

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Year of the Sun and Moon [Private]

Solara followed Luneth as he walked along deep in thought. She gazed at all the shops each one grabbing her attention. Even though Luneth had told her that she could comment on the shops she liked she did not say a word. When they came upon the jewelry store she saw Luneth's eyes linger for a moment, but she took no notice. Then Luneth asked whether she should stay here and close her eyes, or meet up at the cafe it didn't take her long to reply,"We'll meet up at the cafe," she said, and with a wave good bye she set off toward the cafe.

Solara followed Luneth as he walked along deep in thought. She gazed at all the shops each one grabbing her attention. Even though Luneth had told her that she could comment on the shops she liked she did not say a word. When they came upon the jewelry store she saw Luneth's eyes linger for a moment, but she took no notice. Then Luneth asked whether she should stay here and close her eyes, or meet up at the cafe it didn't take her long to reply,"We'll meet up at the cafe," she said, and with a wave good bye she set off toward the cafe.

"Great! See you." He waved in return, and as soon as Solara's back was turned, he backtracked and slipped inside the jewelry store. Only a moment after the door shut behind him, however, a strange feeling of being completely out of his element washed over him. He'd never bought jewelry before. He'd never had any interest in jewelry before. What purpose did a piece of rock set in metal serve anyone? But for whatever reason, he felt there was something special about their birthday tomorrow, something that marked a milestone for them both. At the age of fifteen, Solara would be on her way to womanhood, and giving her an elegant trinket somehow felt like the right way to symbolize that growth, he supposed. There might have been more to it than that, but he couldn't place it.

He fought past his nerves - surely a boy his age must look ridiculous in a jewelry store - and began to browse. While he was at least impressed by the craftsmanship required to build these adornments, nothing really said "Solara" to him until he reached the back of the store after several minutes. In a corner of one of the jewelry cases, there sat a small pendant on a plush stand. It was white gold in color and shaped like the sun, with rays waving gently outwards. A small topaz formed the center of the figure. Luneth froze. It was perfect. He didn't know why, but it was perfect. He would get this pendant, on a short chain so it would rest between and just below her collarbones. It would be beautiful, he knew. It would bring out the glory of her birthright.

He blinked. Her...birthright? he puzzled internally. He had no idea what had led him to think such a thing. The word had popped into his head so naturally.

He shook himself from his trance and set about getting the shopkeeper's attention. After a few minutes, Luneth had traded over a good hunk of his personal savings, and he walked out of the store with a small box in his messenger bag that contained a sun pendant on a short white gold chain.

"Great! See you." He waved in return, and as soon as Solara's back was turned, he backtracked and slipped inside the jewelry store. Only a moment after the door shut behind him, however, a strange feeling of being completely out of his element washed over him. He'd never bought jewelry before. He'd never had any interest in jewelry before. What purpose did a piece of rock set in metal serve anyone? But for whatever reason, he felt there was something special about their birthday tomorrow, something that marked a milestone for them both. At the age of fifteen, Solara would be on her way to womanhood, and giving her an elegant trinket somehow felt like the right way to symbolize that growth, he supposed. There might have been more to it than that, but he couldn't place it.

He fought past his nerves - surely a boy his age must look ridiculous in a jewelry store - and began to browse. While he was at least impressed by the craftsmanship required to build these adornments, nothing really said "Solara" to him until he reached the back of the store after several minutes. In a corner of one of the jewelry cases, there sat a small pendant on a plush stand. It was white gold in color and shaped like the sun, with rays waving gently outwards. A small topaz formed the center of the figure. Luneth froze. It was perfect. He didn't know why, but it was perfect. He would get this pendant, on a short chain so it would rest between and just below her collarbones. It would be beautiful, he knew. It would bring out the glory of her birthright.

He blinked. Her...birthright? he puzzled internally. He had no idea what had led him to think such a thing. The word had popped into his head so naturally.

He shook himself from his trance and set about getting the shopkeeper's attention. After a few minutes, Luneth had traded over a good hunk of his personal savings, and he walked out of the store with a small box in his messenger bag that contained a sun pendant on a short white gold chain.

After reaching the cafe Solara had ordered a cup of coffee as she waited for Luneth to show up. Her thoughts swirled as she tried to guess what it could possibly be. Candy? Another puzzle? A book? A gadget of some kind? All these thoughts raced through her mind as she took another sip of coffee. She hadn't really ever drank coffee until meeting Luneth, but after the first week of knowing him she had drunk at least six cups. It had a nice taste and all, but she did not really need the caffeine that was in it. For she already had a lot of energy, and she was a morning person. Wrapping her coat tighter around herself as gust of cold air swept by she continued her thinking.

