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TOPIC | Lore Contest for 2nd Gen Talos
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Bump! Keep up the awesome work guys! The entries are great!
Bump! Keep up the awesome work guys! The entries are great!
[font=playfair display][color=#996E6E][size=3] [b]Username:[/b] Insight89x[/size][/color][/font] [font=playfair display][color=#996E6E][size=3][b]Entering For:[/b] Jiten [i]Context: Mapping out Jiten's lore of how she would come to join my clan in the lands of Eleutheria. [url=]Yutu[/url] is an older guardian within my lair. [url=]Damina[/url] is my progen. [url=]Neviah[/url] is my shadow primal I hatched. I wanted to map out Jiten's personal growth and development that would make sense for her within my own lair as an eventual seer & protector.[/i][/size][/color][/font] [center][img],20850,20857,29244,1750,6947,7839&xt=dressing.png[/img] [color=#996E6E]_____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [/center] [center][font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E][b][u]The Beginning[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E]Everyone starts from the same means. Cracking out of the shelter of an egg and suddenly blinking into existence into a wide, wide world full of the unknown. Jiten was no exception. She cracked through the barrier, annoyed from the frustration of being confined. There was a drive, a need, an instinct that pushed her to press against the walls of her confinement. The crack was accompanied with a surge of triumph as a sliver of light shone through. It was all the encouragement she needed as she wriggled within her shell, finally tumbling free with a squeak. Red eyes blinked as she took in the beauty of the wasteland around her. She attempted to stand, legs wobbly with their newness as she flopped over with a squeak of surprise followed with a hiss of frustration. Determined to conquer her newfangled limbs, she grunted as she stood, willing herself out of spite to stand tall. To stand proud. A chuff of amusement caught her attention as she looked up at an amused face. [i]Mother[/i]. The wildclaw's large (to her) face leaned down and nuzzled against her, causing her to flop over again with a huff of frustration. [i]Just when I got to my feet..[/i] [b]"This one has spirit. Stubborn little thing."[/b] And a truer statement had never spoken of the young imperial.[/color][/size][/font] [color=#996E6E]_____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E][b][u]The Prologue[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E][b]"Jiten... You're better than this..."[/b] The old guardian gently chided and the sound of disappointment was clear in old Yutu's voice. The young imperial sighed, ears back and head downcast as her mentor addressed her. Training was relentless and Jiten thrived. She was hard on herself and very rarely was needing to be addressed, except for today. Today she was clearly distracted, her sparring partner landing a strike that brought her low, her mentor watching with concern. [b]"Come here, child."[/b] Jiten sighed, standing to her feet as she shook herself free of dust and grime and approached, bowing her head in respect. [b]"What is troubling you so? It is clear your body is here, but your mind has wandered."[/b] Yutu nudged the young dragon in encouragement. They had a close bond. Vitalia had taken the young Jiten under her wing since the moment of her birth. It was easy to see that the young hatchling had spirit and a fire deep within her - a warrior's spirit. Jiten had a strong heart and it was clear to the older dragon that there was something special about the hatchling. And so the training and honing began, but there was a growing restlessness that was slowly intensifying and condensing the more time went by the older and more aware Jiten became. Red eyes flicked up at Yutu's comfort and sighed. [b]"There is talk of dispersal. Pilgrimages are approaching and that means leaving. You and this clan are all I have ever known. And then what about Umahi? We have never been separated. What if Umahi encounters Beasts? What if they get hurt? It has always been the two of us... and you."[/b] There was a twinge within her heart. Conflict. She actually desired to go out and explore the world, to see new sights, but then leaving the known and family... She was conflicted. A smile touched Yutu's face as she listened to the young dragon. This was the preface to growth that every young dragon had to face within their lifetime. Some never answered the call, content to stay within their born clans and others embraced it, facing the wonders of the world. [b]"You worry about things that have not and may not come to pass, but answer me this... Will you always be able to sheltered Umahi from the fate of the world?"[/b] Jiten frowned when confronted with the honest query. [b]"Well, no... I know this logically, but a part of me can't help but feel that I'm somehow abandoning you all for the joys of wanderlust."