
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Giveaway: Familiar Adoption!
[center][b][size=4]Froze's Found Familiars[/size][/b] [item=bogus manamonger][item=shatterbone vulture][item=ghost manticore][item=seaglass swimmer] Welcome to my familiar giveaway! The Southern Icefields are a dangerous place for even the most well-equipped creature, and over the years we've accumulated quite a collection of wayward familiars, from beached bicorns to abandoned ampelope calves. Once these poor creatures are rehabilitated, we look to rehome them to clans across Sorneith who are in need of their species. Interested in taking a new friend home? Just post here and I'll glance at what familiars your bestiary still needs, and send a familiar with a brief bio on over! Please don't expect extremely rare familiars — if your bestiary is rather filled out already, I'll send along a familiar that seems to match your lair aesthetic. [s]i've been popping open a lot of chests please take some of my spare familiars[/s][/center] --------------------- [center][b][size=4]Rehomed[/b][/size] Have an anecdote about your new familiar and their dragon companion? Feel free to post it and I'll add it to the first post, and send you home with another friend![/center] [columns][item=Redtail Gryphon][nextcol]Ah, I think you'd be the perfect home for our [b]Redtail Gryphon[/b]! This poor fledgling was brought to our sanctuary with a wounded wing — the Icefield wings make it hard for these creatures to learn to fly, but this one has healed nicely and I'm sure will make a delightful companion in the Dusk Sanctum.[/columns] [columns][item=Shatterbone Vulture][nextcol]Oh, another icy lair! I think you'd be the perfect home for our [b]Shatterbone Vulture[/b]. These creatures do excellent in frigid climates, though this one in particular was found as an abandoned egg and was raised in captivity. I'm sure they'll love having an exciting adventure with you — just mind your fingers during feeding time, they're nippy![/columns] [columns][item=Sparksylph][nextcol]Oh I think you're the perfect lair to handle our [b]Sparksylph[/b]! These dears often end up weak and orphaned on the Icefields coast often; they'll ride the storm from Shifting Expanse across the sea, and then drift listlessly along the shore. This one in particular has a taste for mischief and will fit right in around the Sunportal. They're quite excellent as a barometer too![/columns] [columns][item=Lap Pupowl][nextcol]You seem like the perfect home for a clan favorite, our [b]Lap Pupowl[/b]! This sweet creature was found in a tidepool, unnaturally small for their species, but abundantly friendly. They're very fond of being held and wrapping themself around anyone's neck or shoulders! I hope your clan is as delighted with them as we are![/columns] [columns][item=Dwarf Hainu Macaw][nextcol]Ah, a high-flying lair! How perfect for our [b]Dwarf Hainu Macaw[/b]. This little one is the last of a litter we had born here from a stray... while they can't mimic speech, don't get me started on how noisy these pups are! I'm certain this one will do well with room to stretch their wings — and they've picked up tricks so easily![/columns] [columns][item=Aberrant Chacma][nextcol]Ah, a plague lair would be perfect for one of our more... difficult residents, our [b]Aberrant Chacma[/b]. I don't think this fellow has ever felt quite at home here; we're not altogether sure how they reached the Icefields, but I suspect it's something to do with the warring energies of the portal. Regardless, I think they'll do much better in a home not so sensitive to their headaches. Good luck![/columns] [columns][item=Spirit of Lightning][nextcol]It's quite an honor to have such a noble lair visit our humble clan! I hope you find it amenable to give our [b]Spirit of Lightning[/b] a home. This creature was kept as a business' good luck charm for years before being brought to our sanctuary, and I hope that their delightful luminescence brings luck to your clan as well.[/columns] [columns][item=Flamescale Illusionist][nextcol]How fortuitous, I believe you're the perfect home for our [b]Flamescale Illusionist[/b]! They've been with us a short time; the Flamescales are not typically a Beastclan you see this far south, but it is something about ley lines that has drawn them to our region. They've been quite quiet about their work... perhaps a studious clan such as yourself will get more out of them?[/columns] [columns][item=King Parda][nextcol]Ah, your lair seems so fitting for our [b]King Parda[/b]! This one is much larger than most and has quickly become a handful for us! Even still, they're quite friendly and I imagine were an abandoned familiar... I think they'll do best in a close-knit lair with much attention to give. The Tangled Woods is so full of creatures to chase and places to prowl as well.