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[center][b]NAME[/b] Dujour Windtamer [b]IMAGE[/B] [IMG][/IMG] [b]AGE[/B] 450 Years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] A fast-paced gentleman who prefers not to waste time. His takes his work and class very seriously, and will not hesitate to snarl if his students step out of line. In the classroom he will not neglect to assist students in their weak areas, but will not waste his time on students who have no interest in learning. Dujour Windtamer is a dedicated instructor who hopes for all his students to succeed in the near future. Outside of the classroom this Tundra is a real hot ticket. He loves cracking jokes and comments containing subtle humor. He is widely known for his famous "one-liners" that make his fellow peers keel over in laughter. Professor Windtamer is a no bullcrap type of guy. He'll be straightforward and will not dance around the subject. Blunt? Perhaps a bit. [b]PROFESSOR[/b]/ STUDENT / ASSISTANT [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] Engineering: The Engineering program prepares students for the challenging field of engineering by developing both theoretical and technical skills. Theory is integrated with laboratory activities and projects using modern design, fabrication, testing, and measurement equipment. Many cross-disciplinary research and project opportunities in civil, mechanical, and electronic engineering areas are offered. Students are exposed to a broad curriculum covering many aspects of engineering and receive a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering theory. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] Dujour Windtamer graduated top of his class from a renounced engineering school four and a quarter centuries ago. He spent three centuries working for his own engineering company, where they manufactured apparel, gears, robotics, and a variety of other devices, before handing the company over to his cousin and heading back to school to earn his teaching degree. After acquiring his degree, Dujour applied and began working at Lapiz Academy on his 325th birthday. Dujour always had a natural knack for the engineering field, despite his parents and mentors urging him to follow a career that could further exploit his superior magical abilities. Having no interest in the dull sciences of magic, the Tundra ignored the advice and continued striving for his engineering career. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] [img][/img] A Windcarve Harpy who goes by the name of Sintara. Generally she sits on her perch above Professor Windtamer's desk and monitors the students, making sure nobody tried to stir up trouble among the class during the professors lectures. If she does spot a trouble maker, she'll waste little time in swooping down to drop a detention slip on their desk. [b]OTHER[/B] "Salutations. Welcome to Engineering 101. I am Professor Dujour Windtamer. You will address me only as 'Professor Windtamer', 'Mr. Windtamer', or just simply 'Professor'. Your preference, your choice. If you are a new student, and have never attended my class before, allow me to go over a few rules that I highly recommend abiding by in my classroom. 1.) Homework, do it. If you neglect to do the assignments I give you, you will receive a detention. End of discussion. 2.) If you are diligent and willing to learn, your dedication will be noticed. If you would prefer to sit there and daydream throughout the class, do not waste my time asking why you are failing my class. 3.) If you think you can come into my place of teaching and disturb other students or disrupt my lectures, I highly recommend dropping that attitude of yours and pull your head out of your posterior. I have low tolerance levels for trouble makers. 4.) If you require extra assistance, I will gladly stay after class and help you as needed. Anything else you will figure out as we go along. Now, I have prepared a pretest for you all to test your knowledge on what you do and do not know. Fret not, for you shall not be graded on this, it will only show me where you all stand and where your knowledge of Engineering lies. A fair warning: The material you see on this test will be the material we will learn and use constantly throughout your time in this class. If you are sweating and urinating yourselves over the material, I highly recommend heading down to the Guidance office and switching classes. Sintara! Pass these out to the students, please and thank you. Now, once you recieve your pretest, you may begin." [b]NAME[/b] Vodnik Bluestream [b]IMAGE[/B] [IMG][/IMG] [b]AGE[/B] 17 Years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] Vodnik is a shy fellow who prefers to keep to him self, have a limited amount of friends surrounding him, and makes sure to keep up with all his classes. As intelligent as this Wildclaw is, his brawn surpasses his brain in every aspect. He loves to play sports, have a friendly sparring match his his fellow classmates, and spends the majority of his free time doing one of three things: - Flying above campus grounds - Hanging behind the academy by himself bouncing a ball against the buildings wall, and striking it with his tail to bounce the ball back against the wall. He thoroughly enjoys this activity. - Swimming. He loves swimming. PROFESSOR / [b]STUDENT[/b] / ASSISTANT [b]SPECIALTY[/b] Vodnik barely managed to squeeze himself on the entry list due to his inferior magical capabilities. He only managed to get in thanks to a sports scholarship provided by his previous school. He takes a major in Dragon Biology, having a fascination with the course and enjoying anything to do with science. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] [img][/img] A Grey River Flight that goes by the name of Torrent. He is Vodnik's faithful companion who follows him practically everywhere. Since Torrent can be a bit of a distraction, Vodnik leaves his familiar in his dorm room until his classes are over, where the two then scamper off to find something to entertain themselves with. [b]OTHER[/B] N/A [/center]
Dujour Windtamer


