

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | A Debt Repaid [Private]

The Skydancer chuckles a little, "I'm sure, after the forced apology, Lambent would love a rematch scrape. Unfortunately, I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen...yet."

When the Fae uses his hand signs, Acgyll bursts out laughing, further angering Acaph before his approach. "My goodness, ya took after ya mother, didn't ya? Another non-speakin' dragon. And persistent, just like 'er, too. I'm sure she'll be pleased."

She returns the 'hello' in somewhat messy sign language to him. It's of a slightly different dialect, because Gealrom is a Light dragon, but it's very similar.

When Acaph taps the much tinier Skydancer on the shoulder and gives his complaint, she signs a few rather rude gestures to him, but only Milona and Andri would really understand.


"I can understand the high notes and the low notes, but how do the other notes sound together? Are they a certain distance apart in their own tones?" He looks quizzically at his new Spiral-y friend. "And do you perform for other dragons? This seems like a fairly closed off place for shows."

The Skydancer chuckles a little, "I'm sure, after the forced apology, Lambent would love a rematch scrape. Unfortunately, I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen...yet."

When the Fae uses his hand signs, Acgyll bursts out laughing, further angering Acaph before his approach. "My goodness, ya took after ya mother, didn't ya? Another non-speakin' dragon. And persistent, just like 'er, too. I'm sure she'll be pleased."

She returns the 'hello' in somewhat messy sign language to him. It's of a slightly different dialect, because Gealrom is a Light dragon, but it's very similar.

When Acaph taps the much tinier Skydancer on the shoulder and gives his complaint, she signs a few rather rude gestures to him, but only Milona and Andri would really understand.


"I can understand the high notes and the low notes, but how do the other notes sound together? Are they a certain distance apart in their own tones?" He looks quizzically at his new Spiral-y friend. "And do you perform for other dragons? This seems like a fairly closed off place for shows."

The tundra grins, and Andri smiles at the others clumsy return, "I won't lie, it reminded me of home. And it was an interesting way to get to know one another! It's easier to focus on a long conversation if you have to learn how to speak another language the whole time, he-" she's cut off by the entrance of Acaph, and giggles at the sign she gives him.

Acaph sighs, and signs a much ruder expression right back, "I make an effort to understand all my fellow clan memebers. There is no need to be rude at a simple request."

Mionla sheepishly smiles at the skydancer, "Sorry Acaph, we will be a bit quieter. We were only excited to see one another! It's been so long."

He huffs, but nods, "It is fine. Thank you dear."

The skydancer wanders back off, to keep the mirror from running out the door, snatching him up just before he leaps outside. The mirror hatchling hisses in his arms.


"AH! Well," answers the spiral, "I used this implement to get the tones correct," she pulls out a tuning fork, chiming it with her claw, "and not yet. I need to perfect the instrument itself first. I hope to eventually create a smaller more mobile version to do just that. If it can be done before the Jamboree I will be quite pleased!"

The tundra grins, and Andri smiles at the others clumsy return, "I won't lie, it reminded me of home. And it was an interesting way to get to know one another! It's easier to focus on a long conversation if you have to learn how to speak another language the whole time, he-" she's cut off by the entrance of Acaph, and giggles at the sign she gives him.

Acaph sighs, and signs a much ruder expression right back, "I make an effort to understand all my fellow clan memebers. There is no need to be rude at a simple request."

Mionla sheepishly smiles at the skydancer, "Sorry Acaph, we will be a bit quieter. We were only excited to see one another! It's been so long."

He huffs, but nods, "It is fine. Thank you dear."

The skydancer wanders back off, to keep the mirror from running out the door, snatching him up just before he leaps outside. The mirror hatchling hisses in his arms.


"AH! Well," answers the spiral, "I used this implement to get the tones correct," she pulls out a tuning fork, chiming it with her claw, "and not yet. I need to perfect the instrument itself first. I hope to eventually create a smaller more mobile version to do just that. If it can be done before the Jamboree I will be quite pleased!"

