

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Mystic Valley ((AWH)) ~ OPEN
1 2 ... 11 12 13 14 15 ... 21 22

Sapphire shook her head, jingling her collar. It was mostly to check if this was some sick nightmare she was having. Bizzare things like cats in some valley in the middle of no where that had cults? No way this was non fictional. Sapphire opened her sapphire eyes and still some small gremblin was there. Why.

"Excuse me? My territory? Why would I want to own any of this filthy useless land?" She asked with a very classy scoff. "There aren't any others. They already left poor little me behind. Self absorbed peasants." She grumbled while totally not being self absorbed. "Why are you here you... Mangled mess? I've met enough strangers and none of them are any help. Of course you don't look like help anyways."

Sapphire shook her head, jingling her collar. It was mostly to check if this was some sick nightmare she was having. Bizzare things like cats in some valley in the middle of no where that had cults? No way this was non fictional. Sapphire opened her sapphire eyes and still some small gremblin was there. Why.

"Excuse me? My territory? Why would I want to own any of this filthy useless land?" She asked with a very classy scoff. "There aren't any others. They already left poor little me behind. Self absorbed peasants." She grumbled while totally not being self absorbed. "Why are you here you... Mangled mess? I've met enough strangers and none of them are any help. Of course you don't look like help anyways."

Bat stared at this rogue in a dawning horror and disgust. Did she know nothing? Her mother had never taught her of a cat that didn't know up from down-but then again, her mother didn't know everything, so perhaps this was a new breed of moronic cat that she'd just discovered. And what was that thing around her neck? Bat pressed her ears back in disgust, curling her nose at her. Bat knew she was a mangled mess-her ears and tail and ribs were a loud testament to that-but to be called that by a moronic she-cat with a loud prey-call around her neck?

" Bat, " she spat, growling in offensive. " My name is Bat-not Mangled Mess, or whatever your stupid little brain conjured up. And why would I help you? You, who can't even see how abundant in prey this land is compared to anywhere else-who doesn't even look like she could defend herself. You're not worth helping, even if I could. " Bat curled her lip in disgust and shook her head, turning away from the stranger. " She-cats are idiots, " she murmured, forgetting the fact that she herself, was a she-cat.

Bat stared at this rogue in a dawning horror and disgust. Did she know nothing? Her mother had never taught her of a cat that didn't know up from down-but then again, her mother didn't know everything, so perhaps this was a new breed of moronic cat that she'd just discovered. And what was that thing around her neck? Bat pressed her ears back in disgust, curling her nose at her. Bat knew she was a mangled mess-her ears and tail and ribs were a loud testament to that-but to be called that by a moronic she-cat with a loud prey-call around her neck?

" Bat, " she spat, growling in offensive. " My name is Bat-not Mangled Mess, or whatever your stupid little brain conjured up. And why would I help you? You, who can't even see how abundant in prey this land is compared to anywhere else-who doesn't even look like she could defend herself. You're not worth helping, even if I could. " Bat curled her lip in disgust and shook her head, turning away from the stranger. " She-cats are idiots, " she murmured, forgetting the fact that she herself, was a she-cat.

Sapphire leaned her head to the side with a very irritated expression. "As if that name is any better." She grumbled. Sapphire politely scratched behind her ear, pretending not to care much for this small feline. "I didn't want your help in the first place." Sapphire annouced as she reconnected eye contact. Maybe she should help this cat? Well obviously she was not worthy of help from the perfect Sapphire.

"Why in the world would I care about rodents living here? Everything is prepared back home and I have no need to waste time hunting for, ugh, rotten food." She says and she imagines her kibble and fancy feasts back home which were probably gross too. "I can defend myself fine. See?" Sapphire stretched out her paw revealing perfectly clipped claws. Majestic.

"Excuse me? Aren't you a she-cat as well? Why are you only saying one gender is of a certain intelligence? Rude rude rude." Sapphire huffed. "None the less, I do reccomend you see to it that you err... Do what you wild savages do to keep heatlhy. You look already dead and I rather not take part being seen with dead cats. Or any cats."

Sapphire leaned her head to the side with a very irritated expression. "As if that name is any better." She grumbled. Sapphire politely scratched behind her ear, pretending not to care much for this small feline. "I didn't want your help in the first place." Sapphire annouced as she reconnected eye contact. Maybe she should help this cat? Well obviously she was not worthy of help from the perfect Sapphire.

"Why in the world would I care about rodents living here? Everything is prepared back home and I have no need to waste time hunting for, ugh, rotten food." She says and she imagines her kibble and fancy feasts back home which were probably gross too. "I can defend myself fine. See?" Sapphire stretched out her paw revealing perfectly clipped claws. Majestic.

