

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Dragon Revolution (RP Thread)
It's come to my attention that we clearly do not tag the amount of people there are in the actual rp itself, so here's a list of who's currently in play: Adalina- Carduus Saluki- Nelke (lovin the pink) ShadowChaser- Tanulth CitrineRose- Yui Ultmia- Cheese SnarkyShinx- Terokkar Drakka15- Wolfram IvyVines- Arcene RedCross- Savitar calebf63- Nixus deathbysuzu- Pearl Lamvin- Chi Alpine- Icarus Cinber- Torald MasterDarklight- Valeria For the sake of the rp, I found the sizes of dragons compared to one another: The inspiration for the rp came from a specific theme [url][/url], I know it may sound childish, but come on, I have a pretty good plot. In order to play, you must sign up here: I'm going to repost the rules here because some of you might never again take a look at the sign up thread. 1. This is a semi-advanced roleplay, no posts shorter than 4 lines. -Semi advance ALSO means: Proper grammar, try to stay away from OOC posting in itself, use the enter and tab key thanks. 2. No powerplay, advertising (unless its in your sig), no other annoying stuff. 3. IF YOU MUST SWEAR, use asterisks. [Minor curses are permitted (i.e. damn, hell)] 4. If you are not going to be active, please tell me. 5. Try to post at least twice a month, don't just let your activity die on the spot. 6. Make your posts SENSIBLE of others please. 7. DON'T whine and complain if something doesn't go your way. Now, for those who were properly accepted, begin posting! Abyss: [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
It's come to my attention that we clearly do not tag the amount of people there are in the actual rp itself, so here's a list of who's currently in play:

Adalina- Carduus
Saluki- Nelke (lovin the pink)
ShadowChaser- Tanulth
CitrineRose- Yui
Ultmia- Cheese
SnarkyShinx- Terokkar
Drakka15- Wolfram
IvyVines- Arcene
RedCross- Savitar
calebf63- Nixus
deathbysuzu- Pearl
Lamvin- Chi
Alpine- Icarus
Cinber- Torald
MasterDarklight- Valeria

For the sake of the rp, I found the sizes of dragons compared to one another:

The inspiration for the rp came from a specific theme, I know it may sound childish, but come on, I have a pretty good plot.

In order to play, you must sign up here:

I'm going to repost the rules here because some of you might never again take a look at the sign up thread.

1. This is a semi-advanced roleplay, no posts shorter than 4 lines.
-Semi advance ALSO means: Proper grammar, try to stay away from OOC posting in itself, use the enter and tab key thanks.
2. No powerplay, advertising (unless its in your sig), no other annoying stuff.
3. IF YOU MUST SWEAR, use asterisks. [Minor curses are permitted (i.e. damn, hell)]
4. If you are not going to be active, please tell me.
5. Try to post at least twice a month, don't just let your activity die on the spot.
6. Make your posts SENSIBLE of others please.
7. DON'T whine and complain if something doesn't go your way.

Now, for those who were properly accepted, begin posting!


@RedOptics @Adalina @Saluki @CitrineRose
((Hope this is okay for a first post.))

In the midst of a bustling marketplace, Tanulth walked towards the many stalls with the supplies he carried on his back, while doing his best to try and balance the uneven load. He did his best to keep a low profile in this area, hoping not to be harassed, or worse, as he procured what his masters wanted. However, the foul treatment he'd been subject to over the last few months had taken its toll, and soon, the Skydancer was unsteady, and his thin frame shook with every step he took. Tanulth knew he couldn't continue on for long, but he risked getting beaten for his tardiness, and that motivated him to move at a brisker pace.

After picking up the required materials and adding them to what he carried, Tanulth started the long trek back towards the house, which was, unfortunately for him, on the other side of the city. He soon decided that he was going to stop and rest for a while, especially since his breaths came in uneven heaves and his legs shook from exertion. Tanulth made a mental note to walk slower next time as he removed the harness that allowed him to carry loads on his back. As he stood up to stretch his sore wings and back, he was hit with a bout of nausea and his forelegs nearly buckled. He realized something was very wrong with him, and tried to call for assistance, but before he could do so, another wave of nausea swept over him and left him reeling, before descending into unconsciousness.
@RedOptics @Adalina @Saluki @CitrineRose
((Hope this is okay for a first post.))

