

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Frost to Forest [Private]
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The coatl cringed at the voice. It nearly seemed to rattle the ground, and was most certainly projected from a higher point. "Big. Dragon." Sprigla hissed, shaking his head.

Mistralias shrugged, and took a few trotting steps forward. "Hello?" he called again, undeterred.

Sprigla cursed lowly and marched after him, tongue tasting the air. Mistralias continued to hum along, antennas high. It wasn't long before he practically stumbled onto the leg of a guardian, and backpedaled a few steps. "Oh, hello!" The Skydancer called. Sprigla still wasn't able to see the beast through the herbage, but his stomach clenched all the same.

The coatl cringed at the voice. It nearly seemed to rattle the ground, and was most certainly projected from a higher point. "Big. Dragon." Sprigla hissed, shaking his head.

Mistralias shrugged, and took a few trotting steps forward. "Hello?" he called again, undeterred.

Sprigla cursed lowly and marched after him, tongue tasting the air. Mistralias continued to hum along, antennas high. It wasn't long before he practically stumbled onto the leg of a guardian, and backpedaled a few steps. "Oh, hello!" The Skydancer called. Sprigla still wasn't able to see the beast through the herbage, but his stomach clenched all the same.
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FR +3
Kira looked down toward the dragon who almost walked right into her leg, and tilted her head a bit. "Hello there." She paused, a soft smile spreading across her face as she lowered her head to be more eye level with the Skydancer. "I heard you shouting, are you lost or something?"

Durk held onto Kira's horns tightly as she lowered her head and with it his body toward the unknown dragon. Did she ever think of his feelings? He was tiny for Warden's sake, he couldn't defend himself from anything if this dragon was hostile. Then again he was with a huge Guardian whom he was using a perch currently. Feeling a little more secure he raised his crest and waved a paw toward the Skydancer once he was in their line of sight.
Kira looked down toward the dragon who almost walked right into her leg, and tilted her head a bit. "Hello there." She paused, a soft smile spreading across her face as she lowered her head to be more eye level with the Skydancer. "I heard you shouting, are you lost or something?"

Durk held onto Kira's horns tightly as she lowered her head and with it his body toward the unknown dragon. Did she ever think of his feelings? He was tiny for Warden's sake, he couldn't defend himself from anything if this dragon was hostile. Then again he was with a huge Guardian whom he was using a perch currently. Feeling a little more secure he raised his crest and waved a paw toward the Skydancer once he was in their line of sight.
Female | 28 | Canada
FR Time +3

Mistralias felt a stupid grin spread on his face. Cool, they weren't trying to claw his face off! This was already going better than most of his encounters. He admittedly took even more steps back when the Guardian lowered her head. Geez, this was a big dragon.

"Oh, always, always! Always in this place." He stumbled over his own words. "But, ah, no. Actually, today I'm looking for a special herb. Have you seen it? Orangey yellowy white, tapered ends, sometimes sprouts on the sides of spruces. Seen it?" the Skydancer blabbered good-naturedly, tail bobbing.

Sprigla's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head.

Mistralias felt a stupid grin spread on his face. Cool, they weren't trying to claw his face off! This was already going better than most of his encounters. He admittedly took even more steps back when the Guardian lowered her head. Geez, this was a big dragon.

"Oh, always, always! Always in this place." He stumbled over his own words. "But, ah, no. Actually, today I'm looking for a special herb. Have you seen it? Orangey yellowy white, tapered ends, sometimes sprouts on the sides of spruces. Seen it?" the Skydancer blabbered good-naturedly, tail bobbing.

Sprigla's eyes nearly rolled to the back of his head.
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FR +3
Kira couldn't help but find herself smiling at the Skydancer's behaviour. Most smaller dragons aside from those in her clan avoided her entirely, yet here was this Skydancer babbling on almost as if they were old friends passing by.

"Umm.." she raised her head slightly, her eyes combing the area, scanning her memory of the plants she had walked by recently. "I can't say I remember it specifically... Pretty sure we past some spruces on our way into the Tangled Wood though, perhaps you could check around there?" she offered, pointing in the direction they'd came in from earlier. "Durk, do you remember seeing any plants like that?"

"Nope!" the Fae quickly answered, not really wanting to get involved in the situation.

Rolling her eyes and deciding to ignore her companion's rude behaviour, she smiled toward the Skydancer again, for the first time noticing a Coatl hidden in the brush behind him. She was used to other dragons not wanting to approach her, so she continued to act as if the Coatl was still hidden from her line of sight. "Sorry we couldn't be of more help to you."

Kira couldn't help but find herself smiling at the Skydancer's behaviour. Most smaller dragons aside from those in her clan avoided her entirely, yet here was this Skydancer babbling on almost as if they were old friends passing by.