450 Years

A fast-paced gentleman who prefers not to waste time. His takes his work and class very seriously, and will not hesitate to snarl if his students step out of line. In the classroom he will not neglect to assist students in their weak areas, but will not waste his time on students who have no interest in learning. Dujour Windtamer is a dedicated instructor who hopes for all his students to succeed in the near future.
Outside of the classroom this Tundra is a real hot ticket. He loves cracking jokes and comments containing subtle humor. He is widely known for his famous "one-liners" that make his fellow peers keel over in laughter. Professor Windtamer is a no bullcrap type of guy. He'll be straightforward and will not dance around the subject. Blunt? Perhaps a bit.

Engineering: The Engineering program prepares students for the challenging field of engineering by developing both theoretical and technical skills. Theory is integrated with laboratory activities and projects using modern design, fabrication, testing, and measurement equipment. Many cross-disciplinary research and project opportunities in civil, mechanical, and electronic engineering areas are offered. Students are exposed to a broad curriculum covering many aspects of engineering and receive a solid foundation in mathematics, physics, and engineering theory.

Dujour Windtamer graduated top of his class from a renounced engineering school four and a quarter centuries ago. He spent three centuries working for his own engineering company, where they manufactured apparel, gears, robotics, and a variety of other devices, before handing the company over to his cousin and heading back to school to earn his teaching degree.
After acquiring his degree, Dujour applied and began working at Lapiz Academy on his 325th birthday.
Dujour always had a natural knack for the engineering field, despite his parents and mentors urging him to follow a career that could further exploit his superior magical abilities. Having no interest in the dull sciences of magic, the Tundra ignored the advice and continued striving for his engineering career.

A Windcarve Harpy who goes by the name of Sintara. Generally she sits on her perch above Professor Windtamer's desk and monitors the students, making sure nobody tried to stir up trouble among the class during the professors lectures. If she does spot a trouble maker, she'll waste little time in swooping down to drop a detention slip on their desk.

"Salutations. Welcome to Engineering 101. I am Professor Dujour Windtamer. You will address me only as 'Professor Windtamer', 'Mr. Windtamer', or just simply 'Professor'. Your preference, your choice.
If you are a new student, and have never attended my class before, allow me to go over a few rules that I highly recommend abiding by in my classroom.
1.) Homework, do it. If you neglect to do the assignments I give you, you will receive a detention. End of discussion.
2.) If you are diligent and willing to learn, your dedication will be noticed. If you would prefer to sit there and daydream throughout the class, do not waste my time asking why you are failing my class.
3.) If you think you can come into my place of teaching and disturb other students or disrupt my lectures, I highly recommend dropping that attitude of yours and pull your head out of your posterior. I have low tolerance levels for trouble makers.
4.) If you require extra assistance, I will gladly stay after class and help you as needed.
Anything else you will figure out as we go along. Now, I have prepared a pretest for you all to test your knowledge on what you do and do not know. Fret not, for you shall not be graded on this, it will only show me where you all stand and where your knowledge of Engineering lies.
A fair warning: The material you see on this test will be the material we will learn and use constantly throughout your time in this class. If you are sweating and urinating yourselves over the material, I highly recommend heading down to the Guidance office and switching classes.
Sintara! Pass these out to the students, please and thank you.
Now, once you recieve your pretest, you may begin."

