
Raffles & Giveaways

Share your raffles and giveaways with the Flight Rising community.
TOPIC | Shadowbinder's Pool Pull
Thank you! I'm sending a couple of queens your way for today! :D
Thank you! I'm sending a couple of queens your way for today! :D
@Foxbrow Sent two queens again~!
@Foxbrow Sent two queens again~!
c: Let's all have fun!

Two more Queens sent your way! :D

Two more Queens sent your way! :D
@Foxbrow Sending you a couple of kings.
@Foxbrow Sending you a couple of kings.
( @foxbrow oh wow, a special pull for me! Thank you!! Also, sent over 2 more bishops!)

The remaining hatchlings stare up with wide eyes at the brightly colored spiral, and the many, many strings twirling around in spirally circles. The tiny pearlcatcher--riding one of the guardians--looks up up up... then falls over onto her back with a squeak as the spiral gets too far over her head. As the last guardian returns, they gather together eagerly, and spend just a few moments quibbling among themselves about which strings to pick... before they finally settle on one string...

the belt button disappoints 3 of the 4, but the remaining guardian--a boy who's only color is pink--seems over joyed, wrapping his claws around the metal part and gazing at it with wide eyes. "Wow! this is.. .COOL!" he crowed out.. his "siblings' seem to think he's pretty crazy, but hey, whatever makes him happy.

The lil pearl catcher says "I wanna pick this one!" and darted forward to pick the next string and... after a moment, the other two guardians seemed to agree. As they, collectively, pull up the wreath.. they seem to be in awe of their prize.

Finally, the foursome of hatchlings left your booth--but not before the little pearl catcher zipped up to hug the spiral briefly. "Bye bye! Thank you!" ... it was, suddenly, much quieter.

A few hours later, some more red and pink would approach your booth, but to your surprise, this pair of guardians were adults, though unmistakeably related to the trio of guardians, though it did raise the question of where the little pearl catcher came from? Oh well.

They approached your booth, and dark red female with light wings tilted her head as she regarded the sign. "Ah.. I see I've found where our chess pieces have gone." with a smile, before rummaging in her pouch and pulling out another pair of bishops. "At least I've found a good use for all these bishops I have." a slight grin as she'd hand them over.
( @foxbrow oh wow, a special pull for me! Thank you!! Also, sent over 2 more bishops!)

The remaining hatchlings stare up with wide eyes at the brightly colored spiral, and the many, many strings twirling around in spirally circles. The tiny pearlcatcher--riding one of the guardians--looks up up up... then falls over onto her back with a squeak as the spiral gets too far over her head. As the last guardian returns, they gather together eagerly, and spend just a few moments quibbling among themselves about which strings to pick... before they finally settle on one string...

the belt button disappoints 3 of the 4, but the remaining guardian--a boy who's only color is pink--seems over joyed, wrapping his claws around the metal part and gazing at it with wide eyes. "Wow! this is.. .COOL!" he crowed out.. his "siblings' seem to think he's pretty crazy, but hey, whatever makes him happy.

The lil pearl catcher says "I wanna pick this one!" and darted forward to pick the next string and... after a moment, the other two guardians seemed to agree. As they, collectively, pull up the wreath.. they seem to be in awe of their prize.

Finally, the foursome of hatchlings left your booth--but not before the little pearl catcher zipped up to hug the spiral briefly. "Bye bye! Thank you!" ... it was, suddenly, much quieter.

A few hours later, some more red and pink would approach your booth, but to your surprise, this pair of guardians were adults, though unmistakeably related to the trio of guardians, though it did raise the question of where the little pearl catcher came from? Oh well.

They approached your booth, and dark red female with light wings tilted her head as she regarded the sign. "Ah.. I see I've found where our chess pieces have gone." with a smile, before rummaging in her pouch and pulling out another pair of bishops. "At least I've found a good use for all these bishops I have." a slight grin as she'd hand them over.

Sent you two queens!

Sent you two queens!
@Foxbrow Sent a black and white king for Wednesday's pull!
@Foxbrow Sent a black and white king for Wednesday's pull!

Sent a pair of queens!

Sent a pair of queens!

Thanks again :D Sending another pair of queens for three more pulls!

Thanks again :D Sending another pair of queens for three more pulls!
Thanks for the ping! This looks fun, so I'm sending you a pair of kings for three pulls!
Thanks for the ping! This looks fun, so I'm sending you a pair of kings for three pulls!