
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [ShaDOM] Feline Flair - Dress-up Contest
[b]Wednesday - 4th Day of Travel[/b] [columns][img],21813,23022,21815,32685,21818,21817,21816,21812,45165,33677,21267,20575,37394,53070&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2572637][url=]Lochlan[/url] is one of the clan's fighters and hunters, so this was the perfect job for him. He's got a bow and a spear for land and sea hunting. And when in doubt, he has his trusty claws. He's donned fairly light clothing that he can easily move in. Food better watch out![/columns] ------ bonus: I love that slow blinking to/from a cat is like a little "I trust you"! It makes me happy every time I get one! :)
Wednesday - 4th Day of Travel
Lochlan is one of the clan's fighters and hunters, so this was the perfect job for him. He's got a bow and a spear for land and sea hunting. And when in doubt, he has his trusty claws. He's donned fairly light clothing that he can easily move in. Food better watch out!

bonus: I love that slow blinking to/from a cat is like a little "I trust you"! It makes me happy every time I get one! :)

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Moriteth (Fishing)

Moriteth takes the loss of provisions in good spirit— and the reason why becomes all too clear when she mentions that she’s considered fishing before. “I don’t handle the food supply for my clan,” she says with a conversational tone, and really, an overall much brighter and more eager one. “Doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it, though! If you think about it, I don’t really need to be a trained hunter if I’ve got the right tools for the job, right?” And this would all really be a lot less worrying if she hadn’t fished her extremely waterproof and insulating coat back out of wherever she’s keeping all of these and started strapping power packs to it.

“Yeah, so, everyone knows to keep lightning far away from water or it won’t go well. Probably kill you if you haven’t got the right gear or it takes you unawares.” She’s talking while attaching metal to as much of her body as possible in perfectly safe and interconnected ways. And now she’s gone and added more power packs, just because she had them available. “Fish live in water, you know? So, if lightning in water probably kills whatever’s touching it, and fish live in water…” Everything on her body sparks to life. It’s impossible to keep track of where all the lightning currents are even going or attached to. She’s turned her own body into a source of an absolutely horrifying amount of lightning— the horror coming from the way she assures Vittoria blithely, “So it should work! If you just have the proper protective gear! I’ve got that covered, so…”

The golem at her side hums to life as she sends some of the power into its gauntlet, in yet another steady stream of lightning. She pulls out a net and a metal spear and looks far, far too bright and cheerful for a dragon who’s about to purposefully electrocute everything remotely in her vicinity. “Alright! I’ll handle fishing! Somewhere far away from you, of course. Don’t worry about a thing~”


Favourite cat fact: There's been a cat in space!
Moriteth (Fishing)

Moriteth takes the loss of provisions in good spirit— and the reason why becomes all too clear when she mentions that she’s considered fishing before. “I don’t handle the food supply for my clan,” she says with a conversational tone, and really, an overall much brighter and more eager one. “Doesn’t mean I haven’t thought about it, though! If you think about it, I don’t really need to be a trained hunter if I’ve got the right tools for the job, right?” And this would all really be a lot less worrying if she hadn’t fished her extremely waterproof and insulating coat back out of wherever she’s keeping all of these and started strapping power packs to it.

“Yeah, so, everyone knows to keep lightning far away from water or it won’t go well. Probably kill you if you haven’t got the right gear or it takes you unawares.” She’s talking while attaching metal to as much of her body as possible in perfectly safe and interconnected ways. And now she’s gone and added more power packs, just because she had them available. “Fish live in water, you know? So, if lightning in water probably kills whatever’s touching it, and fish live in water…” Everything on her body sparks to life. It’s impossible to keep track of where all the lightning currents are even going or attached to. She’s turned her own body into a source of an absolutely horrifying amount of lightning— the horror coming from the way she assures Vittoria blithely, “So it should work! If you just have the proper protective gear! I’ve got that covered, so…”

The golem at her side hums to life as she sends some of the power into its gauntlet, in yet another steady stream of lightning. She pulls out a net and a metal spear and looks far, far too bright and cheerful for a dragon who’s about to purposefully electrocute everything remotely in her vicinity. “Alright! I’ll handle fishing! Somewhere far away from you, of course. Don’t worry about a thing~”


Favourite cat fact: There's been a cat in space!
[outfit=2572953] [img],22830,22825,47896,12267,22833,980,6027,53354,981,22832,32710&xt=dressing.png[/img] got that smoke screen, those claws and spears, and easy to move in clothing >:] favorite cat fact is their primordial pouch™
feline flair day 4


got that smoke screen, those claws and spears, and easy to move in clothing >:]

favorite cat fact is their primordial pouch™
f282e074cdf53330182445ba3db1235c26fc602a.gifGIF by @Anivia
[columns][img],53077,44547,13827,13835,331,46546,5670,13779,13787,13819,13843,13859,13795,13811&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2572958] [b]Peninsula[/b] is one of the most skilled hunters in the Stronghold, so their skills are a blessing on a job like this. Thy brought along some freshly hunted furry beasts for food, along with their usual knives for hunting.

