

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Year of the Sun and Moon [Private]
@dragonfly ((Sure. Let's move that to PM so the thread doesn't get too cluttered.))

Luneth's expression could be best described as one of simultaneous defeat and anxiety. "I wish I could agree with you," he said. "I mean, you know me. I'm all about science and skepticism.'s such a coincidence that I can't ignore it anymore. You, me, meeting each other, sticking together. Same birthday. Same, um," he indicated their faces, "weirdness. Same dreams. And the way we just...mesh, I guess. It's uncanny. I don't want to believe it's something extraordinary, but I can't help but feel like it has to be. It has to be something. I just wish I knew what." He put his elbows on the table and leaned forward to press his forehead into his palms, an exasperated sigh escaping his mouth.
@dragonfly ((Sure. Let's move that to PM so the thread doesn't get too cluttered.))

Luneth's expression could be best described as one of simultaneous defeat and anxiety. "I wish I could agree with you," he said. "I mean, you know me. I'm all about science and skepticism.'s such a coincidence that I can't ignore it anymore. You, me, meeting each other, sticking together. Same birthday. Same, um," he indicated their faces, "weirdness. Same dreams. And the way we just...mesh, I guess. It's uncanny. I don't want to believe it's something extraordinary, but I can't help but feel like it has to be. It has to be something. I just wish I knew what." He put his elbows on the table and leaned forward to press his forehead into his palms, an exasperated sigh escaping his mouth.

Solara gazed at the rapidly darkening sky as she thought over what Luneth had just said,"Yeah," she said with a sigh,"I guess we can't ignore the facts any more. But can we ignore it for tonight, I mean it is New Years Eve" Then she looked back at Luneth, and, in an attempt to lighten the mood, she said,"Mesh?" Her eyes twinkled with laughter, and she smiled mockingly, and for a moment she forgot about the dreams, but only for a moment.

Solara gazed at the rapidly darkening sky as she thought over what Luneth had just said,"Yeah," she said with a sigh,"I guess we can't ignore the facts any more. But can we ignore it for tonight, I mean it is New Years Eve" Then she looked back at Luneth, and, in an attempt to lighten the mood, she said,"Mesh?" Her eyes twinkled with laughter, and she smiled mockingly, and for a moment she forgot about the dreams, but only for a moment.
Her out-of-place comment caused Luneth to look back up at his partner. The twinkle in her eyes and the tilt of her smile revealed that she was honestly amused by his choice of words. "Hey, that's a perfectly legitimate word to use here," he countered, but a smile played at his own face again. Solara had always been one to try and make the best out of a situation, regardless of whether her jokes were at all funny. He didn't mind, really. As long as it was clear that the jokes came from her own genuine amusement, he liked them.

After finishing his drink, he leaned back in his chair to stretch, reaching his arms over his head. He felt a satisfying pop somewhere in his spine after a couple of seconds, causing him to emit a small "ooh" of pleasant surprise before he could help it. He then shook out his arms and met Solara's gaze again, looking noticeably more energized. "All right, I'm ready to head over to the festival when you are. There's bound to be some good food and music down by the wharf this time!" He reached for his bag, ready to dig around inside for a tip to leave on the table.
Her out-of-place comment caused Luneth to look back up at his partner. The twinkle in her eyes and the tilt of her smile revealed that she was honestly amused by his choice of words. "Hey, that's a perfectly legitimate word to use here," he countered, but a smile played at his own face again. Solara had always been one to try and make the best out of a situation, regardless of whether her jokes were at all funny. He didn't mind, really. As long as it was clear that the jokes came from her own genuine amusement, he liked them.

