

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dragon Revolution (RP Thread)
@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx

At the size of the black dragin, Cheese felt a little small, sure, and a wee bit intimidated to boot, but the moment Cheese looked at all the painting the stand had in store, even at the warm little stand itself, Cheese was quickly sedated, and began looking at the stand's wares. There was a certain twinkle in her eyes as she causally looked from painting to painting, oohing and awing at all the images inside and the colors used. But with a self given slap to the face, she remembered what she was there for. She looked back at the guardian with a smile, and politely started to talk O-ohs, Hello. I-i'm looking for a present for a friend... She scanned each of the paintings seriously, looking for something her friend would like, and then she saw the right one, in the corner of her eye. The Nature deity. She squealed with delight as she saw with her eyes, the perfect gift. With a point of her wing toward the marvelous painting, she spoke again. "This one is marvelous! Oh, the artist must of had a grand ol' time painting each little stroke and detail...E-er, sorry, I get a little into...things.Yet again, she chuckled, flopping her ears down with a quick sheepish smile before perking right back up, asking a simple question. "W-wells...How much for it?"
@Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx

At the size of the black dragin, Cheese felt a little small, sure, and a wee bit intimidated to boot, but the moment Cheese looked at all the painting the stand had in store, even at the warm little stand itself, Cheese was quickly sedated, and began looking at the stand's wares. There was a certain twinkle in her eyes as she causally looked from painting to painting, oohing and awing at all the images inside and the colors used. But with a self given slap to the face, she remembered what she was there for. She looked back at the guardian with a smile, and politely started to talk O-ohs, Hello. I-i'm looking for a present for a friend... She scanned each of the paintings seriously, looking for something her friend would like, and then she saw the right one, in the corner of her eye. The Nature deity. She squealed with delight as she saw with her eyes, the perfect gift. With a point of her wing toward the marvelous painting, she spoke again. "This one is marvelous! Oh, the artist must of had a grand ol' time painting each little stroke and detail...E-er, sorry, I get a little into...things.Yet again, she chuckled, flopping her ears down with a quick sheepish smile before perking right back up, asking a simple question. "W-wells...How much for it?"
The string of paintings bounced as Abyss gently unhooked the desired painting from the rope, handling it with care as she walked on her hind legs back to the front of her stand. She pointed to a sign that had large red lettering painted onto the wooden surface. Deities: 5000 Gold Coins. The currency system in their city was rather high, high enough for the poorest dragon to be rich on the other side of the world. Abyss placed it in front of Cheese so that she may take a closer look at it in broad daylight. Her ruby red gaze then shifted upwards in the direction of where the commotion once was, seeing a looking rather lost Wildclaw. The item he held in his talons looked important, but the lettering smudged. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be recieving a new supply of paint today since her old jars were depleted. She let off a 'screeoar' to call him over, forgetting that that sound startles nearby dragons on accident. No harm done. Abyss reached back to open her small pouch, bringing out every coin in a single handful. Paying for delivery was no problem, but paying for everything else can get quite expensive. The imperial caste however usually had it covered, for the Primals paid for her shop to save her the pain of taxes.

@ShadowChaser @Adalinda @CitrineRose @Saluki @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia
The string of paintings bounced as Abyss gently unhooked the desired painting from the rope, handling it with care as she walked on her hind legs back to the front of her stand. She pointed to a sign that had large red lettering painted onto the wooden surface. Deities: 5000 Gold Coins. The currency system in their city was rather high, high enough for the poorest dragon to be rich on the other side of the world. Abyss placed it in front of Cheese so that she may take a closer look at it in broad daylight. Her ruby red gaze then shifted upwards in the direction of where the commotion once was, seeing a looking rather lost Wildclaw. The item he held in his talons looked important, but the lettering smudged. Then she remembered that she was supposed to be recieving a new supply of paint today since her old jars were depleted. She let off a 'screeoar' to call him over, forgetting that that sound startles nearby dragons on accident. No harm done. Abyss reached back to open her small pouch, bringing out every coin in a single handful. Paying for delivery was no problem, but paying for everything else can get quite expensive. The imperial caste however usually had it covered, for the Primals paid for her shop to save her the pain of taxes.

