
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [FIREDOM] Flaming Food Drive
[center][font=century][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]Closed[/b][/color][/size] Thank you for playing! [img][/img][/center] [size=5][font=corbel]The smoky tang is pervasive in the air as you make your way through the crowd, taking in the sights and smells of the festivities. All around, there are nods to the rich culinary traditions of the fire flight - the sizzle of salamander on a hot grill, the sweet aroma of caramelised potash peach, steam rising from vats of freshly brewed cindermint tea. [columns][size=5][font=corbel]You continue down the path, and are startled by a brick-red fae who comes hurtling out of a nearby kitchen, a tray of molten gobies balanced precariously in his small arms. "A hand with the fish?" he barks in typical fae fashion, glancing distractedly about. You realise he has mistaken you for a kitchenhand. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [size=5][font=corbel]Will you take the opportunity to step into the kitchen and take a look behind the scenes? Or will you stay on this side of the counter, and sample some of the specialties this chef has to offer? [center][size=5][font=century][b]Welcome to the Flameforgers 2024 Flaming Food Drive![/b][/size][/font] [font=century]Subscribe for opening day ping, badge reveals, and more: [pinglist=27714] [font=Gabriola][SIZE=6]Quick Links[/size][/font] [size=4][url=]Sheet & Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url][/size][/center]
Thank you for playing!


The smoky tang is pervasive in the air as you make your way through the crowd, taking in the sights and smells of the festivities. All around, there are nods to the rich culinary traditions of the fire flight - the sizzle of salamander on a hot grill, the sweet aroma of caramelised potash peach, steam rising from vats of freshly brewed cindermint tea.

You continue down the path, and are startled by a brick-red fae who comes hurtling out of a nearby kitchen, a tray of molten gobies balanced precariously in his small arms.

"A hand with the fish?" he barks in typical fae fashion, glancing distractedly about. You realise he has mistaken you for a kitchenhand.

Will you take the opportunity to step into the kitchen and take a look behind the scenes? Or will you stay on this side of the counter, and sample some of the specialties this chef has to offer?

Welcome to the Flameforgers 2024 Flaming Food Drive!

Subscribe for opening day ping, badge reveals, and more:

