

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A Debt Repaid [Private]
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"Nah na, it's alright, Finbar. Let her explore! She won't fall -- promise. Ah've watched after a buncha Ulster and Clare's kin. Caven might even remember a tad bit." She nudges the little one upwards after he hits a small snag, helping him on his ascent towards adventure.


She watches the two intensely before seeing the girl and the effort she puts forward. She grabs the girl with her two hands and holds her up into the light, scrutinizing her appearance.

"Perfect," Lambent simply says, her expression unchanging but her eyes sparkling a little bit. She places the girl down next to her brother again.

Lambent then opens her wings and begins to dash back towards the hatchery. She skids to a halt a few feet away and turns about, seeing if the other two follow suit.


He's a bit overwhelmed by the fast-talker and his multitude of questions. "Lambent's a terrible, awful dragon who b-beat Etta up."

"Nervous? No no, I'm not nervous. Not even a little bit." Ramotholo answers quickly.

"Nah na, it's alright, Finbar. Let her explore! She won't fall -- promise. Ah've watched after a buncha Ulster and Clare's kin. Caven might even remember a tad bit." She nudges the little one upwards after he hits a small snag, helping him on his ascent towards adventure.


She watches the two intensely before seeing the girl and the effort she puts forward. She grabs the girl with her two hands and holds her up into the light, scrutinizing her appearance.

"Perfect," Lambent simply says, her expression unchanging but her eyes sparkling a little bit. She places the girl down next to her brother again.

Lambent then opens her wings and begins to dash back towards the hatchery. She skids to a halt a few feet away and turns about, seeing if the other two follow suit.


He's a bit overwhelmed by the fast-talker and his multitude of questions. "Lambent's a terrible, awful dragon who b-beat Etta up."

"Nervous? No no, I'm not nervous. Not even a little bit." Ramotholo answers quickly.

The wildclaw responds as politley as possible, this is his lady loves aunt after all, "He actually, two gorgeous little boys. Not that it matters. Gorgeous little girls, gorgeous little whatevers really!"

Cavan nods at Acgylls comment, "Only bits really. I left quite young."

The little one continues his ascent up the other. He makes it to her back and looks about at this brand new landscape, a whole world of shiny white feathers and gem islands! He buries his face in the feathers and sniffs, and comes out sneezing, before climbing over her shoulder and staring curiously up at the older dragon.


Held up by Lambent the little one nips playfully at the mirrors face, obviously pleased. Her brother chirps from the ground, scurrying in an excited circle below her.

The two nocturnes are on her heels immediately, opening their wings at the last moment and skidding to a stop sideways, they stumble a tiny bit but stick the landing, watching curiously to see what happens next.


He stares confused at the tundra, "Etta got beat up? That's news. When? She tussles with everyone, never heard of her gettin straight 'beat up' though. And you seem quite a bit nervous to me friend. Come sit! Or we can help you find your Lambent."

The wildclaw responds as politley as possible, this is his lady loves aunt after all, "He actually, two gorgeous little boys. Not that it matters. Gorgeous little girls, gorgeous little whatevers really!"

Cavan nods at Acgylls comment, "Only bits really. I left quite young."

The little one continues his ascent up the other. He makes it to her back and looks about at this brand new landscape, a whole world of shiny white feathers and gem islands! He buries his face in the feathers and sniffs, and comes out sneezing, before climbing over her shoulder and staring curiously up at the older dragon.


Held up by Lambent the little one nips playfully at the mirrors face, obviously pleased. Her brother chirps from the ground, scurrying in an excited circle below her.

The two nocturnes are on her heels immediately, opening their wings at the last moment and skidding to a stop sideways, they stumble a tiny bit but stick the landing, watching curiously to see what happens next.


He stares confused at the tundra, "Etta got beat up? That's news. When? She tussles with everyone, never heard of her gettin straight 'beat up' though. And you seem quite a bit nervous to me friend. Come sit! Or we can help you find your Lambent."