"Excuse me? Aren't you a she-cat as well? Why are you only saying one gender is of a certain intelligence? Rude rude rude." Sapphire huffed. "None the less, I do reccomend you see to it that you err... Do what you wild savages do to keep heatlhy. You look already dead and I rather not take part being seen with dead cats. Or any cats."
@TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @frozenpumpkin @Draconequis

Maplestar generally ignored the majority of the journey from camp to where Foxstar was supposedly hiding out. She could hear her clanmates following after her silently, the whole patrol somber and alert. It was hard not to be skeptical of Silversnow. She had left her clan, as leader no less; something so unforgivable to Maplestar that she could hardly even process it. Maplestar was wondering if she was being a bit hypocritical, after all she had accepted a warrior and apprentice into Stormclan with more ease than she should have. She should be more wary but when she got right down to the truth of it all, regardless of where a cat came from Maplestar did not easily trust them. It had taken her moons upon moons to trust the cats that she did now. Yes she trusted her clan mates very much, but there were really only three cats in her life that she would trust wholeheartedly without a second thought. It wasn't that she thought everyone else was untrustworthy, they just hadn't proved themselves to her like Hollyeyes, Downyclaw, and Wildfire had. With time, she was sure to trust more willingly and allow some forgiveness into her life, but that was not the case for this moment, here and now.

She would not forgive Silversnow for her decision, that she knew without a doubt. Still, Maplestar respected the she-cats decision to chase after Foxstar and Maplestar feared that it would be necessary soon if the threat of Foxstar was still prominent in the near future. The storms in the mountain had already began shifting towards the valley. Every time Maplestar looked up to the sky she saw the threat of snow looming over their heads and she didn't have time to worry about strange cats lurking around in the shadows of her territory. Just the thought of Foxstar on her land drove the she-cat mad. Looking back over her shoulder Maplestar made sure her clanmates were prepared. Focusing on Addergaze's face she couldn't help but feel guilty, once again, for the scars along his face. She had been young and easily angered. She hoped Addergaze still didn't blame her for her actions, but then again she had never really tried to show she was sorry. At this point in life it was almost difficult for Maplestar to imagine apologizing for an event that had happened long ago.

Deciding to put more effort in their friendship Maplestar shifted her amber gaze away and towards Copperfur. The calico frowned slightly and moved over to the left and slowed her pace so that she could walk beside the tom. "Copperfur." She said, nodding her head in greeting. "I want you to keep an eye on Brightleap." Maplestar's voice was low and she made sure that only the tom could hear what she was saying. She knew the tom would listen to her, he had always been a stickler for the rules like her. "I know she is part of the clan now, but we can't be too careful. I just want you to watch what she does when, if, we find Foxstar and his group. I know that one of the cats that ran away with Foxstar is her brother. I want to know who's side she is really on." Her amber eyes bore into the tom's own eyes, making sure he understood what she was asking of him. It wasn't that she didn't trust Brightleap, it was just that... she didn't trust Brightleap. Not yet. Maplestar hoped Copperfur understood.

They were still walking through the forest, still searching for the ex-Marshclan leader, well, other ex-Marshclan leader. Maplestar scented the air, still not sensing him nearby. She had a feeling they still had a way to go.
@TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @frozenpumpkin @Draconequis

Maplestar generally ignored the majority of the journey from camp to where Foxstar was supposedly hiding out. She could hear her clanmates following after her silently, the whole patrol somber and alert. It was hard not to be skeptical of Silversnow. She had left her clan, as leader no less; something so unforgivable to Maplestar that she could hardly even process it. Maplestar was wondering if she was being a bit hypocritical, after all she had accepted a warrior and apprentice into Stormclan with more ease than she should have. She should be more wary but when she got right down to the truth of it all, regardless of where a cat came from Maplestar did not easily trust them. It had taken her moons upon moons to trust the cats that she did now. Yes she trusted her clan mates very much, but there were really only three cats in her life that she would trust wholeheartedly without a second thought. It wasn't that she thought everyone else was untrustworthy, they just hadn't proved themselves to her like Hollyeyes, Downyclaw, and Wildfire had. With time, she was sure to trust more willingly and allow some forgiveness into her life, but that was not the case for this moment, here and now.

