

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Year of the Sun and Moon [Private]
(I am terribly sorry for vanishing, and have found time to inform you that due to rl I will not get to post until after Sunday in the least)
(I am terribly sorry for vanishing, and have found time to inform you that due to rl I will not get to post until after Sunday in the least)
(@dragonfly Thanks, and don't worry. Take as long as you need. ^^)
(@dragonfly Thanks, and don't worry. Take as long as you need. ^^)

Solara watched as Luneth slowly lost consciousness. She bent to catch him as he hit the ground. Luneth in her arms she slowly dragged him over to the side of the crowd,"What is wrong with you," she told him, looking around for some water. Not seeing any she tried plan B. She slapped his face hard and said,"Wake up, Luneth!"

Just then her vision clouded, and white was the only thing she saw. In the middle of this whiteness stood, if such a thing existed in this plain, a man. He looked tired and unsteady on his feet, as if any second he would collapse and die. For some reason that is exactly what she knew would happen,"Beltran," she whispered to the man, tears streaming down her eyes.

He shook his head and said,"Do not cry, Solara. We all knew this day would come." His voice was equally as tired as his appearance. He went on,"We can not keep it back much longer, are strength is giving out. We have less than minutes before it breaks through and consumes us,"he said gravely,"I fear that this is good bye."

His image was slowly fading, his body collapsed,"No, Beltran, No!" she screamed through choked tears. Her vision cleared, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Looking up she saw there was one minute left on the clock.

Solara watched as Luneth slowly lost consciousness. She bent to catch him as he hit the ground. Luneth in her arms she slowly dragged him over to the side of the crowd,"What is wrong with you," she told him, looking around for some water. Not seeing any she tried plan B. She slapped his face hard and said,"Wake up, Luneth!"

Just then her vision clouded, and white was the only thing she saw. In the middle of this whiteness stood, if such a thing existed in this plain, a man. He looked tired and unsteady on his feet, as if any second he would collapse and die. For some reason that is exactly what she knew would happen,"Beltran," she whispered to the man, tears streaming down her eyes.

He shook his head and said,"Do not cry, Solara. We all knew this day would come." His voice was equally as tired as his appearance. He went on,"We can not keep it back much longer, are strength is giving out. We have less than minutes before it breaks through and consumes us,"he said gravely,"I fear that this is good bye."

His image was slowly fading, his body collapsed,"No, Beltran, No!" she screamed through choked tears. Her vision cleared, and tears were streaming down her cheeks. Looking up she saw there was one minute left on the clock.

What had caused Luneth to black out was the sudden influx of, for lack of a better term, energy. Another soul sought to make its home here, a vastly more powerful one that brought with it an immeasurable torrent of memories that stretched back to the dawn of the earth. Unable to process so many images at once, Luneth's mind had shut down all nonessential operations. The new presence dove deep, drilling into Luneth's core, forcing space Luneth's mind didn't know it had, awakening senses it didn't know it commanded. It crawled into every corner it could find and then some, intertwining with all it encountered effortlessly, for it was not truly a foreign entity; as the two souls collided and shared all they knew, they realized that they were one and the same. The god did not need to learn its new mortal body, not did the mortal need to express any awe at its new capabilities. They were a single being.

At last, all was reconciled. Luneth's eyes opened at the same moment that he stood up fully, only then realizing that he'd been slumped against a certain someone. Solara looked to be in tears, though at what he wasn't sure. A quick glance around revealed that they'd moved to the edge of the crowd, and only a minute remained on the town clock before midnight. It would seem he had fallen unconscious.

"Thank you, Solara," Luneth said as he turned back to her. His voice and facial expression carried a solemn but powerful weight that they hadn't before, at least not in this world. "Losing consciousness was not my intention." He paused, realizing he didn't know how much of Solara he addressed at the moment. "Have you awoken?" he asked her. He reasoned that it was possible for her to have awoken as well, but only if she'd had a shorter bout of unconsciousness if any at all. (How else could she have pulled him away from the crowd?) A brief flicker of envy flickered through his mind at the thought that she had either selected or built her vessel with a stronger constitution than his own. Regardless, it was also entirely possible, perhaps even probable, that this Solara was still a mere fraction of herself, and in that case, the question 'Have you awoken?' would almost certainly confuse her. However, she wouldn't be that way for long, and he would be ready to catch her in turn the moment she showed any signs of weakness.