The Skydancer laughs, though tries to be a bit quieter, and signs an 'okay, screw you' in the rudest way possible. "I getcha now, mister eggkeeper hatchling-watcher. No more obnoxious noises me."

When he takes his leave, she looks back at the others. "I like him. Very polite. Anyway, when are you expectin'?" The Skydancer gets to eye level with the tiny egg, inspecting it, but not getting too close.


"How would you make such a massive thing mobile?! That'll be a sight to see -- have any ideas how to accomplish that?" Ramotholo looks at it, marveling at the mechanisms once again. "Can you show me, please?" He sits in earnest, like a puppy about to get a treat, which he might, depending on the Spiral's playing.

The Skydancer laughs, though tries to be a bit quieter, and signs an 'okay, screw you' in the rudest way possible. "I getcha now, mister eggkeeper hatchling-watcher. No more obnoxious noises me."

When he takes his leave, she looks back at the others. "I like him. Very polite. Anyway, when are you expectin'?" The Skydancer gets to eye level with the tiny egg, inspecting it, but not getting too close.


"How would you make such a massive thing mobile?! That'll be a sight to see -- have any ideas how to accomplish that?" Ramotholo looks at it, marveling at the mechanisms once again. "Can you show me, please?" He sits in earnest, like a puppy about to get a treat, which he might, depending on the Spiral's playing.

Acaph doesn't catch the other sign, too busy going after the hatchlings, but Mionla nods, "Yeah. Acaph is pretty great. He's very good with the hatchlings, and um," she quiets a bit, "he's usually not so curt with guests? But he's a bit upset, the other shadow dragons in the clan are going home for Trickmurk, but he sort of is makin himself stay, to take care of the little ones."

When the skydancer inspects the egg, Andri brushes a few feathers off so she could get a better look, and signs 'should be any day now. i am hoping it will be healthy like it's mother.'


She glances back at the instrument, "Well, it would definelty be a smaller version, and not as powerful as this one, but I think I can get a similar effect from something moveable. It would be a wheeled contraption, with shorter pipes, perhaps even dissassembleable? I have not decided yet. It is still a prototype after all!"

At the request of a performance, she lights up even more excited than before, "Of course! Have a seat friend!"

She motions towards a pile of bedding that spans one wall, obviously too large for just her, so she must have a lot of listeners and company.

"Would you like something quick or slow? Oh wait! I know," she begins to play whirling across the semi-circular instrument, x.

Acaph doesn't catch the other sign, too busy going after the hatchlings, but Mionla nods, "Yeah. Acaph is pretty great. He's very good with the hatchlings, and um," she quiets a bit, "he's usually not so curt with guests? But he's a bit upset, the other shadow dragons in the clan are going home for Trickmurk, but he sort of is makin himself stay, to take care of the little ones."

When the skydancer inspects the egg, Andri brushes a few feathers off so she could get a better look, and signs 'should be any day now. i am hoping it will be healthy like it's mother.'


She glances back at the instrument, "Well, it would definelty be a smaller version, and not as powerful as this one, but I think I can get a similar effect from something moveable. It would be a wheeled contraption, with shorter pipes, perhaps even dissassembleable? I have not decided yet. It is still a prototype after all!"

At the request of a performance, she lights up even more excited than before, "Of course! Have a seat friend!"

She motions towards a pile of bedding that spans one wall, obviously too large for just her, so she must have a lot of listeners and company.

"Would you like something quick or slow? Oh wait! I know," she begins to play whirling across the semi-circular instrument, x.

She grins as the tiny Fae signs. "They'll get the best of both of you! Great minds and great strength. That's how Mionla here can smell, speak, and has the muscles of a champion flyer." The dragon pats the Tundra. It's a hard pat, but luckily the fur absorbs most the impact.


The Tundra gets up and bounds over to the 'real seating', sitting down to listen.