In the midst of a bustling marketplace, Tanulth walked towards the many stalls with the supplies he carried on his back, while doing his best to try and balance the uneven load. He did his best to keep a low profile in this area, hoping not to be harassed, or worse, as he procured what his masters wanted. However, the foul treatment he'd been subject to over the last few months had taken its toll, and soon, the Skydancer was unsteady, and his thin frame shook with every step he took. Tanulth knew he couldn't continue on for long, but he risked getting beaten for his tardiness, and that motivated him to move at a brisker pace.

After picking up the required materials and adding them to what he carried, Tanulth started the long trek back towards the house, which was, unfortunately for him, on the other side of the city. He soon decided that he was going to stop and rest for a while, especially since his breaths came in uneven heaves and his legs shook from exertion. Tanulth made a mental note to walk slower next time as he removed the harness that allowed him to carry loads on his back. As he stood up to stretch his sore wings and back, he was hit with a bout of nausea and his forelegs nearly buckled. He realized something was very wrong with him, and tried to call for assistance, but before he could do so, another wave of nausea swept over him and left him reeling, before descending into unconsciousness.
bigger__bbb_button____flight_rising_by_myth_o_logical-daes7nv.png Barracuda
OL: 04:00~19:00
Clicky Clicky?
No Eggs ^w^
Come Outfit
Your Dragons!
Something snapped in the back of Yui's consciousness. Something's not quite right.
Yui stretched her wings and flexed her muscles. She looked around, her stomach grumbling with a series of ferocious growls. That same feeling. The one from before was still constantly nagging and snapping like rubber at the back of her mind. Maybe if I settle my stomach, the feelings will disappear. Yui spotted her wolf pelt, greaves, and wing adornments, then quickly prepared herself for what lay ahead. The dusty earth swirled its sand around her, causing her to stir and sneeze. 'I wonder what the marketplace has in store for me this day...' The young Wildclaw began her trek towards the marketplace, where she was sure that there were many delicacies to enjoy for her breakfast. As the small town grew closer into sight, she noticed some thing. Something was, off. Not in a 'suddenly desolated area' way, but it wasn't the usual friendly atmosphere, either. Much to Yui's surprise, the vendors of the marketplace were crowded around the small intersection in the middle. 'What the devil?' Pardoning herself (and stepping on many vendor's toes and merchandise), Yui made her way to what everyone was fussing over. 'Is this the foreboding feeling that I had this morning? A dragon who lay unconscious in the square?!' She was disappointed, to say the least. I thought that there would have been something more...shocking. Something pricked Yui's conscience. Help him, a voice whispered. The dragon snorted, and tossed her head in the opposite direction, her body doing the same. Help him. The voice was stronger and more demanding his time around. Yui rolled her fire-forged eyes, and motioned for the bystanders to clear the way. Stooping down to aid the poor Skydancer, she balanced him on her back, and stalked off back to her cave. 'There goes my breakfast...' Yui thought angrily.
((sorry for the plainness on the descriptions it's kinda late where I am))

@RedOptics @Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser
Something snapped in the back of Yui's consciousness. Something's not quite right.
Yui stretched her wings and flexed her muscles. She looked around, her stomach grumbling with a series of ferocious growls. That same feeling. The one from before was still constantly nagging and snapping like rubber at the back of her mind. Maybe if I settle my stomach, the feelings will disappear. Yui spotted her wolf pelt, greaves, and wing adornments, then quickly prepared herself for what lay ahead. The dusty earth swirled its sand around her, causing her to stir and sneeze. 'I wonder what the marketplace has in store for me this day...' The young Wildclaw began her trek towards the marketplace, where she was sure that there were many delicacies to enjoy for her breakfast. As the small town grew closer into sight, she noticed some thing. Something was, off. Not in a 'suddenly desolated area' way, but it wasn't the usual friendly atmosphere, either. Much to Yui's surprise, the vendors of the marketplace were crowded around the small intersection in the middle. 'What the devil?' Pardoning herself (and stepping on many vendor's toes and merchandise), Yui made her way to what everyone was fussing over. 'Is this the foreboding feeling that I had this morning? A dragon who lay unconscious in the square?!' She was disappointed, to say the least. I thought that there would have been something more...shocking. Something pricked Yui's conscience. Help him, a voice whispered. The dragon snorted, and tossed her head in the opposite direction, her body doing the same. Help him. The voice was stronger and more demanding his time around. Yui rolled her fire-forged eyes, and motioned for the bystanders to clear the way. Stooping down to aid the poor Skydancer, she balanced him on her back, and stalked off back to her cave. 'There goes my breakfast...' Yui thought angrily.
((sorry for the plainness on the descriptions it's kinda late where I am))