After reaching the cafe Solara had ordered a cup of coffee as she waited for Luneth to show up. Her thoughts swirled as she tried to guess what it could possibly be. Candy? Another puzzle? A book? A gadget of some kind? All these thoughts raced through her mind as she took another sip of coffee. She hadn't really ever drank coffee until meeting Luneth, but after the first week of knowing him she had drunk at least six cups. It had a nice taste and all, but she did not really need the caffeine that was in it. For she already had a lot of energy, and she was a morning person. Wrapping her coat tighter around herself as gust of cold air swept by she continued her thinking.

It took Luneth only a few minutes to reach the cafe and acquire a cup of coffee. Though he doubted he needed it, as he always felt energized when night fell, he was fond of the taste and figured it wouldn't hurt. After looking around, he determined that Solara had found a table outside, so he walked out to the patio and joined her there, secretly appreciative of her choice of the cool evening air over the moderately populated cafe interior.

"A little late in the day for you to be ingesting caffeine, isn't it?" he joked as he sat down across from her. "Gearing up to stay up until midnight? I've heard the festivities tonight are supposed to be a big step up from last year."

It took Luneth only a few minutes to reach the cafe and acquire a cup of coffee. Though he doubted he needed it, as he always felt energized when night fell, he was fond of the taste and figured it wouldn't hurt. After looking around, he determined that Solara had found a table outside, so he walked out to the patio and joined her there, secretly appreciative of her choice of the cool evening air over the moderately populated cafe interior.

"A little late in the day for you to be ingesting caffeine, isn't it?" he joked as he sat down across from her. "Gearing up to stay up until midnight? I've heard the festivities tonight are supposed to be a big step up from last year."

The Sudden appearance of Luneth startled Solara,"In my defense you know how I get at night, barely able to stay awake even now," she said with mock seriousness,"It is like, when the sun sets so do I." She smiled as she gazed at the setting sun. Thinking how it all could possibly go wrong she stopped herself,You will only jinx it, she told herself. Changing her thoughts she turned to Luneth,"Well it better be, I thought last year's were the worst they have done so far," She said sarcastically. But after a moment of thought she said,"Though I think it was just because I forgot to drink my coffee." This time she remembered the coffee, so this night was going to be great.

(Edit: forgot something)

The Sudden appearance of Luneth startled Solara,"In my defense you know how I get at night, barely able to stay awake even now," she said with mock seriousness,"It is like, when the sun sets so do I." She smiled as she gazed at the setting sun. Thinking how it all could possibly go wrong she stopped herself,You will only jinx it, she told herself. Changing her thoughts she turned to Luneth,"Well it better be, I thought last year's were the worst they have done so far," She said sarcastically. But after a moment of thought she said,"Though I think it was just because I forgot to drink my coffee." This time she remembered the coffee, so this night was going to be great.

(Edit: forgot something)

Funny you should mention that, Luneth thought. It was almost uncanny, how much Solara seemed to channel the essence of the sun. Everything from her appearance to her demeanor to her habits confirmed it. All he had to say to that was that her parents had chosen her name well. Hopefully his gift would please her. One hand strayed subconsciously to his bag as he began to worry he'd picked poorly. What if she thought he was shallow, or that he simplified her to a single concept?

He chased these thoughts away with a chuckle. "Well, I'm willing to pay for a refuel if you need any later. And after the festival's over...I know you usually like to go home and get some sleep before we start with the birthday stuff, but I've been thinking, if you want to come crash at my place instead, my parents are fine with that. We could make breakfast together afterwards or something, if you wanted." He paused for a moment, realizing how much he'd just rambled, and he hurried to back off. "I mean, it's just an offer. Figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest it, do something a little different for once."

Funny you should mention that, Luneth thought. It was almost uncanny, how much Solara seemed to channel the essence of the sun. Everything from her appearance to her demeanor to her habits confirmed it. All he had to say to that was that her parents had chosen her name well. Hopefully his gift would please her. One hand strayed subconsciously to his bag as he began to worry he'd picked poorly. What if she thought he was shallow, or that he simplified her to a single concept?

He chased these thoughts away with a chuckle. "Well, I'm willing to pay for a refuel if you need any later. And after the festival's over...I know you usually like to go home and get some sleep before we start with the birthday stuff, but I've been thinking, if you want to come crash at my place instead, my parents are fine with that. We could make breakfast together afterwards or something, if you wanted." He paused for a moment, realizing how much he'd just rambled, and he hurried to back off. "I mean, it's just an offer. Figured it wouldn't hurt to suggest it, do something a little different for once."
@dragonfly ((I mean, uh, I totally didn't just ping a different RP partner out of habit, because that would be embarrassing! I...yeah, that was awkward. Sorry!))
@dragonfly ((I mean, uh, I totally didn't just ping a different RP partner out of habit, because that would be embarrassing! I...yeah, that was awkward. Sorry!))
@FiliaFlammae (lol, also, when it turn midnight, should anything weird or special happen?)