It's hard to follow her and her rapid body movements as she plays along the keys. It's a dizzying pace and he wonders how she got so good at smacking keys with her entire body to make such a fast-paced song. It's nearly nauseating.

He, instead, looks to the pipes. They reverberate with sound that fills the room. It's a little strange, since some of the notes create dissonance and echo around the room, but it's an enjoyable song.

At the end, Ramotholo claps in earnest. He'd throw a flower if he had one, since that's what Tusarri said was 'polite showmanship', but unfortunately he's lacking.

She grins as the tiny Fae signs. "They'll get the best of both of you! Great minds and great strength. That's how Mionla here can smell, speak, and has the muscles of a champion flyer." The dragon pats the Tundra. It's a hard pat, but luckily the fur absorbs most the impact.


The Tundra gets up and bounds over to the 'real seating', sitting down to listen.

It's hard to follow her and her rapid body movements as she plays along the keys. It's a dizzying pace and he wonders how she got so good at smacking keys with her entire body to make such a fast-paced song. It's nearly nauseating.

He, instead, looks to the pipes. They reverberate with sound that fills the room. It's a little strange, since some of the notes create dissonance and echo around the room, but it's an enjoyable song.

At the end, Ramotholo claps in earnest. He'd throw a flower if he had one, since that's what Tusarri said was 'polite showmanship', but unfortunately he's lacking.

He signs, 'i certainly hope so. i just hope it's not a fae.'

The tundra doesn't stumble even a bit under the pat and grins back, "You wanted to meet Cavan's mate as well yes? He's over there, the one with the bird!" She points over to the gem-covered wildclaw. Who is sitting between his two eggs now, while the birds flits atop them, not pecking, just perching. "He's not actually a member of our clan, he just visits a lot, I think Cavan said he travels from some clan in the Tangled Wood."

There's suddenly a flurry of movement near the wildclaw as he bolts up and darts over to Acaph excitedly leading the other back to the two egg nest. If she looks closely Acgyll may notice a crack or two in one egg, which the little webwinged bird flits about frantically, before the wildclaw covers the nest with his wings.

The taller skydancer inspects the nest, calms the rather frantic father, and turns about to the guests once again.

"I believe I overheard you were looking for Cavan? If you would be so kind as to give us a bit of privacy here and go fetch the girl you would have my thanks."

As she finishes her song, she turns about and gives a proper bow, clearly happy with her audiences reaction, "I plan to add a few skylit holes to this room as well, just narrow ones I'll make myself, so the sound doesn't echo quite so terribly. But I am quite pleased you enjoyed yourself, and I'm sorry friend, but why are you here anyways? We get so many wander ins, is yours a temporary or more permanent stay?"

He signs, 'i certainly hope so. i just hope it's not a fae.'

The tundra doesn't stumble even a bit under the pat and grins back, "You wanted to meet Cavan's mate as well yes? He's over there, the one with the bird!" She points over to the gem-covered wildclaw. Who is sitting between his two eggs now, while the birds flits atop them, not pecking, just perching. "He's not actually a member of our clan, he just visits a lot, I think Cavan said he travels from some clan in the Tangled Wood."

There's suddenly a flurry of movement near the wildclaw as he bolts up and darts over to Acaph excitedly leading the other back to the two egg nest. If she looks closely Acgyll may notice a crack or two in one egg, which the little webwinged bird flits about frantically, before the wildclaw covers the nest with his wings.

The taller skydancer inspects the nest, calms the rather frantic father, and turns about to the guests once again.

"I believe I overheard you were looking for Cavan? If you would be so kind as to give us a bit of privacy here and go fetch the girl you would have my thanks."

As she finishes her song, she turns about and gives a proper bow, clearly happy with her audiences reaction, "I plan to add a few skylit holes to this room as well, just narrow ones I'll make myself, so the sound doesn't echo quite so terribly. But I am quite pleased you enjoyed yourself, and I'm sorry friend, but why are you here anyways? We get so many wander ins, is yours a temporary or more permanent stay?"

