

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Lapiz Academy Application Page
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Hey, fellow RPers! This is where you post your profile apps and where you can find completed profiles. PM me or @FloatinginSpace if you need help with anything. [size=5][font=Palatino Linotype][b]? AVAILABLE COURSES[/size] [indent] [b]General Magic [/b] - Core classes. [list][*] [b]Plague[/b] - Taught by Professor Bloodfree [*][b]Fire[/b] - Taught by Professor _____ [*][b]Lightning[/b] Taught by Professor Stormsummoner [*][b]Wind[/b] Taught by Professor Cloudheart [*][b]Shadow[/b] Taught by Professor _____ [*][b]Light[/b] Taught by Professor _____ [*][b]Water[/b] Taught by Professor _____ [*][b]Nature[/b] Taught by Professor _____ [*][b]Arcane[/b] Taught by Professor Starstrike [*][b]Earth[/b] Taught by Professor _____ [*][b]Ice[/b] Taught by Professor _____ [b]Potions[/b] - Core class. Taught by Professor Frostwing [b]History[/b] - Core class. Taught by Professor Goldcharm [b]Arithmetic[/b] - Core class. Taught by Professor Icehive [b]Engineering[/b] - Taught by Professor Windtamer [b]Healing Arts[/b] - Taught by Professor Willowsong [b]Dragon Biology[/b] - Taught by Professor Sunbeam [b]Creatures Biology[/b] - Taught by Professor Zephyrtail [b]Culinary Arts[/b] - Taught by Professor Hertzstrings [b]Defense Magic[/b] - Core class. Taught by Professor Lightbringer [b]Offense Magic[/b] - Core class. Taught by Professor Spellturn [quote=Application] [code] [b]NAME[/b] - first name, last name something to do with their flight + verb/noun for example: plague = cursewrought light = brightglow [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img] put picture here [/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 13 to 19 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - esfjs not allowed PROFESSOR / STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - (delete this if you're a student) note: snappers make up most of the assistants in this school so it's a bit unusual to see any other breed as an assistant another note: students with greater magic ability are coatls, skydancers, faes, tundras. other breeds can also be students but they just barely pass lapis' standards. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - like how you got to this school. why are you so special. why are you here also flight applies here too of course so like you could put any special abilities to your flight [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - may also help you in your abilities [b]OTHER[/B] - anything you want, like how you rp or something about your dragon [/code] [/quote] [i][b]----Characters----[/b][/i] [b]-Staff-[/b] Valyssa Snowdrifter Tiramisu Hertzstrings Illyri Lightbringer Sieghilde Willowsong Dujour Windtamer Styx Bloodfree Crimson Sunbeam Medwin Spellturn Samir Frostwing Azyrel Stormsummoner [b]-Assistants-[/b] Sevanezth Gladescale Tsure Venchase Amor Charmcaster [b]-Students-[/b] Victory Brightscales Vodnik Bluestream Keethe Starseeker Telluria Vinetail Rynus Shadecaster Eurydice Silverstorm Kavi Frostwing [size=5][font=Palatino Linotype][b]? LINKS[/size] [indent] [url=][size=4]RP thread[/url] [url=][size=4]OOC Chat[/url]
Hey, fellow RPers! This is where you post your profile apps and where you can find completed profiles.

PM me or @FloatinginSpace if you need help with anything.


General Magic - Core classes.
  • Plague - Taught by Professor Bloodfree
  • Fire - Taught by Professor _____
  • Lightning Taught by Professor Stormsummoner
  • Wind Taught by Professor Cloudheart
  • Shadow Taught by Professor _____
  • Light Taught by Professor _____
  • Water Taught by Professor _____
  • Nature Taught by Professor _____
  • Arcane Taught by Professor Starstrike
  • Earth Taught by Professor _____
  • Ice Taught by Professor _____

    Potions - Core class. Taught by Professor Frostwing

    History - Core class. Taught by Professor Goldcharm

    Arithmetic - Core class. Taught by Professor Icehive

    Engineering - Taught by Professor Windtamer

    Healing Arts - Taught by Professor Willowsong

    Dragon Biology - Taught by Professor Sunbeam

    Creatures Biology - Taught by Professor Zephyrtail

    Culinary Arts - Taught by Professor Hertzstrings

    Defense Magic - Core class. Taught by Professor Lightbringer

    Offense Magic - Core class. Taught by Professor Spellturn
    Application wrote:
    [b]NAME[/b] - first name, last name something to do with their flight + verb/noun for example: plague = cursewrought light = brightglow [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img] put picture here [/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 13 to 19 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - esfjs not allowed PROFESSOR / STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - (delete this if you're a student) note: snappers make up most of the assistants in this school so it's a bit unusual to see any other breed as an assistant another note: students with greater magic ability are coatls, skydancers, faes, tundras. other breeds can also be students but they just barely pass lapis' standards. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - like how you got to this school. why are you so special. why are you here also flight applies here too of course so like you could put any special abilities to your flight [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - may also help you in your abilities [b]OTHER[/B] - anything you want, like how you rp or something about your dragon