"Umm.." she raised her head slightly, her eyes combing the area, scanning her memory of the plants she had walked by recently. "I can't say I remember it specifically... Pretty sure we past some spruces on our way into the Tangled Wood though, perhaps you could check around there?" she offered, pointing in the direction they'd came in from earlier. "Durk, do you remember seeing any plants like that?"

"Nope!" the Fae quickly answered, not really wanting to get involved in the situation.

Rolling her eyes and deciding to ignore her companion's rude behaviour, she smiled toward the Skydancer again, for the first time noticing a Coatl hidden in the brush behind him. She was used to other dragons not wanting to approach her, so she continued to act as if the Coatl was still hidden from her line of sight. "Sorry we couldn't be of more help to you."

Female | 28 | Canada
FR Time +3

"Oh! No problem, no problem at all. No, they're actually quite hard to find around here, I do believe," Mistralias assured, head scanning the area. "But, ah, you know how it works. Either this place or the Hearth. And that would be no good, no." he continued to prattle, eyes gleaming.

Suddenly, he noticed the bag that the Guardian was carrying. It was entirely possible they were just traveling, but it didn't hurt to ask. "Are you looking for anything either? I'm quite good with plants, yes. The Tangled Wood holds such an assortment, as well." Mistralias commented brightly, meeting the dragon's eyes.

Sprigla blew out of his nose. There wasn't any room for him to slip up beside the Skydancer, but he supposed that he didn't want to be in that conversation anyways.

"Oh! No problem, no problem at all. No, they're actually quite hard to find around here, I do believe," Mistralias assured, head scanning the area. "But, ah, you know how it works. Either this place or the Hearth. And that would be no good, no." he continued to prattle, eyes gleaming.

Suddenly, he noticed the bag that the Guardian was carrying. It was entirely possible they were just traveling, but it didn't hurt to ask. "Are you looking for anything either? I'm quite good with plants, yes. The Tangled Wood holds such an assortment, as well." Mistralias commented brightly, meeting the dragon's eyes.

Sprigla blew out of his nose. There wasn't any room for him to slip up beside the Skydancer, but he supposed that he didn't want to be in that conversation anyways.
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FR +3
"Yes actually, we're looking for a few things." Kira replied, smiling toward the Skydancer. "Subterranean clover's and dark creeper's, both are deep purple in colour and only grow in the dark, so as you can imagine they're quite difficult to find."

Deciding to add in his own thoughts on the matter, Durk jumped into the conversation. "Yeah, impossible to find if you ask me! I've even had to crawl into hollow logs to find the clovers, such a pain in the.."

Kira gave her head a shift shake to one side before the Fae could continue, and with a sarcastic tone of voice, turned back to the Skydancer. "Don't mind him, he's just cranky because he's homesick."
"Yes actually, we're looking for a few things." Kira replied, smiling toward the Skydancer. "Subterranean clover's and dark creeper's, both are deep purple in colour and only grow in the dark, so as you can imagine they're quite difficult to find."

Deciding to add in his own thoughts on the matter, Durk jumped into the conversation. "Yeah, impossible to find if you ask me! I've even had to crawl into hollow logs to find the clovers, such a pain in the.."

Kira gave her head a shift shake to one side before the Fae could continue, and with a sarcastic tone of voice, turned back to the Skydancer. "Don't mind him, he's just cranky because he's homesick."
Female | 28 | Canada
FR Time +3

Mistralias considered for a moment, looking deep in thought. Suddenly he perked up, a gleam alighting his eye. "Oh! There was a patch of very shaded, dank areas awhile back. Remember, Sprigla?"

The coatl huffed and shrugged, shoulders hunched in irritation. Why were they helping these dragons? They had their own thing they had to find, and this was just detering them.

"Yes, yes, there was! A boggy area with low trees and big roots. I'm sure there was stuff there you were looking for. I can show you!" Mistralias proclaimed excitedly, feathers raised.

Mistralias considered for a moment, looking deep in thought. Suddenly he perked up, a gleam alighting his eye. "Oh! There was a patch of very shaded, dank areas awhile back. Remember, Sprigla?"

The coatl huffed and shrugged, shoulders hunched in irritation. Why were they helping these dragons? They had their own thing they had to find, and this was just detering them.

"Yes, yes, there was! A boggy area with low trees and big roots. I'm sure there was stuff there you were looking for. I can show you!" Mistralias proclaimed excitedly, feathers raised.
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FR +3
Kira's mind wondered for a moment before she replied to the Skydancer, 'Sprigla? Must be the name of the dragon still hidden behind him. Least I won't have to act like I haven't seen them now.' "Oh really? That's great! It would be a huge help."

