oohh i love the setup here! i'll have to go thru and read the lore later when i'm less busy but i love the look of it! do you have a pinglist widget for this thread?

TOPIC | [P] The Spectrum's BioLocke Project

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oohh i love the setup here! i'll have to go thru and read the lore later when i'm less busy but i love the look of it! do you have a pinglist widget for this thread?
@moriougai Oh gosh so sorry I missed this! Thank you! I don't have a pinglist since I only ever really post updates so figured the star subscription would work for that, but I'll happily make one if you're interested in this! :D
@moriougai Oh gosh so sorry I missed this! Thank you! I don't have a pinglist since I only ever really post updates so figured the star subscription would work for that, but I'll happily make one if you're interested in this! :D
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Day 41 [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[b]BBCode & Assets[/b][/center]
Assets Added From:
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/cc/2257922#post_28922011][b]Poisonedpaper's Art Assets[/b][/url] - DnD Alignment Squares
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2669851#post_38647690][b]Vertigris's Item-Width Bio Banners[/b][/url] - Woodland Path Banner
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/scrying/predict/19443110][b]Non-Apparel Scry[/b][/url]
[b]Lineage Added[/b]
[center][I][u]Paternal Progen | Maternal Progen[/u][/I]
[b]Playlist Section Added[/b]
[center][item=lost lute]
[b]Vibe Playlist:[/b]
[I]Song List Here
[center][size=2]Really happy with the new section I've played around with and kept up with a non-apparel scry, a new lineage section I love SO much more than my other one, and a new vibe playlist where I'll find songs on Spotify I think fit each of my dragons. The lineage looks so much cleaner and it's sooooo much less work for me. My last set up was interesting but each dragon took FOREVER, haha! The vibe musics will take a while, but I'm excited to see them all fill out over time as I find good music that fits![/size][/center]
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Crim Item [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=ringmaster's bellwhip]
[b]100 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
Earwig, as he's learned to call himself, doesn't remember his real name or if he even had one. He also doesn't remember where he came from, but he does remember waking up one day in the middle of the bamboo forests of the Windswept Plateau and not remembering where he was. He remembers being a normal dragon wandering through those stalks.
Something just clicked one day. He smelled something refreshing, cooling. A plant? An herb? He eventually found the source of the smell and knew immediately he needed it around. Around [i]him[/i]. All the time. [i]All of it.[/I] He was shocked at first to have this kind of thought. He knew it was mint, but some sort of a primal instinct didn't care what it was called, he just wanted it for himself.
Eventually finding a home near Singer's Brook in a cave within the cliffside, he hoarded his findings. Everywhere he could find mint, he brought it back to his cave. The smell permeating his feathers and skin.
He's never fought another dragon for the green herb, but he decided if push came to shove..
He would win.
[b](Other Facts)[/b]
- Is believed by The Spectrum's scholars to be a dragon afflicted with [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/drs/2636607/1#post_2636607]Goldlust[/url].
- He has become a local cryptid-like living legend within the clan. If a dragon smells mint on the wind, they need to [I]run.[/I]
[center][b]225 Words[/b]
[size=2]Oh my gosh, I'm so happy with this boi's lore! I'm trying to break a liiiiittle bit out of the hobbit vibes comfort zone my clan has and adding in some wildcards/some sort of chaotic or evil alignments. It's been fun![/size][/center]

BBCode & Assets
Assets Added From:
Poisonedpaper's Art Assets - DnD Alignment Squares
Vertigris's Item-Width Bio Banners - Woodland Path Banner
Non-Apparel Scry
Lineage Added
Playlist Section Added
Vibe Playlist:
Song List Here
Really happy with the new section I've played around with and kept up with a non-apparel scry, a new lineage section I love SO much more than my other one, and a new vibe playlist where I'll find songs on Spotify I think fit each of my dragons. The lineage looks so much cleaner and it's sooooo much less work for me. My last set up was interesting but each dragon took FOREVER, haha! The vibe musics will take a while, but I'm excited to see them all fill out over time as I find good music that fits!