[/b] Yutu chuckled at the honest worry and concern. [b]"You would only be lying and doing a disservice to yourself to deny your nature and anyone who loves and cares about you would never want that for you."[/b] The guardian nudged the young dragon causing Jiten to smile, her body relaxing slightly as the truth and comfort of Yutu's words sunk in. [b]"You are approaching a new season, Jiten. There is a natural call within you to explore and defend those who need your strength and you cannot miss out on the calling. You have learned so much and grown within your time here, but now is the time to prepare, collect, condense and process - for the time is soon coming where you will grow into the next phase. Don't let self-doubt keep you from being true to yourself. On this, you must promise me? Yes?"[/b] Jiten's crown lifted, ears perking at Yutu's encouragement and honesty. [b]"I promise, Yutu. I won't let all of our training and hard work be for nothing. And when my time comes to leave, I know it won't be forever until I see you again."[/b] There was a glint of pride in the old dragon's eyes, nodding her head. [b]"Very well... now fly me 100 laps around the training arena. You need to get your head back in the game or I'm letting Rikhara kick your butt again."[/b] Jiten snorted and spread her wings, lifting herself off the ground with the strong beat of her wings. [b]"As if I would let that happen again!"[/b] She called back and flew higher with determination steeling her spine and resolve. [/color][/size] [color=#996E6E]___________________________________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E][b][u]Intermission[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E]Her time had come. All of her prep, all of her hard work had been leading her up to this point. Behind her now were any lingering doubts. She had embraced the unknown of the future. The time for pilgrimage was upon them. She stood close to her sister, listening to the charging and rallying cries that were meant to inspire them. She made a joke, getting Umahi to snort and earning herself a look from Yutu who stood on the side. She offered the guardian a wry grin, but quieted down until the end. Dragons surged forward to say farewell to those going on their pilgrimage. Yutu stepped forward to both Jiten and Umahi. [b]"Time to spread your wings and fly. Remember your training. You are plague touched. Strong and withstanding. Trust yourselves and what you've learned. You have everything you need to conquer whatever life throws at you. Be of good courage. You're both capable of more than you could ever imagine."[/b] Jiten felt her eyes sting with emotions, but willed her tears to not fall. She had to be strong for herself and her sister. One chapter was ending and the next was about to begin. She turned and hugged them both and hugged those clanmates and family that she had known her whole life. Hugs and farewells made, Jiten looked to her clutchmate with unspoken words and both simply nodded. [i]Time to fly...[/i] And fly she did. [/color][/size][/font] [color=#996E6E]_____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E][b][u]The Crux of it All[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E]The shadow lands had called to her. She didn't know how or why, but wandering out to the lush lands of the glades, to the illuminated cities, the breezy windy spires... the mystery of the shadows lured her in. The lands of ice had proven dissatisfactory to her tastes and the rocky crags of earthen lands held little appeal. She'd enjoyed the zapping lightning of the land of electricity, but on her pass back to visit her homelands.... She stopped and landed within the shadow realm. [b]"You're not from here, plague touched. Do you come seeking a truth that you cannot find back home?"[/b] Jiten's head snapped around, eyes scanning to find the source of the voice, landing on a spiral, cloaked in robes with glowing eyes. [b]"I am wandering, yes, but what truth could you offer that I couldn't find elsewhere?"[/b] She asked brazenly, trying to put out a strong front to reduce any chances of an attack, though the spiral didn't seem inclined towards violence. Damina, the spiral smiled. [b]"Many who wander are not lost, but there is a hunger for knowledge, no? To know and experience more?"[/b] She canted her head, studying the female imperial. There was something.... [i]more[/i] about her. [b]"You've landed in the lands of Eleutheria. We are many factions within one clan, but all dedicated to the truth and knowledge. Some are ruthless with the knowledge they recieve and others joyful and magicians, but everyone takes from the knowledge of truth and this sets them free to [i]be who they were meant to be."