@RedOptics @Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser
Fen / Vyrus | FR +3
Traveling Dragon Thread! | CS acct Clearance for FR
@CitrineRose @Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser

Abyss had been a few stands down the bustling area, as usual, giving some colour to the dull outer marketplace with a bright shop with an iridescent of colours. A Ridgeback vendor she had known to sell materials for a cheap cost had come up to offer her some more red fabric so that she may continue to get together a full outfit. Though the vendor's attention was focused on the red, white and black material, the Guardian in the painting stand turned her head in the direction of the gathering dragons. I wonder what's going on over there.... Perhaps another fight? Far from it apparently, as she spotted a Wildclaw emerge with a young Skydancer on her back. Her flaps perked as she tilted her horns slightly, studying her appearance.

The black dragon trilled at the vendor softly and grabbed a handful of gold coins, placing them in his own and quickly thanked him with a nod before putting the cloths away. I should probably go an investigate the problem.... Abyss hid the jar of her earnings after grabbing another handful and placed them in a small satchel around her waist, slithering out of her shop to go confront the dragon. With a thump of her tail and a quick, low roar, she attempted to call the female 'Claw over. It wasn't meant to sound challenging or threatening in anyway, but her source of communications were limited.
@CitrineRose @Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser

Abyss had been a few stands down the bustling area, as usual, giving some colour to the dull outer marketplace with a bright shop with an iridescent of colours. A Ridgeback vendor she had known to sell materials for a cheap cost had come up to offer her some more red fabric so that she may continue to get together a full outfit. Though the vendor's attention was focused on the red, white and black material, the Guardian in the painting stand turned her head in the direction of the gathering dragons. I wonder what's going on over there.... Perhaps another fight? Far from it apparently, as she spotted a Wildclaw emerge with a young Skydancer on her back. Her flaps perked as she tilted her horns slightly, studying her appearance.

The black dragon trilled at the vendor softly and grabbed a handful of gold coins, placing them in his own and quickly thanked him with a nod before putting the cloths away. I should probably go an investigate the problem.... Abyss hid the jar of her earnings after grabbing another handful and placed them in a small satchel around her waist, slithering out of her shop to go confront the dragon. With a thump of her tail and a quick, low roar, she attempted to call the female 'Claw over. It wasn't meant to sound challenging or threatening in anyway, but her source of communications were limited.
Yui trudged through the stands and vendors, making her way towards the exit of the marketplace. She passed by numerous shops, but one in particular made a noise. The young dragon stopped in her tracks. She had heard a soft growl coming from one of the shops. Yui whipped her head in the direction it came from, and as she did, she made eye contact with a crystallized Guardian. She walked around the being before her, carefully examining every scale. Stopping in front of her, she noticed that the dragon's eyes were fixed on the Skydancer placed on her back. 'She should at least know what happened, so it won't look like I'm going to eat him for breakfast or I knocked him out cold..' Yui thought. She began to speak sharply, "So I see that you are curious about the one on my back. He was unconscious in the square when I found him, and to be perfectly honest, he should be more careful about where he flops around. Ruined my breakfast, he did. If I wasn't so compassionate I would have left him, but not everything works out the way they are planned." Yui's back grew hotter as the sun's rays rose and burned through her wolf pelt and the dragon on her back. "Well, good day, I'll be off now." She dug her claws into the clay pathway and continued to the exit.

