the elf had a stiffness about her that suggested she might recoil or reach for her blade at any moment.

"You draw well," she admitted, as though surprised. Maybe she was. Elves often had a reputation for arrogance, whatever their origins. She looked back towards Carmack's face impassively, resting her hand on the nearby table. "Classes or practice?"

Ilphnitra had failed to recognize the immediate resemblance between the sketches and the tavern's patrons, but that was largely because she hadn't looked too closely at most of them.

((sorry for late response, there was an incident.))

Monster Collector


(I won't be replying until midnight tonight cuz I got a long day of running around today, just an fyi. I have to do the best writing I can or else I won't be satisfied, and I gotta dash in an hour :D)

((I hope you're okay :S))

(I won't be replying until midnight tonight cuz I got a long day of running around today, just an fyi. I have to do the best writing I can or else I won't be satisfied, and I gotta dash in an hour :D)

((I hope you're okay :S))
Although she was still acting quite stiff, that small compliment delighted Carmack nonetheless. ''Thanks much'' The fact that she didn't say anything about her own relatively crude portrait brought him some relief; Having to receive criticism over simple doodles is not something he wanted to deal with in any circumstance. Her next question caught him off guard but he didn't hesitate to answer it.

''I'm not so fancy or rich that I'd go to classes. At first, years ago, I only started drawin' cuz I couldn't remember peoples faces right? This sort of thing helped out with that, 'n' eventually it became a sort of hobby.'' He leaned back, visibly relaxing, and scratched his beard absentmindedly as he thought about what he told the sable elf. He briefly reminisced about a younger time when he was still learning how to hold a weapon, and how to bargain with a Mercenary band employer.
''Helped me learn how to write too, cuz at first all the symbols and numbers looked too hard for me to bother rememberin'. At the time I figured, what's so important about letters and figures on the battlefield, y'know? Suffice to say I learned my lesson, 'n' I learned it fast.''
Carmack smirked at the memory of starving after a tough fight when he had enlisted for a ******* that paid him with scraps for his service.

''Guess that's my background in a nutshell anyhow, the name's Carmack by the way.'' He grinned as he said this and then proceeded to ask his question. ''You got a name? here's hopin' it comes with a little story time too yeah?.''
Although she was still acting quite stiff, that small compliment delighted Carmack nonetheless. ''Thanks much'' The fact that she didn't say anything about her own relatively crude portrait brought him some relief; Having to receive criticism over simple doodles is not something he wanted to deal with in any circumstance. Her next question caught him off guard but he didn't hesitate to answer it.

''I'm not so fancy or rich that I'd go to classes. At first, years ago, I only started drawin' cuz I couldn't remember peoples faces right? This sort of thing helped out with that, 'n' eventually it became a sort of hobby.'' He leaned back, visibly relaxing, and scratched his beard absentmindedly as he thought about what he told the sable elf. He briefly reminisced about a younger time when he was still learning how to hold a weapon, and how to bargain with a Mercenary band employer.
''Helped me learn how to write too, cuz at first all the symbols and numbers looked too hard for me to bother rememberin'. At the time I figured, what's so important about letters and figures on the battlefield, y'know? Suffice to say I learned my lesson, 'n' I learned it fast.''
Carmack smirked at the memory of starving after a tough fight when he had enlisted for a ******* that paid him with scraps for his service.

''Guess that's my background in a nutshell anyhow, the name's Carmack by the way.'' He grinned as he said this and then proceeded to ask his question. ''You got a name? here's hopin' it comes with a little story time too yeah?.''
Ilphnitra listened fairly patiently, though at his initial response she slightly narrowed her eyes and glanced away. In a way, she was somewhat envious about those who could prattle on like this and that was a feeling that brought up a bit of quiet resentment in her. This bout of envy ended when he spoke of his late literacy and her attention was back on Carmack by the time he introduced himself. Her eyes had been towards the counter in the time she hadn't been closely watching him.

"I am Ilphnitra. There is little that needs said here." That was putting it gently. She was already wary of the place and its patrons, and needn't give them fuel for a funeral pyre. "I have my sword and my horse, and I've been looking to put them to use when I can, and I am clearly not of this area." She shrugged, and the shrug turned into a tired stretch. "But at least I have nothing worth stealing. Don't think I could handle keeping an eye out for myself and anything of that sort."

That last sentence she said with particular emphasis.
Ilphnitra listened fairly patiently, though at his initial response she slightly narrowed her eyes and glanced away. In a way, she was somewhat envious about those who could prattle on like this and that was a feeling that brought up a bit of quiet resentment in her. This bout of envy ended when he spoke of his late literacy and her attention was back on Carmack by the time he introduced himself. Her eyes had been towards the counter in the time she hadn't been closely watching him.

"I am Ilphnitra. There is little that needs said here." That was putting it gently. She was already wary of the place and its patrons, and needn't give them fuel for a funeral pyre. "I have my sword and my horse, and I've been looking to put them to use when I can, and I am clearly not of this area." She shrugged, and the shrug turned into a tired stretch. "But at least I have nothing worth stealing. Don't think I could handle keeping an eye out for myself and anything of that sort."

That last sentence she said with particular emphasis.