[/columns] [columns][item=Armored Greatowl][nextcol]What a gorgeous lair, and a perfect new home for our [b]Armored Greatowl[/b]! These beautiful creatures are so rarely found in the Icefields -- we suspect they were bred here for underground competitions, and must have escaped from their captors. Your Warren in the Daylight Sanctum is an excellent step in returning this magnificent friend to their natural home.[/columns] [columns][item=Frostbite Dryad][nextcol]I hope our [b]Frostbite Dryad[/b] will fit in well among your clan! These dryads are native to the Icefields, though this one has been affixed with a chronic illness in the cold since they were young. I hope that the kind weather Plateau will perk them up; they seem quite thoughtful, and those clever Wind dragons are always up to something new![/columns] [columns][item=Elk][nextcol]Ah, I think our [b]Elk[/b] will fit in beautifully among your clan! These elegant creatures live in the tundras of the Icefields, though we took this particular one in as an orphaned calf, presumably after their mother was hunted. They've become quite accustomed to growing up alongside dragonkind -- and they're quite gentle about feeding from one's hand! I hope they settle in well among the Hewn City![/columns] [columns][item=Mammophant][nextcol]You're just the home we've been seeking for our [b]Mammophant[/b]! It's quite a peculiar story about this Mammophant -- they were actually part of a traveling circus that could no longer support its creatures, and so we gladly took them off their hands. It's quite frosty down here for these heat-loving beasts and I'm certain they would flourish somewhere further north in the tropics.[/columns] [columns][item=Dire Vulture][nextcol]What a wonderful home you are for our [b]Dire Vulture[/b]! They truly thrive in the Shifting Expanse among clever dragons. This one in particular seems to never be full; there's not enough lemmings in all the Icewarden's domain to keep them satisfied! Their injured wing has healed nicely and we're looking forward to seeing them settle in among their new permanent clan.[/columns] [columns][item=Dusk Fuiran][nextcol]You seem to be a perfect clan for our [b]Dusk Fuiran[/b]! It takes a quick-minded dragon to keep up with a fuiran, especially this nocturnal subspecies. They're a bit hot-tempered... we've been struggling to find a dragon to properly bond with them, though I hope a clan who can afford them more attention and a dragon with enough wit and patience can help them come around.[/columns] [columns][item=Marbled Jester][nextcol]Delightful, I was hoping we'd find a good home for our [b]Marbled Jester[/b]! This little rascal will do anything for strawberries and a nice hunk of mums -- they'll be so spoiled up at the Worldedge! They'll certainly be one of the familiars here we'll miss plenty, but I think it's quite time they make another group of dragons smile.[/columns] [columns][item=Hooded Dodo][nextcol]I believe our [b]Hooded Dodo[/b] will settle in wonderfully with your clan! They're not an easy one to win over; we think they may have come from a less-than-kind home previously, and they seem to imprint upon a specific dragon with little rhyme or reason. We consider them very secure in themself! I do hope you enjoy them.[/columns] [columns][item=Greattusk][nextcol]Ah, I think you'll be perfect for our juvenile [b]Greattusk[/b]! There's a long story about this one that involves a broken fence and an exhausting night gathering up familiars -- though I'm sure you can fill in the gaps! They're getting old enough now that they need a place to roam, and I'm certain the long dunes of the Shifting Expanse will be wonderful for them.[/columns] [columns][item=King Quillrunner][nextcol]You seem like the perfect clan to keep up with our [b]King Quillrunner[/b]! We call this one wild at heart: they came to us injured in a hunting trap, though have such a strong spirit and healed quickly. They have a fierce nature and I believe their swiftness will be most appreciated among your dragons![/columns] [columns][item=Scarlet Serpenta][nextcol]You seem like the perfect new home for our [b]Scarlet Serpenta[/b]! This one is too young yet to bear the scarlet coat of their namesake, though they're already getting quite ornery! We're not quite sure how they came to the Icefields, but they were reported by a local farming community as a nuisance to their root vegetables. You'll have your hands full but endless stories with this one![/columns] [columns][item=Palefoot Tadhop][nextcol]What a wonderful clan for our [b]Palefoot Tadhop[/b]! I can't think of a better companion than this sweet dear; they have this sweet habit of thumping their tail when one of their favorite dragons comes near! It's no small feat to raise a tadhop from a tadpole to maturity, though seeing this one grow up into an adult has been a delight.