She would not forgive Silversnow for her decision, that she knew without a doubt. Still, Maplestar respected the she-cats decision to chase after Foxstar and Maplestar feared that it would be necessary soon if the threat of Foxstar was still prominent in the near future. The storms in the mountain had already began shifting towards the valley. Every time Maplestar looked up to the sky she saw the threat of snow looming over their heads and she didn't have time to worry about strange cats lurking around in the shadows of her territory. Just the thought of Foxstar on her land drove the she-cat mad. Looking back over her shoulder Maplestar made sure her clanmates were prepared. Focusing on Addergaze's face she couldn't help but feel guilty, once again, for the scars along his face. She had been young and easily angered. She hoped Addergaze still didn't blame her for her actions, but then again she had never really tried to show she was sorry. At this point in life it was almost difficult for Maplestar to imagine apologizing for an event that had happened long ago.

Deciding to put more effort in their friendship Maplestar shifted her amber gaze away and towards Copperfur. The calico frowned slightly and moved over to the left and slowed her pace so that she could walk beside the tom. "Copperfur." She said, nodding her head in greeting. "I want you to keep an eye on Brightleap." Maplestar's voice was low and she made sure that only the tom could hear what she was saying. She knew the tom would listen to her, he had always been a stickler for the rules like her. "I know she is part of the clan now, but we can't be too careful. I just want you to watch what she does when, if, we find Foxstar and his group. I know that one of the cats that ran away with Foxstar is her brother. I want to know who's side she is really on." Her amber eyes bore into the tom's own eyes, making sure he understood what she was asking of him. It wasn't that she didn't trust Brightleap, it was just that... she didn't trust Brightleap. Not yet. Maplestar hoped Copperfur understood.

They were still walking through the forest, still searching for the ex-Marshclan leader, well, other ex-Marshclan leader. Maplestar scented the air, still not sensing him nearby. She had a feeling they still had a way to go.
Foxstar had been asleep, his dreams had not been restful these past few moons. He still could hear the screaming from Silversnow when he closed his eyes. Oh how she had been a disspointment. Such a loss.

What really hurt him the most was when Mintpaw had stayed behind, didn't that kit realize that he was Marsh clan? That he was their leader? She really should of paid more attention to him. He scented something on the wind, a storm clan patrol maybe? Hissing the tom got up and bit his sister redfur's ear, "Get up, we have company." He said motioning for the pregnant queen to take shelter. Brokenstep was already awake, limping as usual on his ruined paw. "How do you feel?" He asked his former apperentice watching the tom's broad shoulders move as he walked, "Still sore, but I'll live" The brown tom cat replied glancing to the north. "You smell it too?"


Redfur listened to the two toms talking. She curled her tail around her paws as she sat listening to them. She just wanted a safe spot to have her kits, none of this nonsense or fighting. "Is everything alright Foxstar?" She asked glancing into her twin's hazel eyes.

Foxstar however did not meet her gaze, "Get ready to run." Was all he said to her as the tom let his claws sink into the brisk snow. His breathe gathering around him in a rather onimious cloud.

Brokenstep's gaze lingered in the direction of the storm clan camp, he scented cats!


The tom shook on his haunches his feet already taking him toward the thunderpath, and the boarder. But....he stopped.Another scent hit his nostrils, "Brightleap!" The tom's eyes widened, he blinked back tears as he thought of his sister. "I have to see her..." he whispered waiting for the rest of the cats to catch up to them.

Foxstar was stoic. He closed his eyes. Ready to fight to buy time for Redfur and his apperentice to flee. His pregnant sister couldn't run that fast, and Brokenstep was in no condiction to run with his paw ruined like it was. "So it begins." He said opening his hazel eyes.

Eyes that flashed when he caught the scent of the Stormclan leader. "Maplestar's coming."
@Wildheart @TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @frozenpumpkin @Draconequis
Foxstar had been asleep, his dreams had not been restful these past few moons. He still could hear the screaming from Silversnow when he closed his eyes. Oh how she had been a disspointment. Such a loss.

What really hurt him the most was when Mintpaw had stayed behind, didn't that kit realize that he was Marsh clan? That he was their leader? She really should of paid more attention to him. He scented something on the wind, a storm clan patrol maybe? Hissing the tom got up and bit his sister redfur's ear, "Get up, we have company." He said motioning for the pregnant queen to take shelter. Brokenstep was already awake, limping as usual on his ruined paw. "How do you feel?" He asked his former apperentice watching the tom's broad shoulders move as he walked, "Still sore, but I'll live" The brown tom cat replied glancing to the north. "You smell it too?"


Redfur listened to the two toms talking. She curled her tail around her paws as she sat listening to them. She just wanted a safe spot to have her kits, none of this nonsense or fighting. "Is everything alright Foxstar?" She asked glancing into her twin's hazel eyes.