Monster Collector

Carmack couldn't blame her for acting so cagey. He had known the potential danger of disclosing too much in a public place himself, and yet, he couldn't help but break his usual protocol in this case. Sure it had been her unique appearance that intrigued him at first, but he decided not to push her any more than she apparently felt comfortable with at the time. He was happy enough to have learned her name and vocation, to find at least some area of common ground to which he could relate. That was enough for a passing acquaintance.

He smiled at what he perceived as her cute attempt to throw him off her tail in case he was some sticky-fingered pickpocket, or was her statement indirectly diverted toward that suspicious fellow with the funny eyes? In his mind, if there was anyone to suspect of being proficient in thievery, it'd be that guy. It wasn't like he had anything against that sort of thing personally though, to each his own I say, guys gotta eat, Thought Carmack in his meaty head.

''Well I mean... I don't think anybody's gonna cause any trouble tonight if that's what you're worried about.'' He reached out and grabbed his journal from the armrest where Ilphnitra had left it while he yammered earlier, and opened it to start working on a blank page. ''Prolly sounds dumb coming from a dirty warhorse like me, but I can't really focus on anything but what's in front of me y'know.'' With the bulk of his attention directed to doodling again, Carmack began to think out loud more than actually trying to carry on a conversation. '' It ain't as if people like me can't work around having no money or food or whatever, guys and gals a whole lot smarter AND dumber than me find all kindsa' ways for easy livin' ''.
Carmack couldn't blame her for acting so cagey. He had known the potential danger of disclosing too much in a public place himself, and yet, he couldn't help but break his usual protocol in this case. Sure it had been her unique appearance that intrigued him at first, but he decided not to push her any more than she apparently felt comfortable with at the time. He was happy enough to have learned her name and vocation, to find at least some area of common ground to which he could relate. That was enough for a passing acquaintance.

He smiled at what he perceived as her cute attempt to throw him off her tail in case he was some sticky-fingered pickpocket, or was her statement indirectly diverted toward that suspicious fellow with the funny eyes? In his mind, if there was anyone to suspect of being proficient in thievery, it'd be that guy. It wasn't like he had anything against that sort of thing personally though, to each his own I say, guys gotta eat, Thought Carmack in his meaty head.

''Well I mean... I don't think anybody's gonna cause any trouble tonight if that's what you're worried about.'' He reached out and grabbed his journal from the armrest where Ilphnitra had left it while he yammered earlier, and opened it to start working on a blank page. ''Prolly sounds dumb coming from a dirty warhorse like me, but I can't really focus on anything but what's in front of me y'know.'' With the bulk of his attention directed to doodling again, Carmack began to think out loud more than actually trying to carry on a conversation. '' It ain't as if people like me can't work around having no money or food or whatever, guys and gals a whole lot smarter AND dumber than me find all kindsa' ways for easy livin' ''.
The woman appeared to have not heard him. Or was she ignoring him? Jo repeated his question.
"Ma'am, do you know where the innkeeper is?"
Nothing. Not even a glance in her direction.
She's either deaf, or ignoring me. I don't think I'll get a response out of her anytime soon.
To his mild surprise, Jo realized that two other people were right next to him. A muscular man sitting in an armchair, and a short woman with pointy ears standing nearby. The man was writing something down in a leather-bound journal.
H-how did they get so close to me without my noticing?
Jo took a deep breath, and marked over to the big man.
"Excuse me mister, what are you writing?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
The woman appeared to have not heard him. Or was she ignoring him? Jo repeated his question.
"Ma'am, do you know where the innkeeper is?"
Nothing. Not even a glance in her direction.
She's either deaf, or ignoring me. I don't think I'll get a response out of her anytime soon.
To his mild surprise, Jo realized that two other people were right next to him. A muscular man sitting in an armchair, and a short woman with pointy ears standing nearby. The man was writing something down in a leather-bound journal.
H-how did they get so close to me without my noticing?
Jo took a deep breath, and marked over to the big man.
"Excuse me mister, what are you writing?" He asked, trying to sound casual.
Demiguy; He/Him or They/Them
Carmack was brought out of his musings when the kid with the horns came up to greeting distance and spoke to him. I sure am popular today, he thought. The boy asked him of his writings, but just like before, he flipped a few pages back to where a picture of the boy was sticking it's tongue out proudly, then the warrior reached his arm out to hand it over to him.

Carmack had an amused smile on his face, eager to see the kid either delighted or furious over his humorous depiction of them. He suddenly hoped the kid wouldn't tear the book apart in a thunderous fit of rage, not that it was a huge deal either way.Let bygones be bygones he thought.
Carmack was brought out of his musings when the kid with the horns came up to greeting distance and spoke to him. I sure am popular today, he thought. The boy asked him of his writings, but just like before, he flipped a few pages back to where a picture of the boy was sticking it's tongue out proudly, then the warrior reached his arm out to hand it over to him.

Carmack had an amused smile on his face, eager to see the kid either delighted or furious over his humorous depiction of them. He suddenly hoped the kid wouldn't tear the book apart in a thunderous fit of rage, not that it was a huge deal either way.Let bygones be bygones he thought.
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