[/columns] [columns][item=Polarized Bell Goat][nextcol]Ah, you are going to love our [b]Polarized Bell Goat[/b]! Those bred in the Icefields tend to be fluffier and hardier than their predecessors up in the Shifting Expanse, and they're quite helpful in carting things around -- if you can keep them from nibbling on your belongings! This one is a bit more agreeable... just make sure you have sugar cubes on hand if you ask them to do you a favor.[/columns] [columns][item= Slight Eyewing][nextcol]I believe our [b]Slight Eyewing[/b] will be quite at home in the Driftwood Drag! It's been such an honor having an Eyewing among our familiars; they're very particular and independent, and I believe this one has been waiting around for the perfect home to find them. They're very pampered and vain, so it's quite special for them to have chosen you![/columns] [columns][item=Armored Duskflapper][nextcol]You seem like the perfect home for our [b]Armored Duskflapper[/b]! They've an invasive species around these parts, and particularly in the harsh winters we often find duskflappers perched in dragon dens. This one was brought to us with an injured wing and has been a pure delight to rehabilitate — they're quite fond of bananas and other fruits, and I'm sure they'll love the Dusk Sanctum![/columns] [columns][item=Bengal Chimera][nextcol]Your clan seems like they have the spirit for our [b]Bengal Chimera[/b]! Much less common than the ashmane species down here, this poor creature was bred for fighting but rescued as a cub. They've still got quite a lot of energy and that feistiness we see even in tame chimeras, but they absolute melt if you pet them beneath their chin.[/columns] [columns][item=Carmine Serthis][nextcol]Our [b]Carmine Serthis[/b] seems to have taken a shine to your clan! I believe this is going to be a perfect match, as the Tangled Wood has some historic serthis culture in its groves. Our friend here has been long-lamenting the long, dark winters of the Icefields and are more than ready for a change of scenery. I hope they go appreciated in your clan![/columns] [columns][item=Coastline Sawbeak][nextcol]Oh how wonderful, we've been looking for a home like yours for our [b]Coastline Sawbeak[/b]! They'll roost on the shores of the Icefields often, but they fare far better in the Shifting Expanse. We took in this sawbeak as an abandoned egg and hatched them beneath an incubator. They've never had their own flock, but get excited or raise your voice around them, and they'll start flapping their wings and singing along![/columns] [columns][item=Apatite Fisher][nextcol]Oh good, I was hoping to find a nice home in the Icefields for our [b]Apatite Fisher[/b]! They're really quite an expert at fishing, even though this one is incapable of flight after an injury when they were just a fledgling. They love the gemstones that can be found off the icy coasts: the Tidelord's Tears are a favorite, and we always keep some crushed pebbles in our pockets as treats.[/columns] [columns][item=Dunewind Manticore][nextcol]It's no small feat to be chosen by a [b]Dunewind Manticore[/b]! This one is a little older and has been with us for quite a while now, we honestly thought they'd be a permanent resident. It seems that finally a new home has impressed them! They've very tolerant for a manticore and naturally parental towards orphaned cubs and kittens we take in, but watch our when their spine fluffs up.[/columns] [columns][item=Cave Lantern][nextcol]Quite possibly the most sensitive familiar in our sanctuary, our [b]Cave Lantern[/b] would be perfect in your hands. These are really fascinating creatures: the fungus and the cave slug have a symbiotic relationship, as the fungus needs a host to survive, and the cave slug is protected from predators. They require a very temperature and humidity-controlled environment.[/columns] [columns][item=Bogus Manamonger][nextcol]How fortuitous, it brings us such joy to reunite our [b]Bogus Manamonger[/b] with others of their kind! They're a protected species within the Icefields along with the Polarfreeze Defender; their unique color variation makes it a bit more difficult for them to survive in the wild, so I'm positively delighted to rehome this one to you. They're an old soul — very contemplative and quiet, and often we find them just staring off into the mountain ranges.[/columns]
Froze's Found Familiars
Bogus Manamonger Shatterbone Vulture Ghost Manticore Seaglass Swimmer

Welcome to my familiar giveaway! The Southern Icefields are a dangerous place for even the most well-equipped creature, and over the years we've accumulated quite a collection of wayward familiars, from beached bicorns to abandoned ampelope calves. Once these poor creatures are rehabilitated, we look to rehome them to clans across Sorneith who are in need of their species.