100 Words Minimum
Earwig, as he's learned to call himself, doesn't remember his real name or if he even had one. He also doesn't remember where he came from, but he does remember waking up one day in the middle of the bamboo forests of the Windswept Plateau and not remembering where he was. He remembers being a normal dragon wandering through those stalks.
Something just clicked one day. He smelled something refreshing, cooling. A plant? An herb? He eventually found the source of the smell and knew immediately he needed it around. Around him. All the time. All of it. He was shocked at first to have this kind of thought. He knew it was mint, but some sort of a primal instinct didn't care what it was called, he just wanted it for himself.
Eventually finding a home near Singer's Brook in a cave within the cliffside, he hoarded his findings. Everywhere he could find mint, he brought it back to his cave. The smell permeating his feathers and skin.
He's never fought another dragon for the green herb, but he decided if push came to shove..
He would win.
(Other Facts)
- Is believed by The Spectrum's scholars to be a dragon afflicted with Goldlust.
- He has become a local cryptid-like living legend within the clan. If a dragon smells mint on the wind, they need to run.
225 Words
Oh my gosh, I'm so happy with this boi's lore! I'm trying to break a liiiiittle bit out of the hobbit vibes comfort zone my clan has and adding in some wildcards/some sort of chaotic or evil alignments. It's been fun!
Oh my gosh, I'm so happy with this boi's lore! I'm trying to break a liiiiittle bit out of the hobbit vibes comfort zone my clan has and adding in some wildcards/some sort of chaotic or evil alignments. It's been fun!
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Day 42 [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=birch bark sheet]
[b]50 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
You hear the tink-tink-tink of a hammer as you're walking by a small cave in the cliffside. Getting closer you notice a soft orange glow of fire and hear a rustling around. You peek your head in to see a Skydancer matching the colors of the cave, working with hot fire and metal. Her protective mask keeping her focused and from seeing you, you decide not to interrupt the craftsmanship process or spook the crafter.
[center][b]75 Words[/b]
[size=2]I have a couple days I rolled but never actually did, so I've been playing catch up for a while, haha! Still plugging along on these, a loooooot of 50 word minimums in the last couple days. RNG really said "actually write lore, dang it!" LOL[/size][/center]
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Crim Item [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=sakura moss]
[b]50 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
"Being a meteorologist doesn't sound that glamorous until you start explaining to dragons how much your knowledge helps so many others!"
Stratus will brave any weather conditions and find out anything he can on the winds if it means it'll help the clan stay safe. He does constant research on the patterns of the torrent that is the Twisting Crescendo, seasonal weather patterns, and is tracking weather phenomena daily. He'll go head first into a storm if it means he'll get the readings he needs, he'll even bribe travelers to explain to him how weather is in surrounding areas. Sometimes more for fun than for research, but research nonetheless!
[center][b]109 Words[/b]
[size=2]Stratus was one of my first Stock The Pond babies and I just couldn't throw him to the sales or Winddad, I mean look at him! Still trying to find good ways to write about his work, hoping for some coli challenges to help with that possibly![/size][/center]

50 Words Minimum
You hear the tink-tink-tink of a hammer as you're walking by a small cave in the cliffside. Getting closer you notice a soft orange glow of fire and hear a rustling around. You peek your head in to see a Skydancer matching the colors of the cave, working with hot fire and metal. Her protective mask keeping her focused and from seeing you, you decide not to interrupt the craftsmanship process or spook the crafter.
75 Words
I have a couple days I rolled but never actually did, so I've been playing catch up for a while, haha! Still plugging along on these, a loooooot of 50 word minimums in the last couple days. RNG really said "actually write lore, dang it!" LOL
I have a couple days I rolled but never actually did, so I've been playing catch up for a while, haha! Still plugging along on these, a loooooot of 50 word minimums in the last couple days. RNG really said "actually write lore, dang it!" LOL

