

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lapiz Academy Application Page
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[b]NAME[/b] - Drakath Zephyrtail [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img][/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 237 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Drakath is serious, yet light-hearted. He is the type of teacher that doesn't take any nonsense in his classes,especially if he has a creature along, but in a more informal setting he may even encourage it. He is very disciplinary, and can get strict if a particular classroom does not cooperate, though that rarely happens. Do not make fun of his size. Even if tiny, he is an experienced professor, and makes sure his coworkers know it and give him the respects he needs. Drakath tends to make friends out of students, particularly the ones with something interesting to say (or rare familiars) but that doesn't mean he doesn't like all of them. [b]PROFESSOR[/b] / STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - (delete this if you're a student) "Here you will learn about the creature we share our world with, their biology and ways of life. There are many kinds to study, so the less mess you make, the quicker we can learn. At the end of the course, you will know how to tend to familiars and make them socialize, the internal and external anatomy of the varied beastclans species, their biological processes and the many differences between them, among many other topics. You are to bring your own familiars from the very first day, provided your bond is strong enough. For the lonely dragons, do not worry. This will not affect your learning progress, as long as you pay attention!" [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Drakath started as a student, and felt a lack of familiars on the campus. His interest over the topic lead him to become it's teacher over the years, and his experience with many kinds of creatures surely helped. His magic skills are average, even for a Fae, but he doesn't seem to mind. His natural wind talent gives him some knowledge on the topic, but creature biology is his real passion. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - His companion, a Serthis Alchemist named Baal, who he always brings to his classes, to allow practice and demonstrations. [b]OTHER[/B] - Drakath is the leader of his clan, and it's patriarch. He will sometimes use Vulcan expression in his lectures and speeches, but those are rare and always explained.
NAME - Drakath Zephyrtail


AGE - 237 years

PERSONALITY - Drakath is serious, yet light-hearted. He is the type of teacher that doesn't take any nonsense in his classes,especially if he has a creature along, but in a more informal setting he may even encourage it. He is very disciplinary, and can get strict if a particular classroom does not cooperate, though that rarely happens. Do not make fun of his size. Even if tiny, he is an experienced professor, and makes sure his coworkers know it and give him the respects he needs. Drakath tends to make friends out of students, particularly the ones with something interesting to say (or rare familiars) but that doesn't mean he doesn't like all of them.


CLASS DESCRIPTION - (delete this if you're a student)
"Here you will learn about the creature we share our world with, their biology and ways of life. There are many kinds to study, so the less mess you make, the quicker we can learn. At the end of the course, you will know how to tend to familiars and make them socialize, the internal and external anatomy of the varied beastclans species, their biological processes and the many differences between them, among many other topics. You are to bring your own familiars from the very first day, provided your bond is strong enough. For the lonely dragons, do not worry. This will not affect your learning progress, as long as you pay attention!"

SPECIALTY - Drakath started as a student, and felt a lack of familiars on the campus. His interest over the topic lead him to become it's teacher over the years, and his experience with many kinds of creatures surely helped. His magic skills are average, even for a Fae, but he doesn't seem to mind. His natural wind talent gives him some knowledge on the topic, but creature biology is his real passion.

FAMILIAR - His companion, a Serthis Alchemist named Baal, who he always brings to his classes, to allow practice and demonstrations.

OTHER - Drakath is the leader of his clan, and it's patriarch. He will sometimes use Vulcan expression in his lectures and speeches, but those are rare and always explained.
> +4h FR time
> Check out my Dragon Cave!
> or my Chicken Smoothie!