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Sheet & Rules | Prizes | Badges | Credits
[center][font=Gabriola][SIZE=6]Quick Links[/size][/font] [size=4][b]Sheet & Rules[/b] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url][/size] [font=century][size=6][url=][color=#ff5a00][b]Link to Spreadsheet[/b][/url][/color][/size][/center] [columns][size=5][font=corbel][b]Kitchen[/b]: You follow Theo into the kitchen, and are a little taken aback by the bareness of the shelves. A basket of smolderpetal here, a slab or two of firecoiler there - all coated in a fine dusting of what looks to be ground firefly flakes. "Where's all the food?!" you can't help but exclaim. "Huh? Who are you?" Theo narrows his eyes in confusion. "Well, never mind that. The food's all gone, my suppliers didn't show up and the customers have been hungry. Think you might be able to help me out?" [nextcol] [center][img][/img] [/columns] [columns] [center][img][/img] [nextcol][right][size=5][font=corbel][b]Restaurant[/b]: You take a seat, ready for some al-fresco dining on the lava bank. You can hardly wait to see what's on the menu - the smells in the air are tantalising! However, your excitement soon turns to disappointment as you realise almost every dish listed on the menu board has been struck through - sold out, sold out, sold out. The fae chef catches you staring at the board. "If you can find me some raw ingredients," he drones in his monotone, "I'll see what I can whip up for you. There might even be a kickback in it for you if you bring me enough!" [/right][/columns] [img][/img][/center] [left][LIST] [*][font=corbel][size=4]This is a donation drive running during the Flameforgers Festival double dom, i.e. [b]August 18, 0:30 FR to September 1, 6:00 FR![/b] We are looking for the following fire-themed food items, with points calculated per their food point value. These are listed in the spreadsheet for your convenience. You are welcome to send other items if you like, but they will not be counted for points for the event. [quote=feast!][item=ashfall bat][item=ashfall prickler][item=black witch][item=charcoal cricket][item=cinder creeper][item=cindermint][item=cindershroom][item=cindervine][item=coiled burnserpent][item=fire ant][item=fire flower][item=firebearer][item=firebelly shark][item=firecoiler][item=firefly][item=flameburst waterstrider][item=flametail loach][item=flameweed][item=inferno possum][item=lava strider][item=lesser dreadram][item=miniature potash peach][item=molten goby][item=molten tadpole][item=panther anole][item=potash peach][item=salamander][item=searing bunny][item=serpae tetras][item=singed lemming][item=smolderpetal][item=softshell scorpion][item=speckled fire lily][item=sunspot sparrow][item=tinder bug][/quote] [*][font=corbel][size=4]All items sent will be hoardsold, and the treasure distributed as follows: [center][font=corbel][size=4][b]50% to the Lava Bank 40% to the Wild Card Moneypot[/b] (see prizes) [b]10% to my hardworking attendants![/b][/center] [*][font=corbel][size=4]All item donations should be sent to an attendant via their preferred method (PM and/or CR). Check the spreadsheet for availability of attendants. [*][font=corbel][size=4]Records of donations are available to view in the spreadsheet - if you notice any mistakes, please let us know so we can accurately track your participation! [*][font=corbel][size=4][b]Unlocking badges[/b]: there are eight food-themed badges to be collected in this event, an [b]entree[/b] and a [b]main[/b] for each food group. Badges will be unlocked for everyone who has donated at least one item once the following goals are reached: (scaled using data from previous IF event) [center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Meat:[/b] 25,000 pts (entree), 50,000 pts (main) [b]Plants:[/b] 35,000 pts (entree), 70,000 pts (main) [b]Insects:[/b] 8,000 pts (entree), 16,000 pts (main) [b]Seafood:[/b] 4,000 pts (entree), 8,000 pts (main) [*][font=corbel][size=4]If any badges are not unlocked, or you would like to claim them without donating items, they can be purchased for [b]30kt per badge[/b]! Please PM your treasure to me (Teg741). Proceeds will be split as per the hoardsell treasure. [*][font=corbel][size=4]Any further questions? Please PM or ping me in the thread![/LIST]
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Sheet & Rules | Prizes | Badges | Credits

Link to Spreadsheet

Kitchen: You follow Theo into the kitchen, and are a little taken aback by the bareness of the shelves. A basket of smolderpetal here, a slab or two of firecoiler there - all coated in a fine dusting of what looks to be ground firefly flakes.

"Where's all the food?!" you can't help but exclaim.

"Huh? Who are you?" Theo narrows his eyes in confusion. "Well, never mind that. The food's all gone, my suppliers didn't show up and the customers have been hungry. Think you might be able to help me out?"

Restaurant: You take a seat, ready for some al-fresco dining on the lava bank. You can hardly wait to see what's on the menu - the smells in the air are tantalising! However, your excitement soon turns to disappointment as you realise almost every dish listed on the menu board has been struck through - sold out, sold out, sold out.

The fae chef catches you staring at the board.

"If you can find me some raw ingredients," he drones in his monotone, "I'll see what I can whip up for you. There might even be a kickback in it for you if you bring me enough!"

  • This is a donation drive running during the Flameforgers Festival double dom, i.e. August 18, 0:30 FR to September 1, 6:00 FR! We are looking for the following fire-themed food items, with points calculated per their food point value. These are listed in the spreadsheet for your convenience. You are welcome to send other items if you like, but they will not be counted for points for the event.

    feast! wrote:
    Ashfall Bat Ashfall Prickler Black Witch Charcoal Cricket Cinder Creeper Cindermint Cindershroom Cindervine Coiled Burnserpent Fire Ant Fire Flower Firebearer Firebelly Shark Firecoiler Firefly Flameburst Waterstrider Flametail Loach Flameweed Inferno Possum Lava Strider Lesser Dreadram Miniature Potash Peach Molten Goby Molten Tadpole Panther Anole Potash Peach Salamander Searing Bunny Serpae Tetras Singed Lemming Smolderpetal Softshell Scorpion Speckled Fire Lily Sunspot Sparrow Tinder Bug

  • All items sent will be hoardsold, and the treasure distributed as follows:
    50% to the Lava Bank
    40% to the Wild Card Moneypot
    (see prizes)
    10% to my hardworking attendants!
  • All item donations should be sent to an attendant via their preferred method (PM and/or CR). Check the spreadsheet for availability of attendants.