"Interestin'" the Skydancer harshly inspects the Wildclaw, whose sudden movement makes Acgyll tense up. Her eyes become wide with excitement as she looks at the eggs -- her second cousin would be arriving into the world soon!

While the other Skydancer was still rather rude, she hardly cared. It was time to find Caven. There was one issue, though;

"Where do Ah find her?" She looks between the dragons gathered around.


Lambent also looks into the room, hearing the flurry of excitement. She groans a little bit and lays her head back on the ground once more. Parents were always annoying. She eyes Trip, "Shouldn't you be taking care of that, clan leader?" she scoffs.


Ramotholo's time had come. He sat down, motioning for the Spiral to sit nearby as he told his tale:

"I am part of a clan called the Saighneán Yarti, a large traveling performance troupe of sorts. We have many proud dragons who dance and show for other clans willing to spend a little coin. Among these dragons are our fine guards. I respect them for their work, while I don't understand it myself, as they watch for crimes and other wrongdoings. Though not all of these dragons are worthy of admiration." He smirks, "Like Lambent, a bully of a Mirror, who is here today to repent for her crimes against the Shadow Fae she nearly killed. I am here to make sure she does not repeat her crimes, which she nearly did to Fae-who-smells-of-burning."

He shakes his head in somewhat mock-disappointment, "A travesty, indeed. I do hope that she gets punished for her awful crimes."

"Interestin'" the Skydancer harshly inspects the Wildclaw, whose sudden movement makes Acgyll tense up. Her eyes become wide with excitement as she looks at the eggs -- her second cousin would be arriving into the world soon!

While the other Skydancer was still rather rude, she hardly cared. It was time to find Caven. There was one issue, though;

"Where do Ah find her?" She looks between the dragons gathered around.


Lambent also looks into the room, hearing the flurry of excitement. She groans a little bit and lays her head back on the ground once more. Parents were always annoying. She eyes Trip, "Shouldn't you be taking care of that, clan leader?" she scoffs.


Ramotholo's time had come. He sat down, motioning for the Spiral to sit nearby as he told his tale:

"I am part of a clan called the Saighneán Yarti, a large traveling performance troupe of sorts. We have many proud dragons who dance and show for other clans willing to spend a little coin. Among these dragons are our fine guards. I respect them for their work, while I don't understand it myself, as they watch for crimes and other wrongdoings. Though not all of these dragons are worthy of admiration." He smirks, "Like Lambent, a bully of a Mirror, who is here today to repent for her crimes against the Shadow Fae she nearly killed. I am here to make sure she does not repeat her crimes, which she nearly did to Fae-who-smells-of-burning."

He shakes his head in somewhat mock-disappointment, "A travesty, indeed. I do hope that she gets punished for her awful crimes."

Acaph glances between the egg and Acgyll, "Oh, my apologies. I asusmed Trip had already told you. You can usually find our local electrician in the workshop, it's the entrance with a sign, high up on the top bridge, be wary of the wind."

Once the question is answered he returns to the excited wildclaw.


Trip stops staring into the room and starts at the mirrors sudden question.

"Ah. Not really. I founded this clan, but I do not lead it. In fact I am hardly ever here, I am usually out travelling with Etta. Assuring. You all are quite lucky to have caught us, and by us I mean her, before we left again. Amused. She has been a tad stir crazy waiting for Kaja to say she was healed enough to fly again."

He peers curiously at the mirror again, "Curious. So do you plan on moping through this entire venture? Are you that angry to be here?"


Klavier ceases hovering and curls up next to the tundra, listening intently. Everything she did seemed to be full throttle, even listening.

"I see that sounds fascinating! I shall have to visit this performance someday whe it travels closer to here! And by shadow fae I assume you mean Etta, I did hear she'd had a fight with some mirror, though I assumed it was a mirror of our own clan, she is known for getting herself into mischief. I am quite sorry you have to travel with such company dear. How is she to repent?"