[size=2]@Zephriam Oh, this looks interesting!! I'm definitely gonna make an application, but I'm not sure what the ESFJ means in the personality box, so I'm sorry if I fill it out wrong =3 [b]NAME:[/b] Victory Brightscales [b]IMAGE:[/B] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] (Sorry she's still a hatchling, she's gonna grow up soon) [b]AGE:[/B] 16 Years [b]PERSONALITY:[/b] Victory is constantly getting herself into trouble. She doesn't seem to care for many of her lessons, and perhaps doesn't put as much effort into it as her fellow classmates. However, she is clever and more than capable at participating and working hard during lessons, but she often considers the work to be too easy. Therefore, she's often in trouble with her teachers. Victory is quite laid-back with her fellow classmates though, and is usually the joker and trickster type. She isn't quick to temper, but is sometimes when arguing her innocence. PROFESSOR / [b]STUDENT [/b]/ ASSISTANT [b]SPECIALTY:[/b] Victory is actually quite adept at Potions; it's probably her favourite subject, and the one lesson she actually tries hard in. She's been making useful potions for her family since she was a young hatchling, and is considered her specialty. She's also very good with Light magic, being a Light dragon herself, but is also trained a bit with Wind magic, as many members of her family were Wind users. [b]FAMILIAR:[/b] Victory has an Abyss Striker called Blaze. [b]OTHER:[/B] N/A I'm sorry if I filled something out wrong, and I'll change it if you want me to =3[/size]
Oh, this looks interesting!!
I'm definitely gonna make an application, but I'm not sure what the ESFJ means in the personality box, so I'm sorry if I fill it out wrong =3

NAME: Victory Brightscales


(Sorry she's still a hatchling, she's gonna grow up soon)
16 Years
Victory is constantly getting herself into trouble. She doesn't seem to care for many of her lessons, and perhaps doesn't put as much effort into it as her fellow classmates. However, she is clever and more than capable at participating and working hard during lessons, but she often considers the work to be too easy. Therefore, she's often in trouble with her teachers. Victory is quite laid-back with her fellow classmates though, and is usually the joker and trickster type. She isn't quick to temper, but is sometimes when arguing her innocence.


Victory is actually quite adept at Potions; it's probably her favourite subject, and the one lesson she actually tries hard in. She's been making useful potions for her family since she was a young hatchling, and is considered her specialty.
She's also very good with Light magic, being a Light dragon herself, but is also trained a bit with Wind magic, as many members of her family were Wind users.

Victory has an Abyss Striker called Blaze.

I'm sorry if I filled something out wrong, and I'll change it if you want me to =3
[b]NAME[/b] - Sophitia Goldcharm [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img][/img] [b]AGE[/B] - Approximately 100 years old (No known record of her exact age) [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - On the outside, Sophitia seems cold. She keeps her distance from most other dragons, and prefers solitude. This image is what Sophitia wants others to see. When it comes to fellow professors and the assistants, Sophitia wants to keep away from them if possible. But once a dragon gets to know, Sophitia, she is actually kind and a great friend. She is always willing to lend a helping hand. Sophitia loves nothing more than intellectual discussions with friends. She just needs to really trust a dragon to get to that point. Sophitia runs a strict classroom with no nonsense. She makes sure to keep her classroom in order. Although strict, Sophitia is not unreasonable. She does not expect a bunch of young dragons to sit through lectures that even she would find boring. Sophitia instead engages the students by having them read the material, and come in the next day ready to answer questions. This method furthers the student's understanding.There is some lecture involved, but not enough to disengage the students. She also favors in-class discussions, as opposed to research papers and projects. [b]PROFESSOR [/b]/ STUDENT / ASSISTANT [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - [i]Throughout the course of this class, students will learn about different periods and their historical figures. Using their analytical skills, students will become "historical detectives" to uncover the best evidence to accurately portray historical events. Students will develop strong research skills and form their own opinions about historical topics. Most importantly, students will learn the important skill of thinking on their own, and not merely memorizing the text. Field trips to historical sites (if permitted) will also be a part of the class. These are optional, but can enhance a student's historical understanding.[/i] [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Teaching history never was Sophitia's dream profession. Growing up in an affluent family that lived on the Starfall Isles, Sophitia always saw herself becoming something great. She dreamed of becoming a great Mage. All she wanted was to become one of the Arcanist's students and eventually become one of the inner mages. However, things don't always play out the way one hopes. Since Sophitia's family never spent much time with her, she taught herself magical arts. Her "experimentation" resulted in a terrible accident that devastated her family. She promptly fled to The Scarred Wasteland. Sophitia knew no one would follow her there. For many years, she lived alone. Sophitia lived off of her family's money. She never attempted magic ever again. However, she eventually ran out of money. Desperate for money, Sophitia took the available history professor at Lapis Academy. Armed with a wealth of historical knowledge from reading numerous books, Sophitia knew she could excel as a professor and eventually die without a single dragon around her knowing that dark secret. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - Upon arriving at Lapis Academy, Sophitia got herself a Brown River Flight. The creature still fears her, no matter how hard she tries to bond with it. She has not decided on a name for the girl yet. [b]OTHER[/B] - [i]Relationships will be added once the RP starts.[/i] ((Hello! My name is Natalie! I have always enjoyed rping, even if this is my first time doing so on FR. My RP style is semi-lit/lit depending on my mood and the current RP. I write my responses in narratives. I can't wait to meet all of you and RP! :) ))
Sophitia Goldcharm


