You pull the first string and without any troubles you pull out something crumpled with the string wrapped around it. When you wash away the mud, you see it is a [b]Tattered Parchment[/b]. But wait! It seems to be a birth certificate of some exalted shadow hatchling. I am sure you can get 5 tickets for the [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?p=outbound&loc=http://tinyurl.com/ko2ymjk]Trickmurk Circus Raffle[/url].
[center]5x [img] https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/51895171/Flight%20Rising/Shadow-Ticket-50x.png[/img][/center]
You pull the second string and it does not rezist at all. You are pretty sure there is something small and light at the other end. After a while you pull out some strange ball of mud and something attached to it. Wait – these are [b]Chimera Fangs[/b] biten into it. Now you only wonder if there is actually some Chimera down there missing their teeth.
You pull the first string and without any troubles you pull out something crumpled with the string wrapped around it. When you wash away the mud, you see it is a
Tattered Parchment. But wait! It seems to be a birth certificate of some exalted shadow hatchling. I am sure you can get 5 tickets for the
Trickmurk Circus Raffle.
You pull the second string and it does not rezist at all. You are pretty sure there is something small and light at the other end. After a while you pull out some strange ball of mud and something attached to it. Wait – these are
Chimera Fangs biten into it. Now you only wonder if there is actually some Chimera down there missing their teeth.
Sending knights for 2 strings.
(This is really neat, just like most of the other events. Everyone who brainstormed all these events should be applauded. ^.^)
Sending knights for 2 strings.
(This is really neat, just like most of the other events. Everyone who brainstormed all these events should be applauded. ^.^)
Sending you some pieces!
(Also, to clarify, it's only one pair/day, right/ You can't send, say, 3 pawn pairs for 3 strings, right?)
Sending you some pieces!
(Also, to clarify, it's only one pair/day, right/ You can't send, say, 3 pawn pairs for 3 strings, right?)
foxbrow sent pieces! thank you in advance! :)
foxbrow sent pieces! thank you in advance! :)
Foxbrow Sent two kings, this looks like fun xp
Foxbrow Sent two kings, this looks like fun xp
Everything in my lair unnamed is for sale
You pull the first string and immediately you can feel there is something heavy at the other end. So you keep pulling till a bottle full with something shiny inside appears. When you finally have a close look at this
Broken Penny Jar, you discover it is filled with a small fortune.
You pull the string but you can feel something heavy is tied to it. As you keep pulling, a large black slab appears. Well, it is not black, it is just covered in dark mud. You pull it to the shore and and as you wash the mud away a
Crumbling Relief appears. It is hard to read but it says something like „Shadowbinder is awesome!“
You pull the third string but it resists. However, after a while it gets loose and you can finally pull out something that looks like a bunch of some flora or what. You smell to it but you don't dare to taste it. It smells like a bunch of
Subterranean Clover. It is a strange plant in deed but you still wonder how it can grow there, inside the puddle.
You pull the first string and immediately you can feel there is something heavy at the other end. So you keep pulling till a bottle full with something shiny inside appears. When you finally have a close look at this
Broken Penny Jar, you discover it is filled with a small fortune.
You pull the string but you can feel something heavy is tied to it. As you keep pulling, a large black slab appears. Well, it is not black, it is just covered in dark mud. You pull it to the shore and and as you wash the mud away a
Crumbling Relief appears. It is hard to read but it says something like „Shadowbinder is awesome!“
You pull the third string but it resists. However, after a while it gets loose and you can finally pull out something that looks like a bunch of some flora or what. You smell to it but you don't dare to taste it. It smells like a bunch of
Subterranean Clover. It is a strange plant in deed but you still wonder how it can grow there, inside the puddle.
You pull the first string and notices there is some small object tied to this string in the puddle. Of course it makes you no trouble pulling it out immediately. It has a strange curved shape, but you soon realize it is the
Gladiator’s Warhorn. You blow in, trying to sound the horn, but instead of expected mighty call, mushy mire is all that comes out of it.
You pull the second string but there is something heavy at the other end, so you pull harder. Whatever it is, you can feel how it drags into the bottom of the puddle. When you finally pull it up to the shore, it seems to be just a piece of rock. But wait, you wash the mud away and discover it is a fine carved
Stone Fertility Statue.
You pull the third string but it resists. However, after a while it gets loose and you can finally pull out something that looks like a bunch of some flora or what. You smell to it but you don't dare to taste it. It smells like a bunch of
Subterranean Clover. It is a strange plant in deed but you still wonder how it can grow there, inside the puddle.
You pull the first string and notices there is some small object tied to this string in the puddle. Of course it makes you no trouble pulling it out immediately. It has a strange curved shape, but you soon realize it is the
Gladiator’s Warhorn. You blow in, trying to sound the horn, but instead of expected mighty call, mushy mire is all that comes out of it.
You pull the second string but there is something heavy at the other end, so you pull harder. Whatever it is, you can feel how it drags into the bottom of the puddle. When you finally pull it up to the shore, it seems to be just a piece of rock. But wait, you wash the mud away and discover it is a fine carved
Stone Fertility Statue.
You pull the third string but it resists. However, after a while it gets loose and you can finally pull out something that looks like a bunch of some flora or what. You smell to it but you don't dare to taste it. It smells like a bunch of
Subterranean Clover. It is a strange plant in deed but you still wonder how it can grow there, inside the puddle.
Sent two queens, I feel lucky today xD
Sent two queens, I feel lucky today xD
You pull the first string and as you keep pulling, a blob forms on the top of the puddle and is nearing to you. When it reaches the bank, you grab it to have a close look at it. After a while of examining it, you come to a conclusion that probably only the Shadowbinder herself knows what kind of animal this piece of
Rotting Leather used to be.
You pull the second string and notices there is some small object tied to this string in the puddle. Of course it makes you no trouble pulling it out immediately. It has a strange curved shape, but you soon realize it is the
Gladiator’s Warhorn. You blow in, trying to sound the horn, but instead of expected mighty call, mushy mire is all that comes out of it.
You pull the first string and as you keep pulling, a blob forms on the top of the puddle and is nearing to you. When it reaches the bank, you grab it to have a close look at it. After a while of examining it, you come to a conclusion that probably only the Shadowbinder herself knows what kind of animal this piece of
Rotting Leather used to be.
You pull the second string and notices there is some small object tied to this string in the puddle. Of course it makes you no trouble pulling it out immediately. It has a strange curved shape, but you soon realize it is the
Gladiator’s Warhorn. You blow in, trying to sound the horn, but instead of expected mighty call, mushy mire is all that comes out of it.