[/i][/b] Jiten was taken aback by the ringing of her words. They resonated within her. Locked away, there was a desire to live up to who she knew she could be - a protector, a defender and a seer. She had always had an uncanny ability to anticipate things. Some had called it luck, and some had attribute it to her natural prowess and abilities, but she never told them about the dreams. She caught glimpses and then had senses.. She didn't... understand it. She didn't question it. She had always just rolled with it, but now was one of those moments. A moment where she knew she'd seen this before. A peace and calm settled over her. Yes, this was right. This was where she belonged - in this moment for this time. A flash of another dream, a male imperial that was her.... but no, that couldn't be? Damina smiled at the new guest. [b]"Come, follow me and let me introduce to those of the Seder. They are our seerers, our oracles devoted to the gods. I think, they may be able to set you on your path."[/b] Cautious, but curious, Jiten followed. Her guard ever at the ready as she followed the spiral to a temple. Shadow loomed, but it was.... beautiful. There were dark twinkles in the depths that invited you in closer. There was no fear of monsters in this place. Incense filled her senses as she drew closer, following her escort as they stopped in the heart of the temple. Slowly, dragons emerged and one wildclaw stepped forward. [b]"Greetings, wanderer. I am Neviah."[/b] She bowed her head in greeting as Jiten looked in awe at the blinded dragon, the shadow mother's eyes dripping from her eyes. She knew she couldn't see and yet, she felt [i]seen[/i] by her. There was a shudder that raced down her spine. Damina bowed to the dragon and stepped back to excuse herself. [b]"I must be on my way, but I wish you well on your journey."[/b] She winked at Jiten and slid seamlessly into the shadows. Jiten looked back to Neviah, uncertainty there in her gaze. [b]"I admit, I feel a sense of familiarity here... Like I was meant to be here or have been here before...but I know I haven't..."[/b] There was a smile on Neviah's face as she nodded. [b]"There's a calling on your life, young one. I can sense it about you. You... see things, no?"[/b] Jiten's head slowly nodded, anticipation growing low within her belly. [b]"Are you ready to seek yourself?"[/b] The question was odd, even to her own ears, but she couldn't deny the desire to do just that. She was ready to become who she wanted and needed to be. [b]"Come child, the path isn't easy. The road to truth forces us to face realities about ourselves that can be painful. Are you ready?"[/b] She felt her resolve strengthening once again. [b]"I am ready to pay the price and travel the road..."[/b] And she followed Neviah into the depths of the temple as the next chapter began. [/color][/size][/font] [color=#996E6E]_____________________________________________________________________________[/color] [center][font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E][b][u]The Unknown[/u][/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [font= playfair display][size=3][color=#996E6E]Pain. There was pain. All she knew was pain. She had been within the temple for months, studying alongside the Seder, devouring knowledge. She had trained her body to be a weapon and now it was time to sharpen her mind. She was becoming the dragon she desired to be. There was only one final stage left. The Water of Truth. A concentrated potion, whose magical properties raced through every system within a dragon's body. The aftermath, varied by dragon. Some gained clarity and a stronger foresight, some developed abilities and others reactions.... were more drastic. She had drank of the waters, entering her trance within the temple and here she was writhing in pain as the magic coursed through her body. She was not aware of anything outside of this pain as her mind moved through space and time, seeing her life as what was and then what could be. The pain suddenly slowly subsided as Jiten slowly came to. Clawed talons dug into the ground as her body lifted from the ground, the Seder looking on in amazement as the new acolyte stood before them. The imperials' head swirled, catching her reflection, but she stilled when the visage staring back at her was not that of her childhood, but the male imperial from her dream. There was a new awareness, a clarity and a wholeness that had never been there before. Neviah approached, the shadow binder's seer, with a smile on her face. [b]"You have become and are becoming still. Now, to step forth whole and complete and to operate in your giftings. You've been bestowed the gift of transformation, of power. The heart of a mother to care and the strength of a father to protect. These are no small gifts. Remember of whom much is given, much is required."[/b] She bowed her head to her fellow truth bearer. Jiten stepped out of the temple the shadlowlight falling across their back. They had become.... and they were still becoming. The future was unknown, but Jiten knew they would be there to guide those they loved and cared about through life's trials - one day at a time. [/color][/size][/font]