@ShadowChaser @Adalinda @CitrineRose @Saluki @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia
*ok, this is my first post, here it goes....* @RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia

As Nixus wondered the marketplace, she thought of what she would be buying today. BOOM!! She suddenly ran into a golden Tundra! She appeared to have not noticed, looking at an accually brilliant painting. 'Sorry, there.' she murmured quietly. She quietly slipped of into the crowd, thinking about the golden Tundra
There it was! She had finally found what she was look for, a fight!
Being her, Nixus jumped right in and started attacking the unknown dragon. During the fight, she saw the strange golden Tundra again and ran up to her and asked 'what's your name?'

*ok, this is my first post, here it goes....* @RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia

As Nixus wondered the marketplace, she thought of what she would be buying today. BOOM!! She suddenly ran into a golden Tundra! She appeared to have not noticed, looking at an accually brilliant painting. 'Sorry, there.' she murmured quietly. She quietly slipped of into the crowd, thinking about the golden Tundra
There it was! She had finally found what she was look for, a fight!
Being her, Nixus jumped right in and started attacking the unknown dragon. During the fight, she saw the strange golden Tundra again and ran up to her and asked 'what's your name?'

@RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @calebf63

With a noticeable huff from her flared nostrils, the runt proportioned Skydancer slipped in and around the wandering crowd. She had run off from morning battle practice as a way to clear her head- her siblings were up in her face again. To reward them for their annoyance, she promptly left Aldor with a matching muzzle scar much like Tigrise's. Would they ever learn?

To avoid getting scolded again, Terokkar had bounded off in hopes to find isolation. The marketplace wasn't the greatest choice, but to be fair, she was still in a stupor of rage before she realized she was getting bumped around. She cast a few sharp "watch it!"s to any passerby, warning them of her seemingly never ending foul mood. Already her tail had been tripped over, much to her disdain and harsh hissing ensued, directed at a pair of hatchlings before they ran off in fear. She was an Elite, curse the stars, and should be treated as such!

At least she was somewhat feared. That thought in mind kept her pleased. Just because she was the runt of her nest, did not mean she was weak and incapable of surviving.

Now, she thought absently, craning her head around the area. Find a way out of this place...
@RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia @calebf63

With a noticeable huff from her flared nostrils, the runt proportioned Skydancer slipped in and around the wandering crowd. She had run off from morning battle practice as a way to clear her head- her siblings were up in her face again. To reward them for their annoyance, she promptly left Aldor with a matching muzzle scar much like Tigrise's. Would they ever learn?

To avoid getting scolded again, Terokkar had bounded off in hopes to find isolation. The marketplace wasn't the greatest choice, but to be fair, she was still in a stupor of rage before she realized she was getting bumped around. She cast a few sharp "watch it!"s to any passerby, warning them of her seemingly never ending foul mood. Already her tail had been tripped over, much to her disdain and harsh hissing ensued, directed at a pair of hatchlings before they ran off in fear. She was an Elite, curse the stars, and should be treated as such!

At least she was somewhat feared. That thought in mind kept her pleased. Just because she was the runt of her nest, did not mean she was weak and incapable of surviving.

Now, she thought absently, craning her head around the area. Find a way out of this place...
Yui looked up to acknowledge the bright pink Wildclaw in front of her. His rouge-ish apparel gave her an unsettling feeling, one that was hard to ignore. She looked at his outstretched claw, motioning towards the half-dead laborer on her aching back. Yui stared back at him, and paused to think for a moment. 'Are you going to make a wise choice, or another foolish one?' "I appreciate the offer, but the aid is not needed." Yui's senses sparked to life as she noticed the sack of meat the dragon had in his possession. Her nostrils flared, and her stomach bit at her furiously. She recalled that her breakfast had been spoiled by the limp, possibly dead being, still slung across her back. Yui quickly turned her attention towards one of the stalls, where a small assemble of colorful dragons were gathered at the large Guardian's art stand. Yui's eyes darted from one place to another, at the dragon before her, at the wiry dragon on her back, at the bag of meat, and finally at the art stand. 'You have two options: get the hell out of here, or get the hell out of here. Take your pick.' The snarky voice that had been bugging her all morning was back, and frankly, she was getting tired of it, as it grew more controlling and clearer after every interaction. Nodding in the bright pink Wildclaw's direction, once again, Yui made her way to the exit.