50 Words Minimum
"Being a meteorologist doesn't sound that glamorous until you start explaining to dragons how much your knowledge helps so many others!"
Stratus will brave any weather conditions and find out anything he can on the winds if it means it'll help the clan stay safe. He does constant research on the patterns of the torrent that is the Twisting Crescendo, seasonal weather patterns, and is tracking weather phenomena daily. He'll go head first into a storm if it means he'll get the readings he needs, he'll even bribe travelers to explain to him how weather is in surrounding areas. Sometimes more for fun than for research, but research nonetheless!
109 Words
Stratus was one of my first Stock The Pond babies and I just couldn't throw him to the sales or Winddad, I mean look at him! Still trying to find good ways to write about his work, hoping for some coli challenges to help with that possibly!
Stratus was one of my first Stock The Pond babies and I just couldn't throw him to the sales or Winddad, I mean look at him! Still trying to find good ways to write about his work, hoping for some coli challenges to help with that possibly!
@moriougai I placed a widget on the first post of this thread! :D Thanks for having so much interest!! <3
@moriougai I placed a widget on the first post of this thread! :D Thanks for having so much interest!! <3
@BlueEyesNeko thank you!! i'll go back and read the new entries shortly!!
@BlueEyesNeko thank you!! i'll go back and read the new entries shortly!!
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Day 43 [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=groundfrost grasses]
[b]Clan Placement[/b][/center]
[center]Argint ha? been in my clan for most of it's life, and she originally was a sort of a sad-sap grandma type character because of how heartbroken she was about her mate, who was a traveler anyway, leaving after their eggs hatched. Cringe.
SO, since her [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/19235496]son[/url] and her [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/25868996]granddaughter[/url] are two of my favorite dragons in my lair, I decided to give her a part of that backstory, but rise above it instead. Nothing written out yet, but I decided to give her an apparel overhaul to really lock in her new placement in the clan! I saw some apparel looks for Alchemists in the last few weeks and just decided I HAD to have a dragon to wear some it. So, in place of her simple forehead jewel thing and a necklace and bracelet, she's getting this fit I've placed together from a couple different inspirations! I'm in love with her new outfit (plus I realized apparel items rarely seem to show up in trades with Crim and Pinkerton) and I'm so excited to slowly see it come together now that other apparels are finished on other dragons!
[i]Here are the two forum threads that helped me the most with finding items![/i]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2205043/1#post_2205043][b]Eclipse's Apparel Catalog[/b][/url]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/gde/2363092/1#post_2363092][b]UnicornCrazy's Outfit/Apparel Layering Ideas[/b][/url][/center]
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Crim Item [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=fiddle leg]
[b]50 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
Several years in The Spectrum have brought Juniper to a top coliseum trainer position. The rush of battle every single day is what he lives for, helping those in the clan learn the art form of fighting. Some of those even going on to Windsinger or other deities. His partner in crime and best friend, [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/15526510]Ra[/url], usually handles those dragons more than he does, but he lives for the hunt every single day.
Juniper will come through the lair bloodied, but not by his own blood. It's become second nature to him, he doesn't see it as off-putting or surprising, which he kindly apologizes for if approached. The handsome Imperial holds himself confidently, because he is. And his confidence infects those younger dragons around him. He's become a key member to The Spectrum, though not wanting the responsibility of a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/den/200004/2357164/1]Council member[/url], he lets Ra handle that as well. Politics were never his game.
[center][b]154 Words[/b]
[size=2]I rearranged Juniper's original lore, which came with him when he was gifted to me years ago, and now I'm not sure what to put for his bio section, honestly! LOL. He's a very confident boi, but also respectful and protective. Hopefully that came thru![/size][/center]

Clan Placement
Argint ha? been in my clan for most of it's life, and she originally was a sort of a sad-sap grandma type character because of how heartbroken she was about her mate, who was a traveler anyway, leaving after their eggs hatched. Cringe.
SO, since her son and her granddaughter are two of my favorite dragons in my lair, I decided to give her a part of that backstory, but rise above it instead. Nothing written out yet, but I decided to give her an apparel overhaul to really lock in her new placement in the clan! I saw some apparel looks for Alchemists in the last few weeks and just decided I HAD to have a dragon to wear some it. So, in place of her simple forehead jewel thing and a necklace and bracelet, she's getting this fit I've placed together from a couple different inspirations! I'm in love with her new outfit (plus I realized apparel items rarely seem to show up in trades with Crim and Pinkerton) and I'm so excited to slowly see it come together now that other apparels are finished on other dragons!
Here are the two forum threads that helped me the most with finding items!
Eclipse's Apparel Catalog
UnicornCrazy's Outfit/Apparel Layering Ideas
SO, since her son and her granddaughter are two of my favorite dragons in my lair, I decided to give her a part of that backstory, but rise above it instead. Nothing written out yet, but I decided to give her an apparel overhaul to really lock in her new placement in the clan! I saw some apparel looks for Alchemists in the last few weeks and just decided I HAD to have a dragon to wear some it. So, in place of her simple forehead jewel thing and a necklace and bracelet, she's getting this fit I've placed together from a couple different inspirations! I'm in love with her new outfit (plus I realized apparel items rarely seem to show up in trades with Crim and Pinkerton) and I'm so excited to slowly see it come together now that other apparels are finished on other dragons!
Here are the two forum threads that helped me the most with finding items!
Eclipse's Apparel Catalog
UnicornCrazy's Outfit/Apparel Layering Ideas