After finishing his drink, he leaned back in his chair to stretch, reaching his arms over his head. He felt a satisfying pop somewhere in his spine after a couple of seconds, causing him to emit a small "ooh" of pleasant surprise before he could help it. He then shook out his arms and met Solara's gaze again, looking noticeably more energized. "All right, I'm ready to head over to the festival when you are. There's bound to be some good food and music down by the wharf this time!" He reached for his bag, ready to dig around inside for a tip to leave on the table.
(@dragonfly because I forgot the ping gwaaaah)
(@dragonfly because I forgot the ping gwaaaah)

Solara laughed as he defended himself, and after a few moments she sat with an empty cup from which there was once coffee. A moment later Luneth too, sat with an empty cup. As she saw him ready to fish about in his bag for a tip she smiled and drew forth a sufficient amount of money for a tip from her pocket and said,"Here, let me get it." Setting the money on the table she stood and started walking, but stopped to see if Luneth was following.

Solara laughed as he defended himself, and after a few moments she sat with an empty cup from which there was once coffee. A moment later Luneth too, sat with an empty cup. As she saw him ready to fish about in his bag for a tip she smiled and drew forth a sufficient amount of money for a tip from her pocket and said,"Here, let me get it." Setting the money on the table she stood and started walking, but stopped to see if Luneth was following.

It seemed Solara had more ready access to her funds. Luneth wasn't fast enough to beat her to leaving their tip, but he reasoned it would be a good idea to move his coin purse from his bag to his pocket for ease of access later in the night. They were heading to a street fair, after all. Once he'd done so, he slung his bag back over his shoulder and hurried after her.

He was ready to walk downtown, but when he stepped back onto he sidewalk he paused, looking back up the street in the direction of the post where they'd left their bikes. "Hey, do you want to bring your bike with you, or would you rather leave it here?" he asked. "I don't know if you'd be up to hiking back this way after midnight."

It seemed Solara had more ready access to her funds. Luneth wasn't fast enough to beat her to leaving their tip, but he reasoned it would be a good idea to move his coin purse from his bag to his pocket for ease of access later in the night. They were heading to a street fair, after all. Once he'd done so, he slung his bag back over his shoulder and hurried after her.

He was ready to walk downtown, but when he stepped back onto he sidewalk he paused, looking back up the street in the direction of the post where they'd left their bikes. "Hey, do you want to bring your bike with you, or would you rather leave it here?" he asked. "I don't know if you'd be up to hiking back this way after midnight."
@FiliaFlammae (sorry for late reply)

Solara nodded at his question,"Yeah, you getting yours?" Without waiting for a reply she jogged along until she reached her bike. It took a minute to unchain, for, with the ever growing darkness, it was getting difficult to see. her night vision wasn't to good, so it only added to the difficulty. Finally it came free and she was ready to go.
@FiliaFlammae (sorry for late reply)

Solara nodded at his question,"Yeah, you getting yours?" Without waiting for a reply she jogged along until she reached her bike. It took a minute to unchain, for, with the ever growing darkness, it was getting difficult to see. her night vision wasn't to good, so it only added to the difficulty. Finally it came free and she was ready to go.

"Might as well do what you're doing," Luneth answered as he fell into place behind her at a light jog. It only took a minute to reach their bikes. Luneth was quicker to unchain and mount his, but he didn't think much of it, and he waited patiently for her, or at least he liked to think he waited patiently. A brightness in his expression betrayed that he was eager to be going, the onset of nightfall having filled him with excitement. "Ready?" he asked, though he could see that she was, and he kicked off, coasting down the cobblestone street.

With the new year mere hours away, the stretch of the city between the town hall and the end of the wharf had been filled with vendors' booths, faire games, and street musicians. The temple was open for those who wished to pay their respects, and the plaza in front of the town hall clock tower had been lavishly decorated in preparation for the countdown. This was Luneth's destination, since the countdown would be the last thing they stuck around for before heading home. He slowed as he approached, not eager to run into any pedestrians - it was already getting crowded - and eventually found another mooring post at the edge of the plaza with enough room left for two more bikes. He made short work of chaining his vehicle up once more. Presuming that Solara had followed him, he turned to her next, his questioning eyes suggesting that she take the lead.

"Might as well do what you're doing," Luneth answered as he fell into place behind her at a light jog. It only took a minute to reach their bikes. Luneth was quicker to unchain and mount his, but he didn't think much of it, and he waited patiently for her, or at least he liked to think he waited patiently. A brightness in his expression betrayed that he was eager to be going, the onset of nightfall having filled him with excitement. "Ready?" he asked, though he could see that she was, and he kicked off, coasting down the cobblestone street.