What had caused Luneth to black out was the sudden influx of, for lack of a better term, energy. Another soul sought to make its home here, a vastly more powerful one that brought with it an immeasurable torrent of memories that stretched back to the dawn of the earth. Unable to process so many images at once, Luneth's mind had shut down all nonessential operations. The new presence dove deep, drilling into Luneth's core, forcing space Luneth's mind didn't know it had, awakening senses it didn't know it commanded. It crawled into every corner it could find and then some, intertwining with all it encountered effortlessly, for it was not truly a foreign entity; as the two souls collided and shared all they knew, they realized that they were one and the same. The god did not need to learn its new mortal body, not did the mortal need to express any awe at its new capabilities. They were a single being.

At last, all was reconciled. Luneth's eyes opened at the same moment that he stood up fully, only then realizing that he'd been slumped against a certain someone. Solara looked to be in tears, though at what he wasn't sure. A quick glance around revealed that they'd moved to the edge of the crowd, and only a minute remained on the town clock before midnight. It would seem he had fallen unconscious.

"Thank you, Solara," Luneth said as he turned back to her. His voice and facial expression carried a solemn but powerful weight that they hadn't before, at least not in this world. "Losing consciousness was not my intention." He paused, realizing he didn't know how much of Solara he addressed at the moment. "Have you awoken?" he asked her. He reasoned that it was possible for her to have awoken as well, but only if she'd had a shorter bout of unconsciousness if any at all. (How else could she have pulled him away from the crowd?) A brief flicker of envy flickered through his mind at the thought that she had either selected or built her vessel with a stronger constitution than his own. Regardless, it was also entirely possible, perhaps even probable, that this Solara was still a mere fraction of herself, and in that case, the question 'Have you awoken?' would almost certainly confuse her. However, she wouldn't be that way for long, and he would be ready to catch her in turn the moment she showed any signs of weakness.

After her vision a vast amount of knowledge had washed over her, like water in a stream. Finally she understood everything, the dreams, her weird hair and eye color. It was like everything made sense now. Now that she had the memories, she knew it was time to let herself in. When the being came into her she welcomed it, making the passage easy for the being. She felt complete, the whole that she only now realized had been there was filled. It was but a a few seconds after he had asked the question, but it felt like an eternity,"Yes, and they are dying, all of them," she answered. By them she meant the other deities. She knew that only seconds remained before they all perished.

After her vision a vast amount of knowledge had washed over her, like water in a stream. Finally she understood everything, the dreams, her weird hair and eye color. It was like everything made sense now. Now that she had the memories, she knew it was time to let herself in. When the being came into her she welcomed it, making the passage easy for the being. She felt complete, the whole that she only now realized had been there was filled. It was but a a few seconds after he had asked the question, but it felt like an eternity,"Yes, and they are dying, all of them," she answered. By them she meant the other deities. She knew that only seconds remained before they all perished.

Solara remained silent and still for a few long seconds before she answered the question, and when she did, there seemed to be a strange new twinkle in her eyes, a depth that hadn't been there before. She was awake. Luneth was still a little miffed that she'd handled the transition much better than he had, but it would be beneath him to act on such petty jealousy, and besides, he figured he deserved it for selecting a vessel with such a frail constitution compared to Solara's athletic one.

Her next words revealed why she cried. A cold sorrow wrapped itself around Luneth's heart, darkening his expression and causing him to drop his gaze. "I know," he murmured. "There's nothing we can do at this point...nothing except maintain their planets in their place, in loving memory of them. This earth will still know this sky." He looked upwards at the night, and after a moment, he closed his eyes and turned his focus to the outermost reaches of the world, doing his best to block out the noise of the crowd around him. Once he was attuned to his otherworldly senses, he could feel the celestial bodies' movement. Of course, carrying the moon on its path came as effortlessly as his own heartbeat. But the abandoned planets...he'd need to take them under his wing as well, or at least the half he'd agreed to. Already Venus seemed a bit, well, heavy in his mind, for lack of any other way of putting it. So Beltran had lost the last of his strength already...