Acaph glances between the egg and Acgyll, "Oh, my apologies. I asusmed Trip had already told you. You can usually find our local electrician in the workshop, it's the entrance with a sign, high up on the top bridge, be wary of the wind."

Once the question is answered he returns to the excited wildclaw.


Trip stops staring into the room and starts at the mirrors sudden question.

"Ah. Not really. I founded this clan, but I do not lead it. In fact I am hardly ever here, I am usually out travelling with Etta. Assuring. You all are quite lucky to have caught us, and by us I mean her, before we left again. Amused. She has been a tad stir crazy waiting for Kaja to say she was healed enough to fly again."

He peers curiously at the mirror again, "Curious. So do you plan on moping through this entire venture? Are you that angry to be here?"


Klavier ceases hovering and curls up next to the tundra, listening intently. Everything she did seemed to be full throttle, even listening.

"I see that sounds fascinating! I shall have to visit this performance someday whe it travels closer to here! And by shadow fae I assume you mean Etta, I did hear she'd had a fight with some mirror, though I assumed it was a mirror of our own clan, she is known for getting herself into mischief. I am quite sorry you have to travel with such company dear. How is she to repent?"

"Right'o. Ah'll get 'er." She jumps upwards, turning to Miolna, "Ah'll be back soon to continue our chattin'. Gotta see my 'Lil Niece again." She hurries out of the room.

Lambent listens to Trip, lifting her head up off the ground when he comments on her moping. "Yes and no. No because the crowd of dragons -- Ramotholo especially. Yes bec--" Her sentence is cut off by Acgyll rushing past. Lambent immediately gets to her feet in instinctive reaction, though she has nothing to fight. She looks to the Fae confused, but then follows after her to make sure she doesn't fall and hit her head or something.


"She is to repent by giving up her pride and apologizing. She also must gift the assaulted, that is probably Etta, something of great importance to her." Ramotholo answers, beaming, "And yes, please come see us sometime! I work with our misfortune teller, Boss Tusarri, and he puts on quite a show!"

"Right'o. Ah'll get 'er." She jumps upwards, turning to Miolna, "Ah'll be back soon to continue our chattin'. Gotta see my 'Lil Niece again." She hurries out of the room.

Lambent listens to Trip, lifting her head up off the ground when he comments on her moping. "Yes and no. No because the crowd of dragons -- Ramotholo especially. Yes bec--" Her sentence is cut off by Acgyll rushing past. Lambent immediately gets to her feet in instinctive reaction, though she has nothing to fight. She looks to the Fae confused, but then follows after her to make sure she doesn't fall and hit her head or something.


"She is to repent by giving up her pride and apologizing. She also must gift the assaulted, that is probably Etta, something of great importance to her." Ramotholo answers, beaming, "And yes, please come see us sometime! I work with our misfortune teller, Boss Tusarri, and he puts on quite a show!"
@Averil Mionla nods, and retunrs to her single-egg nest, signing to Andri. Trip also rushes behind the skydancer, darting and catching up to her easily, "Curious," he says quickly, "why the rushing?" Regardless of whether or not she answers, he gets her intent when she heads toward the workshop, ceasing the wind on her ascent to ease her travel, and leads Lambent up the side, staircase way. As they make their way up he suddenly remebers she was talking, "Curious. Yes because...?" On entering the workshop Acgyll almost runs straight into a large, oddly stagnant snapper. It stands in the center of the hall, almost blocking entry. [img][/img]

Mionla nods, and retunrs to her single-egg nest, signing to Andri.

Trip also rushes behind the skydancer, darting and catching up to her easily, "Curious," he says quickly, "why the rushing?"

Regardless of whether or not she answers, he gets her intent when she heads toward the workshop, ceasing the wind on her ascent to ease her travel, and leads Lambent up the side, staircase way.

As they make their way up he suddenly remebers she was talking, "Curious. Yes because...?"

On entering the workshop Acgyll almost runs straight into a large, oddly stagnant snapper. It stands in the center of the hall, almost blocking entry.