The chatter of the menagerie of dragons crowded around different stalls disoriented Yui greatly. The smell of food being cooked and sold make her mouth water and her legs grew weak. She became grumpier with every step she took. A few times, she had bumped into others, some growling and snapping at her. In response, she growled and snapped back, and even tripped one. 'Wow, aren't we a little crude today?' Yui pretended not to hear the voice. Overburdened with hunger, Yui finally removed her wolf pelt, shook out some currency out of its ear, and gathered them in her palm. Food was just around the corner. Yui made a detour at one of the corners, and found a small food stand. Yui placed her order, and her food was quickly delivered. She thanked the merchant, and turned to gather her food in her arms. The great part about being a bipedal was that she could walk and eat at the same time. She was so caught up in her bliss, that she didn't notice the dragon that had stopped in the middle of the intersection. She slammed into his wings, and both Yui and the labored that was once on her back crashed to the earth. She scrambled to gather herself and the limp dragon, and grabbed him between her teeth. Big mistake. The large dragon stared at her and gasped. "CANNIBAL! SAVAGE! DEMON!" The shouting attracted yet another crowd, and they all screeched in fear at the sight. Yui scrambled, and, food in hand and pesant in mouth, she fled the scene, and left no trace of herself.

'Nice going,' the voice taunted.

@RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @SnarkyShinx
Yui looked up to acknowledge the bright pink Wildclaw in front of her. His rouge-ish apparel gave her an unsettling feeling, one that was hard to ignore. She looked at his outstretched claw, motioning towards the half-dead laborer on her aching back. Yui stared back at him, and paused to think for a moment. 'Are you going to make a wise choice, or another foolish one?' "I appreciate the offer, but the aid is not needed." Yui's senses sparked to life as she noticed the sack of meat the dragon had in his possession. Her nostrils flared, and her stomach bit at her furiously. She recalled that her breakfast had been spoiled by the limp, possibly dead being, still slung across her back. Yui quickly turned her attention towards one of the stalls, where a small assemble of colorful dragons were gathered at the large Guardian's art stand. Yui's eyes darted from one place to another, at the dragon before her, at the wiry dragon on her back, at the bag of meat, and finally at the art stand. 'You have two options: get the hell out of here, or get the hell out of here. Take your pick.' The snarky voice that had been bugging her all morning was back, and frankly, she was getting tired of it, as it grew more controlling and clearer after every interaction. Nodding in the bright pink Wildclaw's direction, once again, Yui made her way to the exit.

The chatter of the menagerie of dragons crowded around different stalls disoriented Yui greatly. The smell of food being cooked and sold make her mouth water and her legs grew weak. She became grumpier with every step she took. A few times, she had bumped into others, some growling and snapping at her. In response, she growled and snapped back, and even tripped one. 'Wow, aren't we a little crude today?' Yui pretended not to hear the voice. Overburdened with hunger, Yui finally removed her wolf pelt, shook out some currency out of its ear, and gathered them in her palm. Food was just around the corner. Yui made a detour at one of the corners, and found a small food stand. Yui placed her order, and her food was quickly delivered. She thanked the merchant, and turned to gather her food in her arms. The great part about being a bipedal was that she could walk and eat at the same time. She was so caught up in her bliss, that she didn't notice the dragon that had stopped in the middle of the intersection. She slammed into his wings, and both Yui and the labored that was once on her back crashed to the earth. She scrambled to gather herself and the limp dragon, and grabbed him between her teeth. Big mistake. The large dragon stared at her and gasped. "CANNIBAL! SAVAGE! DEMON!" The shouting attracted yet another crowd, and they all screeched in fear at the sight. Yui scrambled, and, food in hand and pesant in mouth, she fled the scene, and left no trace of herself.

'Nice going,' the voice taunted.

@RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @SnarkyShinx
Fen / Vyrus | FR +3
Traveling Dragon Thread! | CS acct Clearance for FR
"Go to the market and you will find your path." Pearl snorted, remembering her mother's word. 'What new could be at the market?' she thought as she wandered around the stalls. She saw some commotion earlier concerning a fainted or dead skydancer but Pearl didn't care enough to find out.

She looked around when something caught her eye, it was a painting of the Plague mother, the one detiy that she actually respected and some times prayed. She wandered closer to the stall and took a closer look at the incomplete painting. The artist was a black crystal dragon, who Pearl gave a nod of respect too.

" Your work is beautiful, I would like to purchase the painting of the plague mother." she said as she gestured with her head. She waited patiently for the black guardian to reply.

@RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia @Coatl2001
"Go to the market and you will find your path." Pearl snorted, remembering her mother's word. 'What new could be at the market?' she thought as she wandered around the stalls. She saw some commotion earlier concerning a fainted or dead skydancer but Pearl didn't care enough to find out.

She looked around when something caught her eye, it was a painting of the Plague mother, the one detiy that she actually respected and some times prayed. She wandered closer to the stall and took a closer look at the incomplete painting. The artist was a black crystal dragon, who Pearl gave a nod of respect too.

" Your work is beautiful, I would like to purchase the painting of the plague mother." she said as she gestured with her head. She waited patiently for the black guardian to reply.

@RedOptics @Adalinda @Saluki @Shadowchaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia @Coatl2001
The stand seemed to be quite popular today as Abyss returned her attention to the new Guardian that had walked up. It was normal for dragons to want to buy unfinished work, and normally she didn't mind it. All that was needed in return from the dragon was patience first, and since she usually had more of a hold list, there would be no problem in waiting until the next day. The black crystal dragon perked her flaps, turning her head to look back at the work on the easel. She curled the tip of her tail and looked back at the Guardian before her, holding up a single talon to say 'one moment', then put her mind on the small Tundra again.

Abyss's pupils began to contract a bit before opening again as two new, royal looking dragons walked in. Both Ridgeback males, larger than her and much scarier looking. They carried a weapon much like a triangular axe with a staff in the middle, golden plated and crested with jewels. At the top of the staff, hovering right above the blade was a small torch, blazing brightly against the gold, and high above the dragon's heads. At the bottom of the staff was a sharp spear head, digging into the ground every time they took a step. Their bodies were shielded with gold filigree armor, and fabrics hung across their wings in different colours to match their liking. One was a coal and obsidian black colour with azul wings and tiger stripes. The other was white and red with black wings, having a vipera gene hidden there somewhere. Royal guards. If they were visiting the marketplace, she was certain it was because they were rookies, and clearly snobby ones at that. Abyss made sure her red gaze burned into their only visible scales before looking away, and hoping no one got hurt by their foolishness.

@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia @deathbysuzu @Coatl2001
The stand seemed to be quite popular today as Abyss returned her attention to the new Guardian that had walked up. It was normal for dragons to want to buy unfinished work, and normally she didn't mind it. All that was needed in return from the dragon was patience first, and since she usually had more of a hold list, there would be no problem in waiting until the next day. The black crystal dragon perked her flaps, turning her head to look back at the work on the easel. She curled the tip of her tail and looked back at the Guardian before her, holding up a single talon to say 'one moment', then put her mind on the small Tundra again.

Abyss's pupils began to contract a bit before opening again as two new, royal looking dragons walked in. Both Ridgeback males, larger than her and much scarier looking. They carried a weapon much like a triangular axe with a staff in the middle, golden plated and crested with jewels. At the top of the staff, hovering right above the blade was a small torch, blazing brightly against the gold, and high above the dragon's heads. At the bottom of the staff was a sharp spear head, digging into the ground every time they took a step. Their bodies were shielded with gold filigree armor, and fabrics hung across their wings in different colours to match their liking. One was a coal and obsidian black colour with azul wings and tiger stripes. The other was white and red with black wings, having a vipera gene hidden there somewhere. Royal guards. If they were visiting the marketplace, she was certain it was because they were rookies, and clearly snobby ones at that. Abyss made sure her red gaze burned into their only visible scales before looking away, and hoping no one got hurt by their foolishness.