50 Words Minimum
Several years in The Spectrum have brought Juniper to a top coliseum trainer position. The rush of battle every single day is what he lives for, helping those in the clan learn the art form of fighting. Some of those even going on to Windsinger or other deities. His partner in crime and best friend, Ra, usually handles those dragons more than he does, but he lives for the hunt every single day.
Juniper will come through the lair bloodied, but not by his own blood. It's become second nature to him, he doesn't see it as off-putting or surprising, which he kindly apologizes for if approached. The handsome Imperial holds himself confidently, because he is. And his confidence infects those younger dragons around him. He's become a key member to The Spectrum, though not wanting the responsibility of a Council member, he lets Ra handle that as well. Politics were never his game.
154 Words
I rearranged Juniper's original lore, which came with him when he was gifted to me years ago, and now I'm not sure what to put for his bio section, honestly! LOL. He's a very confident boi, but also respectful and protective. Hopefully that came thru!
I rearranged Juniper's original lore, which came with him when he was gifted to me years ago, and now I'm not sure what to put for his bio section, honestly! LOL. He's a very confident boi, but also respectful and protective. Hopefully that came thru!
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Day 44 [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=fan scorpion]
[center][I]This is me putting an IOU for this gal's artwork because I DO want to do artwork, and I plan on it, but I've held off posting in here for a week or so thinking I would have time to do it. So I'm giving myself grace and will be working on a sketch for this gal after I finish a big project I'm working on first![/I][/center]
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Crim Item [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=dusty canvas scrap]
[b]50 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
Walking through The Spectrum you spot a bright orange Aberration lounging in the shade of some bamboo. You would have thought that spot was made for her. She seems relaxed, an almost sly and foxy grin on her face, you wonder what she's thinking about. A few small Aberrations, clearly her hatchlings with how similar they look to her, bounce around her as she seems to barely notice. Another dragon (perhaps another traveler?) comes by her spot, minding their own business, when suddenly the female's eyes snap open and she snaps, literally with her teeth, at the dragon. They scurry off, and so do you. You don't want to get too close.
[center][b]112 Words[/b]
[size=2]This gal is a wildcard and super fun to think up of ideas for, but man my boi Ra has a crazy lady by his side xD [I]*it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me giving him a crazy mate*[/I][/size]

This is me putting an IOU for this gal's artwork because I DO want to do artwork, and I plan on it, but I've held off posting in here for a week or so thinking I would have time to do it. So I'm giving myself grace and will be working on a sketch for this gal after I finish a big project I'm working on first!