'You should probably go back and make a PROPER introduction.' The same voice that had rattled her brain not to long ago made its presence known again. Yui sunk her head level to the ground in exasperation, and let out a sigh, followed quickly by a growl. The Skydancer was getting heavier as the moments grew longer. Hunger tore at her as she sauntered back to the Guardian she spoke rather crudely to. "I don't believe I properly introduced myself to you a moment ago. Let me try again: my name is Yui, a member of the Imperial caste. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @RedOptics
Yui trudged through the stands and vendors, making her way towards the exit of the marketplace. She passed by numerous shops, but one in particular made a noise. The young dragon stopped in her tracks. She had heard a soft growl coming from one of the shops. Yui whipped her head in the direction it came from, and as she did, she made eye contact with a crystallized Guardian. She walked around the being before her, carefully examining every scale. Stopping in front of her, she noticed that the dragon's eyes were fixed on the Skydancer placed on her back. 'She should at least know what happened, so it won't look like I'm going to eat him for breakfast or I knocked him out cold..' Yui thought. She began to speak sharply, "So I see that you are curious about the one on my back. He was unconscious in the square when I found him, and to be perfectly honest, he should be more careful about where he flops around. Ruined my breakfast, he did. If I wasn't so compassionate I would have left him, but not everything works out the way they are planned." Yui's back grew hotter as the sun's rays rose and burned through her wolf pelt and the dragon on her back. "Well, good day, I'll be off now." She dug her claws into the clay pathway and continued to the exit.

'You should probably go back and make a PROPER introduction.' The same voice that had rattled her brain not to long ago made its presence known again. Yui sunk her head level to the ground in exasperation, and let out a sigh, followed quickly by a growl. The Skydancer was getting heavier as the moments grew longer. Hunger tore at her as she sauntered back to the Guardian she spoke rather crudely to. "I don't believe I properly introduced myself to you a moment ago. Let me try again: my name is Yui, a member of the Imperial caste. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

@Adalina @Saluki @ShadowChaser @RedOptics
Fen / Vyrus | FR +3
Traveling Dragon Thread! | CS acct Clearance for FR
@CitrineRose @ShadowChaser @Saluki @Adalina

Abyss snorted, looking down at Yui with an expressiom that was hardnto read. But there was the slightest of friendly vibes coming from her ruby red eyes. Another Imperial eh? Good to know that others roam this place. The dragon stomped over to her side and sniffed the Skydancer, imediatly knowing whst caste he was in. She let off a soft gurgle in her throat as she attempted to wish her luck with the new temporary weight on her back. It was rude of her not to introduce herself, but fate had its reasons of course.

Her black crystal scales glittered in the new gray light as she slwly backed off to turn for her stand. The whip-like end of her tail flicked to acknowledge the presence of the Wildclaw, whether or not she would have already left. Maybe these coins shoukd have been given to that littke Skydancer... it looked like he needed it. Nothing she could do now as she had already left them be. At the moment, she had to focus on three things at once, the paintings, the cloth, the dragons. The dragons... Every lower caste was getting weaker, that was the second time this week someone had fallen and had not got up. Then Abyss realized that she alone was not enough to make changes. She needed a little more help.
@CitrineRose @ShadowChaser @Saluki @Adalina

Abyss snorted, looking down at Yui with an expressiom that was hardnto read. But there was the slightest of friendly vibes coming from her ruby red eyes. Another Imperial eh? Good to know that others roam this place. The dragon stomped over to her side and sniffed the Skydancer, imediatly knowing whst caste he was in. She let off a soft gurgle in her throat as she attempted to wish her luck with the new temporary weight on her back. It was rude of her not to introduce herself, but fate had its reasons of course.