@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Ultmia @deathbysuzu @Coatl2001
@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx@Ultmia @deathbysuzu @Coatl2001 @RedOptics [url=] [img][/img] [/url] As usual, the marketplace was bustling with activity. Dragons hurried around getting their daily chores done as vendors hustled their merchandise. The silver spiral lay coiled around a think branch, in a large tree that overlooked the marketplace. The tree was next to a art vendor, with a large guardian selling pictures of the deities. Arcene's piercing blue eyes studied them. She wasn't much for religion, but the photographs were rather nice. Arcene rested her slender head on the branch and watched the events below. Some skinny skydancer had fainted and been taken away by a wildclaw, but other than that not much had took place. Arcene laid in a different tree every day; she enjoyed watching the life below. She had yet to be seen by any dragon, but she figured she would soon; her scales glimmered and reflectex light brightly and the sun rose further in the sky. Arcene yawned. She'd have to join the bustle some time; she had things to do and buy.
@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx@Ultmia @deathbysuzu @Coatl2001 @RedOptics


As usual, the marketplace was bustling with activity. Dragons hurried around getting their daily chores done as vendors hustled their merchandise.
The silver spiral lay coiled around a think branch, in a large tree that overlooked the marketplace. The tree was next to a art vendor, with a large guardian selling pictures of the deities. Arcene's piercing blue eyes studied them. She wasn't much for religion, but the photographs were rather nice.
Arcene rested her slender head on the branch and watched the events below. Some skinny skydancer had fainted and been taken away by a wildclaw, but other than that not much had took place. Arcene laid in a different tree every day; she enjoyed watching the life below. She had yet to be seen by any dragon, but she figured she would soon; her scales glimmered and reflectex light brightly and the sun rose further in the sky.

Arcene yawned. She'd have to join the bustle some time; she had things to do and buy.
@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @deathbysuzu @IvyVines @Ultmia @RedOptics @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx
(First post, here goes!)
Wolfram trotted through the marketplace, making no effort to hide his identity. Other dragons avoided him, stumbling out of the way with shocked hisses. He groaned as he spotted palace guards giving him dirty looks, great. He disappeared among the crowd, spotting a commotion with a fainting dragon, but kept going. He took a stop at a painting shop, he liked the colors, even if he didn't care what was on it.
@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @deathbysuzu @IvyVines @Ultmia @RedOptics @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx
(First post, here goes!)
Wolfram trotted through the marketplace, making no effort to hide his identity. Other dragons avoided him, stumbling out of the way with shocked hisses. He groaned as he spotted palace guards giving him dirty looks, great. He disappeared among the crowd, spotting a commotion with a fainting dragon, but kept going. He took a stop at a painting shop, he liked the colors, even if he didn't care what was on it.
@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @deathbysuzu @IvyVines @Ultmia @RedOptics @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15

Chi's eyes moved back and forth as she tried to move unnoticed...of course, due to her being a large, bright red Nocturne, it wasn't as if she was hard to miss. Her scales showed more then enough scars to prove all the fights she's been in. In one of her large claws, gripped tightly, was a small satchel. She growled threateningly at anyone who looked at it strange, and lashed out at anyone who got close to it. Because of that, other Dragons gave her a wide birth. That suited her just fine. Soon enough, she slips into an unused shop, though she was still easily seen, and pulls a small book out of the satchel.
@Adalinda @Saluki @ShadowChaser @deathbysuzu @IvyVines @Ultmia @RedOptics @CitrineRose @SnarkyShinx @Drakka15

Chi's eyes moved back and forth as she tried to move unnoticed...of course, due to her being a large, bright red Nocturne, it wasn't as if she was hard to miss. Her scales showed more then enough scars to prove all the fights she's been in. In one of her large claws, gripped tightly, was a small satchel. She growled threateningly at anyone who looked at it strange, and lashed out at anyone who got close to it. Because of that, other Dragons gave her a wide birth. That suited her just fine. Soon enough, she slips into an unused shop, though she was still easily seen, and pulls a small book out of the satchel.