    Valyssa Snowdrifter

    Tiramisu Hertzstrings

    Illyri Lightbringer

    Sieghilde Willowsong

    Dujour Windtamer

    Styx Bloodfree

    Crimson Sunbeam

    Medwin Spellturn

    Samir Frostwing

    Azyrel Stormsummoner


    Sevanezth Gladescale

    Tsure Venchase

    Amor Charmcaster


    Victory Brightscales

    Vodnik Bluestream

    Keethe Starseeker

    Telluria Vinetail

    Rynus Shadecaster

    Eurydice Silverstorm

    Kavi Frostwing

    ? LINKS
Links to Characters

Links to Characters

[b]NAME[/b] - Styx Bloodfree [b]IMAGE[/B] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE[/B] - 23 [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Loud, swears a lot, and is completely unfiltered. She tries to be nice but her bluntness usually gets in the way. She doesn't wear much in order to avoid contaminating her clothes and is shockingly clean for a Plague dragon. You can usually hear her coming before you see her and she's always willing to lend a helping hand. She's young for a professor and knows this and is always eager to try and prove herself. She wants to learn as much about magic as possible and will be seen trying out spells around campus. She refuses to speak of her family or her homeland and usually turns the conversation on you if you try to pick her brains. Is outgoing but has no friends yet since she just arrived. [b]PROFESSOR [/b]/ STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - Teaches Plague magic, one of the flight magics that requires several other courses, resulting in most students being quite old. She's excellent at what she does but also has the pressure of making sure nothing dies under her care. She occasionally makes someone cry because of her harsh words and keeps a careful watch of what goes on. If you mess up more than three times, she makes you go back and practice lower level skills. Tries to be fair when it comes to discipline, but it usually ends with her screaming at them. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Plague magic. She knows the ins and outs of almost every disease and how every dragon works. Has a library full of knowledge when it comes to immune systems and how various plants and animals are affected by certain strains of bacteria. Knows the basics of Nature magic, if only to help revive plants that are killed during her classes. Heard of the school's prestige and showed up one day, demonstrating great knowledge in Plague magic and a rudimentary knowledge in a few others. Replaced old Plague magic professor. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - A basilisk by the name of Thanos. Usually sits at the front of the room and glares at the class. Helps by offering various vials full of diseases that she needs when she's making potions. Fairly hardy because of the amount of times she's used him to practice new diseases, so he's an option for vertebrate practice. Is somehow ok with this. [b]OTHER[/B] - Born to a middle-class family, her powers surfaced at a young age when she sat in the middle of a meadow and made everything die. Her family, horrified, took her to a doctor. Even though they were all Plague dragons, she was the first to demonstrate this amount of magic. She was taught by the local shaman, who had two sons. One was Grigori, who had, up to that point, been rather distant from his clan. With the help of Hecate, they became fast friends. Unfortunately, his brother fell ill with a flu and died. The clan began pointing fingers, claiming that either Styx or Grigori sent the disease on him. Grigori fled, unhappy and unwilling to deal with the stigma of being a Plague dragon anymore. She became significantly more closed off after this. She has hardly seen her family since they discovered what she can do and instead reads up on Nature magic in order to save some of the creatures she tests new magic strains on. Found Thanos while harvesting flowers to test certain potions on. Cured him of his avian flu and he has not left her side since. Also reads up on all the other magics but doesn't practice them that much. Understands how they work but she can't actually do anything because it isn't her flight. Nature and Plague, being sisters from the start, are the only two she can actually do. Hates the bad reputation various other dragons get for not being good enough because she remembers what it feels like to be an outcast. Left the town once she heard of the school and has not looked back. She is also aromantic asexual.
Styx Bloodfree




Loud, swears a lot, and is completely unfiltered. She tries to be nice but her bluntness usually gets in the way. She doesn't wear much in order to avoid contaminating her clothes and is shockingly clean for a Plague dragon. You can usually hear her coming before you see her and she's always willing to lend a helping hand. She's young for a professor and knows this and is always eager to try and prove herself. She wants to learn as much about magic as possible and will be seen trying out spells around campus. She refuses to speak of her family or her homeland and usually turns the conversation on you if you try to pick her brains. Is outgoing but has no friends yet since she just arrived.