Solara stared thoughtfully at Luneth for a moment, surprised at his offer,"Hmm, well I would have to stop at my house first and tell my parents what I am doing, but besides that I do not see why we couldn't," she said with a smile. Then a thought occurred to her so she asked,"When do you think we should start heading over to the festival?" She did not want to miss out on the festivities, so she thought it would be good to ask. Another chill breeze swept past and she pulled her jacket tighter. She shivered, when would winter end, she wished it were summer.
@FiliaFlammae (lol, also, when it turn midnight, should anything weird or special happen?)

Solara stared thoughtfully at Luneth for a moment, surprised at his offer,"Hmm, well I would have to stop at my house first and tell my parents what I am doing, but besides that I do not see why we couldn't," she said with a smile. Then a thought occurred to her so she asked,"When do you think we should start heading over to the festival?" She did not want to miss out on the festivities, so she thought it would be good to ask. Another chill breeze swept past and she pulled her jacket tighter. She shivered, when would winter end, she wished it were summer.
@dragonfly ((Sure! I've got the beginnings of a possible scene in mind for that, with the barrier starting to crack and fail right around when the countdown begins and our characters zoning out for most of it, only becoming aware of their surroundings half a minute later or so once the transition's over. I was originally considering having them each enter their bodies right when they turn 15, several hours apart, but I worry the younger character would be left in the dark for too long, and there's higher tension if they have to abandon the sky at the same time for their own safety. We don't have to stick with that to the letter, though.))

"We can head on over whenever you're ready, but it's still pretty early, so I wouldn't say we're in any rush. I'd like to chill here for a bit longer, I think." He took another sip of his drink, reveling in the peace of the moment. In the relative calm, his earlier thoughts returned to him, and he stared into his drink for a while, mind whirring. "I had another one of the dreams last night," he murmured after a minute. "I think they've been getting more frequent. Have you had any more recently?" He glanced back up at her with a questioning look on his face. As much as he tried to be a humble person and subscribe to the mediocrity principle, some part of him couldn't shake the notion that his and Solara's eerily similar dreams had to mean something.
@dragonfly ((Sure! I've got the beginnings of a possible scene in mind for that, with the barrier starting to crack and fail right around when the countdown begins and our characters zoning out for most of it, only becoming aware of their surroundings half a minute later or so once the transition's over. I was originally considering having them each enter their bodies right when they turn 15, several hours apart, but I worry the younger character would be left in the dark for too long, and there's higher tension if they have to abandon the sky at the same time for their own safety. We don't have to stick with that to the letter, though.))

"We can head on over whenever you're ready, but it's still pretty early, so I wouldn't say we're in any rush. I'd like to chill here for a bit longer, I think." He took another sip of his drink, reveling in the peace of the moment. In the relative calm, his earlier thoughts returned to him, and he stared into his drink for a while, mind whirring. "I had another one of the dreams last night," he murmured after a minute. "I think they've been getting more frequent. Have you had any more recently?" He glanced back up at her with a questioning look on his face. As much as he tried to be a humble person and subscribe to the mediocrity principle, some part of him couldn't shake the notion that his and Solara's eerily similar dreams had to mean something.
@FiliaFlammae (That sounds good. No one really counts the exact time they were born anyway, just the day. Now should we work out the exact details of what the evil thing is?)

Solara nodded her agreement as, she too, took a sip of her coffee. She wasn't a black coffee kind of person. It was to strong for her taste. Nearly choking on her coffee when Luneth said something about a dream she knew she had jinxed it,"Yeah, last night. I feared you might say something about that," she said hesitantly. Her smile faded. Fidgeting with the her coffee cup she continued,"But they're just dreams right? They can't possibly mean anything." Though she tried desperately to deny that the dreams meant anything, deep down in her heart she knew that they meant much more than she could comprehend. She shivered, and not from the cold. There was a sense of foreboding in the chill night air.
@FiliaFlammae (That sounds good. No one really counts the exact time they were born anyway, just the day. Now should we work out the exact details of what the evil thing is?)

Solara nodded her agreement as, she too, took a sip of her coffee. She wasn't a black coffee kind of person. It was to strong for her taste. Nearly choking on her coffee when Luneth said something about a dream she knew she had jinxed it,"Yeah, last night. I feared you might say something about that," she said hesitantly. Her smile faded. Fidgeting with the her coffee cup she continued,"But they're just dreams right? They can't possibly mean anything." Though she tried desperately to deny that the dreams meant anything, deep down in her heart she knew that they meant much more than she could comprehend. She shivered, and not from the cold. There was a sense of foreboding in the chill night air.