Interested in taking a new friend home? Just post here and I'll glance at what familiars your bestiary still needs, and send a familiar with a brief bio on over! Please don't expect extremely rare familiars — if your bestiary is rather filled out already, I'll send along a familiar that seems to match your lair aesthetic.

i've been popping open a lot of chests please take some of my spare familiars

Have an anecdote about your new familiar and their dragon companion? Feel free to post it and I'll add it to the first post, and send you home with another friend!
Redtail Gryphon Ah, I think you'd be the perfect home for our Redtail Gryphon! This poor fledgling was brought to our sanctuary with a wounded wing — the Icefield wings make it hard for these creatures to learn to fly, but this one has healed nicely and I'm sure will make a delightful companion in the Dusk Sanctum.
Shatterbone Vulture Oh, another icy lair! I think you'd be the perfect home for our Shatterbone Vulture. These creatures do excellent in frigid climates, though this one in particular was found as an abandoned egg and was raised in captivity. I'm sure they'll love having an exciting adventure with you — just mind your fingers during feeding time, they're nippy!
Sparksylph Oh I think you're the perfect lair to handle our Sparksylph! These dears often end up weak and orphaned on the Icefields coast often; they'll ride the storm from Shifting Expanse across the sea, and then drift listlessly along the shore. This one in particular has a taste for mischief and will fit right in around the Sunportal. They're quite excellent as a barometer too!
Lap Pupowl You seem like the perfect home for a clan favorite, our Lap Pupowl! This sweet creature was found in a tidepool, unnaturally small for their species, but abundantly friendly. They're very fond of being held and wrapping themself around anyone's neck or shoulders! I hope your clan is as delighted with them as we are!
Dwarf Hainu Macaw Ah, a high-flying lair! How perfect for our Dwarf Hainu Macaw. This little one is the last of a litter we had born here from a stray... while they can't mimic speech, don't get me started on how noisy these pups are! I'm certain this one will do well with room to stretch their wings — and they've picked up tricks so easily!
Aberrant Chacma Ah, a plague lair would be perfect for one of our more... difficult residents, our Aberrant Chacma. I don't think this fellow has ever felt quite at home here; we're not altogether sure how they reached the Icefields, but I suspect it's something to do with the warring energies of the portal. Regardless, I think they'll do much better in a home not so sensitive to their headaches. Good luck!
Spirit of Lightning It's quite an honor to have such a noble lair visit our humble clan! I hope you find it amenable to give our Spirit of Lightning a home. This creature was kept as a business' good luck charm for years before being brought to our sanctuary, and I hope that their delightful luminescence brings luck to your clan as well.
Flamescale Illusionist How fortuitous, I believe you're the perfect home for our Flamescale Illusionist! They've been with us a short time; the Flamescales are not typically a Beastclan you see this far south, but it is something about ley lines that has drawn them to our region. They've been quite quiet about their work... perhaps a studious clan such as yourself will get more out of them?
King Parda Ah, your lair seems so fitting for our King Parda! This one is much larger than most and has quickly become a handful for us! Even still, they're quite friendly and I imagine were an abandoned familiar... I think they'll do best in a close-knit lair with much attention to give. The Tangled Woods is so full of creatures to chase and places to prowl as well.
