

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Alpha dragon needed (pafp)
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(That's really amazing! Also you don't have to ping me I'm subscribed to this post and that reply just made my heart melt)

Nyx stood carefully and walked closer to him looking a bit frightening before she nuzzled her head to his. "Oh darling don't be shy," she rested her tail on his back soothingly. "I like you as well. It's like I was drawn to you. Like Nyx to her consort Erebus. They are meant to be." She licked his cheek and smiled sweetly. "You're perfect."
(That's really amazing! Also you don't have to ping me I'm subscribed to this post and that reply just made my heart melt)

Nyx stood carefully and walked closer to him looking a bit frightening before she nuzzled her head to his. "Oh darling don't be shy," she rested her tail on his back soothingly. "I like you as well. It's like I was drawn to you. Like Nyx to her consort Erebus. They are meant to be." She licked his cheek and smiled sweetly. "You're perfect."
I was about to ask about that, thanks for telling me! Your reply made me heart melt even more ^^

Crow now knew what this feeling was - love... it was love. Something he had never felt before. And he was glad to finally know what it feels like to embrace love. "And I feel the same," he said sweetly. "I've known little kindness aside from the two alphas of my old clan, and the rest was just... hate. This is the first time that I've felt truly alive, and I must thank you, Nyx. Now thanks to you I have a chance to relive my life, have new and exciting adventures, and I hope I can do them with you!"

But Crow thought he saw something move out of the corner of his eye as he spoke. He decided to ignore it for now; he would tell Nyx later. He looked at Nyx, still smiling. He then licked her cheek in turn, showing his affection. The sun shone upon them and the lake, creating a beautiful display. A breeze started to kick in, blowing the grass and the leaves in the trees gently. He wished this moment would last forever, with him and Nyx just gazing at the lake together, side by side. But he knew that more moments like this surely awaited him. Even still, he didn't want to rush this at all.

"They are meant to be..." he repeated. "We are meant to be..."
I was about to ask about that, thanks for telling me! Your reply made me heart melt even more ^^

Crow now knew what this feeling was - love... it was love. Something he had never felt before. And he was glad to finally know what it feels like to embrace love. "And I feel the same," he said sweetly. "I've known little kindness aside from the two alphas of my old clan, and the rest was just... hate. This is the first time that I've felt truly alive, and I must thank you, Nyx. Now thanks to you I have a chance to relive my life, have new and exciting adventures, and I hope I can do them with you!"

But Crow thought he saw something move out of the corner of his eye as he spoke. He decided to ignore it for now; he would tell Nyx later. He looked at Nyx, still smiling. He then licked her cheek in turn, showing his affection. The sun shone upon them and the lake, creating a beautiful display. A breeze started to kick in, blowing the grass and the leaves in the trees gently. He wished this moment would last forever, with him and Nyx just gazing at the lake together, side by side. But he knew that more moments like this surely awaited him. Even still, he didn't want to rush this at all.

"They are meant to be..." he repeated. "We are meant to be..."
(Aww thank you. You're an amazing partner to Rp with I must say ^.^)

Nyx smiled before Zane landed infront of them with a thud. "The egg, its hatching!" Nyx froze her eyes wide before nodding at Zane to go ahead. The bigger dragon left as Nyx looked at Crow. "Looks like your meeting is gonna be a bit sooner than previously thought." She said softly before leaping into the sky hovering over Crow she waited a moment before flying closer to the den at a slower speed.
(Aww thank you. You're an amazing partner to Rp with I must say ^.^)

Nyx smiled before Zane landed infront of them with a thud. "The egg, its hatching!" Nyx froze her eyes wide before nodding at Zane to go ahead. The bigger dragon left as Nyx looked at Crow. "Looks like your meeting is gonna be a bit sooner than previously thought." She said softly before leaping into the sky hovering over Crow she waited a moment before flying closer to the den at a slower speed.
(Thanks, I enjoy rping with you as well! ^^)

Crow nodded with understanding, flapping his wings and taking to the skies to follow Nyx back to the den. He enjoyed their time together while it lasted, but he was actually very excited to see the egg hatch. "It's alright," he said to Nyx. "I'm excited! Seeing a hatchling pop out of the egg for the first time is a feeling that warms the heart!" They neared the den, and Crow actually became a little nervous. The other dragons would see him enter and possibly become hostile, especially during the birth of a hatchling. But he assured himself that Nyx would help him if it came down to that. To distract himself, he began thinking of what he saw earlier when he was talking to Nyx.