Vodnik Bluestream


17 Years

Vodnik is a shy fellow who prefers to keep to him self, have a limited amount of friends surrounding him, and makes sure to keep up with all his classes. As intelligent as this Wildclaw is, his brawn surpasses his brain in every aspect. He loves to play sports, have a friendly sparring match his his fellow classmates, and spends the majority of his free time doing one of three things:
- Flying above campus grounds
- Hanging behind the academy by himself bouncing a ball against the buildings wall, and striking it with his tail to bounce the ball back against the wall. He thoroughly enjoys this activity.
- Swimming. He loves swimming.


Vodnik barely managed to squeeze himself on the entry list due to his inferior magical capabilities. He only managed to get in thanks to a sports scholarship provided by his previous school.
He takes a major in Dragon Biology, having a fascination with the course and enjoying anything to do with science.

A Grey River Flight that goes by the name of Torrent. He is Vodnik's faithful companion who follows him practically everywhere. Since Torrent can be a bit of a distraction, Vodnik leaves his familiar in his dorm room until his classes are over, where the two then scamper off to find something to entertain themselves with.



[b]NAME[/b] - Bumblebee Icehive [b]IMAGE[/B] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE[/B] - Says they're about 250, which is the age of their disguise 27 years old in reality [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - A little jittery, but with a calm demeanor and a quiet voice. Bumblebee gets flustered easily, but tries to keep a steady head around their students, as difficult as it is sometimes. They're decent at carrying on a conversation, but becomes visibly uncomfortably when beastclan opinions get brought up, especially when it concerns harpies. They visit Professor Willowsong's classroom often to mooch off the Coatl's extensive headache relief medicine collection. [b]PROFESSOR[/b] / STUDENT / ASSISTANT [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - Welcome to Arithmetic. Please leave your tears at the door. In this class, students are expected to learn how to graph equations, solve formulas, and calculate polynomials. Geometry and trigonometry are also taught in this class. Despite being an Ice dragon, Bumblebee is extremely proficient in math. If asked, they'll reply that they spent quite a bit of time in the Shifting Expanse, and found that they were pretty good at it. They're not a strict teacher, lacking the temperment to truly come down on unruly students, but they won't let anyone walk over them as well. They know that learning arithmetic is easier for some dragons than others, and if you're willing to suck it up and go up to them for help, they'd be perfectly happy to assist you. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - If it wasn't too obvious right now, Bumblebee is not actually a dragon. They're a harpy, using a dragon's disguise in order to blend in with draconian society. Not for any nefarious purposes though, really the opposite. They're hiding from their former flock in Dragonhome, where their head is wanted due to their role in an uprising. Their dragon form should not be mistaken as a vessel, it's their body, just twisted into a different form. They got the job through a few tugged strings, courtesy of Sieghilde. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - [img][/img] They have no familiar, but here's their harpy body. [b]OTHER[/B] - Bumblebee was a female harpy, and is currently in the form of a male Skydancer. However, they do not identify as either of those genders. Professor Icehive is agender, and will not answer to Mr. Icehive or Ms. Icehive.
Bumblebee Icehive




Says they're about 250, which is the age of their disguise
27 years old in reality


A little jittery, but with a calm demeanor and a quiet voice. Bumblebee gets flustered easily, but tries to keep a steady head around their students, as difficult as it is sometimes. They're decent at carrying on a conversation, but becomes visibly uncomfortably when beastclan opinions get brought up, especially when it concerns harpies.

They visit Professor Willowsong's classroom often to mooch off the Coatl's extensive headache relief medicine collection.



Welcome to Arithmetic. Please leave your tears at the door.