Foxstar however did not meet her gaze, "Get ready to run." Was all he said to her as the tom let his claws sink into the brisk snow. His breathe gathering around him in a rather onimious cloud.

Brokenstep's gaze lingered in the direction of the storm clan camp, he scented cats!


The tom shook on his haunches his feet already taking him toward the thunderpath, and the boarder. But....he stopped.Another scent hit his nostrils, "Brightleap!" The tom's eyes widened, he blinked back tears as he thought of his sister. "I have to see her..." he whispered waiting for the rest of the cats to catch up to them.

Foxstar was stoic. He closed his eyes. Ready to fight to buy time for Redfur and his apperentice to flee. His pregnant sister couldn't run that fast, and Brokenstep was in no condiction to run with his paw ruined like it was. "So it begins." He said opening his hazel eyes.

Eyes that flashed when he caught the scent of the Stormclan leader. "Maplestar's coming."
@Wildheart @TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @frozenpumpkin @Draconequis
(I hope this is enough!)


Copperfur gave a visible shudder at Wildfire's words Thank you. You'll be getting one of your own one day, and I'll look forward to training my own with yours in the future. Although he liked the idea of being better friends with the older tom, he did not want to be around an apprentice 24/7. "Yes..." He murmured. "If one of them tries to kill me, I trust you to distract them while I run." He said in all seriousness.

@Wildheart @Feldoras @Ariathena

Copperfur glanced towards his leader as she approached him, scanning her, trying to figure out why she had decided to walk by him. After hearing her mission for him he nodded. That... was very logical. A precaution that needed to be addressed. "Of course." He said, voice matching the quiet tone she held. "And if she turns out not loyal to us...?" He figured he knew what he had to do but he wanted conformation just in case. "And what will we do for Silversnow? If you want me to keep an eye on her to, I can try." This might be a little much for Copperfur but he would listen to his leader no matter what.

He sniffed the air quickly. Nothing... This made him slightly nervous. What if Foxstar had banded together all the rouges and loners to attack them? What if he knew that they were coming? This could all be a trap by Silversnow. She was Foxstar's old deputy... He shook his head quickly to get all the extra thoughts out. "I don't trust her at all.." He murmured to Maplestar about Silversnow, fur bristling. "She might just be leading us to a trap. We don't know anything about Foxstar's condition or followers..." He knew that Maplestar was aware of this but he felt better saying his concerns out loud. Which was weird considering how he didn't really like to talk in general. His eyes locked on Brightleap. He needed to stick to his mission. Any odd behavior was to be reported to Maplestar, immediately. Copperfur smelled the air again, still nothing. He was getting prepared.
(I hope this is enough!)


Copperfur gave a visible shudder at Wildfire's words Thank you. You'll be getting one of your own one day, and I'll look forward to training my own with yours in the future. Although he liked the idea of being better friends with the older tom, he did not want to be around an apprentice 24/7. "Yes..." He murmured. "If one of them tries to kill me, I trust you to distract them while I run." He said in all seriousness.

@Wildheart @Feldoras @Ariathena

Copperfur glanced towards his leader as she approached him, scanning her, trying to figure out why she had decided to walk by him. After hearing her mission for him he nodded. That... was very logical. A precaution that needed to be addressed. "Of course." He said, voice matching the quiet tone she held. "And if she turns out not loyal to us...?" He figured he knew what he had to do but he wanted conformation just in case. "And what will we do for Silversnow? If you want me to keep an eye on her to, I can try." This might be a little much for Copperfur but he would listen to his leader no matter what.