It was in the shadows, moving slightly, and he wanted to believe that he was seeing things, but it felt too real. What was that, and what was it doing? More importantly, why was it there? Was he truly seeing things? All of these questions, but no answers came as Crow landed near the den next to Nyx, following her inside the den.
(Thanks, I enjoy rping with you as well! ^^)

Crow nodded with understanding, flapping his wings and taking to the skies to follow Nyx back to the den. He enjoyed their time together while it lasted, but he was actually very excited to see the egg hatch. "It's alright," he said to Nyx. "I'm excited! Seeing a hatchling pop out of the egg for the first time is a feeling that warms the heart!" They neared the den, and Crow actually became a little nervous. The other dragons would see him enter and possibly become hostile, especially during the birth of a hatchling. But he assured himself that Nyx would help him if it came down to that. To distract himself, he began thinking of what he saw earlier when he was talking to Nyx.

It was in the shadows, moving slightly, and he wanted to believe that he was seeing things, but it felt too real. What was that, and what was it doing? More importantly, why was it there? Was he truly seeing things? All of these questions, but no answers came as Crow landed near the den next to Nyx, following her inside the den.
Nyx stood in the middle of the den looking at two mirrors dragons. One black with maroon wings and another was sand colored with purple wings. There inbetween them was a small pinkish red hatchling. "Kaya and Stryker," Nyx started as the two looked at her eyes narrowed at the newcomer. "Everyone, we found a new dragon for our group. His name is Crow and he's here to help us." The dragons soon began to settle before smiling at Crow dipping their heads in welcome. Nyx grinned and went over to greet the little hatchling as the rest of the group disbanded for their own life. "Oh isn't he lovely Crow?"
Nyx stood in the middle of the den looking at two mirrors dragons. One black with maroon wings and another was sand colored with purple wings. There inbetween them was a small pinkish red hatchling. "Kaya and Stryker," Nyx started as the two looked at her eyes narrowed at the newcomer. "Everyone, we found a new dragon for our group. His name is Crow and he's here to help us." The dragons soon began to settle before smiling at Crow dipping their heads in welcome. Nyx grinned and went over to greet the little hatchling as the rest of the group disbanded for their own life. "Oh isn't he lovely Crow?"
Crow smiled, glad that he was welcomed. He then looked upon the adorable hatchling, grinning. "He is lovely," he responded. "Does he have a name yet?" Crow at first wasn't sure he should get close to the hatchling, for fear that he might scare him. But he ignored the feeling and stood next to Nyx, looking up at Kaya and Stryker. He then looked back at the hatchling, feeling happy. He started to wonder what it was like to see your hatchling open it's eyes for the first time, kind of like when he was born. "Hello," he said to Kaya and Stryker, shyly bowing his head. He wasn't really sure what to do, so he looked back at the entrance for a couple seconds. He definitely saw something on the very edge of the entrance, staring directly at him before vanishing out of sight. What the... what was that!? he thought.

Crow turned back to the two parent dragons, hiding any signs of the worry that he had now. That was twice now! Twice! Am I just seeing things? Maybe I'm seeing things... yeah... that has to be right!
Crow smiled, glad that he was welcomed. He then looked upon the adorable hatchling, grinning. "He is lovely," he responded. "Does he have a name yet?" Crow at first wasn't sure he should get close to the hatchling, for fear that he might scare him. But he ignored the feeling and stood next to Nyx, looking up at Kaya and Stryker. He then looked back at the hatchling, feeling happy. He started to wonder what it was like to see your hatchling open it's eyes for the first time, kind of like when he was born. "Hello," he said to Kaya and Stryker, shyly bowing his head. He wasn't really sure what to do, so he looked back at the entrance for a couple seconds. He definitely saw something on the very edge of the entrance, staring directly at him before vanishing out of sight. What the... what was that!? he thought.

