I'll admit I didn't really look at any of the other entries before posting, because I didn't want there to be any chance of being influenced by them. Sooo if I post an entry that looks practically the same as a previous one, I apologize. Also, good luck to everyone who posts an entry :)
I'm gonna post pics of both genders of my entries, just so the full effect can be seen and because I personally think projects should end with one of both genders :)
Entry #1: Nature Entity

Brown Bar | Emerald Daub | Beige Glimmer | Light Eyes
Entry #2: Living Marble

White Piebald | White Paint | White Underbelly | Water eyes
Entry #3: Night Stalker

Obsidian Tiger | White Shimmer | Crimson Glimmer | Plague Eyes
Entry #4: Film Noir

White Speckle | Grey Hypnotic | Black Glimmer | Shadow Eyes
Entry #5: Gryffindor

Gold Facet | Crimson Stripes | Crimson Glimmer | Plague Eyes
Entry #6: Zombies

Silver Speckle | Swamp Freckle | Blood Crackle | Plague Eyes
Entry #7: Beach Bum

Sand Speckle | Aqua Current | Beige Glimmer | Water Eyes
Entry #8: Silly Bovine

Obsidian Piebald | Obsidian Paint | Obsidian Underbelly | Light Eyes
Entry #9: Little Owl

White Basic | Beige Peregrine | Beige Glimmer | Light Eyes
Entry #10: Android

Obsidian Iridescent | Silver Current | Lemon Circuit | Shadow Eyes
Aaaand I think I'm done now :p Just had to add the last one today because my OCD was like EVEN NUMBERS YOU FOOL hnnnnng!!! XD
Also @
braviary123 to post pics from the Scrying Workshop, right click on the image of the dragon and click "Copy image URL" then in your forum post click "Insert Image" (the tree-looking button) and paste the URL. Before clicking OK, add ".png" to the end of the URL and you should be good :) Always click the "Preview" button to make sure it worked before submitting your post