CLASS DESCRIPTION - Teaches Plague magic, one of the flight magics that requires several other courses, resulting in most students being quite old. She's excellent at what she does but also has the pressure of making sure nothing dies under her care. She occasionally makes someone cry because of her harsh words and keeps a careful watch of what goes on. If you mess up more than three times, she makes you go back and practice lower level skills. Tries to be fair when it comes to discipline, but it usually ends with her screaming at them.

Plague magic. She knows the ins and outs of almost every disease and how every dragon works. Has a library full of knowledge when it comes to immune systems and how various plants and animals are affected by certain strains of bacteria. Knows the basics of Nature magic, if only to help revive plants that are killed during her classes. Heard of the school's prestige and showed up one day, demonstrating great knowledge in Plague magic and a rudimentary knowledge in a few others. Replaced old Plague magic professor.

A basilisk by the name of Thanos. Usually sits at the front of the room and glares at the class. Helps by offering various vials full of diseases that she needs when she's making potions. Fairly hardy because of the amount of times she's used him to practice new diseases, so he's an option for vertebrate practice. Is somehow ok with this.

Born to a middle-class family, her powers surfaced at a young age when she sat in the middle of a meadow and made everything die. Her family, horrified, took her to a doctor. Even though they were all Plague dragons, she was the first to demonstrate this amount of magic. She was taught by the local shaman, who had two sons. One was Grigori, who had, up to that point, been rather distant from his clan. With the help of Hecate, they became fast friends. Unfortunately, his brother fell ill with a flu and died. The clan began pointing fingers, claiming that either Styx or Grigori sent the disease on him. Grigori fled, unhappy and unwilling to deal with the stigma of being a Plague dragon anymore. She became significantly more closed off after this. She has hardly seen her family since they discovered what she can do and instead reads up on Nature magic in order to save some of the creatures she tests new magic strains on. Found Thanos while harvesting flowers to test certain potions on. Cured him of his avian flu and he has not left her side since. Also reads up on all the other magics but doesn't practice them that much. Understands how they work but she can't actually do anything because it isn't her flight. Nature and Plague, being sisters from the start, are the only two she can actually do. Hates the bad reputation various other dragons get for not being good enough because she remembers what it feels like to be an outcast. Left the town once she heard of the school and has not looked back.

She is also aromantic asexual.
[b]NAME[/b] - Crimson Sunbeam [b]IMAGE[/B] - [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE[/B] - 45 years (our human equivalent) [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - The silent type, he will glare at you until you do as you are told. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall, but he knows exactly everything about dragon biology, be it Tundra dragons or Fae dragons. He somewhat resents the younger professors because he believes that they should be assistants and that you should work your way to being a professor, not just get in because of your talent. He was raised to believe coatl, skydancers, faes, and tundras are superior due to their high magic affinity and looks down on everyone else. The younger professors this year come from a range of breeds, so they've got more going against them in his eyes. No one really gets why he's so stubborn in his beliefs, but they're mostly too scared to ask. [b]PROFESSOR [/b]/ STUDENT / ASSISTANT (bold one) [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - Runs his biology class with an iron fist. You do as you are told and nothing more, nothing less. He will come down on you if you forget homework or are careless. By the end of the course, you are expected to be able to identify the major organs of every type of dragon by memory. He gives lectures a lot and springs quizzes on students because he believes that otherwise, they will become slackers. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - He began as a student himself at the academy and worked his way up the ladder to take the place of the former dragon biology teacher. He is well adept at both Light and Shadow magic. Crimson can also do some Lightning and Fire magic as well. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - None. Believes that they just get in the way of things. [b]OTHER[/B] - Dislikes Styx the most, due to her mirror nature. He believes them to be vicious animals. Dislikes Tiramisu because of her age and that she is Imperial. He believes that Culinary Arts is a useless class. Dislikes Samir because he's an imperial. Respects him (grudgingly) because of how adept he is at potions. Dislikes Illyri the least, due to the fact that Ilyri is quite old. Respects everyone else.
Crimson Sunbeam



45 years (our human equivalent)

The silent type, he will glare at you until you do as you are told. Talking to him is like talking to a brick wall, but he knows exactly everything about dragon biology, be it Tundra dragons or Fae dragons. He somewhat resents the younger professors because he believes that they should be assistants and that you should work your way to being a professor, not just get in because of your talent. He was raised to believe coatl, skydancers, faes, and tundras are superior due to their high magic affinity and looks down on everyone else. The younger professors this year come from a range of breeds, so they've got more going against them in his eyes. No one really gets why he's so stubborn in his beliefs, but they're mostly too scared to ask.