Approximately 100 years old (No known record of her exact age)

On the outside, Sophitia seems cold. She keeps her distance from most other dragons, and prefers solitude. This image is what Sophitia wants others to see. When it comes to fellow professors and the assistants, Sophitia wants to keep away from them if possible.
But once a dragon gets to know, Sophitia, she is actually kind and a great friend. She is always willing to lend a helping hand. Sophitia loves nothing more than intellectual discussions with friends. She just needs to really trust a dragon to get to that point.
Sophitia runs a strict classroom with no nonsense. She makes sure to keep her classroom in order. Although strict, Sophitia is not unreasonable. She does not expect a bunch of young dragons to sit through lectures that even she would find boring. Sophitia instead engages the students by having them read the material, and come in the next day ready to answer questions. This method furthers the student's understanding.There is some lecture involved, but not enough to disengage the students. She also favors in-class discussions, as opposed to research papers and projects.


Throughout the course of this class, students will learn about different periods and their historical figures. Using their analytical skills, students will become "historical detectives" to uncover the best evidence to accurately portray historical events. Students will develop strong research skills and form their own opinions about historical topics. Most importantly, students will learn the important skill of thinking on their own, and not merely memorizing the text.
Field trips to historical sites (if permitted) will also be a part of the class. These are optional, but can enhance a student's historical understanding.

Teaching history never was Sophitia's dream profession. Growing up in an affluent family that lived on the Starfall Isles, Sophitia always saw herself becoming something great. She dreamed of becoming a great Mage. All she wanted was to become one of the Arcanist's students and eventually become one of the inner mages.
However, things don't always play out the way one hopes. Since Sophitia's family never spent much time with her, she taught herself magical arts. Her "experimentation" resulted in a terrible accident that devastated her family. She promptly fled to The Scarred Wasteland. Sophitia knew no one would follow her there. For many years, she lived alone. Sophitia lived off of her family's money. She never attempted magic ever again.
However, she eventually ran out of money. Desperate for money, Sophitia took the available history professor at Lapis Academy. Armed with a wealth of historical knowledge from reading numerous books, Sophitia knew she could excel as a professor and eventually die without a single dragon around her knowing that dark secret.

Upon arriving at Lapis Academy, Sophitia got herself a Brown River Flight. The creature still fears her, no matter how hard she tries to bond with it. She has not decided on a name for the girl yet.

Relationships will be added once the RP starts.

((Hello! My name is Natalie! I have always enjoyed rping, even if this is my first time doing so on FR. My RP style is semi-lit/lit depending on my mood and the current RP. I write my responses in narratives. I can't wait to meet all of you and RP! :) ))

