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hmm... so hard to decide what is the best moment from the series (and let me say for the record, this season has been rather disappointing given how magnificent and well-crafted the first 7 seasons were).

I think I really like the dragon-lore. One of my favourite aspects of it (from the books) is that once you ride one dragon, you can never ride a different one (ie, a dragon won't let you ride on them if you've ridden someone else) but that the dragons can quite happily have as many different people ride them as they feel like. I think it's really well-crafted, demonstrating how ferocious the dragons are, yet also demonstrating they have intelligence and power of their own. I'd really be interested to learn more about how the Targeryans originally got the dragons (maybe I should read some of the 'history' books related to the series)

hmm... so hard to decide what is the best moment from the series (and let me say for the record, this season has been rather disappointing given how magnificent and well-crafted the first 7 seasons were).

I think I really like the dragon-lore. One of my favourite aspects of it (from the books) is that once you ride one dragon, you can never ride a different one (ie, a dragon won't let you ride on them if you've ridden someone else) but that the dragons can quite happily have as many different people ride them as they feel like. I think it's really well-crafted, demonstrating how ferocious the dragons are, yet also demonstrating they have intelligence and power of their own. I'd really be interested to learn more about how the Targeryans originally got the dragons (maybe I should read some of the 'history' books related to the series)

weekly discussion post

I'm into most fantasy tv shows or movies for costume design/scenic design reasons. I like seeing apparel that is distinctly not modern or backgrounds that aren't the same backgrounds that every modern show uses.

weekly discussion post

I'm into most fantasy tv shows or movies for costume design/scenic design reasons. I like seeing apparel that is distinctly not modern or backgrounds that aren't the same backgrounds that every modern show uses.
greatest Moment... not a single...there are so much.

Most Moments are those built up with music. The Nightking and his walkers moving into Winterfell, when Baelors sept got burned down. Those Moments before... you hear that something will happen and the tension is great. And those Moments even more because I didn't know them from the books ^^

Shocking was how easy the two dragons are killed. that was a bit... disappointing... well ok, the nightlking it's ok... but euron.. his man must be th best shooters in whole Westeros XD.


greatest Moment... not a single...there are so much.

Most Moments are those built up with music. The Nightking and his walkers moving into Winterfell, when Baelors sept got burned down. Those Moments before... you hear that something will happen and the tension is great. And those Moments even more because I didn't know them from the books ^^

Shocking was how easy the two dragons are killed. that was a bit... disappointing... well ok, the nightlking it's ok... but euron.. his man must be th best shooters in whole Westeros XD.


What Game of Thrones or ASOIAF Moment Has stood out the most to you? In universe, out of universe, What your Favorite thing the series has given you? I wanna hear all the great things you guys love about the series

I think what stood out the most to me was the way Sansa handled Littlefinger. I always liked her and Arya a lot as characters, but seeing her develop so much, from how she once was, was just amazing.
She showed strength, and she showed the qualities of an amazing leader, and her making that decision about a man she had known for so long, who had '' helped '' her, showed she was no longer that naive girl she once was.
It made me absolutely fall in love with her character.

And my favourite thing the show has given me are friends! :D I found that a lot of people I never would've spoken to otherwise were talking about Game of Thrones, and either I joined in or they asked me about it, and I ended up with some of the most amazing friendships thanks to it.

What Game of Thrones or ASOIAF Moment Has stood out the most to you? In universe, out of universe, What your Favorite thing the series has given you? I wanna hear all the great things you guys love about the series

I think what stood out the most to me was the way Sansa handled Littlefinger. I always liked her and Arya a lot as characters, but seeing her develop so much, from how she once was, was just amazing.
She showed strength, and she showed the qualities of an amazing leader, and her making that decision about a man she had known for so long, who had '' helped '' her, showed she was no longer that naive girl she once was.
It made me absolutely fall in love with her character.

And my favourite thing the show has given me are friends! :D I found that a lot of people I never would've spoken to otherwise were talking about Game of Thrones, and either I joined in or they asked me about it, and I ended up with some of the most amazing friendships thanks to it.

Please ping me for all fourm responses.
Please ping me for all fourm responses.

Weekly question.
The things that stand out to me the most? Definitely the music. I don’t know why but the idea of each house having their own distinct theme.. Idk, I really love it. And I always notice whenever the Lannister’s theme plays, it’s got to be the best (in my opinion). Apart from that, every time Littlefnger was on screen was awesome. To think that he was kind of the driving force that started the whole war in the first place was a chilling idea, and whenever he was manipulating Sansa... scary. Fantastic character.
Finally, the idea of the faceless men has always been really cool to me. The training sessions for Arya to become no-one were my favourite scenes in the whole series. Maybe it was the mysterious tone? Something about it was just fascinating.

Haha, sorry, that’s a lot, I couldn’t keep it to myself!

Weekly question.
The things that stand out to me the most? Definitely the music. I don’t know why but the idea of each house having their own distinct theme.. Idk, I really love it. And I always notice whenever the Lannister’s theme plays, it’s got to be the best (in my opinion). Apart from that, every time Littlefnger was on screen was awesome. To think that he was kind of the driving force that started the whole war in the first place was a chilling idea, and whenever he was manipulating Sansa... scary. Fantastic character.
Finally, the idea of the faceless men has always been really cool to me. The training sessions for Arya to become no-one were my favourite scenes in the whole series. Maybe it was the mysterious tone? Something about it was just fascinating.

Haha, sorry, that’s a lot, I couldn’t keep it to myself!
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What Game of Thrones or ASOIAF Moment Has stood out the most to you?

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the dragons. I got into the series when all books were out already I think (perhaps the 'last' one was still in the making?), and I've seen tons of images online before I even began to read. The tiny dragons and promise of magic and fantasy in such a thick book was just something that 100% caught my fancy, and to this day they're still a fav aspect of mine. Danny is alright, but when her chapter comes, I just need those dergs.
The other two things that I adore would definitely be the Starks and their Direwolves, and Tyrion. Being from the North myself, it's hard not to love the Starks and all their history. And Tyrion? He's a sarcastic little *** with witty comments and a sense of humor I greatly appreciate- all in all, whenever he appears, it's all good chapter.

What Game of Thrones or ASOIAF Moment Has stood out the most to you?

I'd be lying if I said it wasn't the dragons. I got into the series when all books were out already I think (perhaps the 'last' one was still in the making?), and I've seen tons of images online before I even began to read. The tiny dragons and promise of magic and fantasy in such a thick book was just something that 100% caught my fancy, and to this day they're still a fav aspect of mine. Danny is alright, but when her chapter comes, I just need those dergs.
The other two things that I adore would definitely be the Starks and their Direwolves, and Tyrion. Being from the North myself, it's hard not to love the Starks and all their history. And Tyrion? He's a sarcastic little *** with witty comments and a sense of humor I greatly appreciate- all in all, whenever he appears, it's all good chapter.
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What Game of Thrones or ASOIAF Moment Has stood out the most to you? In universe, out of universe, What your Favorite thing the series has given you? I wanna hear all the great things you guys love about the series

Arya. Everything about the demon child I love. Seeing her character grow into what she is now makes me feel warm and fuzzy.

What Game of Thrones or ASOIAF Moment Has stood out the most to you? In universe, out of universe, What your Favorite thing the series has given you? I wanna hear all the great things you guys love about the series

Arya. Everything about the demon child I love. Seeing her character grow into what she is now makes me feel warm and fuzzy.