"Hello, handsome one." She says down to the Skydancer, gently nuzzling him. She returns her attention to the parents. "Ah needta ask...what's his name? Do ye have one yet?"


"Alright, let's coordinate." She says, getting to eye-level with the hatchlings. "You have a good grip, right? Can you hold onto the finger of my wings? And, you know, do the hang-upside-down-Nocturne-thing for me?" She shows the tow of them the front of her wings, the 'thumb' sticking outwards for either of them to grab.

"If anyone comes down this hall, I'll open up my wings and the two of you fly forward and disorient the target." She looks between the two of them before saying, "and it will be freakin' hilarious."


"Um...I dunno. I dunno where to find Lambent or my Skydancer friend, Acgyll. They were impatient and left without me when I was listening to that fascinating instrument. I should find her though....she hurt that tiny Fae working with the fireworks, and she might go out of control again!" The Tundra looks about somewhat nervously and excited, sort of hoping Lambent would injure a dragon so Torebra would snap her neck or something similar.

"Hello, handsome one." She says down to the Skydancer, gently nuzzling him. She returns her attention to the parents. "Ah needta ask...what's his name? Do ye have one yet?"


"Alright, let's coordinate." She says, getting to eye-level with the hatchlings. "You have a good grip, right? Can you hold onto the finger of my wings? And, you know, do the hang-upside-down-Nocturne-thing for me?" She shows the tow of them the front of her wings, the 'thumb' sticking outwards for either of them to grab.

"If anyone comes down this hall, I'll open up my wings and the two of you fly forward and disorient the target." She looks between the two of them before saying, "and it will be freakin' hilarious."


"Um...I dunno. I dunno where to find Lambent or my Skydancer friend, Acgyll. They were impatient and left without me when I was listening to that fascinating instrument. I should find her though....she hurt that tiny Fae working with the fireworks, and she might go out of control again!" The Tundra looks about somewhat nervously and excited, sort of hoping Lambent would injure a dragon so Torebra would snap her neck or something similar.

Finbar grins at Acgyll and the hatchling, "We do actually, we decided before they were born on names ta give the little ones."

Cavan answers her aunt, "We're naming him Holden. His brother will be Clancy, she peeks under her wing and the skydancer pokes out his nose to meet his mother, she offers the little one a split second smile, before looking back up at her aunt, "May I ask why you are here?"


The nocturnes listen intently and nod along with her instructions. They are clearly quite excited about the idea, the two crawl up her gembond and loops their tail about her wing finger hanging upside down and grinning upside down at their new friend.

They both mimic her expression, steeling themselves for a scare.


The spiral looks rather shocked at the news, "Oh you went and saw the spiral girl then? Excellent, I listen to her music from here sometimes, it carries on the wind at night.
She attacked Tarlek? How awful. If they're looking for Etta, her nest is above here, but she was hanging around Denas today, to prep for Trickmurk! That's the bridge below here, go down and take a left toward the hatchling and healing quarters."

He smiles at the tundra, hoping he was helpful.

Finbar grins at Acgyll and the hatchling, "We do actually, we decided before they were born on names ta give the little ones."

Cavan answers her aunt, "We're naming him Holden. His brother will be Clancy, she peeks under her wing and the skydancer pokes out his nose to meet his mother, she offers the little one a split second smile, before looking back up at her aunt, "May I ask why you are here?"


The nocturnes listen intently and nod along with her instructions. They are clearly quite excited about the idea, the two crawl up her gembond and loops their tail about her wing finger hanging upside down and grinning upside down at their new friend.

They both mimic her expression, steeling themselves for a scare.


The spiral looks rather shocked at the news, "Oh you went and saw the spiral girl then? Excellent, I listen to her music from here sometimes, it carries on the wind at night.
She attacked Tarlek? How awful. If they're looking for Etta, her nest is above here, but she was hanging around Denas today, to prep for Trickmurk! That's the bridge below here, go down and take a left toward the hatchling and healing quarters."

