
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [ShaDOM] Feline Flair - Dress-up Contest
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[center][b][color=purple]End of the Journey [/b] [columns][url=][img],19451,19447,19448,19449,32995,30851,30857,41512,30854,52363,41502,41513,30852,17235,30853,30849,15719,15735,14439&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][emoji=pink star size=1][br][br][outfit=2574950][br][emoji=cat 1 size=1][emoji=cat 2 size=1][emoji=cat 3 size=1][/center][/columns]
End of the Journey


All the Cuddles

22ywPUF.png Ao7i1jI.png TSLAPe2.gifUXRaoCb.png6OIh6CV.pngVod89n8.pngMGIo0DJ.gifs7d0V1v.png 2oKWxc3.png
Not Found
Not Found
Feline Flair 7
Feline Flair 7
[center][img],19447,54817,19451,21306,19448,2564,19449,32996,19450,48178,42938,32997,53078,42933,42941,32995,28995&xt=dressing.png[/img] I think this might actually be catmint tea...

I think this might actually be catmint tea...
[outfit=2575088] [img],19448,19450,29001,2465,49310,19447,19451,32988,32989,25868,25871,25869,19449,32990,32992&xt=dressing.png[/img] six kitties for a tea party! wwooooo!!
feline flair day 7


six kitties for a tea party! wwooooo!!
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
Moriteth (Tea Party)

"I... learned a lot about cats, that's for sure..." Moriteth sounds exhausted more than anything. There has been a lot of travel. A lot of cats. Too much to do that's out of her area of expertise entirely. She's not planning to leave her workshop for the next month. Still... a tea party is promising. Hanging out with cats that aren't trying to attack her would be nice after the past couple days. Comfy clothes... a sweater and leggings are comfy, simple, and after all the accessorising going into everything, she sees no reason to put on more. Not that she ever does.
Moriteth (Tea Party)

"I... learned a lot about cats, that's for sure..." Moriteth sounds exhausted more than anything. There has been a lot of travel. A lot of cats. Too much to do that's out of her area of expertise entirely. She's not planning to leave her workshop for the next month. Still... a tea party is promising. Hanging out with cats that aren't trying to attack her would be nice after the past couple days. Comfy clothes... a sweater and leggings are comfy, simple, and after all the accessorising going into everything, she sees no reason to put on more. Not that she ever does.
[b]Saturday - End of the Journey[/b] [columns] [img],19451,32983,19450,19449,19448,23130,23128,17235,25063,19447,32984,12901,42942,47032,17894,13811&xt=dressing.png[/img] [nextcol][outfit=2575271] [url=]Biscuit[/url] is our clan's big cuddlebug!! He's already surrounded by cats and comfiness, so he was ready to have some more friends for this look. [columns]
Saturday - End of the Journey

Biscuit is our clan's big cuddlebug!! He's already surrounded by cats and comfiness, so he was ready to have some more friends for this look.

GgsD4JX.png o9yS1eq.png
Day 7 :)) [url=][img],19447,19448,19450,48178,19451,19449,32983,32984,26543,32982,32986,26547,26544,26546&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] [outfit=2575319] (some cats are hard to see, so please count using the outfit link!)
Day 7 :))

Soft Feathers

(some cats are hard to see, so please count using the outfit link!)
qTcP5yI.pngXT6s1Yv.gifBEZgNm.png SQvVy8i.png XdA0BPq.png5M9CHlS.gif
[columns][img],19451,19448,19450,38285,32997,38287,38289,32993,32995,2502,17133,3290,34182,34177,27994,22847,750,19447&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2575332] [b]Hollyhock[/b] loves a tea party! And they're more then happy to share the occasion with some fluffy kitties!

Hollyhock loves a tea party! And they're more then happy to share the occasion with some fluffy kitties!
-very bisexual
-type 1 diabetic
-sales & grinding
111805dcd561eb74f279995ecbc1d729b2316f8b.png tumblr_inline_njw5iwmQUG1qg2i5p.gif
[center][b]Day 7[/b] [img],19448,19450,19447,19451,38288,38287,3679,34254,3621,30834&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2575455][/center] Sneaking this in like an hour late because I forgot to submit my entry before rollover, whoops.
Day 7
Feline Flair day 7
Sneaking this in like an hour late because I forgot to submit my entry before rollover, whoops.
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