  • Records of donations are available to view in the spreadsheet - if you notice any mistakes, please let us know so we can accurately track your participation!

  • Unlocking badges: there are eight food-themed badges to be collected in this event, an entree and a main for each food group. Badges will be unlocked for everyone who has donated at least one item once the following goals are reached: (scaled using data from previous IF event)
    Meat: 25,000 pts (entree), 50,000 pts (main)
    Plants: 35,000 pts (entree), 70,000 pts (main)
    Insects: 8,000 pts (entree), 16,000 pts (main)
    Seafood: 4,000 pts (entree), 8,000 pts (main)

  • If any badges are not unlocked, or you would like to claim them without donating items, they can be purchased for 30kt per badge! Please PM your treasure to me (Teg741). Proceeds will be split as per the hoardsell treasure.

  • Any further questions? Please PM or ping me in the thread!
[center][font=Gabriola][SIZE=6]Quick Links[/size][/font] [size=4][url=]Sheet & Rules[/url] | [b]Prizes[/b] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [url=]Credits[/url][/size] [font=century][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]Top Chef Prizes[/b][/color][/size][/font][/center] [size=4][font=corbel]The two main prizes go to the top donators in the [b]total points[/b] and [b]total items[/b] categories. If the same person comes first in both, the second prize will go to the person with second total items. [/size][/font] [quote= Master Flamin' Chef (Most points)] [center][skin=53887] [item=igneous iguana][item=flameforger crucible] [item=sweetheart swan][item=enamored swan][item=dire casting][item=temporary timepiece] [item=eliminate][item=unhatched shadow egg][/center][/quote] [quote= Master Flamin' Sous (Most items - goes to next person if same as prev)] [center][b]1 dragon levelled to lvl25[/b] by DrowsyPanda [item=illuminated crown][item=gilded rose thorn collar][item=flaxen unicorn horn] [item=bladed boa][item=blade horror][item=second wish][item=temporary timepiece] [item=eliminate][item=unhatched shadow egg][/quote] [size=4][font=corbel]The four food type prizes go to the top donators in each individual food category. Each user can only win [b]one[/b] of these prizes; the prize will go to the second, third, etc. person if there are repeated winners. Winning one of the main prizes does not disqualify you from winning an individual food category prize.[/size][/font] [quote= Master Insect Chef (Most insect points)] [center][item=prismatic token][item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center][/quote] [quote= Master Meat Chef (Most meat points - goes to next person if same as prev)] [center][item=prismatic token][item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center][/quote] [quote= Master Seafood Chef (Most seafood points - goes to next person if same as prev)] [center][item=prismatic token][item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center][/quote] [quote= Master Plant Chef (Most plant points - goes to next person if same as prev)] [center][item=prismatic token][item=unhatched nocturne egg][/center][/quote] [center][font=century][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]Wild Card Prizes[/b][/color][/size][/center] [size=4][font=corbel]There will be two wild card prizes this round, with 20% of the money pot each. Good luck! [quote=Wild Card (Points Weighted)] [center][emoji=treasure size=5] [size=5][font=corbel]Money Pot: TBC 20% of treasure proceeds from hoardselling all donated items [size=4] This winner will be randomly chosen from all users who donate at least 1 item. Entrants will be weighted by their total points for drawing. [/center][/quote] [quote=Wild Card (Equal Weighted)] [center][emoji=treasure size=5] [size=5][font=corbel]Money Pot: TBC 20% of treasure proceeds from hoardselling all donated items [size=4] This winner will be randomly chosen from all users who donate at least 1 item. Every entrant will be weighted equally for drawing. [/center][/quote] [center][font=century][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]Whimsical Prizes[/b][/color][/size][/center] [size=4][font=corbel]These are a selection of smaller prizes for those who may want to aim for a smaller goal than the top prizes. [quote=Rosie in the Mire (Most 'fire flower' sent)][center] [item=blushing pink rose][skin=47484][item=scene: flowering wasteland][/center][/quote] [quote=Animal Farm...? (Most 'lesser dreadram' sent)][center] [item=black silkie chicken][item=black and white rooster][item=buff polish chicken] [item=golden rooster][item=golden polish chicken][item=white silkie chicken] [item=goose][item=scene: cottage garden][/center][/quote] [quote=Who Let This Nerd Run An Event?! (Highest prime number of points - goes to next person if same as main winners)][center][item=primary gene: python][item=secondary gene: morph] [item=accent: storyteller's lantern][item=shadow's charm][/center][/quote] [quote=Lizard Brain (Most 'panther anole' sent)][center] [skin=23303][skin=51870] [skin=53359][item=foolish prince][/quote] [quote=The Water is Lava! (Most 'flameburst waterstrider' sent)][center] [skin=50207][skin=53370] [item=deepsea anchor][item=scene: kelp beds][/quote]
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Sheet & Rules | Prizes | Badges | Credits

