

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Year of the Sun and Moon [Private]

Solara grinned a huge smile when Luneth laughed. She had succeeded in lightening the mood. Finally she managed to unchain her bike,"Curse my bad night-vision,"she said crossly,"Now that I am 'complete' I thought at least I would have some advantages."
She jumped aboard her bike and sped off towards her home. It seemed like forever until they finally arrived in her driveway. Parking her bike at the porch she went to the door and fished inside her pocket for the key. She found it and stuffed it in the lock, twisted it, and opened the door,"Mom, Dad, I'm home,"she called into the house and was greeted by her mother who came into the room,"Mom, can I go to Luneth's house tonight?" she asked,"Of course,"He mom said,"Don't forget your present for him." Halfway up the stairs she called,"I won't," and trusting Luneth was inside said,"Come on before my mom offers cookies."

Solara grinned a huge smile when Luneth laughed. She had succeeded in lightening the mood. Finally she managed to unchain her bike,"Curse my bad night-vision,"she said crossly,"Now that I am 'complete' I thought at least I would have some advantages."
She jumped aboard her bike and sped off towards her home. It seemed like forever until they finally arrived in her driveway. Parking her bike at the porch she went to the door and fished inside her pocket for the key. She found it and stuffed it in the lock, twisted it, and opened the door,"Mom, Dad, I'm home,"she called into the house and was greeted by her mother who came into the room,"Mom, can I go to Luneth's house tonight?" she asked,"Of course,"He mom said,"Don't forget your present for him." Halfway up the stairs she called,"I won't," and trusting Luneth was inside said,"Come on before my mom offers cookies."

"Well, if you ever need to see anything in the dark, you've always got me," Luneth offered. He kept pace with her easily through the streets, though he noticed how fast she moved. Both of them had been energized by their awakening, and he found himself idly wondering how often they'd need to let their bodies sleep, if they even needed to sleep anymore at all. Oh well, they'd discover that when the time came.

He nodded politely to Solara's mother and kept near the door, but when Solara beckoned him upstairs, he hurried after her. "But I like cookies," he mock-whined, not seriously upset. It wasn't until he was out of the woman's sight that he let his troubled thoughts show on his face. The notion of having parents just like anyone else was all he'd known for all fifteen years of his life...but that was only one of his lives. Who were his parents to him, really? The caretakers of his ignorant vessel for a measly fifteen years. Not his parents, but his children, two mere mortals with a given task., he didn't want to think that. That didn't show them the proper respect. Whether he'd been whole or not, he'd been raised with love as their son, and they deserved his love in return, even though he would outlive them by millennia.

Argh, he hadn't wanted to get upset again, at least not yet. He shook his head and looked back to Solara as he finished climbing the stairs.

"Well, if you ever need to see anything in the dark, you've always got me," Luneth offered. He kept pace with her easily through the streets, though he noticed how fast she moved. Both of them had been energized by their awakening, and he found himself idly wondering how often they'd need to let their bodies sleep, if they even needed to sleep anymore at all. Oh well, they'd discover that when the time came.

He nodded politely to Solara's mother and kept near the door, but when Solara beckoned him upstairs, he hurried after her. "But I like cookies," he mock-whined, not seriously upset. It wasn't until he was out of the woman's sight that he let his troubled thoughts show on his face. The notion of having parents just like anyone else was all he'd known for all fifteen years of his life...but that was only one of his lives. Who were his parents to him, really? The caretakers of his ignorant vessel for a measly fifteen years. Not his parents, but his children, two mere mortals with a given task., he didn't want to think that. That didn't show them the proper respect. Whether he'd been whole or not, he'd been raised with love as their son, and they deserved his love in return, even though he would outlive them by millennia.

Argh, he hadn't wanted to get upset again, at least not yet. He shook his head and looked back to Solara as he finished climbing the stairs.

