

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A Debt Repaid [Private]

Acgyll looks over to the to the two signing briefly. She signs back. Though it's a bit sloppy, the message is clear. 'Name her champion -- your firstborne is alive and well, a champion above illness.'


Lambent hisses at the two. Oh how she wished she could crush the little bugs, but no. She digs her claws into the ground and leans directly over them, showing her teeth and the saliva dripping down.


Ramotholo begins pacing up and down the bridge. Oooh, if only there were a way to get down! He peaks over the edge, a gust of wind slamming him in the face causes him to stumble backwards into the railing. He begins pacing again, hoping someone to rescue him from this weirdly violent wind.

Acgyll looks over to the to the two signing briefly. She signs back. Though it's a bit sloppy, the message is clear. 'Name her champion -- your firstborne is alive and well, a champion above illness.'


Lambent hisses at the two. Oh how she wished she could crush the little bugs, but no. She digs her claws into the ground and leans directly over them, showing her teeth and the saliva dripping down.


Ramotholo begins pacing up and down the bridge. Oooh, if only there were a way to get down! He peaks over the edge, a gust of wind slamming him in the face causes him to stumble backwards into the railing. He begins pacing again, hoping someone to rescue him from this weirdly violent wind.
@Averil Mionla mulls that over a moment, and nods, Andri signs his agreement as well, the pair quite pleased over the new name, "Little Carlyn then." whispers Mionla to the little hatchling. [center]~*~[/center] The nocturnes are quite pleased with this game. The both take a similar stance, wingclaws dug into the ground, spines flared, showing rows of tiny sharp teeth, and hissing around their own drool. It's quite an impressive mimic really. [center]~*~[/center] If Ramotholo cared to look, there were indeed stair down the side, though the wind would still make travel difficult. But if he happens to stay a moment, he is happened upon by a trio of mirrors, returned for rest from a quite successful hunt if the state of the claws and blood covered maws are any indication. [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The female seems to lead the pack, leaping down from the cliff above, folding her wings in tight and landing with a thud near the tundra. The others follow behind in a similar fashion. "Morning there," she says grinning, all gleaming teeth and bloody lips, "a bit lost little fluff?"

Mionla mulls that over a moment, and nods, Andri signs his agreement as well, the pair quite pleased over the new name, "Little Carlyn then." whispers Mionla to the little hatchling.


The nocturnes are quite pleased with this game. The both take a similar stance, wingclaws dug into the ground, spines flared, showing rows of tiny sharp teeth, and hissing around their own drool. It's quite an impressive mimic really.


If Ramotholo cared to look, there were indeed stair down the side, though the wind would still make travel difficult.

But if he happens to stay a moment, he is happened upon by a trio of mirrors, returned for rest from a quite successful hunt if the state of the claws and blood covered maws are any indication.




The female seems to lead the pack, leaping down from the cliff above, folding her wings in tight and landing with a thud near the tundra. The others follow behind in a similar fashion.

"Morning there," she says grinning, all gleaming teeth and bloody lips, "a bit lost little fluff?"

Acgyll beams. What a wonderful, though unintentional, visit she was having. She returns her full attention to the Wildclaw to criticize his treatment of Caven and their hatchlings; make sure he was a worthy father and whatnot.


Lambent has to swallow back the poisonous bile she wants to spit at these tiny Nocturnes. She takes her tail and attempts to use it to sweep the tiny hatchlings back into the hatchery without having to touch the gross things with her hands.


Ramotholo keeps pacing for a while before having not one, not two, but three Mirrors interrupt him. He curses to himself about being surrounded by brutes; they were his only help though, so he didn't have much choice.

He begins nervously stuttering and explaining his situation, how he was there with another Mirror and a Skydancer who had suddenly left him behind due to their impatience and he needed to find them again...but of course, the wind current seems to have him preoccupied as he occasionally paces nervously near the edge of the bridge.

Acgyll beams. What a wonderful, though unintentional, visit she was having. She returns her full attention to the Wildclaw to criticize his treatment of Caven and their hatchlings; make sure he was a worthy father and whatnot.