He sniffed the air quickly. Nothing... This made him slightly nervous. What if Foxstar had banded together all the rouges and loners to attack them? What if he knew that they were coming? This could all be a trap by Silversnow. She was Foxstar's old deputy... He shook his head quickly to get all the extra thoughts out. "I don't trust her at all.." He murmured to Maplestar about Silversnow, fur bristling. "She might just be leading us to a trap. We don't know anything about Foxstar's condition or followers..." He knew that Maplestar was aware of this but he felt better saying his concerns out loud. Which was weird considering how he didn't really like to talk in general. His eyes locked on Brightleap. He needed to stick to his mission. Any odd behavior was to be reported to Maplestar, immediately. Copperfur smelled the air again, still nothing. He was getting prepared.
Brightleap hurried along with the group at first, paws skimming quickly over the uneven, unfamiliar terrian almost like she was trotting in a horse like fashion. Now she slowed down into a fast walk as she hung back near the edge of the patrol, head slightly bowed as she quickly got absorbed into her own mind.
The first thing her thoughts zipped to was her former leader, Foxstar. Ever since she had opened her eyes to the light of the world, she had been under the tom's autheority as leader, and she had respected him above most other cats. To see him perform his duties to his clan daily had given her a sense of purpose; to do her part as a Marshclan cat to provide for her fellow cats. In comparison to his old self, the tom with a deep black coat that proudly sported an owl skull in battle, the one who had watched over her and all the other Marshclan cats, she was fearful to see, witness, what he had been reduced to.
Her ears flicked as a few leaves fell away from a tree, and swivelling her head around she almost expected to see an empty, savage husk of her former leader. Seeing nothing of the sort, she cursed herself for being startled so easily, despite the stressful last couple of days she has had. Any other warrior would take it without her level of complaint, she managed to convince herself. Up ahead, her new leader whispered something to Copperfur, and she strained her ears in attempt to catch even a sliver of the words spoken between them, but failed. Sure, they could have been discussing about Foxstar, and she could have left her mind in peace and left it as that, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was about her. Was Maplestar having regrets about having the black and white she-cat tag along?
If so, was she right to feel so? What would she even do when they got there and confronted Foxstar?
...loyalty to my new leader comes first... She whispered to herself, uncertainty swirling in her gut like crow food. But just that thought had contradictions she didn't wish to face. She abandoned one leader and clan, how could she hold her loyalty together for a new leader, even if said leader was Maplestar? She wouldn't, couldn't run from the physical encounter; it wasn't in her to avoid choices when they came own to a final decision. Her thoughts seemed to entangle themselves, finding pros and cons, logical and irrational ways of how having one or the other would be best.
But then her thoughts landed on one last factor. The kits, probably mewing for milk back in the Stormclan nursery right this moment. When Foxstar had acted, it was for his own selfish needs and desires, not for the need of the kits or his clan. Maplestar had brought them, her, and Pebblepaw into her clan when they left and needed a place to stay, and offered the kits a life they wouldn't have had in Marshclan.
Brightleap's steps turned steadier, and she hurried to keep up with the others. She glanced at Maplestar, gratefulness shimmering in her eyes for the briefest of moments before turning into a blank stare again, and turning around she prepared herself to face Foxstar and have her loyalty exercised for her new leader.

@wildheart @feldoras @tealeafves @ariathena @peachymoo @frozenpumpkin @draconequis
((Is it good?))
Brightleap hurried along with the group at first, paws skimming quickly over the uneven, unfamiliar terrian almost like she was trotting in a horse like fashion. Now she slowed down into a fast walk as she hung back near the edge of the patrol, head slightly bowed as she quickly got absorbed into her own mind.
The first thing her thoughts zipped to was her former leader, Foxstar. Ever since she had opened her eyes to the light of the world, she had been under the tom's autheority as leader, and she had respected him above most other cats. To see him perform his duties to his clan daily had given her a sense of purpose; to do her part as a Marshclan cat to provide for her fellow cats. In comparison to his old self, the tom with a deep black coat that proudly sported an owl skull in battle, the one who had watched over her and all the other Marshclan cats, she was fearful to see, witness, what he had been reduced to.
Her ears flicked as a few leaves fell away from a tree, and swivelling her head around she almost expected to see an empty, savage husk of her former leader. Seeing nothing of the sort, she cursed herself for being startled so easily, despite the stressful last couple of days she has had. Any other warrior would take it without her level of complaint, she managed to convince herself. Up ahead, her new leader whispered something to Copperfur, and she strained her ears in attempt to catch even a sliver of the words spoken between them, but failed. Sure, they could have been discussing about Foxstar, and she could have left her mind in peace and left it as that, but she couldn't shake the feeling that it was about her. Was Maplestar having regrets about having the black and white she-cat tag along?
If so, was she right to feel so? What would she even do when they got there and confronted Foxstar?
...loyalty to my new leader comes first... She whispered to herself, uncertainty swirling in her gut like crow food. But just that thought had contradictions she didn't wish to face. She abandoned one leader and clan, how could she hold her loyalty together for a new leader, even if said leader was Maplestar? She wouldn't, couldn't run from the physical encounter; it wasn't in her to avoid choices when they came own to a final decision. Her thoughts seemed to entangle themselves, finding pros and cons, logical and irrational ways of how having one or the other would be best.
But then her thoughts landed on one last factor. The kits, probably mewing for milk back in the Stormclan nursery right this moment. When Foxstar had acted, it was for his own selfish needs and desires, not for the need of the kits or his clan. Maplestar had brought them, her, and Pebblepaw into her clan when they left and needed a place to stay, and offered the kits a life they wouldn't have had in Marshclan.
Brightleap's steps turned steadier, and she hurried to keep up with the others. She glanced at Maplestar, gratefulness shimmering in her eyes for the briefest of moments before turning into a blank stare again, and turning around she prepared herself to face Foxstar and have her loyalty exercised for her new leader.