Solara motioned for him to follow her when he had finished climbing the stairs. On to her room she went. The inside of her rooms was a bright gold color, with pictures hanging on the walls. These pictures weren't messily placed posters, they were scenery photos in glass frames. There was a white dresser, a white bed, and white doors leading to her closet. The door to her room was also white, and so was the nightstand with the lamp on it that was beside her bed. The stick of the lamp was white while the top was a gold color. She had a window that was also white framed. Her room had a simple two colors, except for the photos, which gave the room an extra kick of vibrant colors. All was neat and orderly like she liked it. Going to her closet she pulled out another set of cloths, another pair of shoes, and a bag to hold it in. Packing it neatly in the bag she went to the dresser. She grabbed a pocket knife and a book. On to her night stand she pulled out a small box, wrapped in black wrapping paper with a white bow on top. Stuffing it quickly in her backpack she went back to the door,"I think that's everything," she said to Luneth.

Solara motioned for him to follow her when he had finished climbing the stairs. On to her room she went. The inside of her rooms was a bright gold color, with pictures hanging on the walls. These pictures weren't messily placed posters, they were scenery photos in glass frames. There was a white dresser, a white bed, and white doors leading to her closet. The door to her room was also white, and so was the nightstand with the lamp on it that was beside her bed. The stick of the lamp was white while the top was a gold color. She had a window that was also white framed. Her room had a simple two colors, except for the photos, which gave the room an extra kick of vibrant colors. All was neat and orderly like she liked it. Going to her closet she pulled out another set of cloths, another pair of shoes, and a bag to hold it in. Packing it neatly in the bag she went to the dresser. She grabbed a pocket knife and a book. On to her night stand she pulled out a small box, wrapped in black wrapping paper with a white bow on top. Stuffing it quickly in her backpack she went back to the door,"I think that's everything," she said to Luneth.

Luneth had been in Solara's room before, and while it certainly wasn't an aesthetic he would have chosen himself, he'd always found it pretty and fitting of her. Seeing it now, however, merely brought his thoughts back to the same defeated amusement that the gift had left him with. How predictable the two of them were in hindsight. He chuckled again. "Not to laugh at you, but..." he began, gesturing around her room. "Our personal tastes suddenly make far too much sense. I bet my room's even worse." His eyes fell on her present for him when she picked it up. The way she'd wrapped it made it their tastes even more obvious, so much so that they each knew exactly what the other wanted. Oh, if she'd unknowingly gotten him some sort of shiny accessory too, he'd laugh. That would be too funny, so funny it was actually just sad.

He nodded when she was ready. "Sounds good to me." He left the room and trotted down the stairs, once again eager to be off.

Luneth had been in Solara's room before, and while it certainly wasn't an aesthetic he would have chosen himself, he'd always found it pretty and fitting of her. Seeing it now, however, merely brought his thoughts back to the same defeated amusement that the gift had left him with. How predictable the two of them were in hindsight. He chuckled again. "Not to laugh at you, but..." he began, gesturing around her room. "Our personal tastes suddenly make far too much sense. I bet my room's even worse." His eyes fell on her present for him when she picked it up. The way she'd wrapped it made it their tastes even more obvious, so much so that they each knew exactly what the other wanted. Oh, if she'd unknowingly gotten him some sort of shiny accessory too, he'd laugh. That would be too funny, so funny it was actually just sad.

He nodded when she was ready. "Sounds good to me." He left the room and trotted down the stairs, once again eager to be off.

"Yes, they make far to much sense," Solara said with a nod. A smile played on her lips as Luneth turned and left. She lingered a while longer, casting a sorrowful eye across the room she knew she would never come back to. Finally, she too turned and left, most likely never to return.

Why was she so sentimental about such things, especially as little importance such as that. But she had lived their for fifteen years of her human life, such a small amount of time compared to the millennium she could possibly live, as long as they stopped the darkness of course. With a mental sigh she climbed down the steps. At the bottom she looked Luneth in the face,"Lets go," she said, her voice full of authority. She walked out the door quickly and mounted her bike. Now she just waited for Luneth to come out so they could get going.

"Yes, they make far to much sense," Solara said with a nod. A smile played on her lips as Luneth turned and left. She lingered a while longer, casting a sorrowful eye across the room she knew she would never come back to. Finally, she too turned and left, most likely never to return.

Why was she so sentimental about such things, especially as little importance such as that. But she had lived their for fifteen years of her human life, such a small amount of time compared to the millennium she could possibly live, as long as they stopped the darkness of course. With a mental sigh she climbed down the steps. At the bottom she looked Luneth in the face,"Lets go," she said, her voice full of authority. She walked out the door quickly and mounted her bike. Now she just waited for Luneth to come out so they could get going.