Crow turned back to the two parent dragons, hiding any signs of the worry that he had now. That was twice now! Twice! Am I just seeing things? Maybe I'm seeing things... yeah... that has to be right!
"Kelvar," Kaya said smiling warmly at Crow. The warmth was short lived as Zane burst in to the cave. "Armor and I were attacked! There's a group of rogues trespassing. We tried peace but they kept at it and attacked. Striker and Acid took off quickly with Stryker and Kaya pulling Kevlar in beside them quickly. Nyx stiffened before following Striker and Acid Zane on her heels as they began to get ready to defend their group with ferocity. Nyx snarled as she landed infront of the group. "What are you doing here? This is our territory. Leave now!" She roared shedding her black hood revealing her angry gold eyes. Armorclad and Zane stood by her making the group look more threatening. In front of them was an imperial dragon that none of the others recognized. He had others with him but she couldnt see them due to her anger pointed at the bigger dragon.
"Kelvar," Kaya said smiling warmly at Crow. The warmth was short lived as Zane burst in to the cave. "Armor and I were attacked! There's a group of rogues trespassing. We tried peace but they kept at it and attacked. Striker and Acid took off quickly with Stryker and Kaya pulling Kevlar in beside them quickly. Nyx stiffened before following Striker and Acid Zane on her heels as they began to get ready to defend their group with ferocity. Nyx snarled as she landed infront of the group. "What are you doing here? This is our territory. Leave now!" She roared shedding her black hood revealing her angry gold eyes. Armorclad and Zane stood by her making the group look more threatening. In front of them was an imperial dragon that none of the others recognized. He had others with him but she couldnt see them due to her anger pointed at the bigger dragon.
Crow tensed and ran after Nyx, but not before turning his head to Stryker, Kaya and Kelvar. "Keep him safe," he told them as he left the cave. When the group stopped, he looked ahead to see an imperial in front of them. This dragon was larger than Zane, and Crow started to feel smaller. But he was apart of this group now, and he wanted to do anything he could to help them. Despite hearing Nyx telling these intruders to leave, he knew that they wouldn't just go that easily. Crow glanced at the trees nearby and saw something hiding there, watching him. Then it just disappeared and he could no longer see it. He suddenly felt dizzy with confusion. [i]What is happening...? That's three times now...[/i] [i]Nope, can't focus on that![/i] he thought, glaring at the imperial in front of the group. [i]I have to focus on this now![/i] He wasn't aware that his antlers were now ablaze in cerulean blue flames as he growled and arched his back, trying to make himself seem bigger while preparing to fight. If any of these dragons dared to hurt his clan, they would pay dearly... [img][/img] his antlers are glowing like this ^^
Crow tensed and ran after Nyx, but not before turning his head to Stryker, Kaya and Kelvar. "Keep him safe," he told them as he left the cave. When the group stopped, he looked ahead to see an imperial in front of them. This dragon was larger than Zane, and Crow started to feel smaller. But he was apart of this group now, and he wanted to do anything he could to help them. Despite hearing Nyx telling these intruders to leave, he knew that they wouldn't just go that easily. Crow glanced at the trees nearby and saw something hiding there, watching him. Then it just disappeared and he could no longer see it. He suddenly felt dizzy with confusion. What is happening...? That's three times now...

Nope, can't focus on that! he thought, glaring at the imperial in front of the group. I have to focus on this now! He wasn't aware that his antlers were now ablaze in cerulean blue flames as he growled and arched his back, trying to make himself seem bigger while preparing to fight. If any of these dragons dared to hurt his clan, they would pay dearly...