"And it started with two men.
One was life.
And one was death. "
-Avengers, Johnathan Hickman
@Zephriam @FloatingInSpace [b]NAME[/b] - Illyri Lightbringer ((do you know how tempting it was to name him Lightbringer Lightbringer?????)) [b]IMAGE[/B] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE[/B] - 250 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Centuries have mellowed out his personality to the point that he's "0k". Late to class? 0k. Late to hand in assignments? 0k. What's that? You didn't do any of the work and now you're failing the course? T00 bad, life's sad. He dislikes restrictions, and will be defiant towards people of authority who try to keep him severely bound. He does not always know when to back up and give up a lost cause, though if he respects someone enough, he will reluctantly back away. Oddly enough, despite being a Defensive Magic professor, his own fighting style is aggressive. [b]PROFESSOR[/b] / STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - He goes off on unrelated tangents often, sometimes spending a good half class to engage the class in a completely irrelevant debate. He hates restrictions, preferring quality work over a met deadline. The class is meant to teach students how to protect and defend, using various magical methods, but he will often go and elaborate on more physical based defense or offensive attacks. Written by Professor Lightbringer: [i]Defense Magic will teach you all about defending, bolstering, guarding, shielding, and other protective styles using magic. Students will learn Discipline and how to Meditate, which I highly recommend you do on your own time with a nice cup of soothing tea. I highly recommend blackberry for the average student, but for the extra–nervous student, Black Tulip tea works best. It will relax you immediately, and really helps Meditation. Although it tends to make one drowsy as well..."[/i] [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Illyri Lightbringer was once a soldier in his youth. He is very proficient with anything related to battle, though he prefers physical offense. However, though he is much more adept at physical offense in battle... he cannot teach that subject for the life of him, as it was more of an innate talent than a learned talent. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - He used to have a Blooming Strangler, but it passed away. He's still a little sad over it, and hasn't gotten a new familiar since. [b]OTHER[/B] - He prefers to be called by his last name, even by close friends. For some reason, he's extra responsive if you call him "Lightbringer Lightbringer".
@Zephriam @FloatingInSpace

Illyri Lightbringer
((do you know how tempting it was to name him Lightbringer Lightbringer?????))



250 years

Centuries have mellowed out his personality to the point that he's "0k". Late to class? 0k. Late to hand in assignments? 0k. What's that? You didn't do any of the work and now you're failing the course? T00 bad, life's sad.

He dislikes restrictions, and will be defiant towards people of authority who try to keep him severely bound. He does not always know when to back up and give up a lost cause, though if he respects someone enough, he will reluctantly back away.

Oddly enough, despite being a Defensive Magic professor, his own fighting style is aggressive.

He goes off on unrelated tangents often, sometimes spending a good half class to engage the class in a completely irrelevant debate. He hates restrictions, preferring quality work over a met deadline.

The class is meant to teach students how to protect and defend, using various magical methods, but he will often go and elaborate on more physical based defense or offensive attacks.

Written by Professor Lightbringer:
Defense Magic will teach you all about defending, bolstering, guarding, shielding, and other protective styles using magic. Students will learn Discipline and how to Meditate, which I highly recommend you do on your own time with a nice cup of soothing tea. I highly recommend blackberry for the average student, but for the extra–nervous student, Black Tulip tea works best. It will relax you immediately, and really helps Meditation. Although it tends to make one drowsy as well..."

Illyri Lightbringer was once a soldier in his youth. He is very proficient with anything related to battle, though he prefers physical offense. However, though he is much more adept at physical offense in battle... he cannot teach that subject for the life of him, as it was more of an innate talent than a learned talent.

He used to have a Blooming Strangler, but it passed away. He's still a little sad over it, and hasn't gotten a new familiar since.

He prefers to be called by his last name, even by close friends. For some reason, he's extra responsive if you call him "Lightbringer Lightbringer".
Be it a breeze, gust, or typhoon.


Prized Banana

Made by Deino909


Take joy in the Windy things.

Hello there! I'm the co-runner of this RP that is on this site too much to be good for me.

This RP was first made by a different person, but they were unable to keep up with it so @Zephriam and I picked it up.

That said, ESFJ's are supposedly those "mary-sues" you keep hearing about on RP's; those perfect, happy, cheerful characters that have almost no flaws.

