
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Closed- prizes given
KUNG FU BUNNIES! That is bunderful!
KUNG FU BUNNIES! That is bunderful!
Okay so today winner is @Nidhogg007 I hope they like their new Familiar [items=Irradiated Astronomer] tomorrows prize will be a Spring's Breath ( i couldnt get it to show the button for it Silly ' in the name) @Voodoocat @thebookstorecat @Bozanstvena @Spooner @Zorra @BunnySox @ZenKitty @einheria @tefphoenix @Runeward
Okay so today winner is @Nidhogg007 I hope they like their new Familiar [items=Irradiated Astronomer]

tomorrows prize will be a Spring's Breath ( i couldnt get it to show the button for it Silly ' in the name)

@Voodoocat @thebookstorecat @Bozanstvena @Spooner @Zorra @BunnySox @ZenKitty
@einheria @tefphoenix @Runeward
@therhoda Sending some familiars for tickets :) And here is an image based pun... it's pretty bad (but I love Dr. Who so...) [img][/img]
@therhoda Sending some familiars for tickets :)
And here is an image based pun... it's pretty bad (but I love Dr. Who so...)

All right my fellow bunnies it is night time for me. I would like to point out I FINALLY managed to catch the swap for the Gold and White flair scarf so it has been added to the To the Keep Warm basket! [img][/img]
All right my fellow bunnies it is night time for me. I would like to point out I FINALLY managed to catch the swap for the Gold and White flair scarf so it has been added to the To the Keep Warm basket!

@therhoda - Today's post has a musical number!

Or is that numbegg?
@therhoda - Today's post has a musical number!

Or is that numbegg?

@therhoda Some days are just not very bunny. Hope you have an eggsceptional one. [img][/img]

Some days are just not very bunny. Hope you have an eggsceptional one.

99_random_items_99_winners_raffle.png bestiaryraffle1_by_hapro-d90d0na.png
[img][/img] @therhoda Somebunny whispered in my ear that you like BPAL ;) ETA: I tried to send you an unhatched egg for tickets, but I got a message I don't have a right to send you personal messages?

Somebunny whispered in my ear that you like BPAL ;)

ETA: I tried to send you an unhatched egg for tickets, but I got a message I don't have a right to send you personal messages?
@therhoda Hope I'm not too late for breakfast!! ^-^ [img][/img]

Hope I'm not too late for breakfast!! ^-^
Eggcelente. I'm back for another try at the Daily Raffle with some eggregious egg jokes, and also to check out how many tickets are in each basket.... looks like I'm buying more tickets because I am bad at keeping my wallet under control.
I haven't been on FR for a day or two, but I won't be so neggligent anymore. There are daily raffles to be won, and treasure to be made so that I can win at least one basket. Neggst on my list is choosing WHICH baskets I'll be investing in!

Eggcelente. I'm back for another try at the Daily Raffle with some eggregious egg jokes, and also to check out how many tickets are in each basket.... looks like I'm buying more tickets because I am bad at keeping my wallet under control.
I haven't been on FR for a day or two, but I won't be so neggligent anymore. There are daily raffles to be won, and treasure to be made so that I can win at least one basket. Neggst on my list is choosing WHICH baskets I'll be investing in!

Qvf2ANo.png tumblr_inline_nswmwupsoW1qiwi8o_500.gif
[quote name="Zorra" date="2015-03-28 05:46:27"][img][/img] @therhoda Somebunny whispered in my ear that you like BPAL ;) ETA: I tried to send you an unhatched egg for tickets, but I got a message I don't have a right to send you personal messages?[/quote] yeah somehow you got blocked NO idea how that happened as i didnt even know there WAS a blocked list afternoon everyone else i am ob for a bit
Zorra wrote on 2015-03-28 05:46:27:

Somebunny whispered in my ear that you like BPAL ;)

ETA: I tried to send you an unhatched egg for tickets, but I got a message I don't have a right to send you personal messages?

yeah somehow you got blocked NO idea how that happened as i didnt even know there WAS a blocked list

afternoon everyone else i am ob for a bit