Her black crystal scales glittered in the new gray light as she slwly backed off to turn for her stand. The whip-like end of her tail flicked to acknowledge the presence of the Wildclaw, whether or not she would have already left. Maybe these coins shoukd have been given to that littke Skydancer... it looked like he needed it. Nothing she could do now as she had already left them be. At the moment, she had to focus on three things at once, the paintings, the cloth, the dragons. The dragons... Every lower caste was getting weaker, that was the second time this week someone had fallen and had not got up. Then Abyss realized that she alone was not enough to make changes. She needed a little more help.
[columns][center][url=] [img][/img] [/url][/center][nextcol]@RedOptics @Adalina @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose ((Sorry for the late reply guys! But I like the way things are going already! Also, if you guys would rather I not include Nelke's image in the occasional post please let me know!))[/columns] Nelke yawned sleepily as he wandered around the bustling marketplace of the lower castes, taking in the assortment of sights and smells in the busy place. He was up at a ridiculous hour that morning for training with his combat tutor and his legs still hurt from it all. However rather than sleep until the sun came up as he so desperately wanted, after his training the young Wildclaw shed all of his usual jewelry and adornments and immediately set out for the marketplace. Though he had nothing else to do that day, his parents were hosting a garden party. And there was nothing that Nelke wanted less than to listen to his families stuck-up friends complain about how 'slovenly' and unsophisticated' their servants were and hear them brag about their new wings silks for the hundredth time. So Nelke found himself wandering the market, his beloved rose furs and silks replaced with rougher, darker garb and a hood that hopefully hid his distinctive markings - on the rare chance that any Elites were around. He had browsed the market for a while and decided to stop for breakfast at a dusty little stall that smelt deliciously of spices, owned by an enthusiastic Tundra that convinced Nelke to buy some of every type of type of dried meat he sold. Though the young Wildclaw wasn't nearly that hungry, he had money to burn and the Tundra, likely an Imperial or an upstart Laborer, could make more use of it then he ever could. As Nelke left the stall, clutching the bag of meat that would be his breakfast, he swore he heard a commotion in the market. Flaring his crest in curiosity, the bright pink dragon weaved between stalls, trying to find the source of the commotion. When he finally arrived in a more open part of the market, he saw dragons dispersing back to their stalls and tasks. Wondering what he had missed he glanced around and spotted two darkly colored dragons talking in the middle of the path. As he walked over to the two the Guardian turned to leave, her crystalline scales shimmering beautifully in the light. Approaching the other dragon, Nelke noticed she was carrying something large on her back, and upon closer inspection was surprised to see what looked like a dead Skydancer. [b]"Hello."[/b] He purred, bowing his head in greeting. [b]"Do you need any assistance with...that?"[/b] He offered charmingly, gesturing over at the gaunt-looking Skydancer. The poor thing didn't look awfully heavy but Nelke needed an excuse to ask about it.

((Sorry for the late reply guys! But I like the way things are going already!

Also, if you guys would rather I not include Nelke's image in the occasional post please let me know!))

Nelke yawned sleepily as he wandered around the bustling marketplace of the lower castes, taking in the assortment of sights and smells in the busy place. He was up at a ridiculous hour that morning for training with his combat tutor and his legs still hurt from it all.
However rather than sleep until the sun came up as he so desperately wanted, after his training the young Wildclaw shed all of his usual jewelry and adornments and immediately set out for the marketplace. Though he had nothing else to do that day, his parents were hosting a garden party. And there was nothing that Nelke wanted less than to listen to his families stuck-up friends complain about how 'slovenly' and unsophisticated' their servants were and hear them brag about their new wings silks for the hundredth time.

So Nelke found himself wandering the market, his beloved rose furs and silks replaced with rougher, darker garb and a hood that hopefully hid his distinctive markings - on the rare chance that any Elites were around. He had browsed the market for a while and decided to stop for breakfast at a dusty little stall that smelt deliciously of spices, owned by an enthusiastic Tundra that convinced Nelke to buy some of every type of type of dried meat he sold. Though the young Wildclaw wasn't nearly that hungry, he had money to burn and the Tundra, likely an Imperial or an upstart Laborer, could make more use of it then he ever could.

As Nelke left the stall, clutching the bag of meat that would be his breakfast, he swore he heard a commotion in the market. Flaring his crest in curiosity, the bright pink dragon weaved between stalls, trying to find the source of the commotion. When he finally arrived in a more open part of the market, he saw dragons dispersing back to their stalls and tasks. Wondering what he had missed he glanced around and spotted two darkly colored dragons talking in the middle of the path. As he walked over to the two the Guardian turned to leave, her crystalline scales shimmering beautifully in the light. Approaching the other dragon, Nelke noticed she was carrying something large on her back, and upon closer inspection was surprised to see what looked like a dead Skydancer.