He smiles at the tundra, hoping he was helpful.

"Ya remember Lambent -- ye know, the big and scary Mirror covered in gembond? Yeah, she got ina fight with yer Etta. Beat the snot outta each other." Acgyll leans her head a little to check and see if she can see Lambent outside of the door, careful not to disturb the tiny Skydancer on her back too much. She can, at least a little, see that she's not laying miserable on the ground anymore. That's improvement. "Torebra told 'er she hadta apologize, so one of our Tundras and myself went with 'er."

She looks back over to the couple, whispering. "Ah won't lie: Ah definitely came to see how they would devolve ta kickin' and fightin' again. They're both quite fierce fighters."


The Mirror folds her wings as much as she can without suffocating the mimic dragons too much, to hide them as best she can. It's a bit awkward, but Lambent doesn't care so long as her plan is successful.


"O-oh, alright. Thank you thank you thank you." The Tundra states a few times to make sure they understand his thankfulness. He has his little pep in his step and nervous, excited energy as he waves a farewell and hurries down to the bridge below. Luckily, since there's no real awful wind down here, he only fears the stairs for falling, which is enough to get him down without real incident.

After checking his paws and making 'L' shapes with his fingers to figure out which way is left, he begins nearly skipping down the hall. And look! Lambent's already farther down and pacing. Ooooh, she must've screwed up! Ramotholo hurries down the hall to meet and ridicule her.

He doesn't expect is the wicked smile and her wings unfurling. What happens next, he expects even less.

"Ya remember Lambent -- ye know, the big and scary Mirror covered in gembond? Yeah, she got ina fight with yer Etta. Beat the snot outta each other." Acgyll leans her head a little to check and see if she can see Lambent outside of the door, careful not to disturb the tiny Skydancer on her back too much. She can, at least a little, see that she's not laying miserable on the ground anymore. That's improvement. "Torebra told 'er she hadta apologize, so one of our Tundras and myself went with 'er."

She looks back over to the couple, whispering. "Ah won't lie: Ah definitely came to see how they would devolve ta kickin' and fightin' again. They're both quite fierce fighters."


The Mirror folds her wings as much as she can without suffocating the mimic dragons too much, to hide them as best she can. It's a bit awkward, but Lambent doesn't care so long as her plan is successful.


"O-oh, alright. Thank you thank you thank you." The Tundra states a few times to make sure they understand his thankfulness. He has his little pep in his step and nervous, excited energy as he waves a farewell and hurries down to the bridge below. Luckily, since there's no real awful wind down here, he only fears the stairs for falling, which is enough to get him down without real incident.

After checking his paws and making 'L' shapes with his fingers to figure out which way is left, he begins nearly skipping down the hall. And look! Lambent's already farther down and pacing. Ooooh, she must've screwed up! Ramotholo hurries down the hall to meet and ridicule her.

He doesn't expect is the wicked smile and her wings unfurling. What happens next, he expects even less.

Cavan slightly raises one eyeridge, accented by the gembond it almost looks like a real expression, “I see. So the big scary mirror is going to apologize to the little fae? From what I know of Etta, she will not live that down easily.”

Finbar nods at Acgylls personal assesment of the situation “Ah agree, that is much more likely. The fae is surprisingly fierce for a lil’ one.”


The noctunres curl closer to better envelope themselves in her wings, peering through the slightest slit, they wait.


The spiral bids the tundra farewell and watches him to be sure his journey down is successful and safe. Satisfied, he heads back inside to rejoin his brother, and bother him into going outside instead of reading all day.

As soon as the tundra rounds the corner and enters the hall, Lambent unfurls her wings. The two nocturnes immediately launch forward, flying in unison at the tundra face hissing. They whiff by the tundras mane, tails nearly whipping the side of his face. They veer up just before hitting him and latch onto the ceiling to watch the damage and the mirrors next move.