CLASS DESCRIPTION - Runs his biology class with an iron fist. You do as you are told and nothing more, nothing less. He will come down on you if you forget homework or are careless. By the end of the course, you are expected to be able to identify the major organs of every type of dragon by memory. He gives lectures a lot and springs quizzes on students because he believes that otherwise, they will become slackers.

He began as a student himself at the academy and worked his way up the ladder to take the place of the former dragon biology teacher.
He is well adept at both Light and Shadow magic. Crimson can also do some Lightning and Fire magic as well.


None. Believes that they just get in the way of things.

Dislikes Styx the most, due to her mirror nature. He believes them to be vicious animals.
Dislikes Tiramisu because of her age and that she is Imperial. He believes that Culinary Arts is a useless class.
Dislikes Samir because he's an imperial. Respects him (grudgingly) because of how adept he is at potions.
Dislikes Illyri the least, due to the fact that Ilyri is quite old.
Respects everyone else.
[b]NAME[/b] - Tsure Venchase [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img][/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 8yrs [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Witty and Mischievous, Tsure enjoys playing pranks on the students and is known for his hatchling's innocence and the brutal honesty that comes with it. PROFESSOR / STUDENT / [b]ASSISTANT[/b] [b]SPECIALTY[/b] -Tsure shows prowess in wind magic but is too young to attend. instead, he spends his time helping the instructors and other staff and learning what he can from observing classes. [b]OTHER[/B] -Every few months Tsure will choose a teach to "help out" whether they want him to or not. He's very eager to please but is often too ready for his own good or anyone else's.
Tsure Venchase



Witty and Mischievous, Tsure enjoys playing pranks on the students and is known for his hatchling's innocence and the brutal honesty that comes with it.


SPECIALTY -Tsure shows prowess in wind magic but is too young to attend. instead, he spends his time helping the instructors and other staff and learning what he can from observing classes.

OTHER -Every few months Tsure will choose a teach to "help out" whether they want him to or not. He's very eager to please but is often too ready for his own good or anyone else's.
NAME - Rynus Shadecaster IMAGE - [img][/img] AGE - 18 PERSONALITY - Rynus is curious, calm, creative, selfless and is sometimes clueless. He prefers being solitary than being in a group and does not like social tension between friends or even people he doesn't know. Although able to keep calm, that doesn't mean he can't lose his temper, but it'll take extreme stress and pressure to make him snap. SPECIALTY Rynus is very skilled in illusory magic and his remarkable abilities with physical combat. These two abilities make a great combination when in the field, and he often uses them when hunting. FAMILIAR - A Storm Seeker named Sirius. OTHER - Uses lightning magic (taught to him by his father) to add to his fighting skills.
Rynus Shadecaster



Rynus is curious, calm, creative, selfless and is sometimes clueless. He prefers being solitary than being in a group and does not like social tension between friends or even people he doesn't know. Although able to keep calm, that doesn't mean he can't lose his temper, but it'll take extreme stress and pressure to make him snap.

Rynus is very skilled in illusory magic and his remarkable abilities with physical combat.
These two abilities make a great combination when in the field, and he often uses them when hunting.


A Storm Seeker named Sirius.