Peninsula is one of the most skilled hunters in the Stronghold, so their skills are a blessing on a job like this. Thy brought along some freshly hunted furry beasts for food, along with their usual knives for hunting.
-very bisexual
-type 1 diabetic
-sales & grinding
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favorite cat fact is that cat coat pigment works like printer ink! so kittens from the same litter can have all or mostly black coat but the last sib could be mostly white!
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favorite cat fact is that cat coat pigment works like printer ink! so kittens from the same litter can have all or mostly black coat but the last sib could be mostly white!
[center][b]Day 4[/b] [img],602,6028,47037,6020,47029&xt=dressing.png[/img][outfit=2573101][/center] Favorite cat fact: The vast majority of orange tabbies are males, while calicos are almost always female.
Day 4
Feline Flair Day 4
Favorite cat fact: The vast majority of orange tabbies are males, while calicos are almost always female.
[center]@pinglist-27636 @FairValentine @LunaMoon29 @LazyGravez @fallendownut @eyayah @CANTDANCEFLYNN @humbledarkmage @WinterMouse @HolyCrepe @Golden @Farore @MyrrhDarkwing @tigressRising @cinderrain [img][/img] Animal facts are always interesting, I love learning new things, especially about animals I care about like cats. I hope you too learned a bit from the other posts and thank you for sharing your knowledge! [b]The winner of this round: @WinterMouse [/b] Congrats! You may claim the winner badge and your prize will be on its way shortly! [img][/img] [b]Thursday - 5th Day of Travel[/b] [columns][img][/img][nextcol]Your dragon-companion watches from a safe distance - both for her safety and so she doesn't scare off the prey - as you hunt for about half a day, before you prepare everything and stash it away. The journey continues into dry climate, the damp plants and soil give way to sandy grounds and sparce vegetation. But before you can leave the swamparea completely, you can hear faint sounds of breaking twigs, rustling leaves ... Something seems to be stalking you. [b]"I fear something might have been lured here by the smell of the fresh meat that we are carrying around"[/b], your travel-companion whispers and her eyes are searching for whatever is following you. The time also isn't on your side, it is slowly getting darker and with it, the shadows between the bushes become bigger and darker. All you can make out are silhouettes of two creatures watching and slowly following you. Fearing that this might happen, you are prepared. Before you two started to travel onwards and out of the swamp, you put on some more defensive clothing, just in case of emergency ...[/columns] [img][/img] [b]TL;DR: Task[/b] - identify the threat and put on some matching armor - weaponry? weaponry! [b]Bonus Question (+1 raffle ticket):[/b] What are the familiars called, that hide in the shadows? (Send in your answer via PM) [b]Best prepared travel-companion will win:[/b] [quote="Thursday"][item=cat's armor][/quote][/center]
@Dress-Up Daily Pinglist @FairValentine @LunaMoon29 @LazyGravez @fallendownut @eyayah @CANTDANCEFLYNN @humbledarkmage @WinterMouse @HolyCrepe @Golden @Farore @MyrrhDarkwing @tigressRising @cinderrain
Animal facts are always interesting, I love learning new things, especially about animals I care about like cats. I hope you too learned a bit from the other posts and thank you for sharing your knowledge!

The winner of this round:

Congrats! You may claim the winner badge and your prize will be on its way shortly!

Thursday - 5th Day of Travel
dramon.png Your dragon-companion watches from a safe distance - both for her safety and so she doesn't scare off the prey - as you hunt for about half a day, before you prepare everything and stash it away.

The journey continues into dry climate, the damp plants and soil give way to sandy grounds and sparce vegetation. But before you can leave the swamparea completely, you can hear faint sounds of breaking twigs, rustling leaves ... Something seems to be stalking you.

"I fear something might have been lured here by the smell of the fresh meat that we are carrying around", your travel-companion whispers and her eyes are searching for whatever is following you.
The time also isn't on your side, it is slowly getting darker and with it, the shadows between the bushes become bigger and darker. All you can make out are silhouettes of two creatures watching and slowly following you.

Fearing that this might happen, you are prepared. Before you two started to travel onwards and out of the swamp, you put on some more defensive clothing, just in case of emergency ...
TL;DR: Task
- identify the threat and put on some matching armor
- weaponry? weaponry!

Bonus Question (+1 raffle ticket):
What are the familiars called, that hide in the shadows?
(Send in your answer via PM)

Best prepared travel-companion will win:
Thursday wrote:
Cat's Armor
[b]Thursday - 5th Day of Travel[/b] [columns][img],17284,45178,17239,17263,40863,13859,40095,24515,17276,17260,46546,32686,10880&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][outfit=2573289]"Oh, you wanna go? YOU WANNA FIGHT??? LET'S. FIGHT." - [url=]Shortcake[/url]. Ah, sorry about him, he's a bit... uh.. he likes to fight. I feel bad for those creatures." [/columns] -------- Sent bonus with my entry fee! :)
Thursday - 5th Day of Travel
"Oh, you wanna go? YOU WANNA FIGHT??? LET'S. FIGHT." - Shortcake. Ah, sorry about him, he's a bit... uh.. he likes to fight. I feel bad for those creatures."

Sent bonus with my entry fee! :)

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[center][b][color=teal]Day 4 of Travel [/b] [columns][url=][img],5684,2965,40672,40840,12901,27119,18788,27122,27120,5681,27124,5405,27126,17133,46550,45165&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url][nextcol][center][emoji=silver crown size=1][br][br][outfit=2573353][br][emoji=sword and shield size=1][/center][/columns]
Day 4 of Travel


5th Day of Travel

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Day 5!
Day 5!

Day 5!
Day 5!

LOBQT1k.gif Female (Pastel pink)She/Her (Pastel purple)