Hearing the ruckus in the hall Acaph looks up from his fiddling with the coatl twins, and sighs. They got out again, he was about 97% sure. Quickly moving out into the hall, the skydancer takes in the sight with tired, irritated, and admittedly slightly amused eyes. He was a shadow dragon after all, and who doesn’t enjoy a good trick?

Cavan slightly raises one eyeridge, accented by the gembond it almost looks like a real expression, “I see. So the big scary mirror is going to apologize to the little fae? From what I know of Etta, she will not live that down easily.”

Finbar nods at Acgylls personal assesment of the situation “Ah agree, that is much more likely. The fae is surprisingly fierce for a lil’ one.”


The noctunres curl closer to better envelope themselves in her wings, peering through the slightest slit, they wait.


The spiral bids the tundra farewell and watches him to be sure his journey down is successful and safe. Satisfied, he heads back inside to rejoin his brother, and bother him into going outside instead of reading all day.

As soon as the tundra rounds the corner and enters the hall, Lambent unfurls her wings. The two nocturnes immediately launch forward, flying in unison at the tundra face hissing. They whiff by the tundras mane, tails nearly whipping the side of his face. They veer up just before hitting him and latch onto the ceiling to watch the damage and the mirrors next move.

Hearing the ruckus in the hall Acaph looks up from his fiddling with the coatl twins, and sighs. They got out again, he was about 97% sure. Quickly moving out into the hall, the skydancer takes in the sight with tired, irritated, and admittedly slightly amused eyes. He was a shadow dragon after all, and who doesn’t enjoy a good trick?

"We'll see what happens. Ah don't know if it will even be sincere enough ta be an apology." The Skydancer gently extends a wing for the young one; a ramp leading down to his parents and brother, if he chooses to walk down that path.

She returns her attention to her niece. "So how'd you end up'n here, Caven? You just been fiddlin' with lights, or doin' more than that?"


Lambent leaps forward towards the scared Tundra. He gives a tiny screech and falls over on his butt in attempts to back up. Using his hands to cover his face, he braces himself for impact. The Mirror skids and stops a few inches from his face, a wicked smile on her own.

"Welcome back~" She whispers, but it's enough to make him jump two feet into the air and run a good twenty feet before he comprehended what just happened.

Lambent grins up to the Nocturnes on the ceiling. "Excellent work."

She fails to notice any annoyed Skydancers nearby.

"We'll see what happens. Ah don't know if it will even be sincere enough ta be an apology." The Skydancer gently extends a wing for the young one; a ramp leading down to his parents and brother, if he chooses to walk down that path.

She returns her attention to her niece. "So how'd you end up'n here, Caven? You just been fiddlin' with lights, or doin' more than that?"


Lambent leaps forward towards the scared Tundra. He gives a tiny screech and falls over on his butt in attempts to back up. Using his hands to cover his face, he braces himself for impact. The Mirror skids and stops a few inches from his face, a wicked smile on her own.

"Welcome back~" She whispers, but it's enough to make him jump two feet into the air and run a good twenty feet before he comprehended what just happened.

Lambent grins up to the Nocturnes on the ceiling. "Excellent work."

She fails to notice any annoyed Skydancers nearby.

The adventurous little skydancer notices, and having scaled the cliffs of Acgyll and mount Finbar already, he clumsily slides his way down the extended wing and starts the trek to the top of the hills of Cavan. He wakes his brother in the process and the quieter hatchlings pops his head out from under his mothers wing glancing around at the hatchery again, before settling on and staring at Acgyll.

Cavan, ignoring the hatchling scaling her side, answers, "Well, ah ended up here after traveling quite a bit. The electrician skills ah picked up'n the Expanse, did a bit o' training in the Wasteland before coming here. Here the fae Lathrop has been teaching me quite a bit about robotics. I believe you passed MRAUSS? That's our most recent project."