Climbing higher onto the Guardian's head, crest raised, Durk added, "Yeah, thanks stranger, the faster we collect those plants the faster I can go home!"

Kira rolled her eyes at the Fae once again. Durk really did hate setting foot any where outside of the clan territory, and after listening to him go on about it since they'd left home, it was starting to get tiresome. A forced smile spread across her face, "Yes, thank you, the faster I get those plants the faster my little friend here will shut up." A real smile replaced the fake one as the Fae stomped one tiny paw onto her forehead.

"Hey! I never wanted to come in the first place, but you just had to insist you needed my help, and of course the clan leader isn't going to say no to you." Durk hissed as he lowered his crest in annoyance.

Kira giggled to herself a bit before turning back to the Skydancer, "We can leave whenever you're ready, just lead the way."
Kira's mind wondered for a moment before she replied to the Skydancer, 'Sprigla? Must be the name of the dragon still hidden behind him. Least I won't have to act like I haven't seen them now.' "Oh really? That's great! It would be a huge help."

Climbing higher onto the Guardian's head, crest raised, Durk added, "Yeah, thanks stranger, the faster we collect those plants the faster I can go home!"

Kira rolled her eyes at the Fae once again. Durk really did hate setting foot any where outside of the clan territory, and after listening to him go on about it since they'd left home, it was starting to get tiresome. A forced smile spread across her face, "Yes, thank you, the faster I get those plants the faster my little friend here will shut up." A real smile replaced the fake one as the Fae stomped one tiny paw onto her forehead.

"Hey! I never wanted to come in the first place, but you just had to insist you needed my help, and of course the clan leader isn't going to say no to you." Durk hissed as he lowered his crest in annoyance.

Kira giggled to herself a bit before turning back to the Skydancer, "We can leave whenever you're ready, just lead the way."
Female | 28 | Canada
FR Time +3

Mistralias's antennas bobbed as he nodded and turned. "Yep! There could be something that I missed too, maybe I'll find it there. All sorts of odd flowers and such growing up there, there is." he said, beginning to hop back the way they had come.

After sending a doubful glance at the dragons behind them, Sprigla took a pace next to the Skydancer, feathers horizontal. Maybe if he were lucky, Mistralias would be too worn out by the time these dragons found their plants, that he would just go home. They were heading back north anyway.

"So, where you all from?" The Skydancer asked peppily, swinging his head around. He knew of few dragons who would want to travel far just to wander the Woods.

Mistralias's antennas bobbed as he nodded and turned. "Yep! There could be something that I missed too, maybe I'll find it there. All sorts of odd flowers and such growing up there, there is." he said, beginning to hop back the way they had come.

After sending a doubful glance at the dragons behind them, Sprigla took a pace next to the Skydancer, feathers horizontal. Maybe if he were lucky, Mistralias would be too worn out by the time these dragons found their plants, that he would just go home. They were heading back north anyway.

"So, where you all from?" The Skydancer asked peppily, swinging his head around. He knew of few dragons who would want to travel far just to wander the Woods.
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FR +3
Kira looked down as the form of the Skydancer disappeared into the greenery. There was no getting around it, if they were to follow the path those dragons had come from, she'd have to push through the bushes along the way. Hopefully the path would open up more somewhere up ahead and she wouldn't be stuck being picked at by leaves and branches for too long.

Not wanting to delay she inwardly groaned to herself as she took the first few steps into the brush. "We're from down south, it's a long travel to gather plants but this is the only area they grow in as far as I know." She paused for a moment as she pushed a tree to the side, slightly uprooting it in the process. Aside from obvious benefits, being a large dragon had it's downfalls.

Durk continued to use the Guardian's head as a perch as they followed the dragons deeper into the woods, his crest held low, wings tucked tightly to his side, trying to avoid any passing branches. Pushing some leaves out of the way, he called down to the Skydancer, "How about you? You from around here?"
Kira looked down as the form of the Skydancer disappeared into the greenery. There was no getting around it, if they were to follow the path those dragons had come from, she'd have to push through the bushes along the way. Hopefully the path would open up more somewhere up ahead and she wouldn't be stuck being picked at by leaves and branches for too long.

Not wanting to delay she inwardly groaned to herself as she took the first few steps into the brush. "We're from down south, it's a long travel to gather plants but this is the only area they grow in as far as I know." She paused for a moment as she pushed a tree to the side, slightly uprooting it in the process. Aside from obvious benefits, being a large dragon had it's downfalls.

Durk continued to use the Guardian's head as a perch as they followed the dragons deeper into the woods, his crest held low, wings tucked tightly to his side, trying to avoid any passing branches. Pushing some leaves out of the way, he called down to the Skydancer, "How about you? You from around here?"
Female | 28 | Canada
FR Time +3
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