In this class, students are expected to learn how to graph equations, solve formulas, and calculate polynomials. Geometry and trigonometry are also taught in this class.

Despite being an Ice dragon, Bumblebee is extremely proficient in math. If asked, they'll reply that they spent quite a bit of time in the Shifting Expanse, and found that they were pretty good at it. They're not a strict teacher, lacking the temperment to truly come down on unruly students, but they won't let anyone walk over them as well. They know that learning arithmetic is easier for some dragons than others, and if you're willing to suck it up and go up to them for help, they'd be perfectly happy to assist you.


If it wasn't too obvious right now, Bumblebee is not actually a dragon. They're a harpy, using a dragon's disguise in order to blend in with draconian society.

Not for any nefarious purposes though, really the opposite. They're hiding from their former flock in Dragonhome, where their head is wanted due to their role in an uprising. Their dragon form should not be mistaken as a vessel, it's their body, just twisted into a different form.

They got the job through a few tugged strings, courtesy of Sieghilde.



They have no familiar, but here's their harpy body.


Bumblebee was a female harpy, and is currently in the form of a male Skydancer. However, they do not identify as either of those genders. Professor Icehive is agender, and will not answer to Mr. Icehive or Ms. Icehive.
@FloatingInSpace here's my wind teacher [b]NAME[/b] - Pyllora Cloudheart [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img][/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 98 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Pyllora is cheerful but calm. She is a rather zen dragon, and though her fur is dark, there is no mistaking her true element once one catches sight of her sweet light green eyes. She's most likely to give a bad behaving student a mild warning than to actually call them out on any matter, what makes other professors see her as "light handed and weak". But Pyllora doesn't mind, her classes are full of joy and neatness, just what is needed for wind magic. [b]PROFESSOR[/b] / STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - (delete this if you're a student) "Welcome, my young pupils, to Wind Magic. Let your troubles outside, here stress wil never help you. Wind is a delicate element, sometimes more than water, so you'll need steady hands and wings to master it. Unlike other elemental classes, Wind is all about feeling it blow around you and going along with it, which is why half of our classes are taken outside, where you can practice what you learned in the classroom. Though you will learn how to use Wind in battle, that is not our focus. So relax and let it guide you." [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Being much younger than most professors, yet very skilled in her element, Pyllora would have a hard time joining as a teacher, but she was indicated by none other than Professor Zephyrtail, and after proving her skills in both Wind magic and teaching, managed to take the spot. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - N/A. She thinks familiars either don't understand or can't grasp the ways of Wind. [b]OTHER[/B] - Pyllora is part of Drakath's clan, and may sometimes refer to him as her leader instead of her coworker.
@FloatingInSpace here's my wind teacher

NAME - Pyllora Cloudheart


AGE - 98 years

PERSONALITY - Pyllora is cheerful but calm. She is a rather zen dragon, and though her fur is dark, there is no mistaking her true element once one catches sight of her sweet light green eyes. She's most likely to give a bad behaving student a mild warning than to actually call them out on any matter, what makes other professors see her as "light handed and weak". But Pyllora doesn't mind, her classes are full of joy and neatness, just what is needed for wind magic.

CLASS DESCRIPTION - (delete this if you're a student)
"Welcome, my young pupils, to Wind Magic. Let your troubles outside, here stress wil never help you. Wind is a delicate element, sometimes more than water, so you'll need steady hands and wings to master it. Unlike other elemental classes, Wind is all about feeling it blow around you and going along with it, which is why half of our classes are taken outside, where you can practice what you learned in the classroom. Though you will learn how to use Wind in battle, that is not our focus. So relax and let it guide you."

SPECIALTY - Being much younger than most professors, yet very skilled in her element, Pyllora would have a hard time joining as a teacher, but she was indicated by none other than Professor Zephyrtail, and after proving her skills in both Wind magic and teaching, managed to take the spot.

FAMILIAR - N/A. She thinks familiars either don't understand or can't grasp the ways of Wind.