Top Chef Prizes

The two main prizes go to the top donators in the total points and total items categories. If the same person comes first in both, the second prize will go to the person with second total items.

Master Flamin' Chef (Most points) wrote:

Igneous Iguana Flameforger Crucible
Sweetheart Swan Enamored Swan Dire Casting Temporary Timepiece
Eliminate Unhatched Shadow Egg
Master Flamin' Sous (Most items - goes to next person if same as prev) wrote:
1 dragon levelled to lvl25 by DrowsyPanda

Illuminated Crown Gilded Rose Thorn Collar Flaxen Unicorn Horn
Bladed Boa Blade Horror Second Wish Temporary Timepiece
Eliminate Unhatched Shadow Egg

The four food type prizes go to the top donators in each individual food category. Each user can only win one of these prizes; the prize will go to the second, third, etc. person if there are repeated winners. Winning one of the main prizes does not disqualify you from winning an individual food category prize.

Master Insect Chef (Most insect points) wrote:
Prismatic Token Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Master Meat Chef (Most meat points - goes to next person if same as prev) wrote:
Prismatic Token Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Master Seafood Chef (Most seafood points - goes to next person if same as prev) wrote:
Prismatic Token Unhatched Nocturne Egg
Master Plant Chef (Most plant points - goes to next person if same as prev) wrote:
Prismatic Token Unhatched Nocturne Egg

Wild Card Prizes

There will be two wild card prizes this round, with 20% of the money pot each. Good luck!

Wild Card (Points Weighted) wrote:

Money Pot: TBC
20% of treasure proceeds from hoardselling all donated items

This winner will be randomly chosen from all users who donate at least 1 item. Entrants will be weighted by their total points for drawing.
Wild Card (Equal Weighted) wrote:

Money Pot: TBC
20% of treasure proceeds from hoardselling all donated items

This winner will be randomly chosen from all users who donate at least 1 item. Every entrant will be weighted equally for drawing.

Whimsical Prizes

These are a selection of smaller prizes for those who may want to aim for a smaller goal than the top prizes.

Rosie in the Mire (Most fire flower sent) wrote:
Blushing Pink Rose Scene: Flowering Wasteland
Animal Farm...? (Most lesser dreadram sent) wrote:
Black Silkie Chicken Black and White Rooster Buff Polish Chicken
Golden Rooster Golden Polish Chicken White Silkie Chicken
Goose Scene: Cottage Garden
Who Let This Nerd Run An Event?! (Highest prime number of points - goes to next person if same as main winners) wrote:
Primary Gene: Python Secondary Gene: Morph
Accent: Storyteller's Lantern Shadow's Charm
Lizard Brain (Most panther anole sent) wrote:

Foolish Prince
The Water is Lava! (Most flameburst waterstrider sent) wrote:

