

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dragon Revolution (RP Thread)
Cheese blinked, finally getting out of the painting's entrancement. She looked over to the Coatl that came over and gave a little smile to her. "I'm Cheese, Sorry I ignored you before, but I... just lost in these paintings..." Her ears flopped down as she sheepishly chuckled yet again. She looked over to the price tag of the painting and gave a little gulp, getting the slap she needed back into reality. She dug into the nice satchel she had, given to her by an elite friend, something no one in her class could ever afford, and pulled out a small, packed jar, filled with 6500 gold coins to the t. It's something she's been collecting up and saving for most of her waking life. With a sigh, and an ever so slight whimper, she gave away most of her life savings to the black Guardian, putting on a grimace and mumbling to herself in an attempt to cheer up. "Well...It IS his birthday...And he's worked so hard..." She kept trying to convince herself, but nothing seemed to really work. Still, she turned to the Coatl with a warm smile all the same, with her new acquired painting in hand. "Since you asked for my name, may I ask for yours...?" She tilted her head as she waited for her response.

@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin
Cheese blinked, finally getting out of the painting's entrancement. She looked over to the Coatl that came over and gave a little smile to her. "I'm Cheese, Sorry I ignored you before, but I... just lost in these paintings..." Her ears flopped down as she sheepishly chuckled yet again. She looked over to the price tag of the painting and gave a little gulp, getting the slap she needed back into reality. She dug into the nice satchel she had, given to her by an elite friend, something no one in her class could ever afford, and pulled out a small, packed jar, filled with 6500 gold coins to the t. It's something she's been collecting up and saving for most of her waking life. With a sigh, and an ever so slight whimper, she gave away most of her life savings to the black Guardian, putting on a grimace and mumbling to herself in an attempt to cheer up. "Well...It IS his birthday...And he's worked so hard..." She kept trying to convince herself, but nothing seemed to really work. Still, she turned to the Coatl with a warm smile all the same, with her new acquired painting in hand. "Since you asked for my name, may I ask for yours...?" She tilted her head as she waited for her response.

@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin
@Ultmia @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

Carduss had barely walked a yard before a bellowing "Screeeoar!" sounded. After clearly not startling like a deer and jumping six paws into the air, he glanced around for the source of the noise, and spotted a crowded artist's stand with a dark, crystallized guardian. They certainly fitted the description, and the wildclaw made his way over to the store, before hesitating at the large group of costumers gathered around talented art. He shyly stationed himself a bit off to the side of the booth, not wanting to interrupt anyone.
@Ultmia @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

Carduss had barely walked a yard before a bellowing "Screeeoar!" sounded. After clearly not startling like a deer and jumping six paws into the air, he glanced around for the source of the noise, and spotted a crowded artist's stand with a dark, crystallized guardian. They certainly fitted the description, and the wildclaw made his way over to the store, before hesitating at the large group of costumers gathered around talented art. He shyly stationed himself a bit off to the side of the booth, not wanting to interrupt anyone.

{Scorpio}{INFP}Ybw3PCU.gif{Two Hours ahead}
[img][URL=][IMG][/IMG][/URL][/img] (Found out to post a picture so there she is.) [i]Oh it's okay, they are rather beautiful if I say so myself[/i]. Nixus replied quietly. [i]And you say your name is Cheese? That's a different name, but I like it, and my name is Nixus.[/i] She murmured. [i]And I see your thinking about spending money on that picture, I can tell your very nervous about it. You know, I might be able to afford it for you, if you tell me who it is your buying it for.[/i] Nixus put in. Since she had more than enough money, maybe should help Cheese, the odd but amazing Tundra. @RedOptics @Ultmia @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @deathbysuzu @Lamvin
(Found out to post a picture so there she is.)