For about the first time in the conversation she actually seems energetic, "MRAUSS is supposedly the first in a line of realistic looking mobile robotic units. As far as ah know there doesn't seem to be a real need or purpose to it's existence, but helping create it has taught me a lot about the creation of basic AI and mobile robotic systems. We've been talking to the fae that works on the explosives, who ah don't really know the name of, the tundra seems to call her something different every day, about her golem and how it works as well but for some reason she doesn't want to explain. It's no matter though, if MRAUSS can run on it's own we won't need it anyways."


The nocturnes are more than pleased at the mirrors show, snickering at the tundras reaction. From the hatchery entrance Acaph folds his wings neatly against his back, stamps down his smile at the mirrors trick, and loudly clears his throat.

The nocturnes start to attention immediately and drop to the ground guiltily in front of the skydancer.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong little bats, but I believe we've talked about this kind of behavior. Could you remind me what I told you? I seem to have forgotten."

The nocturnes stare at the ground before mumbling, he holds one claw up to his ear and mimes leaning closer, they look up and simultaneously in the skydancers perfectly mimicked voice say, "Guests are to be treated with respect, and you are not to leave the hatchery without permission."

Acaph nods and motions inside with his head, the two flit off inward again, the girl turning about very quickly to wave goodbye to the mirror, before darting after her brother.

The skydancer walks over to the tundra and helps him stand again, "I apologize for the fright, they're getting old enough that they wander and explore a bit more frequently."

The adventurous little skydancer notices, and having scaled the cliffs of Acgyll and mount Finbar already, he clumsily slides his way down the extended wing and starts the trek to the top of the hills of Cavan. He wakes his brother in the process and the quieter hatchlings pops his head out from under his mothers wing glancing around at the hatchery again, before settling on and staring at Acgyll.

Cavan, ignoring the hatchling scaling her side, answers, "Well, ah ended up here after traveling quite a bit. The electrician skills ah picked up'n the Expanse, did a bit o' training in the Wasteland before coming here. Here the fae Lathrop has been teaching me quite a bit about robotics. I believe you passed MRAUSS? That's our most recent project."

For about the first time in the conversation she actually seems energetic, "MRAUSS is supposedly the first in a line of realistic looking mobile robotic units. As far as ah know there doesn't seem to be a real need or purpose to it's existence, but helping create it has taught me a lot about the creation of basic AI and mobile robotic systems. We've been talking to the fae that works on the explosives, who ah don't really know the name of, the tundra seems to call her something different every day, about her golem and how it works as well but for some reason she doesn't want to explain. It's no matter though, if MRAUSS can run on it's own we won't need it anyways."


The nocturnes are more than pleased at the mirrors show, snickering at the tundras reaction. From the hatchery entrance Acaph folds his wings neatly against his back, stamps down his smile at the mirrors trick, and loudly clears his throat.

The nocturnes start to attention immediately and drop to the ground guiltily in front of the skydancer.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong little bats, but I believe we've talked about this kind of behavior. Could you remind me what I told you? I seem to have forgotten."

The nocturnes stare at the ground before mumbling, he holds one claw up to his ear and mimes leaning closer, they look up and simultaneously in the skydancers perfectly mimicked voice say, "Guests are to be treated with respect, and you are not to leave the hatchery without permission."

Acaph nods and motions inside with his head, the two flit off inward again, the girl turning about very quickly to wave goodbye to the mirror, before darting after her brother.

The skydancer walks over to the tundra and helps him stand again, "I apologize for the fright, they're getting old enough that they wander and explore a bit more frequently."

She smiles kindly down to the other hatchling Skydancer. She even keeps her wing extended in case the to of them wanted to slide down it or scale it a few more times as Caven talks about learning electronics.

"Ah...don't honestly know what an AI is, but that...blockin' Snapper can move around? Oh, and the explosives Fae is Tarlek. We might' into 'er earlier. Broke some lights, Ah might've." She flinches a little. "Sorry."