Username: Insight89x

Entering For: Jiten

Context: Mapping out Jiten's lore of how she would come to join my clan in the lands of Eleutheria. Yutu is an older guardian within my lair. Damina is my progen. Neviah is my shadow primal I hatched. I wanted to map out Jiten's personal growth and development that would make sense for her within my own lair as an eventual seer & protector.


The Beginning

Everyone starts from the same means. Cracking out of the shelter of an egg and suddenly blinking into existence into a wide, wide world full of the unknown. Jiten was no exception. She cracked through the barrier, annoyed from the frustration of being confined. There was a drive, a need, an instinct that pushed her to press against the walls of her confinement. The crack was accompanied with a surge of triumph as a sliver of light shone through. It was all the encouragement she needed as she wriggled within her shell, finally tumbling free with a squeak.

Red eyes blinked as she took in the beauty of the wasteland around her. She attempted to stand, legs wobbly with their newness as she flopped over with a squeak of surprise followed with a hiss of frustration. Determined to conquer her newfangled limbs, she grunted as she stood, willing herself out of spite to stand tall. To stand proud. A chuff of amusement caught her attention as she looked up at an amused face.


The wildclaw's large (to her) face leaned down and nuzzled against her, causing her to flop over again with a huff of frustration. Just when I got to my feet..

"This one has spirit. Stubborn little thing."

And a truer statement had never spoken of the young imperial.

The Prologue

"Jiten... You're better than this..." The old guardian gently chided and the sound of disappointment was clear in old Yutu's voice.

The young imperial sighed, ears back and head downcast as her mentor addressed her. Training was relentless and Jiten thrived. She was hard on herself and very rarely was needing to be addressed, except for today. Today she was clearly distracted, her sparring partner landing a strike that brought her low, her mentor watching with concern.

"Come here, child." Jiten sighed, standing to her feet as she shook herself free of dust and grime and approached, bowing her head in respect.

"What is troubling you so? It is clear your body is here, but your mind has wandered." Yutu nudged the young dragon in encouragement. They had a close bond. Vitalia had taken the young Jiten under her wing since the moment of her birth. It was easy to see that the young hatchling had spirit and a fire deep within her - a warrior's spirit. Jiten had a strong heart and it was clear to the older dragon that there was something special about the hatchling.

And so the training and honing began, but there was a growing restlessness that was slowly intensifying and condensing the more time went by the older and more aware Jiten became.

Red eyes flicked up at Yutu's comfort and sighed. "There is talk of dispersal. Pilgrimages are approaching and that means leaving. You and this clan are all I have ever known. And then what about Umahi? We have never been separated. What if Umahi encounters Beasts? What if they get hurt? It has always been the two of us... and you." There was a twinge within her heart. Conflict. She actually desired to go out and explore the world, to see new sights, but then leaving the known and family... She was conflicted.

A smile touched Yutu's face as she listened to the young dragon. This was the preface to growth that every young dragon had to face within their lifetime. Some never answered the call, content to stay within their born clans and others embraced it, facing the wonders of the world.

"You worry about things that have not and may not come to pass, but answer me this... Will you always be able to sheltered Umahi from the fate of the world?"

Jiten frowned when confronted with the honest query. "Well, no... I know this logically, but a part of me can't help but feel that I'm somehow abandoning you all for the joys of wanderlust."

Yutu chuckled at the honest worry and concern. "You would only be lying and doing a disservice to yourself to deny your nature and anyone who loves and cares about you would never want that for you." The guardian nudged the young dragon causing Jiten to smile, her body relaxing slightly as the truth and comfort of Yutu's words sunk in.

"You are approaching a new season, Jiten. There is a natural call within you to explore and defend those who need your strength and you cannot miss out on the calling. You have learned so much and grown within your time here, but now is the time to prepare, collect, condense and process - for the time is soon coming where you will grow into the next phase. Don't let self-doubt keep you from being true to yourself. On this, you must promise me? Yes?"

Jiten's crown lifted, ears perking at Yutu's encouragement and honesty. "I promise, Yutu. I won't let all of our training and hard work be for nothing. And when my time comes to leave, I know it won't be forever until I see you again."

There was a glint of pride in the old dragon's eyes, nodding her head. "Very well... now fly me 100 laps around the training arena. You need to get your head back in the game or I'm letting Rikhara kick your butt again."

Jiten snorted and spread her wings, lifting herself off the ground with the strong beat of her wings. "As if I would let that happen again!" She called back and flew higher with determination steeling her spine and resolve.



Her time had come. All of her prep, all of her hard work had been leading her up to this point. Behind her now were any lingering doubts. She had embraced the unknown of the future. The time for pilgrimage was upon them. She stood close to her sister, listening to the charging and rallying cries that were meant to inspire them. She made a joke, getting Umahi to snort and earning herself a look from Yutu who stood on the side.