"Hello." He purred, bowing his head in greeting. "Do you need any assistance with...that?" He offered charmingly, gesturing over at the gaunt-looking Skydancer. The poor thing didn't look awfully heavy but Nelke needed an excuse to ask about it.
@Saluki @RedOptics @CitrineRose @Adalina @ShadowChaser [img][/img] Cheese fluttered over the Marketplace, flapping about in the sky. Her head bobbed along to the music in her head as she slowly landed and lightly skipped through the marketplace. Why? For the other day, her friend took her to a concert! For a Laborer as herself, being even allowed into the concert hall was shocking enough, but sitting in the front row? Ah, the music she heard will likely stick with her forever, the instruments still played in her mind, as she bobbed her head to the beat, and stepped in time of the songs. Sure, the Elites that were at the concert glared at her with icy cold stares, and others with pleasant surprise as she stepped in the hall and sat down, and even at the marketplace, Cheese's given looks of both hatred and admiration from all castes. But nothing could break Cheese's happy mood, mainly because she never knew it was happening in the first place. But as she bounced through the market, her bubble was popped the moment she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. [i]"Oh right! It's his birthday soon..."[/i] She spoke in a mumble, giving her head a scratch as she looked around for what to get, but quickly, her eyes were attracted to a stand with seemingly all the colors of the rainbow. [i]"..Oooooh!"[/i] She skittered over to the painting stand, saying "Excuse me!" to anyone she happened to bump into to. With a skid, she stopped in from of the painting stand, looking at the black Guardian coming back to the stand. [i]"U-um, excuses me, are you the"[/i] Cheese tried and failed to pronounce a big fancy word given to her by her friend. [i]"T-the um, owner of this stand?"[/i] Her ears flopped down in embarrassment, as she sheepishly chuckled in light of her mistake.
@Saluki @RedOptics @CitrineRose @Adalina @ShadowChaser


Cheese fluttered over the Marketplace, flapping about in the sky. Her head bobbed along to the music in her head as she slowly landed and lightly skipped through the marketplace. Why? For the other day, her friend took her to a concert! For a Laborer as herself, being even allowed into the concert hall was shocking enough, but sitting in the front row? Ah, the music she heard will likely stick with her forever, the instruments still played in her mind, as she bobbed her head to the beat, and stepped in time of the songs. Sure, the Elites that were at the concert glared at her with icy cold stares, and others with pleasant surprise as she stepped in the hall and sat down, and even at the marketplace, Cheese's given looks of both hatred and admiration from all castes. But nothing could break Cheese's happy mood, mainly because she never knew it was happening in the first place. But as she bounced through the market, her bubble was popped the moment she remembered what she was supposed to be doing. "Oh right! It's his birthday soon..." She spoke in a mumble, giving her head a scratch as she looked around for what to get, but quickly, her eyes were attracted to a stand with seemingly all the colors of the rainbow. "..Oooooh!" She skittered over to the painting stand, saying "Excuse me!" to anyone she happened to bump into to. With a skid, she stopped in from of the painting stand, looking at the black Guardian coming back to the stand. "U-um, excuses me, are you the" Cheese tried and failed to pronounce a big fancy word given to her by her friend. "T-the um, owner of this stand?" Her ears flopped down in embarrassment, as she sheepishly chuckled in light of her mistake.

@Saluki @ShadowChaser @Adalina @CitrineRose @Ultmia

Abyss simoly slithered back into her stand and turned her head to the side to see the Tundra female better. She nodded and perked her flaps to acknowledge her friendly appearance. The dragon towered over her, being that her breed was the third largest in the dragon kingoms. She quickly bent down underneath the front of the stand to bring her jar of coins back out and placed it in a safe spot where no one would steal it from her. The candles that lit her shop were still burning in strings, and it cause the stand to have a bright and warm, orangy glow that was rather welcoming. Behind the obsidian crystal dragon was an unfinished painting on an easle of the Plague diety. Even for a twisted and distgusting looking virus, the colours of the painting were too vibrant for it not to be appreciated. It was her element after all.