Armored Greatowl What a gorgeous lair, and a perfect new home for our Armored Greatowl! These beautiful creatures are so rarely found in the Icefields -- we suspect they were bred here for underground competitions, and must have escaped from their captors. Your Warren in the Daylight Sanctum is an excellent step in returning this magnificent friend to their natural home.
Frostbite Dryad I hope our Frostbite Dryad will fit in well among your clan! These dryads are native to the Icefields, though this one has been affixed with a chronic illness in the cold since they were young. I hope that the kind weather Plateau will perk them up; they seem quite thoughtful, and those clever Wind dragons are always up to something new!
Elk Ah, I think our Elk will fit in beautifully among your clan! These elegant creatures live in the tundras of the Icefields, though we took this particular one in as an orphaned calf, presumably after their mother was hunted. They've become quite accustomed to growing up alongside dragonkind -- and they're quite gentle about feeding from one's hand! I hope they settle in well among the Hewn City!
Mammophant You're just the home we've been seeking for our Mammophant! It's quite a peculiar story about this Mammophant -- they were actually part of a traveling circus that could no longer support its creatures, and so we gladly took them off their hands. It's quite frosty down here for these heat-loving beasts and I'm certain they would flourish somewhere further north in the tropics.
Dire Vulture What a wonderful home you are for our Dire Vulture! They truly thrive in the Shifting Expanse among clever dragons. This one in particular seems to never be full; there's not enough lemmings in all the Icewarden's domain to keep them satisfied! Their injured wing has healed nicely and we're looking forward to seeing them settle in among their new permanent clan.
Dusk Fuiran You seem to be a perfect clan for our Dusk Fuiran! It takes a quick-minded dragon to keep up with a fuiran, especially this nocturnal subspecies. They're a bit hot-tempered... we've been struggling to find a dragon to properly bond with them, though I hope a clan who can afford them more attention and a dragon with enough wit and patience can help them come around.
Marbled Jester Delightful, I was hoping we'd find a good home for our Marbled Jester! This little rascal will do anything for strawberries and a nice hunk of mums -- they'll be so spoiled up at the Worldedge! They'll certainly be one of the familiars here we'll miss plenty, but I think it's quite time they make another group of dragons smile.
Hooded Dodo I believe our Hooded Dodo will settle in wonderfully with your clan! They're not an easy one to win over; we think they may have come from a less-than-kind home previously, and they seem to imprint upon a specific dragon with little rhyme or reason. We consider them very secure in themself! I do hope you enjoy them.
Greattusk Ah, I think you'll be perfect for our juvenile Greattusk! There's a long story about this one that involves a broken fence and an exhausting night gathering up familiars -- though I'm sure you can fill in the gaps! They're getting old enough now that they need a place to roam, and I'm certain the long dunes of the Shifting Expanse will be wonderful for them.
King Quillrunner You seem like the perfect clan to keep up with our King Quillrunner! We call this one wild at heart: they came to us injured in a hunting trap, though have such a strong spirit and healed quickly. They have a fierce nature and I believe their swiftness will be most appreciated among your dragons!
Scarlet Serpenta You seem like the perfect new home for our Scarlet Serpenta! This one is too young yet to bear the scarlet coat of their namesake, though they're already getting quite ornery! We're not quite sure how they came to the Icefields, but they were reported by a local farming community as a nuisance to their root vegetables. You'll have your hands full but endless stories with this one!
Palefoot Tadhop What a wonderful clan for our Palefoot Tadhop! I can't think of a better companion than this sweet dear; they have this sweet habit of thumping their tail when one of their favorite dragons comes near! It's no small feat to raise a tadhop from a tadpole to maturity, though seeing this one grow up into an adult has been a delight.
Polarized Bell Goat Ah, you are going to love our Polarized Bell Goat! Those bred in the Icefields tend to be fluffier and hardier than their predecessors up in the Shifting Expanse, and they're quite helpful in carting things around -- if you can keep them from nibbling on your belongings! This one is a bit more agreeable... just make sure you have sugar cubes on hand if you ask them to do you a favor.
Slight Eyewing I believe our Slight Eyewing will be quite at home in the Driftwood Drag! It's been such an honor having an Eyewing among our familiars; they're very particular and independent, and I believe this one has been waiting around for the perfect home to find them. They're very pampered and vain, so it's quite special for them to have chosen you!