Uses lightning magic (taught to him by his father) to add to his fighting skills.
(( @Zephriam Excellent! Thank you for doing this :) )) [b]NAME[/b] - Medwin Spellturn [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img][/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 426 years (( I assume professors are allowed to be much older, lol )) [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Medwin is a friendly, amiable Fae, very longsuffering and patient, and he is usually quite diplomatic in his dealings with more difficult associates. He likes kids and students quite a bit and will occasionally go out of his way to give them extra tips or training. He's generally a pretty nice guy, but his temper, once broken, is something to be feared -- his reputation as a powerful mage is not misplaced. [b]PROFESSOR[/b] / STUDENT / ASSISTANT [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - [u]Offense Magic[/u] is what is sounds like -- the art of using magic specifically for destructive purposes. We teach spells and how to use them, what sorts of elements they work against, ect. [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Medwin is honored among the Starfall Isles for his magical talent. He has been an ambassador of his flight for many years, but as he's aged, he's decided to begin passing his knowledge on to others. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - A Hibernal Starbear named Illusion. [b]OTHER[/B] - N/a [b]NAME[/b] - Amor Charmcaster [b]IMAGE[/B] - [img][/img] [b]AGE[/B] - 374 years [b]PERSONALITY[/b] - Amor is a native denizen of the Starfall Isles. As the mate of Medwin Spellturn, she stands as his partner and companion, and they have been together for a very long time. She tends to be a very reserved dragon overall, choosing to remain polite and diplomatic, but entirely unreadable. She rarely voices her feelings. PROFESSOR / STUDENT / [b]ASSISTANT[/b] [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b] - Not exactly an assistant in the 'Snapper Janitor' sense; Amor is a teacher's assistant mostly to her mate, Medwin, who teaches the offense magic class, although she could also be of use to other teachers as well (see "Specialty") [b]SPECIALTY[/b] - Amor's magical abilities involve the enhancing of other dragons' abilities (in FR terms, that would be spells such as Haste, Rally, Concentration, ect.) She has a few offense spells up her sleeve as well, but she usually allows the mage she's backing up to do that job. [b]FAMILIAR[/b] - An Arcane Sprite named Voodoo [b]OTHER[/B] - N/a
(( @Zephriam Excellent! Thank you for doing this :) ))

NAME - Medwin Spellturn

IMAGE - 6624661_350.png

AGE - 426 years (( I assume professors are allowed to be much older, lol ))

PERSONALITY - Medwin is a friendly, amiable Fae, very longsuffering and patient, and he is usually quite diplomatic in his dealings with more difficult associates. He likes kids and students quite a bit and will occasionally go out of his way to give them extra tips or training. He's generally a pretty nice guy, but his temper, once broken, is something to be feared -- his reputation as a powerful mage is not misplaced.


CLASS DESCRIPTION - Offense Magic is what is sounds like -- the art of using magic specifically for destructive purposes. We teach spells and how to use them, what sorts of elements they work against, ect.

SPECIALTY - Medwin is honored among the Starfall Isles for his magical talent. He has been an ambassador of his flight for many years, but as he's aged, he's decided to begin passing his knowledge on to others.

FAMILIAR - A Hibernal Starbear named Illusion.


NAME - Amor Charmcaster

IMAGE - 7651659_350.png

AGE - 374 years

PERSONALITY - Amor is a native denizen of the Starfall Isles. As the mate of Medwin Spellturn, she stands as his partner and companion, and they have been together for a very long time. She tends to be a very reserved dragon overall, choosing to remain polite and diplomatic, but entirely unreadable. She rarely voices her feelings.


CLASS DESCRIPTION - Not exactly an assistant in the 'Snapper Janitor' sense; Amor is a teacher's assistant mostly to her mate, Medwin, who teaches the offense magic class, although she could also be of use to other teachers as well (see "Specialty")

SPECIALTY - Amor's magical abilities involve the enhancing of other dragons' abilities (in FR terms, that would be spells such as Haste, Rally, Concentration, ect.) She has a few offense spells up her sleeve as well, but she usually allows the mage she's backing up to do that job.

FAMILIAR - An Arcane Sprite named Voodoo

"He who made you bitter made you wise."
-W.B. Yeats
[b]NAME [/b]- Sevanezth Gladescale [b]IMAGE [/b]- [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]AGE [/b]- 140 years old PERSONALITY - Having worked at Lapis for a good number of years, Sevanezth has been an assistant to the teachers of the Academy, helping with Creatures and Dragon Biology. She bobs along everywhere, and one can see her talking to the other Snappers of the school. She doesn't really talk much in lessons, but outside, she's as talkative as a hare. PROFESSOR / STUDENT / [b]ASSISTANT[/b] [b]CLASS DESCRIPTION[/b]: N/A [b]SPECIALTY[/b]: N/A [b]FAMILIAR [/b]- doesn't come with her to Lapis, currently irrelevant. [b]OTHER [/b]- Sevanezth has near to no magic abilities, her dueling relies on physical attacks and body slams.
NAME - Sevanezth Gladescale



AGE - 140 years old

PERSONALITY - Having worked at Lapis for a good number of years, Sevanezth has been an assistant to the teachers of the Academy, helping with Creatures and Dragon Biology. She bobs along everywhere, and one can see her talking to the other Snappers of the school. She doesn't really talk much in lessons, but outside, she's as talkative as a hare.




