
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Random Raffle
I’ll pass if it’s ok! Thank you for the opportunity!
I’ll pass if it’s ok! Thank you for the opportunity!
[center][b][size=5]It's time to announce our next winners in the [/size] [color=indigo][size=7]Trickmurk Circus[/size][/color][/b] [img][/img][/center] Most people know how prize selection works from other raffles, but just in case... If you are picked third, please list your top three choices (in case the people in front of you pick what you want most). If you are picked eighth, list your top eight choices in order of preference. [i]Note: If there are only a few prizes that you really like, that's okay! Just list as many as you would really want.[/i] [url=]Click here to see the prizes available![/url] [b]*Please include the prize [u]numbers[/u] in your response.*[/b] [columns][size=5][color=indigo][b]And the next winners are...[/b][/color][/size] [LIST=1] [*]@HopeLostMusica (previous round) [*]@ThroatOfDelusion [*]@Kristalli [*]@Evmodus [/LIST] [nextcol][indent][img][/img][/columns] If possible, please try to post your choices by this time tomorrow, but I will allow 48 hours before I need to skip to the next round. [center]Click here to make sure you are on the ping list for future raffles! [pinglist=91][/center] ----- [size=0][size=0]@juxta13 [/size][/size]
It's time to announce our next winners in the
Trickmurk Circus

Most people know how prize selection works from other raffles, but just in case... If you are picked third, please list your top three choices (in case the people in front of you pick what you want most). If you are picked eighth, list your top eight choices in order of preference.

Note: If there are only a few prizes that you really like, that's okay! Just list as many as you would really want.

Click here to see the prizes available!
*Please include the prize numbers in your response.*
And the next winners are...
  1. @HopeLostMusica (previous round)
  2. @ThroatOfDelusion
  3. @Kristalli
  4. @Evmodus
If possible, please try to post your choices by this time tomorrow, but I will allow 48 hours before I need to skip to the next round.

Click here to make sure you are on the ping list for future raffles!

Y5AUp2a.gif .. 9XAwiUY.png .
Never put your faith in a Prince.
When you require a miracle,
trust in a Witch.
@Juxta13 I'm only interested on 17, if I don't get it I'll pass on this one
Tysm for hosting!! As always <3
@Juxta13 I'm only interested on 17, if I don't get it I'll pass on this one
Tysm for hosting!! As always <3
You who called us worthless, unneeded, soulless. We may be rotting in this prison.
Call us merciless, but remember, it was you who put us here when you cry for help
@Juxta13 I think I’ll pass on a price this time, I’m mostly just happy to have helped supply a grab bag ^^
@Juxta13 I think I’ll pass on a price this time, I’m mostly just happy to have helped supply a grab bag ^^


Runic Bat



Djamor Bat
I'll pass with my price. Thanks for the nice raffle tough!
I'll pass with my price. Thanks for the nice raffle tough!
tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o3_100.png .... > Goal: complete bestiary
> (excluding KS + Boolean)

> Dragons for sale
.............. Looking for:
Accent: Discord
................. tumblr_oswio1jT2U1v8lm95o1_100.png
[center][b][size=5]It's time to announce our next winners in the [/size] [color=indigo][size=7]Trickmurk Circus[/size][/color][/b] [img][/img][/center] Most people know how prize selection works from other raffles, but just in case... If you are picked third, please list your top three choices (in case the people in front of you pick what you want most). If you are picked eighth, list your top eight choices in order of preference. [i]Note: If there are only a few prizes that you really like, that's okay! Just list as many as you would really want.[/i] [url=]Click here to see the prizes available![/url] [b]*Please include the prize [u]numbers[/u] in your response.*[/b] [columns][size=5][color=indigo][b]And the next (last?) winners are...[/b][/color][/size] [LIST=1] [*]@Newtinmpls [*]@imagreekgoddess [/LIST] [nextcol][indent][img][/img][/columns] If possible, please try to post your choices by this time tomorrow, but I will allow 48 hours before I need to skip to the next round. [center]Click here to make sure you are on the ping list for future raffles! [pinglist=91][/center] ----- [size=0][size=0]@juxta13 [/size][/size]
It's time to announce our next winners in the
Trickmurk Circus

Most people know how prize selection works from other raffles, but just in case... If you are picked third, please list your top three choices (in case the people in front of you pick what you want most). If you are picked eighth, list your top eight choices in order of preference.

Note: If there are only a few prizes that you really like, that's okay! Just list as many as you would really want.

Click here to see the prizes available!
*Please include the prize numbers in your response.*
And the next (last?)
winners are...
  1. @Newtinmpls
  2. @imagreekgoddess
If possible, please try to post your choices by this time tomorrow, but I will allow 48 hours before I need to skip to the next round.

Click here to make sure you are on the ping list for future raffles!

Y5AUp2a.gif .. 9XAwiUY.png .
Never put your faith in a Prince.
When you require a miracle,
trust in a Witch.
Dragon number 8
Dragon number 8
w8o0xW1.pngjYu7GSS.png XdKddgH.png DC: SQ9MAS6.png FR+0
Number 15 please! Surprised no one snagged him already, he's lovely.
Number 15 please! Surprised no one snagged him already, he's lovely.