Lambent has to swallow back the poisonous bile she wants to spit at these tiny Nocturnes. She takes her tail and attempts to use it to sweep the tiny hatchlings back into the hatchery without having to touch the gross things with her hands.


Ramotholo keeps pacing for a while before having not one, not two, but three Mirrors interrupt him. He curses to himself about being surrounded by brutes; they were his only help though, so he didn't have much choice.

He begins nervously stuttering and explaining his situation, how he was there with another Mirror and a Skydancer who had suddenly left him behind due to their impatience and he needed to find them again...but of course, the wind current seems to have him preoccupied as he occasionally paces nervously near the edge of the bridge.

The wildclaw is sitting next to the nest at this point, odd bird thing perched in his crest. He rolls one of the hatchlings back onto it's belly as it had fallen over, while the other tries to crawl up his back. Cavan has settled into the nest herself. The two converse a bit to quietly for her to here, but something about the wildclaws accent sounds a bit familiar.


As they're swiped away one of the nocs latches onto the tail and quickly begins climbing up the mirrors back, she perches between Lambents wings and strikes her mimic battle pose again, hissing at the other. The other hops over the tale, glides to a halt right in front of Lambent and sniffs at her bile-filled mouth.


The two mirrors behind the female snicker at the other obvious nervousness, the lead lowers her head, looking ready to pounce.

"Another mirror? A few more and we'll have our own little pack. Well then little fluff, we could show you how to get down to your friends, follow us past the wind. Do you know where they might be currently?"

The darker mirror behind her snickers a bit.

The wildclaw is sitting next to the nest at this point, odd bird thing perched in his crest. He rolls one of the hatchlings back onto it's belly as it had fallen over, while the other tries to crawl up his back. Cavan has settled into the nest herself. The two converse a bit to quietly for her to here, but something about the wildclaws accent sounds a bit familiar.


As they're swiped away one of the nocs latches onto the tail and quickly begins climbing up the mirrors back, she perches between Lambents wings and strikes her mimic battle pose again, hissing at the other. The other hops over the tale, glides to a halt right in front of Lambent and sniffs at her bile-filled mouth.


The two mirrors behind the female snicker at the other obvious nervousness, the lead lowers her head, looking ready to pounce.

"Another mirror? A few more and we'll have our own little pack. Well then little fluff, we could show you how to get down to your friends, follow us past the wind. Do you know where they might be currently?"

The darker mirror behind her snickers a bit.

Agcyll smirks, waiting a little bit longer to excuse herself from Mionla and her nervous mate to approach her little niece and the Wildclaw.

"Ho, wee Lil'Caven. Ah don't mean ta interrupt, but Ah would like ta say hello without having to tell ya about ye hatchlings hatchin'." The Skydancer grins, but doesn't sit unless invited to.


The Mirror's had enough. She rolls over onto her back to force the Nocturne off of her. If it chooses not to move, it'll be dangerously close to being crushed by the massive weight of Lambent's gembond.

She makes sure the Nocturne's at least reachable by claw before yanking it off of her as she drops it on top of its sibling. Maybe violence would deter farther interactions.


"Um," Ramotholo thinks back to any hints. But, thanks to his wonderful Tundra brain, he fails to remember anything other than 'the mission'. "Well, Mirror was supposed to get forgiveness from Shadow Fae, but there was something Skydancer wanted...what was it?"

While he doesn't entirely know where they are, he precariously follows the other dragons down the steps. He's very nervous and moves rather slow before he thinks he can 'run for it' and reach the other bridge, which he succeeds in doing however clumsily.

Agcyll smirks, waiting a little bit longer to excuse herself from Mionla and her nervous mate to approach her little niece and the Wildclaw.

"Ho, wee Lil'Caven. Ah don't mean ta interrupt, but Ah would like ta say hello without having to tell ya about ye hatchlings hatchin'." The Skydancer grins, but doesn't sit unless invited to.