Behind the easler, further back, canvases with fascinating imaged caked onto them sat on a narrow ledge, over lapping eachother as they crowded it. Flowers, cityscapes, landscapes, animals, all genres of art as bright as day yet also as dark as night gave such life to the stand that one's eyes would begin to hurt if stared at. Hanging above them, however, all dieties of every element strung across the width of the stand, intentionally lit up by multicoloured candles to enhance the colours. Abyss studied the dragon before her, as if it were her job to recognize everyone who visited the marketplace.
@Saluki @ShadowChaser @Adalina @CitrineRose @Ultmia

Abyss simoly slithered back into her stand and turned her head to the side to see the Tundra female better. She nodded and perked her flaps to acknowledge her friendly appearance. The dragon towered over her, being that her breed was the third largest in the dragon kingoms. She quickly bent down underneath the front of the stand to bring her jar of coins back out and placed it in a safe spot where no one would steal it from her. The candles that lit her shop were still burning in strings, and it cause the stand to have a bright and warm, orangy glow that was rather welcoming. Behind the obsidian crystal dragon was an unfinished painting on an easle of the Plague diety. Even for a twisted and distgusting looking virus, the colours of the painting were too vibrant for it not to be appreciated. It was her element after all.

Behind the easler, further back, canvases with fascinating imaged caked onto them sat on a narrow ledge, over lapping eachother as they crowded it. Flowers, cityscapes, landscapes, animals, all genres of art as bright as day yet also as dark as night gave such life to the stand that one's eyes would begin to hurt if stared at. Hanging above them, however, all dieties of every element strung across the width of the stand, intentionally lit up by multicoloured candles to enhance the colours. Abyss studied the dragon before her, as if it were her job to recognize everyone who visited the marketplace.
@RedOptics @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia
(Eeeeppp!!! I'm sorry for the late reply, you guys. My username has two D's in it, and I wasn't getting your pings. x.x)

"I really hate marketplaces," Carduus gasped under his breath as he flinched away from passers-by and dodged in and out between the crowd, with varying levels of success. He was gripping thin parchment tightly in one claw, and the other was resting over his satchel latch to deter pickpockets. He was on a schedule, and couldn't afford to get lost or go on a goose chase in this traffic.

Suddenly, he literally ran into the back of a particularly solid Snapper. Carduss caught himself short of blurting out several apologies when he saw the Snapper didn't only not notice, but that they wasn't the only one parked. Several dragons were gathered around something. Craining over the mass in front of him, he just barely saw blurs of a dragon making off with another on their shoulder, and shortly thereafter, being tailed by two others.

I could swear they may need help... but there's not much time left, he thought to himself, nervously wringing the parchment in his hands before snapping as to what he did. He almost dropped it when he scrambled to check the paper that had the package's address written in coal. It was completely blurred and ineligible, and the most he could remember was "Imperial," "Guardian," and "Artist." He internally felt like crying at his foolishness, and made after the group he saw before heading into a cave, praying they'd have an idea of what it meant.
@RedOptics @ShadowChaser @CitrineRose @Ultmia
(Eeeeppp!!! I'm sorry for the late reply, you guys. My username has two D's in it, and I wasn't getting your pings. x.x)

"I really hate marketplaces," Carduus gasped under his breath as he flinched away from passers-by and dodged in and out between the crowd, with varying levels of success. He was gripping thin parchment tightly in one claw, and the other was resting over his satchel latch to deter pickpockets. He was on a schedule, and couldn't afford to get lost or go on a goose chase in this traffic.

Suddenly, he literally ran into the back of a particularly solid Snapper. Carduss caught himself short of blurting out several apologies when he saw the Snapper didn't only not notice, but that they wasn't the only one parked. Several dragons were gathered around something. Craining over the mass in front of him, he just barely saw blurs of a dragon making off with another on their shoulder, and shortly thereafter, being tailed by two others.

I could swear they may need help... but there's not much time left, he thought to himself, nervously wringing the parchment in his hands before snapping as to what he did. He almost dropped it when he scrambled to check the paper that had the package's address written in coal. It was completely blurred and ineligible, and the most he could remember was "Imperial," "Guardian," and "Artist." He internally felt like crying at his foolishness, and made after the group he saw before heading into a cave, praying they'd have an idea of what it meant.

{Scorpio}{INFP}Ybw3PCU.gif{Two Hours ahead}