@wildheart @feldoras @tealeafves @ariathena @peachymoo @frozenpumpkin @draconequis
((Is it good?))
ChibiKittens, the original chibi derp cat
@TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @frozenpumpkin @Wildheart

At this point, Addergaze wasn't certain how he should feel. Excited? Scared? Relieved? None of these words accurately described the knot of emotions in Addergaze's stomach. But then again he wasn't really very good at expressing himself in the first place. This was probably the reason he got attacked so much in the first place.

Despite the turmoil of the emotions in Addergaze, he did not take his eyes off of Silversnow. He couldn't understand how the she-cat would give up clan life.. becoming a leader.. the highest honor.. how could she just abandon her clan? He had always sort of respected her before this, thought she was a good cat, even though she was from another clan, she had values.. she had loyalty.. And now.. here she was, a rogue to be. How disappointing.

Addergaze swore for a moment, Maplestar glanced in his direction. When he finally gained enough courage to glance in her direction, she was no longer staring. He averted his gaze back to Silversnow once again. It must have been his imagination. The scar on his face twinged, and he blinked. Well, it had been his fault Maplestar had struck him in the first place. If he didn't have such creepy eyes, he wouldn't have caused her to think he was challenging her to a fight. It had been so long ago, he doubted Maplestar even remembered.

Addergaze kept his eyes glued on Silversnow, even when he saw Maplestar whispering to Copperfur about something. He was fairly certain it had something to do with Brightleap, Foxstar's ex-follower. If he was leader he would keep an eye on her as well. But since he wasn't and he didn't want to anger another clan cat, he would instead keep all his attention on the clan-andoning Silversnow. His mistrust for Silversnow was much greater than his mistrust for Brightleap in the first place. I mean really, she'd slain Foxstar by nearly ripping his throat out. The thought of actually ripping a cat's throat out made Addergaze shudder inwardly. A cat would not die immediately if their windpipe was crushed. Instead they would squirm in agony for a few moments before dying. He had seen it happen before.. in one of Galestar's lives. Addergaze had watched as Galestar had literally choked to death. It had been disgusting, not a clean and neat kill where the cat would not suffer. Foxstar may have been a monster.. but to suffer until he could no longer breathe? did any cat deserve such a fate? Maybe... Addergaze shook his head. This was no time to think of such matters... he had to focus.

The wind shifted in the sky, and Addergaze briefly scented the chill of a storm rapidly approaching. The shifting winds made it difficult for Addergaze to pinpoint any scents other than the cats who were in close proximity to himself. So, it would be hard to get a reading on where they were going. This was the perfect weather for making an ambush.. If that was what Silversnow was planning. Realistically, Addergaze assumed Silversnow disliked Foxstar as much as they did, however, after the shock of learning she defected from her clan, he could also see her turning to help Foxstar instead of killing him.

Addergaze narrowed his eyes. One thing was for certain. If Maplestar didn't kill Foxstar, then he would be the one to drive his claws into the heart of the cat who represented everything Addergaze hated. Instant death. The thought pleased him.
Foxstar had once been a leader, chosen by StarClan.. and so Addergaze had decided, despite the cat's madness, he deserved a quick death. There had once been a reason Foxstar had been made into a leader... StarClan would never allow a mad cat to become a leader.. not without a reason. And for once, Addergaze wished StarClan would speak to him.. just so he could understand why.

((this took foreverrrr, and i hope its okay XD))
@TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @frozenpumpkin @Wildheart

At this point, Addergaze wasn't certain how he should feel. Excited? Scared? Relieved? None of these words accurately described the knot of emotions in Addergaze's stomach. But then again he wasn't really very good at expressing himself in the first place. This was probably the reason he got attacked so much in the first place.

Despite the turmoil of the emotions in Addergaze, he did not take his eyes off of Silversnow. He couldn't understand how the she-cat would give up clan life.. becoming a leader.. the highest honor.. how could she just abandon her clan? He had always sort of respected her before this, thought she was a good cat, even though she was from another clan, she had values.. she had loyalty.. And now.. here she was, a rogue to be. How disappointing.

Addergaze swore for a moment, Maplestar glanced in his direction. When he finally gained enough courage to glance in her direction, she was no longer staring. He averted his gaze back to Silversnow once again. It must have been his imagination. The scar on his face twinged, and he blinked. Well, it had been his fault Maplestar had struck him in the first place. If he didn't have such creepy eyes, he wouldn't have caused her to think he was challenging her to a fight. It had been so long ago, he doubted Maplestar even remembered.