Oh it's okay, they are rather beautiful if I say so myself. Nixus replied quietly. And you say your name is Cheese? That's a different name, but I like it, and my name is Nixus. She murmured. And I see your thinking about spending money on that picture, I can tell your very nervous about it. You know, I might be able to afford it for you, if you tell me who it is your buying it for. Nixus put in. Since she had more than enough money, maybe should help Cheese, the odd but amazing Tundra.

@RedOptics @Ultmia @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

The Guardian sensed the Tundra's uncertainty, but the price had to be paid, for her paints were indeed expensive. She let out of a huff from her nostrils as she looked to the Wildclaw, nodding him over to the corner of the front of the stand. The roofing to the stand was high, for her sake anyways as her wings made up the rest of her height. Abyss grabbed the container of coins and dumped out all that was in there. Roughly around 75 000 gold coins, 20 000 silver pieces and 35 000 bronze shards. All the earnings in two weeks. Since her homing was provided for, and she was a skillful hunter, there was nearly no need for her to spend her earnings carelessly. Giving some to the poor on the streets was an exception, but she pushed that aside as she counted the gold, coming up with the proper payment for an expensive delivery. She didn't recognize this dragon, however, perhaps they replaced her old, trusted deliverer? Oh well, as long as the package was safe, which she would have to make sure before paying him.
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

The Guardian sensed the Tundra's uncertainty, but the price had to be paid, for her paints were indeed expensive. She let out of a huff from her nostrils as she looked to the Wildclaw, nodding him over to the corner of the front of the stand. The roofing to the stand was high, for her sake anyways as her wings made up the rest of her height. Abyss grabbed the container of coins and dumped out all that was in there. Roughly around 75 000 gold coins, 20 000 silver pieces and 35 000 bronze shards. All the earnings in two weeks. Since her homing was provided for, and she was a skillful hunter, there was nearly no need for her to spend her earnings carelessly. Giving some to the poor on the streets was an exception, but she pushed that aside as she counted the gold, coming up with the proper payment for an expensive delivery. She didn't recognize this dragon, however, perhaps they replaced her old, trusted deliverer? Oh well, as long as the package was safe, which she would have to make sure before paying him.
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @RedOptics

Chi's eyes flicker up from her book, looking over to the gathering crowd. She scoffs, turning her eyes back to the book, starting to read again. After a little, she quickly puts her book away, looking up at the sun, before she stands, starting to make her way to the arena, though she quickly slows to a stop. 'They don't know I'm gone...I could just walk away. Leave, start better...but no. I...I have to fight. I have to survive.' She thinks, though still looking hesitant.
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @RedOptics

Chi's eyes flicker up from her book, looking over to the gathering crowd. She scoffs, turning her eyes back to the book, starting to read again. After a little, she quickly puts her book away, looking up at the sun, before she stands, starting to make her way to the arena, though she quickly slows to a stop. 'They don't know I'm gone...I could just walk away. Leave, start better...but no. I...I have to fight. I have to survive.' She thinks, though still looking hesitant.
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedOptics @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

((First post! Here goes nothing!))

Savitar sighed as he moved outside, away from the crowds. The thoughts he easily picked up from everyone was starting to give him a headache and he needed some peace and quiet before he snapped harshly on someone. Especially someone least deserving of a tongue lashing from a high ranking guard.
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedOptics @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

((First post! Here goes nothing!))

Savitar sighed as he moved outside, away from the crowds. The thoughts he easily picked up from everyone was starting to give him a headache and he needed some peace and quiet before he snapped harshly on someone. Especially someone least deserving of a tongue lashing from a high ranking guard.
"Just because you can, doesn't mean you should."
~Author, Unknown
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx@Drakka15 @RedOptics @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

Arcene allowed the upper half of her slender body to hang lazily off the branch, bringing her head closer to the conversations of the dragons clustered around the trestle table filled with art below. Her arms folded neatly against her silver slender body as she listened.
The coatl was offering to pay. How nice. Arcene felt herself glow happily. Seeing acts of kindness was her favourite part of watching the market. Arcene would do the same, if she had any money that moment. She didn't, however.
@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @SnarkyShinx@Drakka15 @RedOptics @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin

Arcene allowed the upper half of her slender body to hang lazily off the branch, bringing her head closer to the conversations of the dragons clustered around the trestle table filled with art below. Her arms folded neatly against her silver slender body as she listened.
The coatl was offering to pay. How nice. Arcene felt herself glow happily. Seeing acts of kindness was her favourite part of watching the market. Arcene would do the same, if she had any money that moment. She didn't, however.
Cheese gave a little blush, stammering slightly before finally getting her words out. "O-oh, it's fine Miss Nixus, reallys! It's for my friend, Mr. Wine!" At the mere mention of his name, every dragon nearby turned their heads. Wine was a VERY powerful Elite, with whispers of him becoming a Primal soon. Surely a small little Laborer as Cheese wouldn't even be near, let alone be friendly someone as powerful and important as him! But, with the wide smile on her face, and the strangely opulent gifts she had, it's hard to deny least to her face.

@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin
Cheese gave a little blush, stammering slightly before finally getting her words out. "O-oh, it's fine Miss Nixus, reallys! It's for my friend, Mr. Wine!" At the mere mention of his name, every dragon nearby turned their heads. Wine was a VERY powerful Elite, with whispers of him becoming a Primal soon. Surely a small little Laborer as Cheese wouldn't even be near, let alone be friendly someone as powerful and important as him! But, with the wide smile on her face, and the strangely opulent gifts she had, it's hard to deny least to her face.

@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @RedCross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin
[img][/img] Icarus walked outside of the shabby house he lived in, just a little outside of the marketplace area. He sighed. Icarus starts walking towards the marketplace, going on another shopping-spree for his father. [i]What did I ever do to deserve.. This? It's probably something I did when I was younger.. When I couldn't remember.[/i] Icarus exhales through his nose and he nears the first outer stands. He checks to make sure his satchel is tightly secured and continues walking. He paces himself quickly and passes a few dragons collecting near some of the rougher stands. His father's would be at his booth soon, so he had to get the oil and gears ready. He smelled the incense of one of the perfume stands. Realizing he accidently made a left instead of a right, down into the more expensive section of bazaars, he scolded himself mentally for getting lost. @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @Redcross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin @RedOptics ((Hello! I'm new.. CX))

Icarus walked outside of the shabby house he lived in, just a little outside of the marketplace area. He sighed. Icarus starts walking towards the marketplace, going on another shopping-spree for his father. What did I ever do to deserve.. This? It's probably something I did when I was younger.. When I couldn't remember. Icarus exhales through his nose and he nears the first outer stands. He checks to make sure his satchel is tightly secured and continues walking. He paces himself quickly and passes a few dragons collecting near some of the rougher stands. His father's would be at his booth soon, so he had to get the oil and gears ready. He smelled the incense of one of the perfume stands. Realizing he accidently made a left instead of a right, down into the more expensive section of bazaars, he scolded himself mentally for getting lost.

@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15 @IvyVines @Redcross @calebf63 @deathbysuzu @Lamvin @RedOptics

((Hello! I'm new.. CX))
@CitrineRose @RedOptics ((Sorry, I was busy and didn't have much to work with DX))

Tanulth was jostled from the dark place he was so accustomed to, and found himself being blinded by the sunlight. He then felt a slight pain in his side, before being shook around a lot, he felt himself slipping away again, and only vaguely realized he was being taken away from the place.
@CitrineRose @RedOptics ((Sorry, I was busy and didn't have much to work with DX))

Tanulth was jostled from the dark place he was so accustomed to, and found himself being blinded by the sunlight. He then felt a slight pain in his side, before being shook around a lot, he felt himself slipping away again, and only vaguely realized he was being taken away from the place.
bigger__bbb_button____flight_rising_by_myth_o_logical-daes7nv.png Barracuda
OL: 04:00~19:00
Clicky Clicky?
No Eggs ^w^
Come Outfit
Your Dragons!