
Raffles & Giveaways

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TOPIC | Advent Calendar Raffle - FINISHED
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Christmas is all about food for my family! We used to have a party at a cousin's place and it would be potluck style, everyone bringing food to the party - and then we order even more food so everyone's stuffed for the night. We compete on wii games, exchange secret santa presents, the whole thing. I juat love the food; that's the highlight for me. My aunt can really cook :P :D
Christmas is all about food for my family! We used to have a party at a cousin's place and it would be potluck style, everyone bringing food to the party - and then we order even more food so everyone's stuffed for the night. We compete on wii games, exchange secret santa presents, the whole thing. I juat love the food; that's the highlight for me. My aunt can really cook :P :D
December 3rd - Spirit of the Season

Around christmas time, we usually hope for snow! Sometimes we get snow on the day of. Sometimes before or after, but it is definitely cold out around this time!
Cookies, tree decorating and walking around to see all the lights are a few highlights.
December 3rd - Spirit of the Season

Around christmas time, we usually hope for snow! Sometimes we get snow on the day of. Sometimes before or after, but it is definitely cold out around this time!
Cookies, tree decorating and walking around to see all the lights are a few highlights.

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tumblr_pp5jpoJww31ugssd3o10_r1_75sq.png CutiePies
tumblr_pp5jpoJww31ugssd3o5_r2_75sq.png Vanity Veils


Christmas has changed a lot within my family since I was little & I'm neither religiously invested nor is it very important to me otherwise buuuuut I do love all the good food we have around that time of year!

My girlfriend is with her christmas-crazy family & I usually visit my mom first, a few days before Christmas Eve and stay a few days (in Germany we open presents on Christmas Eve), 25. & 26. we often meet extended family & on each of these days we feast hehehe.
Then either on on 26. or 27. I visit my dad & stay there a few days, sometimes I stay for New Years sometimes I have other plans. But certainly my dad will make good food at some point, as well, lol.

Since my mom lives about one hour away & my dad two+ and I go by train the end of year always is a little stressful for me, with visiting both, trying to squeeze in a friend or two somewhere if possible, hoping I'll see a bit of my girlfriend, deciding where to leave or take my dog... Plus I have 3 little half-sisters (1 with mom & 2 with dad) so that's a lot of gift-shopping beforehand.
Don't get me wrong - I love gifting people something they like, but finding it can be exhausting, especially for three teens :P And extra especially in full cities & while there's still a pandemic, haha...

Nonetheless, trying to have a cozy time with the people I care for!
Christmas has changed a lot within my family since I was little & I'm neither religiously invested nor is it very important to me otherwise buuuuut I do love all the good food we have around that time of year!

My girlfriend is with her christmas-crazy family & I usually visit my mom first, a few days before Christmas Eve and stay a few days (in Germany we open presents on Christmas Eve), 25. & 26. we often meet extended family & on each of these days we feast hehehe.
Then either on on 26. or 27. I visit my dad & stay there a few days, sometimes I stay for New Years sometimes I have other plans. But certainly my dad will make good food at some point, as well, lol.

Since my mom lives about one hour away & my dad two+ and I go by train the end of year always is a little stressful for me, with visiting both, trying to squeeze in a friend or two somewhere if possible, hoping I'll see a bit of my girlfriend, deciding where to leave or take my dog... Plus I have 3 little half-sisters (1 with mom & 2 with dad) so that's a lot of gift-shopping beforehand.
Don't get me wrong - I love gifting people something they like, but finding it can be exhausting, especially for three teens :P And extra especially in full cities & while there's still a pandemic, haha...

Nonetheless, trying to have a cozy time with the people I care for!
  • FR+9
  • 29y/o
  • they/them
December 3rd - Spirit of the Season

Always celebrate new years with my friends. We watch terrible movies, marathon LotR, and eat way too much food. We have a tradition of making pasta from scratch and its always a great time and a big mess. The day after we make a breakfast feast and its the best meal of the year hands down. We live farther away from each other now but everyone still travels to be there. Best celebration one could hope for :)
December 3rd - Spirit of the Season

Always celebrate new years with my friends. We watch terrible movies, marathon LotR, and eat way too much food. We have a tradition of making pasta from scratch and its always a great time and a big mess. The day after we make a breakfast feast and its the best meal of the year hands down. We live farther away from each other now but everyone still travels to be there. Best celebration one could hope for :)
December 3rd - Spirit of the Season