She offered the guardian a wry grin, but quieted down until the end. Dragons surged forward to say farewell to those going on their pilgrimage. Yutu stepped forward to both Jiten and Umahi.

"Time to spread your wings and fly. Remember your training. You are plague touched. Strong and withstanding. Trust yourselves and what you've learned. You have everything you need to conquer whatever life throws at you. Be of good courage. You're both capable of more than you could ever imagine."

Jiten felt her eyes sting with emotions, but willed her tears to not fall. She had to be strong for herself and her sister. One chapter was ending and the next was about to begin. She turned and hugged them both and hugged those clanmates and family that she had known her whole life.

Hugs and farewells made, Jiten looked to her clutchmate with unspoken words and both simply nodded.

Time to fly...

And fly she did.

The Crux of it All

The shadow lands had called to her. She didn't know how or why, but wandering out to the lush lands of the glades, to the illuminated cities, the breezy windy spires... the mystery of the shadows lured her in. The lands of ice had proven dissatisfactory to her tastes and the rocky crags of earthen lands held little appeal. She'd enjoyed the zapping lightning of the land of electricity, but on her pass back to visit her homelands....

She stopped and landed within the shadow realm.

"You're not from here, plague touched. Do you come seeking a truth that you cannot find back home?" Jiten's head snapped around, eyes scanning to find the source of the voice, landing on a spiral, cloaked in robes with glowing eyes.

"I am wandering, yes, but what truth could you offer that I couldn't find elsewhere?" She asked brazenly, trying to put out a strong front to reduce any chances of an attack, though the spiral didn't seem inclined towards violence.

Damina, the spiral smiled. "Many who wander are not lost, but there is a hunger for knowledge, no? To know and experience more?" She canted her head, studying the female imperial. There was something.... more about her.

"You've landed in the lands of Eleutheria. We are many factions within one clan, but all dedicated to the truth and knowledge. Some are ruthless with the knowledge they recieve and others joyful and magicians, but everyone takes from the knowledge of truth and this sets them free to be who they were meant to be."

Jiten was taken aback by the ringing of her words. They resonated within her. Locked away, there was a desire to live up to who she knew she could be - a protector, a defender and a seer. She had always had an uncanny ability to anticipate things. Some had called it luck, and some had attribute it to her natural prowess and abilities, but she never told them about the dreams. She caught glimpses and then had senses.. She didn't... understand it. She didn't question it. She had always just rolled with it, but now was one of those moments. A moment where she knew she'd seen this before. A peace and calm settled over her. Yes, this was right. This was where she belonged - in this moment for this time.

A flash of another dream, a male imperial that was her.... but no, that couldn't be? Damina smiled at the new guest.

"Come, follow me and let me introduce to those of the Seder. They are our seerers, our oracles devoted to the gods. I think, they may be able to set you on your path."

Cautious, but curious, Jiten followed. Her guard ever at the ready as she followed the spiral to a temple. Shadow loomed, but it was.... beautiful. There were dark twinkles in the depths that invited you in closer. There was no fear of monsters in this place. Incense filled her senses as she drew closer, following her escort as they stopped in the heart of the temple. Slowly, dragons emerged and one wildclaw stepped forward.

"Greetings, wanderer. I am Neviah." She bowed her head in greeting as Jiten looked in awe at the blinded dragon, the shadow mother's eyes dripping from her eyes. She knew she couldn't see and yet, she felt seen by her. There was a shudder that raced down her spine.

Damina bowed to the dragon and stepped back to excuse herself. "I must be on my way, but I wish you well on your journey." She winked at Jiten and slid seamlessly into the shadows.

Jiten looked back to Neviah, uncertainty there in her gaze. "I admit, I feel a sense of familiarity here... Like I was meant to be here or have been here before...but I know I haven't..."

There was a smile on Neviah's face as she nodded. "There's a calling on your life, young one. I can sense it about you. You... see things, no?" Jiten's head slowly nodded, anticipation growing low within her belly.

"Are you ready to seek yourself?" The question was odd, even to her own ears, but she couldn't deny the desire to do just that. She was ready to become who she wanted and needed to be.