Addergaze kept his eyes glued on Silversnow, even when he saw Maplestar whispering to Copperfur about something. He was fairly certain it had something to do with Brightleap, Foxstar's ex-follower. If he was leader he would keep an eye on her as well. But since he wasn't and he didn't want to anger another clan cat, he would instead keep all his attention on the clan-andoning Silversnow. His mistrust for Silversnow was much greater than his mistrust for Brightleap in the first place. I mean really, she'd slain Foxstar by nearly ripping his throat out. The thought of actually ripping a cat's throat out made Addergaze shudder inwardly. A cat would not die immediately if their windpipe was crushed. Instead they would squirm in agony for a few moments before dying. He had seen it happen before.. in one of Galestar's lives. Addergaze had watched as Galestar had literally choked to death. It had been disgusting, not a clean and neat kill where the cat would not suffer. Foxstar may have been a monster.. but to suffer until he could no longer breathe? did any cat deserve such a fate? Maybe... Addergaze shook his head. This was no time to think of such matters... he had to focus.

The wind shifted in the sky, and Addergaze briefly scented the chill of a storm rapidly approaching. The shifting winds made it difficult for Addergaze to pinpoint any scents other than the cats who were in close proximity to himself. So, it would be hard to get a reading on where they were going. This was the perfect weather for making an ambush.. If that was what Silversnow was planning. Realistically, Addergaze assumed Silversnow disliked Foxstar as much as they did, however, after the shock of learning she defected from her clan, he could also see her turning to help Foxstar instead of killing him.

Addergaze narrowed his eyes. One thing was for certain. If Maplestar didn't kill Foxstar, then he would be the one to drive his claws into the heart of the cat who represented everything Addergaze hated. Instant death. The thought pleased him.
Foxstar had once been a leader, chosen by StarClan.. and so Addergaze had decided, despite the cat's madness, he deserved a quick death. There had once been a reason Foxstar had been made into a leader... StarClan would never allow a mad cat to become a leader.. not without a reason. And for once, Addergaze wished StarClan would speak to him.. just so he could understand why.

((this took foreverrrr, and i hope its okay XD))
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{ @TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @wildheart @Draconequis
Maahaaaaaaaa I'm here shoot sorry
totally wasn't watching BOTFA again and sobbing my eyes out }

- - -

Starlingpool had been so focused on staring at Silversnow, assessing and calculating, she almost ran into Maplestar's tail when she halted. Skidding to a stop and mentally cursing, the warrior narrowed her eyes and scented the air. If they had stopped, that could only mean one thing...

Foxstar, she snarled silently, hackles rising. Her tail began to lazily flick back and forth, as her anger brewed and grew. Careful to keep her movements subtle and unnoticed, she started to pace around to Maplestar's side, claws sliding out ever so slowly from their sheaths. This was a moment she had been waiting for - a chance to show the scum that once ruled MarshClan what would happen when they intruded upon their lands. These were lands she would fight for, cats she would die for: Foxstar's multitude of lives were of no matter to her.

Her ears started to flatten. A pity StarClan can't recall lives given to leaders, she mused darkly. If I had the power, I would rip them all from him in an instant. No- I would never have given them to him in the first place.

The tension in the air was palpable, and her eyes flicked from her leader, to Silversnow, to the other warriors beside her. She could practically hear Addergaze's thoughts in particular, and she watched as his gaze went from Foxstar's throat to his chest. Ahh, straight in the heart, she thought, the idea bringing a smirk to her face. What a novel idea. Personally I think I'd go for the eyes first. No point in having nine lives if you can't see, is there? This idle notion quickly became something more concrete, and even the normally irritable Starlingpool wasn't usually this violent. It was something in Foxstar's madness that seemed to provoke those in his vicinity to the same.

No. She could not let herself succumb to the same weakness. Reluctantly shaking her head to rid herself of more bloodthirsty ruminations, she let out a slow sigh and refocused. Maplestar is your first priority. She too has lives, lives worth protecting. You will lay down yours for hers at all costs. The StormClan warrior continued to hammer those orders into herself, all the while waiting with tensed muscles for one of the two leaders to start the fight.

Second priority... she glanced to her right. Silversnow. That she-cat can have nothing good planned. Don't let her get away with anything.