Most of my celebrating is done online, in which I enjoy to the fullest all the holiday stuff that my favourite pet sites offer, and this includes this very Advent Calendar event here on FR! Christmas/summer in RL holds very little for me for a number of reasons, but my city has many themed attractions running for the whole month and I like to pay a visit to at least one! This year I've already gone out to see some of the many decorations around, and will be watching the yearly children's choir performance via streaming on youtube.
December 3rd - Spirit of the Season

Most of my celebrating is done online, in which I enjoy to the fullest all the holiday stuff that my favourite pet sites offer, and this includes this very Advent Calendar event here on FR! Christmas/summer in RL holds very little for me for a number of reasons, but my city has many themed attractions running for the whole month and I like to pay a visit to at least one! This year I've already gone out to see some of the many decorations around, and will be watching the yearly children's choir performance via streaming on youtube.
___________________ adoptable by #40738 ___ petal . she/they . frt +4
I celebrate Christmas with my family! (And also online)

Usually, my family doesn’t really do a lot in the holidays (other than new year), we just wish each other a good time and that’s about it, so I tend to check the games I play for their updates :3
I celebrate Christmas with my family! (And also online)

Usually, my family doesn’t really do a lot in the holidays (other than new year), we just wish each other a good time and that’s about it, so I tend to check the games I play for their updates :3
New_Piskel_1.gif FRT


03 Dec 2021 Daily Event

We usually celebrate the season by gathering friends and family together. One person hosts and everyone brings tasty food - usually turkey, ham, or roast beef (sometimes all three!) mashed potato, sweet potato (with marshmallows!), homemade cranberry relish, brussel sprouts, green beans, rolls, and pies (lots of pies!). We eat, play games, and catch up with each other. For the past couple of years we've set up a zoom and shared our spread and then sat together talking and laughing. I miss playing games and talking until after midnight. Looking forward to when we can meet up in person again.
Dragon Raffle Entry for Dec 3rd
My Choice of Dragon: 3
03 Dec 2021 Daily Event

We usually celebrate the season by gathering friends and family together. One person hosts and everyone brings tasty food - usually turkey, ham, or roast beef (sometimes all three!) mashed potato, sweet potato (with marshmallows!), homemade cranberry relish, brussel sprouts, green beans, rolls, and pies (lots of pies!). We eat, play games, and catch up with each other. For the past couple of years we've set up a zoom and shared our spread and then sat together talking and laughing. I miss playing games and talking until after midnight. Looking forward to when we can meet up in person again.
Dragon Raffle Entry for Dec 3rd
My Choice of Dragon: 3
w8o0xW1.pngSaronai made so many star badges and you liked them all! Thank you! Please keep them linked to Ylli's collection thread for others to find.WXOu4H0.pngt4yhov0.png1Up793k.pngSaronai's Free Star Lighting Raffle. Over 3kg in prizes. Ends February 1st. Click to learn more!
I celebrate Christmas with my family too! My sister likes spending her time in her games, because my family usually doesn't do special things for the holidays :(

We just tell each other "Merry Christmas," and that's it! Our holidays are like normal days with a bit of a flair :)
I celebrate Christmas with my family too! My sister likes spending her time in her games, because my family usually doesn't do special things for the holidays :(

We just tell each other "Merry Christmas," and that's it! Our holidays are like normal days with a bit of a flair :)
Day 3
My mom and I aren't religious, but most of the rest of the family celebrates christmas, so we join in. About half of my family meet at my aunt's house on christmas eve, she makes dinner and my mom and I make dessert. After eating we all open presents. Other than that, it can vary a lot!
Dragon Raffle Entry for Dec 1st
My Choice of Dragon: 1
Day 3
My mom and I aren't religious, but most of the rest of the family celebrates christmas, so we join in. About half of my family meet at my aunt's house on christmas eve, she makes dinner and my mom and I make dessert. After eating we all open presents. Other than that, it can vary a lot!
Dragon Raffle Entry for Dec 1st
My Choice of Dragon: 1
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its lame but my family's christmas tradition is watching ice age a mammoth christmas
its lame but my family's christmas tradition is watching ice age a mammoth christmas
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