He fought through the tight feeling in his throat. Mourning could wait. He had a job to do. He felt the other men's planets carefully, and one by one, it was as if their autonomy, their spark of life, gently winked out. The weight of Saturn settled into his mental grip next, and he bore it. Kron had perished. Then a little nudge, so light it was more of a tickle; Char had perished. The tug on Luneth's heartstrings grew stronger. He was tangentially aware of the noise of the mortal crowd around his body growing louder, something he didn't like at all. Apparently they'd begun the countdown. He growled low in his throat and tried harder to shut out the noise and return to his mental plane. They could keep their countdown for all he cared, keep their festivities to themselves. He couldn't celebrate the new year this year. Not like this.

Then a little more weight, accompanied by what he could've sworn was a feeling something like a stagger and an angry hiss. Apparently Aldnd wasn't going down easy. But at last, with a desperate sigh, he too dissipated, and Luneth's mind caught the course of Mars. And last, slow, heavy weight. Deo. Deo, not Luneth's closest friend per se, but a good, loyal friend regardless. Luneth's last goodbye. Slowly, Deo gave his last breath and left his planet in Luneth's control.

Luneth took a few more moments to focus. He counted them. Yes, he had all of them, and they were on the tracks he'd taken the last several years to learn diligently. At the moment, he felt a bothersome sensation similar to the one a person gets when they pay too much attention to the rhythm of their own breathing, but with time, these movements would become just that: his breathing. He had the mental capacity for that. He tried to ignore the sudden chilly feeling in his stomach that he was essentially playing puppeteer for five corpses and pulled himself back into his earthly surroundings. Almost immediately he winced in regret and put his hands over his ears. The countdown had ended, leaving the human crowd cheering in the most irritating manner possible. Ugh. He didn't like the yelling. He'd never really liked crowds, but right now, the cacophony got under his skin in a way he didn't think it had ever done before. He'd just carried the weight of five of his best friends' deaths. Friends that had been with him for literal eons! And these little creatures went on celebrating a little blink they called a year, these buzzing mayflies who knew no better...!

No...don't do it. He curled forward a little, still clutching his head. Don't lose control. You're better than that. No smiting. Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to explode and command these ungrateful beings all to SILENCE, a moment of silence for their fallen planets and for his own damn peace of mind. No, he would control himself. His arms were shaking slightly and his throat was tight. After several strained seconds, he forcibly swallowed the urge to lash out and slowly stood up straight, letting out a measured sigh.

It wasn't until he looked back to Solara that he realized water had come to his eyes, burning tears of both anger and sorrow. "Do you carry the rest?" he asked her quietly. He didn't have anything else meaningful to say at the moment, but his thoughts went to his other companions next, the lovely ones in Solara's care. To think such power and beauty had died too...Diamante, Kore, Hermia. Arcene. P'seida...

His stern expression faltered, and finally his eyes began to leak, the hot tears making streaks on his cheeks. The passing of his beloved comrades was a burden he would carry to the last days of the earth, but P'seida's torment...that guilt was a deep and very personal wound.

Solara remained silent and still for a few long seconds before she answered the question, and when she did, there seemed to be a strange new twinkle in her eyes, a depth that hadn't been there before. She was awake. Luneth was still a little miffed that she'd handled the transition much better than he had, but it would be beneath him to act on such petty jealousy, and besides, he figured he deserved it for selecting a vessel with such a frail constitution compared to Solara's athletic one.

Her next words revealed why she cried. A cold sorrow wrapped itself around Luneth's heart, darkening his expression and causing him to drop his gaze. "I know," he murmured. "There's nothing we can do at this point...nothing except maintain their planets in their place, in loving memory of them. This earth will still know this sky." He looked upwards at the night, and after a moment, he closed his eyes and turned his focus to the outermost reaches of the world, doing his best to block out the noise of the crowd around him. Once he was attuned to his otherworldly senses, he could feel the celestial bodies' movement. Of course, carrying the moon on its path came as effortlessly as his own heartbeat. But the abandoned planets...he'd need to take them under his wing as well, or at least the half he'd agreed to. Already Venus seemed a bit, well, heavy in his mind, for lack of any other way of putting it. So Beltran had lost the last of his strength already...

He fought through the tight feeling in his throat. Mourning could wait. He had a job to do. He felt the other men's planets carefully, and one by one, it was as if their autonomy, their spark of life, gently winked out. The weight of Saturn settled into his mental grip next, and he bore it. Kron had perished. Then a little nudge, so light it was more of a tickle; Char had perished. The tug on Luneth's heartstrings grew stronger. He was tangentially aware of the noise of the mortal crowd around his body growing louder, something he didn't like at all. Apparently they'd begun the countdown. He growled low in his throat and tried harder to shut out the noise and return to his mental plane. They could keep their countdown for all he cared, keep their festivities to themselves. He couldn't celebrate the new year this year. Not like this.