Armored Duskflapper You seem like the perfect home for our Armored Duskflapper! They've an invasive species around these parts, and particularly in the harsh winters we often find duskflappers perched in dragon dens. This one was brought to us with an injured wing and has been a pure delight to rehabilitate — they're quite fond of bananas and other fruits, and I'm sure they'll love the Dusk Sanctum!
Bengal Chimera Your clan seems like they have the spirit for our Bengal Chimera! Much less common than the ashmane species down here, this poor creature was bred for fighting but rescued as a cub. They've still got quite a lot of energy and that feistiness we see even in tame chimeras, but they absolute melt if you pet them beneath their chin.
Carmine Serthis Our Carmine Serthis seems to have taken a shine to your clan! I believe this is going to be a perfect match, as the Tangled Wood has some historic serthis culture in its groves. Our friend here has been long-lamenting the long, dark winters of the Icefields and are more than ready for a change of scenery. I hope they go appreciated in your clan!
Coastline Sawbeak Oh how wonderful, we've been looking for a home like yours for our Coastline Sawbeak! They'll roost on the shores of the Icefields often, but they fare far better in the Shifting Expanse. We took in this sawbeak as an abandoned egg and hatched them beneath an incubator. They've never had their own flock, but get excited or raise your voice around them, and they'll start flapping their wings and singing along!
Apatite Fisher Oh good, I was hoping to find a nice home in the Icefields for our Apatite Fisher! They're really quite an expert at fishing, even though this one is incapable of flight after an injury when they were just a fledgling. They love the gemstones that can be found off the icy coasts: the Tidelord's Tears are a favorite, and we always keep some crushed pebbles in our pockets as treats.
Dunewind Manticore It's no small feat to be chosen by a Dunewind Manticore! This one is a little older and has been with us for quite a while now, we honestly thought they'd be a permanent resident. It seems that finally a new home has impressed them! They've very tolerant for a manticore and naturally parental towards orphaned cubs and kittens we take in, but watch our when their spine fluffs up.
Cave Lantern Quite possibly the most sensitive familiar in our sanctuary, our Cave Lantern would be perfect in your hands. These are really fascinating creatures: the fungus and the cave slug have a symbiotic relationship, as the fungus needs a host to survive, and the cave slug is protected from predators. They require a very temperature and humidity-controlled environment.
Bogus Manamonger How fortuitous, it brings us such joy to reunite our Bogus Manamonger with others of their kind! They're a protected species within the Icefields along with the Polarfreeze Defender; their unique color variation makes it a bit more difficult for them to survive in the wild, so I'm positively delighted to rehome this one to you. They're an old soul — very contemplative and quiet, and often we find them just staring off into the mountain ranges.
I’d like to enter, please! Thank you!
I’d like to enter, please! Thank you!
i’d like to enter!
i’d like to enter!
lore sales!! ==

it’s imginate without an a!



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I'd like to enter!
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I'd love to enter! Thanks so much for doing this!
I'd love to enter! Thanks so much for doing this!
I would love to take part, thanks so much <3
I would love to take part, thanks so much <3
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I'd like to enter. Thank you for doing this!
I’d like to enter pls! Ty for this <3
I’d like to enter pls! Ty for this <3
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I would like to enter! Thank you :)
I would like to enter! Thank you :)
ml3urQM.png x8bDWFu.png
@IncognitoPlayer [columns][item=Redtail Gryphon][nextcol]Ah, I think you'd be the perfect home for our [b]Redtail Gryphon[/b]! This poor fledgling was brought to our sanctuary with a wounded wing — the Icefield wings make it hard for these creatures to learn to fly, but this one has healed nicely and I'm sure will make a delightful companion in the Dusk Sanctum.[/columns]

Redtail Gryphon Ah, I think you'd be the perfect home for our Redtail Gryphon! This poor fledgling was brought to our sanctuary with a wounded wing — the Icefield wings make it hard for these creatures to learn to fly, but this one has healed nicely and I'm sure will make a delightful companion in the Dusk Sanctum.