

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Scales: Corrupted [accepting apps]
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I posted on the chat asking if anyone wanted to pop in and rp with Fey but have gotten no response.

I have tried contacting nihill but they have not replied.

I posted on the chat asking if anyone wanted to pop in and rp with Fey but have gotten no response.

I have tried contacting nihill but they have not replied.
@Ragnaroc nihill is busy dealing with real life at the moment. They hop into the IRC chat every once in a while.

As for the activity on the other site, well. People actually have to go there themselves to see your post and I don't think that's happening much right now. That's why I pinged you lot.

@Keitsumah Make sure to ping @Rhyvendra for stuff related to the new forums because I think they are the only one who can do anything related to usernames.
@Ragnaroc nihill is busy dealing with real life at the moment. They hop into the IRC chat every once in a while.

As for the activity on the other site, well. People actually have to go there themselves to see your post and I don't think that's happening much right now. That's why I pinged you lot.

@Keitsumah Make sure to ping @Rhyvendra for stuff related to the new forums because I think they are the only one who can do anything related to usernames.
@Keitsumah I'll take care of it when i get home from taking mom to the dentist in the morning. @amariex Thank you for pinging me! @Nyctea had the user GoodKoji make these for Trem and Raid [img][/img][img][/img]

I'll take care of it when i get home from taking mom to the dentist in the morning. @amariex Thank you for pinging me!

@Nyctea had the user GoodKoji make these for Trem and Raid

@Rhyvendra thanks!
@Rhyvendra thanks!
Also on a ie note I have this really sparkly pair of dragon that ive bred twice now and both nests have had only one egg!!!! grrr
Also on a ie note I have this really sparkly pair of dragon that ive bred twice now and both nests have had only one egg!!!! grrr

Deleted, and what provider for email are you using? That might be a cause of the problem perhaps?

Deleted, and what provider for email are you using? That might be a cause of the problem perhaps?
@Rhyvendra wow . wowowowow. That is AWESOME!! I just got on and this was so incredible to get on to. Can I pay you in any way? I mean, you got art for my dragon I have to give you something ;u;

Wow, this crappy, busy day turned awesome. Thank you sososo much< 3
@Rhyvendra wow . wowowowow. That is AWESOME!! I just got on and this was so incredible to get on to. Can I pay you in any way? I mean, you got art for my dragon I have to give you something ;u;

Wow, this crappy, busy day turned awesome. Thank you sososo much< 3

Yay! I'm glad you like it! I was looking around in the adoptable forums and saw GoodKoji's bases and felt like they were Perfect for Trem and Rade.

Naw, I dont need anything I just wanted to get something cute for both Trem and Rade since they are such a cute couple. Could not help myself.

Yay! I'm glad you like it! I was looking around in the adoptable forums and saw GoodKoji's bases and felt like they were Perfect for Trem and Rade.

Naw, I dont need anything I just wanted to get something cute for both Trem and Rade since they are such a cute couple. Could not help myself.
@Rhyvendra aww, thank you so much, they are so sweet, I'm going to put that in her bio then I'm of to bed.

So hey, It's finals week next week, I've got a game tomorrow and this weekend I'm going to visit my gram, (Glad to hear yours is doing well :") ) so I was wondering if you could put me on an excused hiatus until then? I know a week is pretty long, but after then I'll be a free woman, and'll promise to be on a whole lot more.
@Rhyvendra aww, thank you so much, they are so sweet, I'm going to put that in her bio then I'm of to bed.

So hey, It's finals week next week, I've got a game tomorrow and this weekend I'm going to visit my gram, (Glad to hear yours is doing well :") ) so I was wondering if you could put me on an excused hiatus until then? I know a week is pretty long, but after then I'll be a free woman, and'll promise to be on a whole lot more.
@Rhyvendra im using gmail. I dont think that should be the problem i cant use any other email types...dangit
@Rhyvendra im using gmail. I dont think that should be the problem i cant use any other email types...dangit
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