Then a little more weight, accompanied by what he could've sworn was a feeling something like a stagger and an angry hiss. Apparently Aldnd wasn't going down easy. But at last, with a desperate sigh, he too dissipated, and Luneth's mind caught the course of Mars. And last, slow, heavy weight. Deo. Deo, not Luneth's closest friend per se, but a good, loyal friend regardless. Luneth's last goodbye. Slowly, Deo gave his last breath and left his planet in Luneth's control.

Luneth took a few more moments to focus. He counted them. Yes, he had all of them, and they were on the tracks he'd taken the last several years to learn diligently. At the moment, he felt a bothersome sensation similar to the one a person gets when they pay too much attention to the rhythm of their own breathing, but with time, these movements would become just that: his breathing. He had the mental capacity for that. He tried to ignore the sudden chilly feeling in his stomach that he was essentially playing puppeteer for five corpses and pulled himself back into his earthly surroundings. Almost immediately he winced in regret and put his hands over his ears. The countdown had ended, leaving the human crowd cheering in the most irritating manner possible. Ugh. He didn't like the yelling. He'd never really liked crowds, but right now, the cacophony got under his skin in a way he didn't think it had ever done before. He'd just carried the weight of five of his best friends' deaths. Friends that had been with him for literal eons! And these little creatures went on celebrating a little blink they called a year, these buzzing mayflies who knew no better...!

No...don't do it. He curled forward a little, still clutching his head. Don't lose control. You're better than that. No smiting. Oh, how he wanted nothing more than to explode and command these ungrateful beings all to SILENCE, a moment of silence for their fallen planets and for his own damn peace of mind. No, he would control himself. His arms were shaking slightly and his throat was tight. After several strained seconds, he forcibly swallowed the urge to lash out and slowly stood up straight, letting out a measured sigh.

It wasn't until he looked back to Solara that he realized water had come to his eyes, burning tears of both anger and sorrow. "Do you carry the rest?" he asked her quietly. He didn't have anything else meaningful to say at the moment, but his thoughts went to his other companions next, the lovely ones in Solara's care. To think such power and beauty had died too...Diamante, Kore, Hermia. Arcene. P'seida...

His stern expression faltered, and finally his eyes began to leak, the hot tears making streaks on his cheeks. The passing of his beloved comrades was a burden he would carry to the last days of the earth, but P'seida's torment...that guilt was a deep and very personal wound.

Hermia refused to give up, but both knew that she would not survive. Knowing this brought more tears to Solara's eyes. After the countdown Hermia finally slipped off, though she never gave up she did not have a choice. At Luneth's question she nodded, not trusting her voice just then,"Why, why, why," she said at last,"Curse whoever said 'All good things must come to an end'." She could not keep the ferocity out of her voice, which startled. What startled her more was that it looked like Luneth was loosing it. Just like her it seemed that he wanted to unleash his anger on somebody, though they both knew that the one that was to blame was most likely not among them. She put her arm on her shoulder to try to calm him,"Save your anger for the man responsible, Luneth," she said sternly,"You know they are not to blame, they are but mortal. The reason they refuse to see this is because they do not wish to believe it, they choose to be ignorant." She went on,"If this is there last few months or so to live, I think it would be best to be ignorant to the fact then to live out the rest of their days in fearful mourning." Solara knew she had sort of made a mountain out of a mole hill, and that Luneth already knew this, but for some reason she needed to say it out loud.

Hermia refused to give up, but both knew that she would not survive. Knowing this brought more tears to Solara's eyes. After the countdown Hermia finally slipped off, though she never gave up she did not have a choice. At Luneth's question she nodded, not trusting her voice just then,"Why, why, why," she said at last,"Curse whoever said 'All good things must come to an end'." She could not keep the ferocity out of her voice, which startled. What startled her more was that it looked like Luneth was loosing it. Just like her it seemed that he wanted to unleash his anger on somebody, though they both knew that the one that was to blame was most likely not among them. She put her arm on her shoulder to try to calm him,"Save your anger for the man responsible, Luneth," she said sternly,"You know they are not to blame, they are but mortal. The reason they refuse to see this is because they do not wish to believe it, they choose to be ignorant." She went on,"If this is there last few months or so to live, I think it would be best to be ignorant to the fact then to live out the rest of their days in fearful mourning." Solara knew she had sort of made a mountain out of a mole hill, and that Luneth already knew this, but for some reason she needed to say it out loud.