Deepsea Anchor Scene: Kelp Beds
[center][font=Gabriola][SIZE=6]Quick Links[/size][/font] [size=4][url=]Sheet & Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [b]Badges[/b] | [url=]Credits[/url][/size] [font=century][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]Badges[/b][/color][/size][/center] [font=corbel][size=4]Badges will be displayed here as they're unlocked. Badge claim works on an honour system; anyone who has donated at least 1 item to the food drive is eligible to claim any badges which are unlocked. You don't have to have donated to a specific food group to collect its badges. If any badges aren't unlocked by the end of the event, or you would like to claim them without donating items, they can be purchased for [b]30kt per badge[/b]! Please PM your treasure to me (Teg741). [/font][/size] [center][img][/img] [quote=Meat Entree (25,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Dreadram Skewers[/b] [emoji=meat size=1] Despite the dramatic name, this local delicacy is actually made from the meat of the lesser dreadram.[/quote][/center] [center][img][/img] [quote=Meat Main (50,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Bat Wings[/b] [emoji=meat size=1] Yowch! These wings are hot! And come with a hint of vigilante justice...[/quote][/center] [center] [img][/img] [quote=Plant Entree (35,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Screaming Salad[/b] [emoji=plant size=1] 'Heard it on the cindervine' is a phrase to be taken literally.[/quote][/center] [center] [img][/img] [quote=Plant Main (70,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Moonshroom[/b] [emoji=plant size=1] One small step for your tastebuds and one giant leap for dragonkind![/quote][/center] [center] [img][/img] [quote=Insect Entree (8,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Fire Ant Soup[/b] [emoji=insect size=1] It seems the flavour of the day is pain - the small serving of bread on the side does little to salve the burn.[/quote][/center] [center] [img][/img] [quote=Insect Main (16,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Mothloaf[/b] [emoji=insect size=1] You took the words right out of my moth, oh it must've been while you were... Hey! Why is your tongue glowing?[/quote][/center] [center] [img][/img] [quote=Seafood Entree (4,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Ash Rolls[/b] [emoji=seafood size=1] If that's not seaweed, what is it?[/quote][/center] [center] [img][/img] [quote=Seafood Main (8,000 points)][center][font=corbel][size=4][b]Steamed Goby[/b] [emoji=seafood size=1] You didn't think it was possible for this fish to get any more steamed.[/quote][/center]
Quick Links

Sheet & Rules | Prizes | Badges | Credits


Badges will be displayed here as they're unlocked. Badge claim works on an honour system; anyone who has donated at least 1 item to the food drive is eligible to claim any badges which are unlocked. You don't have to have donated to a specific food group to collect its badges.

If any badges aren't unlocked by the end of the event, or you would like to claim them without donating items, they can be purchased for 30kt per badge! Please PM your treasure to me (Teg741).

Meat Entree (25,000 points) wrote:
Dreadram Skewers
Despite the dramatic name, this local delicacy is actually made from the meat of the lesser dreadram.

Meat Main (50,000 points) wrote:
Bat Wings
Yowch! These wings are hot! And come with a hint of vigilante justice...

Plant Entree (35,000 points) wrote:
Screaming Salad
'Heard it on the cindervine' is a phrase to be taken literally.

Plant Main (70,000 points) wrote:
One small step for your tastebuds and one giant leap for dragonkind!

Insect Entree (8,000 points) wrote:
Fire Ant Soup
It seems the flavour of the day is pain - the small serving of bread on the side does little to salve the burn.

Insect Main (16,000 points) wrote:
You took the words right out of my moth, oh it must've been while you were...
Hey! Why is your tongue glowing?

Seafood Entree (4,000 points) wrote:
Ash Rolls
If that's not seaweed, what is it?

Seafood Main (8,000 points) wrote:
Steamed Goby
You didn't think it was possible for this fish to get any more steamed.
[center][font=Gabriola][SIZE=6]Quick Links[/size][/font] [size=4][url=]Sheet & Rules[/url] | [url=]Prizes[/url] | [url=]Badges[/url] | [b]Credits[/b][/size] [font=century][size=6][color=#ff5a00][b]Special Thanks[/b][/color][/size][/center] [center][size=5][font=corbel]Thank you to all of the following people![/font][/size] [columns][img][/img][color=transparent]sdjkdf[/color] [nextcol][font=corbel][size=4][b]Attendants[/b]: CANTDANCEFLYNN, ZuuZolMul, Fallenarrow [b]Prize donations[/b]: Ador, DrowsyPanda,TETRAHEDR0N, ZuuZolMul, Lava bank [b]Badge inspo (mothloaf)[/b]: RuthlessCata [b]Sheet formatting[/b]: Argante [b]Thread graphics[/b]: Drytil [b]Event inspiration[/b]: BeeWhisperer and the [url=]Great Sornieth Bird Banding Challenge[/url]![color=transparent]sdjkdf[/color] [nextcol][img][/img]
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Sheet & Rules | Prizes | Badges | Credits

Special Thanks
Thank you to all of the following people!