Given that that application was made by the previous runner, my opinion on ESFJs is very different. I don't mind a cheery, bubbly characters that enjoys responsibility so long as they are given adequate flaws and some of their assets (being way too optimistic for their own good) have a negative aspect. I'm not sure how Zephriam feels, but that's my take.

Also, accepted!

Hello there! I'm the co-runner of this RP that is on this site too much to be good for me.

This RP was first made by a different person, but they were unable to keep up with it so @Zephriam and I picked it up.

That said, ESFJ's are supposedly those "mary-sues" you keep hearing about on RP's; those perfect, happy, cheerful characters that have almost no flaws.

Given that that application was made by the previous runner, my opinion on ESFJs is very different. I don't mind a cheery, bubbly characters that enjoys responsibility so long as they are given adequate flaws and some of their assets (being way too optimistic for their own good) have a negative aspect. I'm not sure how Zephriam feels, but that's my take.

Also, accepted!

Why do we always run into each other? I am so not running like 5 RPs right now what are you talking about.


Hello! Welcome to FR. It's a great community here and I've actually gotten my RP footing on this site (and I am so ashamed because everyone is so much more experienced than me probably).

Also, as mentioned above, this RP was begun by a completely different person than @Zephriam and I so we have no clue if this is actually set in the FR world. We may ask you to change that as time goes on.


Why do we always run into each other? I am so not running like 5 RPs right now what are you talking about.


Hello! Welcome to FR. It's a great community here and I've actually gotten my RP footing on this site (and I am so ashamed because everyone is so much more experienced than me probably).

Also, as mentioned above, this RP was begun by a completely different person than @Zephriam and I so we have no clue if this is actually set in the FR world. We may ask you to change that as time goes on.

Bumpity bump bump.
Bumpity bump bump.
@Zephriam @FloatingInSpace ((Sorry this wasn't posted earlier!)) [b]NAME[/b] - Sieghilde Willowsong [b]IMAGE[/B] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE[/B] - 411 years old [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Cheerful to a fault and almost doubly as manic, Sieghilde is an older dragon with a long, long history of healing and (according to anyone who knows her) too much energy for her own good. A former traveling healer, Sieghilde harnesses an entensive knowledge in the art of healing, and is well known for her (usually) unorthodox and (more often than not) experimental methods. She has cures in progress for most of the diseases that plague dragonkind, and is easily distracted and derailed if you can get her talking about them. She has a thick skin, a very thick skin. Due to being born an extremely pale Coatl, Sieghilde has taken a lot of flack from her own species due to her coloring. Insults rarely faze her unless they're directed towards someone's she's fond of. She can come off sort of insensitive herself sometimes, but has learned to apologize if someone points it out to her. Whether or not the apology is sincere is another matter altogether. Sieghilde was a student at Lapis in the past, and but had to wriggle her way into the position due to prejudices about her coloring. [b]PROFESSOR[/b] / STUDENT / ASSISTANT [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - Sieghilde teaches the Healing Arts, and offers Introductory to Advanced classes on the course. Outwardly, she seems like a very easy-going professor, with her loose deadlines and her humorous, friendly nature, but she expects good work and grades critically. Her classes are notorious for going from easy to excructiating as students progress into the upper classes. She's not afraid to pull you aside and tell you that if you're not applying yourself, you have no place in her class. The class itself teaches dragons basic first aid and healing magic. Students are expected to know as much non-magic healing as they do magical healing. There's a lot of hands-on work with dragon dummies and Sieghilde is known to project illusions of imaginary injuries in order to teach the class how to treat them. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - From a young age, Sieghilde was always fascinated by the diseases that plagued dragonkind. However, since most dragons dying of disease were opposed to being studied simply for the sake of 'science', she took up the art of healing as a method to get close to them. Surprisingly, she found herself enjoying the profession much more than she thought she would. Sieghilde has done a few...dubious things in her career, but she's more than happy to inform anyone that her success rate is much, much higher than her death rate. Besides, the ones she'd lose were usually too far gone to help anyways. She's very well known for the alternative cures she markets for different diseases, which prove time and time again to be more effective than traditional methods, and took a very long time to perfect. As a Shadow dragon, and in addition to her healing magic, Sieghilde has the ability to create illusions as well as the ability to shroud herself. Her offensive magic is strong enough to distract an opponent, but in a fight she focuses on getting out rather than winning. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - A frostbite hummingbird named Hypatia. The tiny creature is a gift from the Guardian that calls her his charge. She lets it flutter around the classroom as sort of a class pet, but in reality, it functions as her little spy. Hypatia will discreetly signal over a negligent student's shoulder towards Sieghilde to alert her who's paying attention and who isn't. To the students, it just feels like Professor Willowsong has eyes all over the place. [b]OTHER[/B] - She has two twin Pearlcatcher kids who are learning how to be healers back home. One of them recently joined her clan due to her mate's death, which she doesn't like to talk about. Due to her traveling, Sieghilde is extremely fluent in both Draconian and Coatl, and is somewhat decent in a few Beastclan languages as well.
@Zephriam @FloatingInSpace ((Sorry this wasn't posted earlier!))