The Mirror's had enough. She rolls over onto her back to force the Nocturne off of her. If it chooses not to move, it'll be dangerously close to being crushed by the massive weight of Lambent's gembond.

She makes sure the Nocturne's at least reachable by claw before yanking it off of her as she drops it on top of its sibling. Maybe violence would deter farther interactions.


"Um," Ramotholo thinks back to any hints. But, thanks to his wonderful Tundra brain, he fails to remember anything other than 'the mission'. "Well, Mirror was supposed to get forgiveness from Shadow Fae, but there was something Skydancer wanted...what was it?"

While he doesn't entirely know where they are, he precariously follows the other dragons down the steps. He's very nervous and moves rather slow before he thinks he can 'run for it' and reach the other bridge, which he succeeds in doing however clumsily.

"Hello Acgyll. It is good to see ya." She ennunciates very clearly, and motions for the other to join them, raising one wing to reveal the hatchling hiding beneath. The darker-gemmed skydancer buries itself in it's mothers wing, peeking out at the older skydancer. It's sibling had climbed halfway up his fathers back and peeks over his shoulder at Acgyll chirping quietly at her and nipping at his fathers crest. The wildclaw seems quite pleased with this development, though the bird looks a bit worried.


The nocturne on her back leaps off and glides to the ground. When it gets dropped atop it's sister it rolls sideways.

The two scurry around Lambent happily before rolling on their backs in unison in front of her, chirping, and obviously pleased.


The mirror trio has no trouble making their way down, and watch as the tundra carefully picks his way down the ledge. Once they are below the top bridge, the wind suddenly stops.

"Alright. You're down. Now where can we drop you fluff?" asks the female.

The plague mirror huffs, "Let him find his won way around. He can wander, it's safer below the top bridge anyways."

The dark mirror smirks, "You could say the rest of the trip will be a breeze."

The female smiles at that, and returns her attention to the fluff. He can stay with the mirrors and follow them about, or look for the others on his own.

"Hello Acgyll. It is good to see ya." She ennunciates very clearly, and motions for the other to join them, raising one wing to reveal the hatchling hiding beneath. The darker-gemmed skydancer buries itself in it's mothers wing, peeking out at the older skydancer. It's sibling had climbed halfway up his fathers back and peeks over his shoulder at Acgyll chirping quietly at her and nipping at his fathers crest. The wildclaw seems quite pleased with this development, though the bird looks a bit worried.


The nocturne on her back leaps off and glides to the ground. When it gets dropped atop it's sister it rolls sideways.

The two scurry around Lambent happily before rolling on their backs in unison in front of her, chirping, and obviously pleased.


The mirror trio has no trouble making their way down, and watch as the tundra carefully picks his way down the ledge. Once they are below the top bridge, the wind suddenly stops.

"Alright. You're down. Now where can we drop you fluff?" asks the female.

The plague mirror huffs, "Let him find his won way around. He can wander, it's safer below the top bridge anyways."

The dark mirror smirks, "You could say the rest of the trip will be a breeze."

The female smiles at that, and returns her attention to the fluff. He can stay with the mirrors and follow them about, or look for the others on his own.

She gently settles down, watching the two hatchlings explore their new world...or choose not to and stay instinctively close to mother.

"Two beautiful, strong hatchlin's. Congrats ta ye, Caven and...well, Ah don't believe we've been introduced. Ah'm Acgyll, Caven's 'Aunt', in a sense." She offers a hand, expecting a shake and introduction in return.


"I'm surprised you can even roll all the way over with such fat stomachs and spines on your backs." The Mirror somewhat idly says. She prods one of them a little bit roughly with the tip of her tail.


"No, I think I'll b-be fine now, thank you for the assistance, Miss and Misters." Ramotholo states, trying to be polite, but still nervous there are Mirrors nearby and simply wanting out. He turns around and enters the largest cave behind him. That's gotta be important...maybe they're there.

She gently settles down, watching the two hatchlings explore their new world...or choose not to and stay instinctively close to mother.