0IZAXNx.pngsdjkdf Attendants: CANTDANCEFLYNN, ZuuZolMul, Fallenarrow

Prize donations: Ador, DrowsyPanda,TETRAHEDR0N, ZuuZolMul, Lava bank

Badge inspo (mothloaf): RuthlessCata

Sheet formatting: Argante

Thread graphics: Drytil

Event inspiration: BeeWhisperer and the Great Sornieth Bird Banding Challenge!sdjkdf
[center]@pinglist-27714[/center] [font=corbel][size=5]G'day punters! The Flaming Food Drive is back, Night Market style! We are now open until the end of Flameforgers' Festival (1st Sept. 06:00), so dig deep into those food hoards, grab a skillet or a pastry dish, and let's get cooking! [/size] [size=4]Note if you played last time - the format of the event has changed slightly. We now have goals based on the four food groups, as well as extra prizes to match! I'm so excited to release the eight custom dish badges to you all [emoji=coatl tongue size=1] Thanks in advance for your support, and don't forget to check out the [url=]Night Market hub[/url] for more events where you can support Fire this week. [center][size=5][font=corbel]Cheers! -Theo [url=][img][/img][/url]

G'day punters! The Flaming Food Drive is back, Night Market style! We are now open until the end of Flameforgers' Festival (1st Sept. 06:00), so dig deep into those food hoards, grab a skillet or a pastry dish, and let's get cooking!

Note if you played last time - the format of the event has changed slightly. We now have goals based on the four food groups, as well as extra prizes to match! I'm so excited to release the eight custom dish badges to you all

Thanks in advance for your support, and don't forget to check out the Night Market hub for more events where you can support Fire this week.


Yay! Let the festivities begin! Hopefully, everyone has a great push! :) [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
Yay! Let the festivities begin!

Hopefully, everyone has a great push! :)
a compass.png aa Gubbies [ She/her | FR+9 ]
About me | Sales Tab
Avatar dragon | Pizza dragon
| LF subspecies
aa clouds.gif cloud-24.png
@Fallenarrow thanks for logging my donation, one quick note, my UN has an s at the end it should be zombats not zombat. Thank you
@Fallenarrow thanks for logging my donation, one quick note, my UN has an s at the end it should be zombats not zombat. Thank you

FRT +0
! oh sorry! fixing now
! oh sorry! fixing now
[center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [font=courier][size=4]"Sure thing!" Tris chirps, scooping the tray easily into her claws and arcing over the fae's head to land neat as a sparrow inside the kitchen. Back here, amongst the hissing steam and clatter of utensils against cutting boards, pans, bowls, and more! some of the tension melts from Tris' wings. He winds through and between the other kitchen workers with practiced ease and gentle clicks to let them know he's there. The tray of fish is delivered to the correct chef before she hops over to mind a bubbling pot of pasta. And once that's whisked away to be strained and tossed in a light vinegar dressing with fresh herbs, Tris slips out of the way and cleans off her claws with a cloth from her apron. "What else needs to be done?"

"Sure thing!" Tris chirps, scooping the tray easily into her claws and arcing over the fae's head to land neat as a sparrow inside the kitchen.

Back here, amongst the hissing steam and clatter of utensils against cutting boards, pans, bowls, and more! some of the tension melts from Tris' wings. He winds through and between the other kitchen workers with practiced ease and gentle clicks to let them know he's there. The tray of fish is delivered to the correct chef before she hops over to mind a bubbling pot of pasta. And once that's whisked away to be strained and tossed in a light vinegar dressing with fresh herbs, Tris slips out of the way and cleans off her claws with a cloth from her apron.

"What else needs to be done?"