OTHER - Pyllora is part of Drakath's clan, and may sometimes refer to him as her leader instead of her coworker.
> +4h FR time
> Check out my Dragon Cave!
> or my Chicken Smoothie!
[b]NAME[/b] - Keethe Starseeker [b]IMAGE[/b] - [url=] [img][/img] [b]AGE[/b] - 15 [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Calm and polite, Keethe is a very academically focused student. She is a very curious but is interested enough in self-preservation to not stick her snout in too far. She has enough of a grasp on social etiquette to be functional around her fellow students and professors, but unfortunately that is the extent of her social skills - a side effect of her introverted nature. She is however, not adverse to conversation if the subject is interesting enough. Though she is polite the vast majority of the time, she uses sarcasm as an coping mechanism when under stress or in unexpected situations. This combined with an inability to think on her feet causes her to be a potential liability in volatile situations. Keethe is observant for her age, however the inexperience caused by her youth prevents her from using the full potential of that ability. When provoked she is most likely to respond in a verbal manner and will try to avoid a physical confrontation when possible. PROFESSOR / [b]STUDENT[/b] / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Keethe's specialty is in arcane magics, specifically, it's development and histroy. Being a skydancer she has innate magical talent. She has decent skill with both offensive and defensive magics as she was taught the basics by the mages in her clan and subsequently took both courses. She has more of a deposition towards the offensive, though. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - None, Keethe has yet to bond with one. [b]OTHER[/b] - Keethe is from a medium sized arcane clan. Her talent showed itself at an young age and together with the other magically gifted young dragons of her clan, she was taught the basics by the clan's mages. She is first of her clan to gain a place at the famed Lapiz Academy and was thus immediately sent to attend. She has some rudimentary hunting skills, and it is just that - rudimentary. Her physical skills are pretty much non-existent and consists only of a few amateur ambush tactics. She is more prone to strategizing. She is taking Engineering and Dragon Biology for her electives this year.
NAME - Keethe Starseeker




Calm and polite, Keethe is a very academically focused student. She is a very curious but is interested enough in self-preservation to not stick her snout in too far. She has enough of a grasp on social etiquette to be functional around her fellow students and professors, but unfortunately that is the extent of her social skills - a side effect of her introverted nature. She is however, not adverse to conversation if the subject is interesting enough. Though she is polite the vast majority of the time, she uses sarcasm as an coping mechanism when under stress or in unexpected situations. This combined with an inability to think on her feet causes her to be a potential liability in volatile situations. Keethe is observant for her age, however the inexperience caused by her youth prevents her from using the full potential of that ability. When provoked she is most likely to respond in a verbal manner and will try to avoid a physical confrontation when possible.


Keethe's specialty is in arcane magics, specifically, it's development and histroy. Being a skydancer she has innate magical talent. She has decent skill with both offensive and defensive magics as she was taught the basics by the mages in her clan and subsequently took both courses. She has more of a deposition towards the offensive, though.

None, Keethe has yet to bond with one.

Keethe is from a medium sized arcane clan. Her talent showed itself at an young age and together with the other magically gifted young dragons of her clan, she was taught the basics by the clan's mages. She is first of her clan to gain a place at the famed Lapiz Academy and was thus immediately sent to attend. She has some rudimentary hunting skills, and it is just that - rudimentary. Her physical skills are pretty much non-existent and consists only of a few amateur ambush tactics. She is more prone to strategizing.

She is taking Engineering and Dragon Biology for her electives this year.

I'm going to have to ask you to change a few things about your dragon.

I am fine with a genderless dragon-- I RP as an agender dragon on one of my threads!

BUT, the idea that a harpy can become a dragon has possible plot points (IE, Beastclan sneaking in). This RP hasn't been developed yet to be ready for that kind of stuff and that could cause potential problems.

Sorry, but can you remove that part?

I'm going to have to ask you to change a few things about your dragon.

I am fine with a genderless dragon-- I RP as an agender dragon on one of my threads!