50 Words Minimum
Walking through The Spectrum you spot a bright orange Aberration lounging in the shade of some bamboo. You would have thought that spot was made for her. She seems relaxed, an almost sly and foxy grin on her face, you wonder what she's thinking about. A few small Aberrations, clearly her hatchlings with how similar they look to her, bounce around her as she seems to barely notice. Another dragon (perhaps another traveler?) comes by her spot, minding their own business, when suddenly the female's eyes snap open and she snaps, literally with her teeth, at the dragon. They scurry off, and so do you. You don't want to get too close.
112 Words
This gal is a wildcard and super fun to think up of ideas for, but man my boi Ra has a crazy lady by his side xD *it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me giving him a crazy mate*
@Spectrum BioLocke Updates
This gal is a wildcard and super fun to think up of ideas for, but man my boi Ra has a crazy lady by his side xD *it's me, hi, I'm the problem it's me giving him a crazy mate*
@Spectrum BioLocke Updates
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Day 45 [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=bioluminescent tail]
[b]100 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
An ambitious young hatchling she was, going out on her own very young and deciding she wanted to be the leader of something great! She grew up in the Wind territory, pondering and pondering her whole hatchlinghood away, trying to figure out what that was going to be. During her travels through the Windswept Plateau, she was sitting upon a rock, taking in the scenery, when a blue Fae crash landed into her. After both coming back to their senses, they struck up a conversation. After an evening of chatting, suddenly the sun was rising and they decided to become traveling partners. Why continue to go on alone?
Neither Coralia or [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/18536733]Sparrow[/url] expected to fall for the other, neither really had the intention to fall for the other. They went in with the idea of being business partners more than anything else. Just wanting to make a place for all dragons to live and thrive and create. But their feelings had other plans and they started the clan with one of their own: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/18662594]Seamus[/url].
From there, The Spectrum continued to grow as they met other travelers, made connections, and helped others who decided to stick around. It grew slowly but surely, and are a tight knit family of colorful dragons, covering all parts of the spectrum.
[center][b]216 Words[/b]
[size=2]I'm still contemplating on whether I'm going to put more clan stats in Coralia's bio since she's the clan leader, or if I'm going to do it on Sparrow's. There are so many ideas I have to share for the clan, and none at all at the same time xD So that's a big WIP I need to work out.[/size][/center]
[center][size=6][b][emoji=wind rune] Crim Item [emoji=wind rune][/b][/size]
[item=tail poof]
[b]50 Words Minimum[/b][/center]
As you're finding your way through The Spectrum, you feel a large presence come up next to you. Looking up you see a pale white Guardian smiling warmly down at you,
"New to The Spectrum, are we?" Her voice is soft and soothing, it feels like a hug, "If you need any help with anything, please don't hesitate to call on me. I've been here a loooong time, I think I know my way around by now." Her chuckle is even soothing, you have no idea how.
"My name is Snowy, I'll let you get back to exploring." She dips her head politely and makes her way back on the path she was walking before. You almost miss a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/dragon/89927913]splatter-coated Obelisk[/url] trailing just behind her.
[center][b]125 Words[/b]
[size=2]My RNG really said "WRITE DANG IT!" because....I've been avoiding truly writing because I'm a very visual person and I love the code here on FR for making stuff pretty LOL.[/size]

100 Words Minimum
An ambitious young hatchling she was, going out on her own very young and deciding she wanted to be the leader of something great! She grew up in the Wind territory, pondering and pondering her whole hatchlinghood away, trying to figure out what that was going to be. During her travels through the Windswept Plateau, she was sitting upon a rock, taking in the scenery, when a blue Fae crash landed into her. After both coming back to their senses, they struck up a conversation. After an evening of chatting, suddenly the sun was rising and they decided to become traveling partners. Why continue to go on alone?
Neither Coralia or Sparrow expected to fall for the other, neither really had the intention to fall for the other. They went in with the idea of being business partners more than anything else. Just wanting to make a place for all dragons to live and thrive and create. But their feelings had other plans and they started the clan with one of their own: Seamus.
From there, The Spectrum continued to grow as they met other travelers, made connections, and helped others who decided to stick around. It grew slowly but surely, and are a tight knit family of colorful dragons, covering all parts of the spectrum.
216 Words
I'm still contemplating on whether I'm going to put more clan stats in Coralia's bio since she's the clan leader, or if I'm going to do it on Sparrow's. There are so many ideas I have to share for the clan, and none at all at the same time xD So that's a big WIP I need to work out.
I'm still contemplating on whether I'm going to put more clan stats in Coralia's bio since she's the clan leader, or if I'm going to do it on Sparrow's. There are so many ideas I have to share for the clan, and none at all at the same time xD So that's a big WIP I need to work out.

50 Words Minimum
As you're finding your way through The Spectrum, you feel a large presence come up next to you. Looking up you see a pale white Guardian smiling warmly down at you,
"New to The Spectrum, are we?" Her voice is soft and soothing, it feels like a hug, "If you need any help with anything, please don't hesitate to call on me. I've been here a loooong time, I think I know my way around by now." Her chuckle is even soothing, you have no idea how.
"My name is Snowy, I'll let you get back to exploring." She dips her head politely and makes her way back on the path she was walking before. You almost miss a splatter-coated Obelisk trailing just behind her.
125 Words
My RNG really said "WRITE DANG IT!" because....I've been avoiding truly writing because I'm a very visual person and I love the code here on FR for making stuff pretty LOL.
My RNG really said "WRITE DANG IT!" because....I've been avoiding truly writing because I'm a very visual person and I love the code here on FR for making stuff pretty LOL.

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