"Two beautiful, strong hatchlin's. Congrats ta ye, Caven and...well, Ah don't believe we've been introduced. Ah'm Acgyll, Caven's 'Aunt', in a sense." She offers a hand, expecting a shake and introduction in return.


"I'm surprised you can even roll all the way over with such fat stomachs and spines on your backs." The Mirror somewhat idly says. She prods one of them a little bit roughly with the tip of her tail.


"No, I think I'll b-be fine now, thank you for the assistance, Miss and Misters." Ramotholo states, trying to be polite, but still nervous there are Mirrors nearby and simply wanting out. He turns around and enters the largest cave behind him. That's gotta be important...maybe they're there.
@Averil Being careful of the hatchling on his back the wildclaw graps the offered hand with both claws, "Pleased to meet ya! Ah'm Finbar, great ta meet anyone related to mah lady. ANd indeed, we're quite proud." And he seems it too, beaming at the adventurous and shy hatchlings alike. [center]~*~[/center] The prodded one rolls up in a ball and flips over, spines flat at first and flaring again as it rolled over, so that's how they do it then. The sister follows suit, mimicking her brother and flipping over. The pair sit up straight eager for what their new playmate does next. [center]~*~[/center] The mirror female nods, motions with the others, and all three leap off the side of the bridge, gliding to a much lower cave, scrabbling up the edge and heading inside. Ramotholo finds himself in a gigantic cave. The hall leads to an equally large open room lit with lights along the walls, though the hall is short enough the natural light from outside helps as well. Inside he finds two spirals. The pair are curled together by the tails on an incredibly over-sized nest of bedding made up of various creatures fur. The darker one is reading a rather large tome while the lighter one instantly notices the visitor. He disentangles himself and in a flurry of movement approaches the stranger. "Morning stranger! Another wanderer? Or just passing through friend?" [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [url=] [img][/img] [/url]

Being careful of the hatchling on his back the wildclaw graps the offered hand with both claws, "Pleased to meet ya! Ah'm Finbar, great ta meet anyone related to mah lady. ANd indeed, we're quite proud."

And he seems it too, beaming at the adventurous and shy hatchlings alike.


The prodded one rolls up in a ball and flips over, spines flat at first and flaring again as it rolled over, so that's how they do it then. The sister follows suit, mimicking her brother and flipping over.

The pair sit up straight eager for what their new playmate does next.


The mirror female nods, motions with the others, and all three leap off the side of the bridge, gliding to a much lower cave, scrabbling up the edge and heading inside.

Ramotholo finds himself in a gigantic cave. The hall leads to an equally large open room lit with lights along the walls, though the hall is short enough the natural light from outside helps as well.

Inside he finds two spirals. The pair are curled together by the tails on an incredibly over-sized nest of bedding made up of various creatures fur. The darker one is reading a rather large tome while the lighter one instantly notices the visitor. He disentangles himself and in a flurry of movement approaches the stranger.

"Morning stranger! Another wanderer? Or just passing through friend?"



"So, because Ah'm obviously new 'round here, Ah wanna know what ye've been up ta, Caven girl." Acgyll smirks. "Told ye've been helpin' with the lights and wires. Puttin' the little bit that ye could get out of Ainsworth ta good use?" She, very gently so as to not disturb the hatchling, nudges Caven.


Lambent looks at the two hatchlings, pondering. What wouldn't these hatchlings do? She stands and walks a little ways down the hall and away from the hatchery before looking behind her.

Unsurprising, the two have followed her. Now it was time for the real test. She uses some venom from her mouth, licks it onto her claws, and scratches the ground. It's a little thin to start, but the venom does burn away at the Earth, leaving much thicker lines. After all, Nature is strong against Earth.

She wants to know if they'll just simply copy her or try to copy the large scratch in the ground as well. Not that these tiny Nocturnes were even remotely strong enough, but she was curious.


He admires the room for its enormity, but is surrounded by sudden Spirals. He's sent into a nervous tizzy again.