769.png his antlers are glowing like this ^^
The imperial dragon had his lips pulled back in a grin as he surveyed the group. "We need room of our own," he said brgoee lowering his head arching his body with hostility. "We're going to take yours." Zane and Armorclad snarled together as they launched at the imperial dragon working in unison as one slashed the side the other the front. Nyx roared loudly as a tundra dragon rushed at her snarling. The coatl dragon flicked her tail at him like a whip and it slammed against its face causing it to lean back with a yelp of pain. Soon the entire group was attacking three dragons the imperial, the tundra, and the skydancer. No one noticed the fae dragon slowly trying to creep back up to the cave where Stryker and Kaya had Kelvar wound between their body's protecting their only son with his life.
The imperial dragon had his lips pulled back in a grin as he surveyed the group. "We need room of our own," he said brgoee lowering his head arching his body with hostility. "We're going to take yours." Zane and Armorclad snarled together as they launched at the imperial dragon working in unison as one slashed the side the other the front. Nyx roared loudly as a tundra dragon rushed at her snarling. The coatl dragon flicked her tail at him like a whip and it slammed against its face causing it to lean back with a yelp of pain. Soon the entire group was attacking three dragons the imperial, the tundra, and the skydancer. No one noticed the fae dragon slowly trying to creep back up to the cave where Stryker and Kaya had Kelvar wound between their body's protecting their only son with his life.
Crow spotted the skydancer coming at him and lowered his head, his antlers aflame. He then charged at the skydancer, ramming it with his horns. His opponent roared in pain, then got back up, growling at the mirror. I have plenty more where that came from, Crow thought, running at the skydancer again, claws outstretched. But the opposing dragon was ready, dodging him and attempting to bite him. Crow narrowly moved out of the way, then leapt onto the skydancer, pinning it to the ground. He didn't want to kill it, just knock it out. So he sunk his teeth into the skydancer's shoulder, releasing after a few seconds just to bite it's other shoulder next. Then he wrapped his claws around the dragon's throat, and after ten seconds of it struggling to break out of his grip, it fell limp, unconscious.

Crow quickly checked it's heartbeat, and was relieved when he felt one. He looked over at Nyx, Zane and Armorclad and saw that they were doing fine against the other two dragons... wait. Wasn't there four dragons? When Crow had looked away to the forest, he had noticed a fae out of the corner of his eye. So where was it now? Immediately, Kaya, Stryker and Kelvar popped into his mind, and he realized that the cave probably wasn't under protection. He sprinted towards the cave, checking for any threats until he spotted a fae creeping up to the cave at the entrance. Not gonna happen, buddy, he thought angrily.

Crow placed himself in front of the entrance, glaring at the approaching fae. "What do you think you're doing!?" he snarled. "You won't get inside without a fight!" He arched his back, preparing to take the fae on, his antlers still aglow with blue flames. He wasn't aware that another dragon was watching him closely in the shadows...
Crow spotted the skydancer coming at him and lowered his head, his antlers aflame. He then charged at the skydancer, ramming it with his horns. His opponent roared in pain, then got back up, growling at the mirror. I have plenty more where that came from, Crow thought, running at the skydancer again, claws outstretched. But the opposing dragon was ready, dodging him and attempting to bite him. Crow narrowly moved out of the way, then leapt onto the skydancer, pinning it to the ground. He didn't want to kill it, just knock it out. So he sunk his teeth into the skydancer's shoulder, releasing after a few seconds just to bite it's other shoulder next. Then he wrapped his claws around the dragon's throat, and after ten seconds of it struggling to break out of his grip, it fell limp, unconscious.

Crow quickly checked it's heartbeat, and was relieved when he felt one. He looked over at Nyx, Zane and Armorclad and saw that they were doing fine against the other two dragons... wait. Wasn't there four dragons? When Crow had looked away to the forest, he had noticed a fae out of the corner of his eye. So where was it now? Immediately, Kaya, Stryker and Kelvar popped into his mind, and he realized that the cave probably wasn't under protection. He sprinted towards the cave, checking for any threats until he spotted a fae creeping up to the cave at the entrance. Not gonna happen, buddy, he thought angrily.

Crow placed himself in front of the entrance, glaring at the approaching fae. "What do you think you're doing!?" he snarled. "You won't get inside without a fight!" He arched his back, preparing to take the fae on, his antlers still aglow with blue flames. He wasn't aware that another dragon was watching him closely in the shadows...
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