BUT, the idea that a harpy can become a dragon has possible plot points (IE, Beastclan sneaking in). This RP hasn't been developed yet to be ready for that kind of stuff and that could cause potential problems.

Sorry, but can you remove that part?
@FloatingInSpace @Zephriam [b]NAME[/b] - Respen Starstrike [b]IMAGE[/B] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE[/B] - 148 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Beneath a peacekeeping hood that masks emotion, there is an indifferent exterior. Underneath that exterior, lies a slightly less indifferent semi-interior that covers a slightly skeptical layer that protects a fragment of a good heart. He's a good dragon, deep, deep down. He is very reserved, even with friends, and this makes him appear indifferent. However, he's willing to help if you ask. Methodical and organized, he's one of those dragons who won't step outside the lair unless he's got it scheduled out.  [b]PROFESSOR[/b]/ STUDENT / ASSISTANT [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - Teaches Arcane magic. His classes are very structured; each class is meticulously planned out to maximize the time available. This means that his class is very fast paced with a lot of information presented each class; on a scale of 1 to 10, his coursework load would be "The appetite of a Snapper". [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Respen Starstrike has been a scholar for most of his life. He's an incredibly dedicated learned, and his course always teaches the most important, most relevant, and most recent information. In the past, he has won an award for his research on the application of Arcane magic to increase the efficiency of non-magic items. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - Has a Redwing Owlcat that he keeps around despite it trying to attack him now and again. Perhaps he doesn't realize that it's occasionally hostile... [b]OTHER[/B] - Has a friendly rivalry with Professor Lightbringer. He can't stand Lightbringer's scatterbrained tendencies, and is often the one organizing coursework for the other professor. ((three characters is enough for me I think))
@FloatingInSpace @Zephriam

Respen Starstrike



148 years

Beneath a peacekeeping hood that masks emotion, there is an indifferent exterior. Underneath that exterior, lies a slightly less indifferent semi-interior that covers a slightly skeptical layer that protects a fragment of a good heart.

He's a good dragon, deep, deep down. He is very reserved, even with friends, and this makes him appear indifferent. However, he's willing to help if you ask.

Methodical and organized, he's one of those dragons who won't step outside the lair unless he's got it scheduled out. 


Teaches Arcane magic. His classes are very structured; each class is meticulously planned out to maximize the time available. This means that his class is very fast paced with a lot of information presented each class; on a scale of 1 to 10, his coursework load would be "The appetite of a Snapper".

Respen Starstrike has been a scholar for most of his life. He's an incredibly dedicated learned, and his course always teaches the most important, most relevant, and most recent information.

In the past, he has won an award for his research on the application of Arcane magic to increase the efficiency of non-magic items.


Has a Redwing Owlcat that he keeps around despite it trying to attack him now and again. Perhaps he doesn't realize that it's occasionally hostile...

Has a friendly rivalry with Professor Lightbringer. He can't stand Lightbringer's scatterbrained tendencies, and is often the one organizing coursework for the other professor.
((three characters is enough for me I think))
Be it a breeze, gust, or typhoon.


Prized Banana

Made by Deino909


Take joy in the Windy things.

Before I do, I need to be sure. Do you just want the Beastclan bits taken out of their application or do you want me to change them so that they're not Beastclan altogether?

I can do that first part but not the second.

Before I do, I need to be sure. Do you just want the Beastclan bits taken out of their application or do you want me to change them so that they're not Beastclan altogether?

I can do that first part but not the second.

I'd prefer they're not Beastclan altogether.

Granted, we're still ironing out plot details, but the plot as it stands doesn't really allow any room for a harpy dressed up as a dragon.

I'd prefer they're not Beastclan altogether.

Granted, we're still ironing out plot details, but the plot as it stands doesn't really allow any room for a harpy dressed up as a dragon.

Would it be alright if I deleted Bumblebee's application and submitted a different one for another dragon then? I'd rather not change them.

Would it be alright if I deleted Bumblebee's application and submitted a different one for another dragon then? I'd rather not change them.
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