Lambent is both a bit upset and silently relieved that the Nocturnes were escorted away. She would have no regrets unless that other one hadn't waved at her.

Ramotholo slowly puts the pieces together and calms himself. He nods wordlessly in thanks for the Skydancer's assistance, still playing through the scenario in his head. He then snaps back to reality and glares at the Mirror.

"You monster! You planned this! I hope you fall into the river below and break your wings and drown." The Tundra states outloud, not even thinking to stop himself.

Lambent doesn't really look taken-aback, just more so annoyed with him. "They were kids playing games and having fun." She explains, "You just happened to be the first dragon who came meandering through the hall. The prank would've been just as amusing if someone else had come along."

This does nothing but infuriate the Arcane dragon even more. "Don't lie to me, you snake!"

"Nothing I say can be true to you, can it?" The Mirror gives an exasperated sigh.

She smiles kindly down to the other hatchling Skydancer. She even keeps her wing extended in case the to of them wanted to slide down it or scale it a few more times as Caven talks about learning electronics.

"Ah...don't honestly know what an AI is, but that...blockin' Snapper can move around? Oh, and the explosives Fae is Tarlek. We might' into 'er earlier. Broke some lights, Ah might've." She flinches a little. "Sorry."


Lambent is both a bit upset and silently relieved that the Nocturnes were escorted away. She would have no regrets unless that other one hadn't waved at her.

Ramotholo slowly puts the pieces together and calms himself. He nods wordlessly in thanks for the Skydancer's assistance, still playing through the scenario in his head. He then snaps back to reality and glares at the Mirror.

"You monster! You planned this! I hope you fall into the river below and break your wings and drown." The Tundra states outloud, not even thinking to stop himself.

Lambent doesn't really look taken-aback, just more so annoyed with him. "They were kids playing games and having fun." She explains, "You just happened to be the first dragon who came meandering through the hall. The prank would've been just as amusing if someone else had come along."

This does nothing but infuriate the Arcane dragon even more. "Don't lie to me, you snake!"

"Nothing I say can be true to you, can it?" The Mirror gives an exasperated sigh.

The little one doesn't quite come out from under Cavans wing yet, but stretches his neck out a bit farther to sniff at the other, in the meantime his brother has made it onto Cavans back and perches there, pleased with himself glancing about at the talking adults.

"Yes it can, it has to be driven, but it does move. And'n AI is'n artificial intelligence, think of it like a long list o' responses to specific stimuli. We're working'n fuel efficiency now, not much use if it can't move farther than a few miles, we're thinking o' integrating some form o' solar power into it, but we haven't figured out how to do it without marring it's form," she pauses for breath and frowns at Acgyll's apology, "Ah just finished those yesterday, but alright. Why?"


Acaph frowns at the tundras behavior, "Well now. That's a tad overkill, it was a simple trick, nothing death threat worthy."

As he continues to yell the skydancer glares slightly, "And I would appreciate it if you kept you voice down, you are in front of a hatchery and a hospice. Keep your voice down."

The little one doesn't quite come out from under Cavans wing yet, but stretches his neck out a bit farther to sniff at the other, in the meantime his brother has made it onto Cavans back and perches there, pleased with himself glancing about at the talking adults.

"Yes it can, it has to be driven, but it does move. And'n AI is'n artificial intelligence, think of it like a long list o' responses to specific stimuli. We're working'n fuel efficiency now, not much use if it can't move farther than a few miles, we're thinking o' integrating some form o' solar power into it, but we haven't figured out how to do it without marring it's form," she pauses for breath and frowns at Acgyll's apology, "Ah just finished those yesterday, but alright. Why?"


Acaph frowns at the tundras behavior, "Well now. That's a tad overkill, it was a simple trick, nothing death threat worthy."

As he continues to yell the skydancer glares slightly, "And I would appreciate it if you kept you voice down, you are in front of a hatchery and a hospice. Keep your voice down."
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