"Come child, the path isn't easy. The road to truth forces us to face realities about ourselves that can be painful. Are you ready?"

She felt her resolve strengthening once again.

"I am ready to pay the price and travel the road..." And she followed Neviah into the depths of the temple as the next chapter began.

The Unknown

Pain. There was pain. All she knew was pain. She had been within the temple for months, studying alongside the Seder, devouring knowledge. She had trained her body to be a weapon and now it was time to sharpen her mind. She was becoming the dragon she desired to be.

There was only one final stage left. The Water of Truth. A concentrated potion, whose magical properties raced through every system within a dragon's body. The aftermath, varied by dragon. Some gained clarity and a stronger foresight, some developed abilities and others reactions.... were more drastic.

She had drank of the waters, entering her trance within the temple and here she was writhing in pain as the magic coursed through her body. She was not aware of anything outside of this pain as her mind moved through space and time, seeing her life as what was and then what could be.

The pain suddenly slowly subsided as Jiten slowly came to. Clawed talons dug into the ground as her body lifted from the ground, the Seder looking on in amazement as the new acolyte stood before them. The imperials' head swirled, catching her reflection, but she stilled when the visage staring back at her was not that of her childhood, but the male imperial from her dream.

There was a new awareness, a clarity and a wholeness that had never been there before.

Neviah approached, the shadow binder's seer, with a smile on her face. "You have become and are becoming still. Now, to step forth whole and complete and to operate in your giftings. You've been bestowed the gift of transformation, of power. The heart of a mother to care and the strength of a father to protect. These are no small gifts. Remember of whom much is given, much is required." She bowed her head to her fellow truth bearer.

Jiten stepped out of the temple the shadlowlight falling across their back.

They had become.... and they were still becoming. The future was unknown, but Jiten knew they would be there to guide those they loved and cared about through life's trials - one day at a time.

[center][b]Username:[/b] CelestialWolf92 [b]Entering For:[/b] Umahi [img],21238,21271,21279,21303,21263,21295,21287,6947,6956,6965,6977,7286,7287,7839&xt=dressing.png[/img] Umahi was a strange addition to the coffee-centric family, but she was loved just the same. You see, Aola and Macchiato were a pair that had bonded over their deep love of coffee, and the many wonderful ways it could be made and served. Lattes, Mochas, Macchiatos, Iced Coffees, it was all wonderful to the energetic, bubbly pair. Tradgey had soon struck the couple, as they lost the only egg in their much anticipated nest. Aola, once sweet and delighted with all life could bring her, became downtrodden and depressed. Her devoted partner became desperate to try and rekindle that spark of joy in his mate, so he set out under the cover of night, to try and find an answer. He came upon Umahi's egg, seemingly abandoned, and knew that this was just the thing to make Aola come to life again. It would never replace the hatchling they had lost, but they still had a lot of love to give, and Macchiato was sure that they could give this unborn hatchling the best life. Despite being obviously a Plague egg, Aola accepted it wholeheartedly, and took to lining the nest with ribbons, lace and warm amber stones. From the very moment this hatchling took a breath, it would know it was loved. When Umahi finally hatched, Aola and Macchiato were excited, eagerly and lovingly accepting the hatchling into their embrace. Umahi would go on to wear the ribbons and stones she was hatched on, and there would always be a warm hazelnut scent that followed her. [/center]
Username: CelestialWolf92
Entering For: Umahi

Umahi was a strange addition to the coffee-centric family, but she was loved just the same. You see, Aola and Macchiato were a pair that had bonded over their deep love of coffee, and the many wonderful ways it could be made and served. Lattes, Mochas, Macchiatos, Iced Coffees, it was all wonderful to the energetic, bubbly pair. Tradgey had soon struck the couple, as they lost the only egg in their much anticipated nest. Aola, once sweet and delighted with all life could bring her, became downtrodden and depressed. Her devoted partner became desperate to try and rekindle that spark of joy in his mate, so he set out under the cover of night, to try and find an answer.