"P-passing through with clan-mates. Making sure L-Lambent apologizes to Shadow Fae. Um...who are you?" The Tundra asks quietly.

"So, because Ah'm obviously new 'round here, Ah wanna know what ye've been up ta, Caven girl." Acgyll smirks. "Told ye've been helpin' with the lights and wires. Puttin' the little bit that ye could get out of Ainsworth ta good use?" She, very gently so as to not disturb the hatchling, nudges Caven.


Lambent looks at the two hatchlings, pondering. What wouldn't these hatchlings do? She stands and walks a little ways down the hall and away from the hatchery before looking behind her.

Unsurprising, the two have followed her. Now it was time for the real test. She uses some venom from her mouth, licks it onto her claws, and scratches the ground. It's a little thin to start, but the venom does burn away at the Earth, leaving much thicker lines. After all, Nature is strong against Earth.

She wants to know if they'll just simply copy her or try to copy the large scratch in the ground as well. Not that these tiny Nocturnes were even remotely strong enough, but she was curious.


He admires the room for its enormity, but is surrounded by sudden Spirals. He's sent into a nervous tizzy again.

"P-passing through with clan-mates. Making sure L-Lambent apologizes to Shadow Fae. Um...who are you?" The Tundra asks quietly.

The skydancer nods, "Yes. Though his teachin' left a bit ta be desired. I learned most from other clans in the Expanse, and the fae here, Lathrop. Here I do most of the wiring, and assist the fae in his projects."

The wildclaw pulls the hatchling off his back as it continues to aggravate the bird and places the little one in the nest where it immediately begins its ascent again, this time toward Acgyll. It sniffs curiously at her, before trying to climb her side. It's having a bit of difficulty but manages to cling onto a gem or two.

"Tiny little adventurer that one'll be! Ah'm sure of it." the wildclaw grins, reaching to relieve the guest of the little dragon spelunker.


The hatchlings indeed attempt to copy her, licking a claw each and scratching the ground. The boy sits proud in front of his minor scratch, but the girls stares between hers and Lmabents perplexed. She hops and scuttles over to Lambents scratch, sniffs it, dips in one claw, and yips as it burns a bit, before it goes away completely though she scratches the ground, now leaving a much deeper scratch. She grins up at the mirror as her brother worriedly sniffs at her slightly burnt claw. He observes her scratch though and chirps happily.


The dark colored spiral stays culred about his book, staring over at the two a bit nervoulsly. The grey one however is quite friendly.

"I'm Koli, that one is my brother Kolr. And shadow fae? You mean Etta! Who is Lambent? WHat is she apologizing for? Don't be so nervous friend? We won't hurt you."

The skydancer nods, "Yes. Though his teachin' left a bit ta be desired. I learned most from other clans in the Expanse, and the fae here, Lathrop. Here I do most of the wiring, and assist the fae in his projects."

The wildclaw pulls the hatchling off his back as it continues to aggravate the bird and places the little one in the nest where it immediately begins its ascent again, this time toward Acgyll. It sniffs curiously at her, before trying to climb her side. It's having a bit of difficulty but manages to cling onto a gem or two.

"Tiny little adventurer that one'll be! Ah'm sure of it." the wildclaw grins, reaching to relieve the guest of the little dragon spelunker.


The hatchlings indeed attempt to copy her, licking a claw each and scratching the ground. The boy sits proud in front of his minor scratch, but the girls stares between hers and Lmabents perplexed. She hops and scuttles over to Lambents scratch, sniffs it, dips in one claw, and yips as it burns a bit, before it goes away completely though she scratches the ground, now leaving a much deeper scratch. She grins up at the mirror as her brother worriedly sniffs at her slightly burnt claw. He observes her scratch though and chirps happily.


The dark colored spiral stays culred about his book, staring over at the two a bit nervoulsly. The grey one however is quite friendly.

"I'm Koli, that one is my brother Kolr. And shadow fae? You mean Etta! Who is Lambent? WHat is she apologizing for? Don't be so nervous friend? We won't hurt you."