"Maplestar," she all but breathed, voice a mere whisper. "What do we do now?"
{ @TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @wildheart @Draconequis
Maahaaaaaaaa I'm here shoot sorry
totally wasn't watching BOTFA again and sobbing my eyes out }

- - -

Starlingpool had been so focused on staring at Silversnow, assessing and calculating, she almost ran into Maplestar's tail when she halted. Skidding to a stop and mentally cursing, the warrior narrowed her eyes and scented the air. If they had stopped, that could only mean one thing...

Foxstar, she snarled silently, hackles rising. Her tail began to lazily flick back and forth, as her anger brewed and grew. Careful to keep her movements subtle and unnoticed, she started to pace around to Maplestar's side, claws sliding out ever so slowly from their sheaths. This was a moment she had been waiting for - a chance to show the scum that once ruled MarshClan what would happen when they intruded upon their lands. These were lands she would fight for, cats she would die for: Foxstar's multitude of lives were of no matter to her.

Her ears started to flatten. A pity StarClan can't recall lives given to leaders, she mused darkly. If I had the power, I would rip them all from him in an instant. No- I would never have given them to him in the first place.

The tension in the air was palpable, and her eyes flicked from her leader, to Silversnow, to the other warriors beside her. She could practically hear Addergaze's thoughts in particular, and she watched as his gaze went from Foxstar's throat to his chest. Ahh, straight in the heart, she thought, the idea bringing a smirk to her face. What a novel idea. Personally I think I'd go for the eyes first. No point in having nine lives if you can't see, is there? This idle notion quickly became something more concrete, and even the normally irritable Starlingpool wasn't usually this violent. It was something in Foxstar's madness that seemed to provoke those in his vicinity to the same.

No. She could not let herself succumb to the same weakness. Reluctantly shaking her head to rid herself of more bloodthirsty ruminations, she let out a slow sigh and refocused. Maplestar is your first priority. She too has lives, lives worth protecting. You will lay down yours for hers at all costs. The StormClan warrior continued to hammer those orders into herself, all the while waiting with tensed muscles for one of the two leaders to start the fight.

Second priority... she glanced to her right. Silversnow. That she-cat can have nothing good planned. Don't let her get away with anything.

"Maplestar," she all but breathed, voice a mere whisper. "What do we do now?"
FR +19
Foxstar purred as he walked forward, head held high almost showing off the scar tissue on his throat and chest that gave away what had ended his second life, "Are you." He began. "Really so insecutre Maplebrook. That you would bring your best warriors to chase off a pregnant queen, a cripple, or" he paused, "do I frighten you that much that you can't even face me one on one like a true leader would." The black tom's eyes lingered on each of the cats Maplestar had brought with her. He hissed when he saw silversnow, "Cowardly like your rogue mother and kin. I left you incharge of Marsh clan, what are you doing here? Revenge? For the death of a kitty pet too scared of his own shadow to tell you he loves you?"

"Pathetic" Foxstar hissed the fur on his back rising as the tom extended his claws, he raised his voice to almost a yowl, "Then me now , here I will not run from you. "

Redfur stayed behind her brother. The queen's hazel eyes darting from Storm clan warrior, to storm clan warrior. Fear gripped her heart as she backed up hissing, she would fight to protect her unborn kits,

but running sounded far better.

"Brightleap!" Brokenstep's eyes were watery as he looked to his sister from his posistion, " I'm so sorry.." *he closed his eyes turning away from her.

@TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @wildheart @Draconequis @FrozenPumpkin
Foxstar purred as he walked forward, head held high almost showing off the scar tissue on his throat and chest that gave away what had ended his second life, "Are you." He began. "Really so insecutre Maplebrook. That you would bring your best warriors to chase off a pregnant queen, a cripple, or" he paused, "do I frighten you that much that you can't even face me one on one like a true leader would." The black tom's eyes lingered on each of the cats Maplestar had brought with her. He hissed when he saw silversnow, "Cowardly like your rogue mother and kin. I left you incharge of Marsh clan, what are you doing here? Revenge? For the death of a kitty pet too scared of his own shadow to tell you he loves you?"

"Pathetic" Foxstar hissed the fur on his back rising as the tom extended his claws, he raised his voice to almost a yowl, "Then me now , here I will not run from you. "

Redfur stayed behind her brother. The queen's hazel eyes darting from Storm clan warrior, to storm clan warrior. Fear gripped her heart as she backed up hissing, she would fight to protect her unborn kits,

but running sounded far better.

"Brightleap!" Brokenstep's eyes were watery as he looked to his sister from his posistion, " I'm so sorry.." *he closed his eyes turning away from her.

@TeaLeafves @Feldoras @Ariathena @Peachymoo @ChibiKittens @wildheart @Draconequis @FrozenPumpkin
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