Sieghilde Willowsong



411 years old

Cheerful to a fault and almost doubly as manic, Sieghilde is an older dragon with a long, long history of healing and (according to anyone who knows her) too much energy for her own good. A former traveling healer, Sieghilde harnesses an entensive knowledge in the art of healing, and is well known for her (usually) unorthodox and (more often than not) experimental methods. She has cures in progress for most of the diseases that plague dragonkind, and is easily distracted and derailed if you can get her talking about them.

She has a thick skin, a very thick skin. Due to being born an extremely pale Coatl, Sieghilde has taken a lot of flack from her own species due to her coloring. Insults rarely faze her unless they're directed towards someone's she's fond of. She can come off sort of insensitive herself sometimes, but has learned to apologize if someone points it out to her. Whether or not the apology is sincere is another matter altogether.

Sieghilde was a student at Lapis in the past, and but had to wriggle her way into the position due to prejudices about her coloring.


Sieghilde teaches the Healing Arts, and offers Introductory to Advanced classes on the course. Outwardly, she seems like a very easy-going professor, with her loose deadlines and her humorous, friendly nature, but she expects good work and grades critically. Her classes are notorious for going from easy to excructiating as students progress into the upper classes. She's not afraid to pull you aside and tell you that if you're not applying yourself, you have no place in her class.

The class itself teaches dragons basic first aid and healing magic. Students are expected to know as much non-magic healing as they do magical healing. There's a lot of hands-on work with dragon dummies and Sieghilde is known to project illusions of imaginary injuries in order to teach the class how to treat them.


From a young age, Sieghilde was always fascinated by the diseases that plagued dragonkind. However, since most dragons dying of disease were opposed to being studied simply for the sake of 'science', she took up the art of healing as a method to get close to them. Surprisingly, she found herself enjoying the profession much more than she thought she would.

Sieghilde has done a few...dubious things in her career, but she's more than happy to inform anyone that her success rate is much, much higher than her death rate. Besides, the ones she'd lose were usually too far gone to help anyways. She's very well known for the alternative cures she markets for different diseases, which prove time and time again to be more effective than traditional methods, and took a very long time to perfect.

As a Shadow dragon, and in addition to her healing magic, Sieghilde has the ability to create illusions as well as the ability to shroud herself. Her offensive magic is strong enough to distract an opponent, but in a fight she focuses on getting out rather than winning.


A frostbite hummingbird named Hypatia. The tiny creature is a gift from the Guardian that calls her his charge. She lets it flutter around the classroom as sort of a class pet, but in reality, it functions as her little spy. Hypatia will discreetly signal over a negligent student's shoulder towards Sieghilde to alert her who's paying attention and who isn't. To the students, it just feels like Professor Willowsong has eyes all over the place.


She has two twin Pearlcatcher kids who are learning how to be healers back home. One of them recently joined her clan due to her mate's death, which she doesn't like to talk about.

Due to her traveling, Sieghilde is extremely fluent in both Draconian and Coatl, and is somewhat decent in a few Beastclan languages as well.


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