With the new year mere hours away, the stretch of the city between the town hall and the end of the wharf had been filled with vendors' booths, faire games, and street musicians. The temple was open for those who wished to pay their respects, and the plaza in front of the town hall clock tower had been lavishly decorated in preparation for the countdown. This was Luneth's destination, since the countdown would be the last thing they stuck around for before heading home. He slowed as he approached, not eager to run into any pedestrians - it was already getting crowded - and eventually found another mooring post at the edge of the plaza with enough room left for two more bikes. He made short work of chaining his vehicle up once more. Presuming that Solara had followed him, he turned to her next, his questioning eyes suggesting that she take the lead.

Solara nodded and followed Luneth as he set off. The decorations were marvelous, and she delighted in just staring at them as they went along. Almost running into Luneth as he came to a halt she quickly put on her breaks and took Luneth's example and chained up her bike. Seeing his questioning look she took it upon herself to lead, making her destination an ice cream stand. She looked at the options that were available and chose cookie dough,"You want any ice cream, Luneth," she asked as she paid for her ice cream.

Solara nodded and followed Luneth as he set off. The decorations were marvelous, and she delighted in just staring at them as they went along. Almost running into Luneth as he came to a halt she quickly put on her breaks and took Luneth's example and chained up her bike. Seeing his questioning look she took it upon herself to lead, making her destination an ice cream stand. She looked at the options that were available and chose cookie dough,"You want any ice cream, Luneth," she asked as she paid for her ice cream.

Luneth followed Solara closely, and when he saw that they were headed for an ice cream stand, his eyes lit up in approval. He waited patiently as she bought some for herself. When she turned to him, he chuckled at the question. "You ask me that like I wouldn't," he joked as he reached in his pocket for a few coins. A minute later he had himself a serving of his favorite flavor, rocky road, and he began to walk again, licking and nibbling at the treat happily.

He cast his gaze around as they kept walking, happy to keep to a leisurely pace to better observe everything. After a minute, though, his eyes strayed to the entrance to the temple as they approached it. It looked inviting, but in a quiet and much more subdued way than the booths and stalls they'd passed so far. He slowed and stopped as they passed its entrance, not paying attention to whatever Solara was doing. He wasn't a boy from a religious family, so his visits to the temple were few and far between, but he found it difficult to resist the temptation to look around inside. It had been a while, and besides, it was sure to be much quieter inside, just the way he liked it.

He blinked, feeling like he'd jut snapped out of a trance. How long had he been standing there, staring vacantly at the temple door with a half-eaten ice cream cone in his hand? Suddenly aware that he didn't know where Solara was, he looked around and behind him. She might have waited for him, walked on ahead, or gotten sidetracked and wandered off in a random direction.

Luneth followed Solara closely, and when he saw that they were headed for an ice cream stand, his eyes lit up in approval. He waited patiently as she bought some for herself. When she turned to him, he chuckled at the question. "You ask me that like I wouldn't," he joked as he reached in his pocket for a few coins. A minute later he had himself a serving of his favorite flavor, rocky road, and he began to walk again, licking and nibbling at the treat happily.

He cast his gaze around as they kept walking, happy to keep to a leisurely pace to better observe everything. After a minute, though, his eyes strayed to the entrance to the temple as they approached it. It looked inviting, but in a quiet and much more subdued way than the booths and stalls they'd passed so far. He slowed and stopped as they passed its entrance, not paying attention to whatever Solara was doing. He wasn't a boy from a religious family, so his visits to the temple were few and far between, but he found it difficult to resist the temptation to look around inside. It had been a while, and besides, it was sure to be much quieter inside, just the way he liked it.

He blinked, feeling like he'd jut snapped out of a trance. How long had he been standing there, staring vacantly at the temple door with a half-eaten ice cream cone in his hand? Suddenly aware that he didn't know where Solara was, he looked around and behind him. She might have waited for him, walked on ahead, or gotten sidetracked and wandered off in a random direction.