He could tell Solara held anger at these events as well, but she held herself in. Soon enough she placed a hand on Luneth's shoulder and began to speak. Her words began to ramble a bit after a while, but her voice and intention were both soothing, and in particular the gentle stroke of her hand felt strangely calming and comforting to him. Luneth nodded and closed his eyes, pushing one last pair of tears out of his eyes before he straightened up again. "You're right. Our children are not to blame...not as a whole, at least."

The crowd was slowly beginning to dissipate by this point, and Luneth realized how odd he felt speaking like this in the middle of a public plaza. "Shall we go talk to your parents about the sleepover? We have much to discuss, and I'd rather we do it in private." He words 'parents' and 'sleepover' suddenly felt so strange coming out of his mouth.

He could tell Solara held anger at these events as well, but she held herself in. Soon enough she placed a hand on Luneth's shoulder and began to speak. Her words began to ramble a bit after a while, but her voice and intention were both soothing, and in particular the gentle stroke of her hand felt strangely calming and comforting to him. Luneth nodded and closed his eyes, pushing one last pair of tears out of his eyes before he straightened up again. "You're right. Our children are not to blame...not as a whole, at least."

The crowd was slowly beginning to dissipate by this point, and Luneth realized how odd he felt speaking like this in the middle of a public plaza. "Shall we go talk to your parents about the sleepover? We have much to discuss, and I'd rather we do it in private." He words 'parents' and 'sleepover' suddenly felt so strange coming out of his mouth.

"Yes, not as a whole,"she muttered to no one in particular. She watched the crowd leave, envying their ignorance. When Luneth spoke about the sleepover she could not help but smile, it seemed that he too thought those words were strange,"Yes, of course, we shall talk to my parents,"she said teasingly,"I also need to grab my present for you wile we are there, not that it really matters anymore." She stood, walking towards where they had left their bikes, knowing Luneth would probably follow. Once there she attempted to unlatch her bike. Being whole now did nothing to help with her night vision.

"Yes, not as a whole,"she muttered to no one in particular. She watched the crowd leave, envying their ignorance. When Luneth spoke about the sleepover she could not help but smile, it seemed that he too thought those words were strange,"Yes, of course, we shall talk to my parents,"she said teasingly,"I also need to grab my present for you wile we are there, not that it really matters anymore." She stood, walking towards where they had left their bikes, knowing Luneth would probably follow. Once there she attempted to unlatch her bike. Being whole now did nothing to help with her night vision.

If parents and sleepovers weren't enough, the mention of birthday presents was even more ridiculous. As Luneth fell into step behind Solara, he fell quiet, surprised by the notion. What he had once considered a celebration of his identity now felt nigh inconsequential, a date to mark the formation of his vessel and little else. And the present he'd gotten her... In spite of himself, he began to chuckle and eventually laugh quietly in slight embarrassment. His gift! It felt so silly now, so redundant in light of everything. Ah, but maybe he and Solara could get a laugh out of it later. He set about unchaining his bike and mounted it, ready to be off to Solara's home.

A small part of him realized that he was grateful he'd come across something to lighten his mood. He clung to this source of amusement, hoping it would carry him to his house at the very least before he let sorrow overtake him again.

If parents and sleepovers weren't enough, the mention of birthday presents was even more ridiculous. As Luneth fell into step behind Solara, he fell quiet, surprised by the notion. What he had once considered a celebration of his identity now felt nigh inconsequential, a date to mark the formation of his vessel and little else. And the present he'd gotten her... In spite of himself, he began to chuckle and eventually laugh quietly in slight embarrassment. His gift! It felt so silly now, so redundant in light of everything. Ah, but maybe he and Solara could get a laugh out of it later. He set about unchaining his bike and mounted it, ready to be off to Solara's home.

A small part of him realized that he was grateful he'd come across something to lighten his mood. He clung to this source of amusement, hoping it would carry him to his house at the very least before he let sorrow overtake him again.