"Let's go."

Luneth could tell from the way Solara said it that something had bothered her. He wasn't surprised; it was annoying enough for him to have to continue the charade of an ordinary teenage boy preparing to have fun with his best friend while he really pondered things much more serious. He nodded and mounted his bike without saying anything else, deciding he wouldn't encroach on Solara's mental space. They could wait until they reached his house and could talk more easily, anyway.

As he pushed off and led the way home, his own thoughts turned inward to ponder the sorts of concerns they'd need to discuss. What would they do from here on out? Schooling was no longer necessary, but would it be worth it to pretend to live human lives for just a few years longer to put their parents at ease? He supposed that would depend on what they would be needed to do... His eyes flickered nervously to the starry sky for a few seconds before returning to the road. Neither of the two of them knew exactly what would happen now that the barrier had broken, but Luneth's hopes were not high. This earth, his earth, was in grave danger as far as he concerned, and from something that was an enigma. A mystery had slipped past him, the mystery of why their barrier had weakened before its time. That knowledge, the knowledge that there was something in his system that he did not know, chewed at his insides. He was angry. He would figure out why this had happened and how to reverse it, or he would die trying.

The arrival at his home caused him to snap out of this train of thought for the time being. He chained his bicycle up in its usual place, unlocked the front door, and beckoned Solara inside.

Luneth's father sat in an easy chair in the living room, fairly close to a healthy, cozy fire in the fireplace. He looked up from the book he was reading as the two youths entered. "Ah, welcome home! Good to see you again, Solara. How was the festival?"

Aaaand my father's as friendly as ever, Luneth thought. He'd rather they have been able to get to his room with minimal incident, but to be polite, he decided he'd (somewhat reluctantly) leave them a minute to exchange pleasantries before pulling Solara away.

"Let's go."

Luneth could tell from the way Solara said it that something had bothered her. He wasn't surprised; it was annoying enough for him to have to continue the charade of an ordinary teenage boy preparing to have fun with his best friend while he really pondered things much more serious. He nodded and mounted his bike without saying anything else, deciding he wouldn't encroach on Solara's mental space. They could wait until they reached his house and could talk more easily, anyway.

As he pushed off and led the way home, his own thoughts turned inward to ponder the sorts of concerns they'd need to discuss. What would they do from here on out? Schooling was no longer necessary, but would it be worth it to pretend to live human lives for just a few years longer to put their parents at ease? He supposed that would depend on what they would be needed to do... His eyes flickered nervously to the starry sky for a few seconds before returning to the road. Neither of the two of them knew exactly what would happen now that the barrier had broken, but Luneth's hopes were not high. This earth, his earth, was in grave danger as far as he concerned, and from something that was an enigma. A mystery had slipped past him, the mystery of why their barrier had weakened before its time. That knowledge, the knowledge that there was something in his system that he did not know, chewed at his insides. He was angry. He would figure out why this had happened and how to reverse it, or he would die trying.

The arrival at his home caused him to snap out of this train of thought for the time being. He chained his bicycle up in its usual place, unlocked the front door, and beckoned Solara inside.

Luneth's father sat in an easy chair in the living room, fairly close to a healthy, cozy fire in the fireplace. He looked up from the book he was reading as the two youths entered. "Ah, welcome home! Good to see you again, Solara. How was the festival?"

Aaaand my father's as friendly as ever, Luneth thought. He'd rather they have been able to get to his room with minimal incident, but to be polite, he decided he'd (somewhat reluctantly) leave them a minute to exchange pleasantries before pulling Solara away.
(I am sorry, but I believe I have lost interest in this rp. No matter how hard I try to post, I can't, my heart just isn't in it anymore. So, I am sad to say, but I must leave. Sorry again :(
(I am sorry, but I believe I have lost interest in this rp. No matter how hard I try to post, I can't, my heart just isn't in it anymore. So, I am sad to say, but I must leave. Sorry again :(
@dragonfly Hey, that's fine, it happens. It was fun while it lasted! :)
@dragonfly Hey, that's fine, it happens. It was fun while it lasted! :)
@FiliaFlammae Yes, yes it was :)
@FiliaFlammae Yes, yes it was :)