FAMILIAR - doesn't come with her to Lapis, currently irrelevant.

OTHER - Sevanezth has near to no magic abilities, her dueling relies on physical attacks and body slams.

art by: @BzooZu
((@Digipup No problem, the RP seemed really interesting.))
((@Digipup No problem, the RP seemed really interesting.))
[b]Name:[/b] Eurydice Silverstorm [b]Image:[/b] [url=] [img][/img] [/url] [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Personality:[/b] One of the most clumsiest and disorganized dragons one has ever met. She is very disorganized with her overflowing bundles of parchments, scrolls, books, tools, and other things. She had a tendency to run into walls, pillars and other dragons. She loved to talk and has the energy of a spiral. She is somewhat of a patient dragon but can settle down for a while. She is sometime labeled mad or crazy for the things she does, like causing lots of explosions and her laugh that sounds like a maniac's one. She can work herself to the bone and has a knack for making armor. One of her most noticed traits is her messy, tangled mane. While others keep themselves groomed, her own mane is often tangled, messy, everywhere and called an abomination and she sometimes sticks stuff in it. She carry's mass hoards of scrolls, parchments and books with her. It is very hard to get her angry and if you managed to get her annoyed she will most likely boobytrap something of yours, causing it to explode. She does not care what people think of her or her abomination of a mane. [b]Student[/b]/ Professor/ Assistant [b]Specialty:[/b] Engineering, mainly mechanical and electrical and somewhat chemical. She is a good metalworker, she made her own apparel. She loves to make something new and it often explodes but she can start from scratch again. Somewhat good at drawing when she puts her idea onto paper. She loves fixing broken things and working with something electrical. Shes not very good at doing magic but often can be found working with something, fixing something, or making explosions. If she does get into a fight, she will ambush them, smack them with her tail, throw wrenches at their head or just use her homemade bombs on them. She has a another knack for making bombs, something she is not supposed to do. [b]Familiar[/b] A livewire grizzly named Ermir, It often is the one that makes sure she doesn't get into trouble and also helps her with fixing things, her projects and other stuff. He is very calm and doesn't disturb class so Eurydice drags him everywhere [b]Other[b] She is eager to learn the wind magic and lightning magic but right now has to stick to throwing bombs at her enemy. Is sometimes labeled as a troublemaker but does everything to please her Professors and mentors. She is sometimes too overexcited but is eager to learn engineering
Name: Eurydice Silverstorm



Age: 14

Personality: One of the most clumsiest and disorganized dragons one has ever met. She is very disorganized with her overflowing bundles of parchments, scrolls, books, tools, and other things. She had a tendency to run into walls, pillars and other dragons. She loved to talk and has the energy of a spiral. She is somewhat of a patient dragon but can settle down for a while. She is sometime labeled mad or crazy for the things she does, like causing lots of explosions and her laugh that sounds like a maniac's one. She can work herself to the bone and has a knack for making armor. One of her most noticed traits is her messy, tangled mane. While others keep themselves groomed, her own mane is often tangled, messy, everywhere and called an abomination and she sometimes sticks stuff in it. She carry's mass hoards of scrolls, parchments and books with her. It is very hard to get her angry and if you managed to get her annoyed she will most likely boobytrap something of yours, causing it to explode. She does not care what people think of her or her abomination of a mane.

Student/ Professor/ Assistant

Engineering, mainly mechanical and electrical and somewhat chemical. She is a good metalworker, she made her own apparel. She loves to make something new and it often explodes but she can start from scratch again. Somewhat good at drawing when she puts her idea onto paper. She loves fixing broken things and working with something electrical. Shes not very good at doing magic but often can be found working with something, fixing something, or making explosions. If she does get into a fight, she will ambush them, smack them with her tail, throw wrenches at their head or just use her homemade bombs on them. She has a another knack for making bombs, something she is not supposed to do.

A livewire grizzly named Ermir, It often is the one that makes sure she doesn't get into trouble and also helps her with fixing things, her projects and other stuff. He is very calm and doesn't disturb class so Eurydice drags him everywhere

She is eager to learn the wind magic and lightning magic but right now has to stick to throwing bombs at her enemy. Is sometimes labeled as a troublemaker but does everything to please her Professors and mentors. She is sometimes too overexcited but is eager to learn engineering
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