He came upon Umahi's egg, seemingly abandoned, and knew that this was just the thing to make Aola come to life again. It would never replace the hatchling they had lost, but they still had a lot of love to give, and Macchiato was sure that they could give this unborn hatchling the best life. Despite being obviously a Plague egg, Aola accepted it wholeheartedly, and took to lining the nest with ribbons, lace and warm amber stones. From the very moment this hatchling took a breath, it would know it was loved. When Umahi finally hatched, Aola and Macchiato were excited, eagerly and lovingly accepting the hatchling into their embrace. Umahi would go on to wear the ribbons and stones she was hatched on, and there would always be a warm hazelnut scent that followed her.

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Endyr || 23 || She/They || FR+3
imp inthusiast
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[b][u]Username[/u]:[/b] mercurialwings [b][u]Dragon you are entering for[/u]:[/b] Umahi (will be using he/him pronouns) [b][u]Entry[/u]:[/b] [center][img],3697,3634,3685,3631,3633,3632,3686&xt=dressing.png[/img][/center] [i]Tap... Tap... Tap...[/i] The sound of the metronome softly measured each breath in and out that he took. Morning meditation was a key part of the start of his day and he always made sure to allot time for it. Every so often, he would shift position and measure out the holding time in breaths before changing to another. His trade in life was a barista and he couldn't be happier. He loved learning his frequent visitors' favorites, whipping the drinks up with a personal flourish, and seeing their delighted expressions just before they alighted away to continue their day. His family wondered why he chose such a menial tradecraft, but he always mused to himself that maybe just a little bit of good or joy could come out of his family line. Though many would consider him a sanguine individual, he did have moments where he would get a ravenous urge for something more...dark, primal even. He'd steal into the early night dressed in his best suit, deep colors that would complement his complexion and hidden desires, and stroll the streets. Dipping into local pubs and cafes that would catch his fancy, he would mind a drink while eying the patrons of the establishment. If no one caught his interest, out he would meander and start all over. It was never a wasted night as times like these were the only moments he's indulge in letting his darker nature be. When someone--gender matter little to him--of interest, the charm would click into place as he found a way to initiate contact. An accidental bump, overhearing something they'd say that would open a window to conversation, anything could be turned into an opener from what he'd learned and seen from his family's interactions in the past. Some nights of conquest turn into such lovely fun, but it was never in his nature to settle down with anyone. Not now at least. So before morning's first rays lighten the skies, he slips from their arms into the shadowy twilight to settle back into his usual routine. Sated for the time being... [b][u]Writer's Note[/u]:[/b] Writing this was so much fun and idea behind his persona was based off the "tall, dark, and handsome" trope that my friend and I were discussing the other day. xD Best of luck to everyone~ ^ ^
Username: mercurialwings
Dragon you are entering for: Umahi (will be using he/him pronouns)


Tap... Tap... Tap...

The sound of the metronome softly measured each breath in and out that he took. Morning meditation was a key part of the start of his day and he always made sure to allot time for it. Every so often, he would shift position and measure out the holding time in breaths before changing to another.

His trade in life was a barista and he couldn't be happier. He loved learning his frequent visitors' favorites, whipping the drinks up with a personal flourish, and seeing their delighted expressions just before they alighted away to continue their day. His family wondered why he chose such a menial tradecraft, but he always mused to himself that maybe just a little bit of good or joy could come out of his family line.

Though many would consider him a sanguine individual, he did have moments where he would get a ravenous urge for something more...dark, primal even. He'd steal into the early night dressed in his best suit, deep colors that would complement his complexion and hidden desires, and stroll the streets. Dipping into local pubs and cafes that would catch his fancy, he would mind a drink while eying the patrons of the establishment. If no one caught his interest, out he would meander and start all over. It was never a wasted night as times like these were the only moments he's indulge in letting his darker nature be.

When someone--gender matter little to him--of interest, the charm would click into place as he found a way to initiate contact. An accidental bump, overhearing something they'd say that would open a window to conversation, anything could be turned into an opener from what he'd learned and seen from his family's interactions in the past. Some nights of conquest turn into such lovely fun, but it was never in his nature to settle down with anyone. Not now at least. So before morning's first rays lighten the skies, he slips from their arms into the shadowy twilight to settle back into his usual routine. Sated for the time being...

Writer's Note: Writing this was so much fun and idea behind his persona was based off the "tall, dark, and handsome" trope that my friend and I were discussing the other day. xD

Best of luck to everyone~ ^ ^
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Thank you~

Endyr || 23 || She/They || FR+3
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