
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [MJ23] RL Scavenger Hunt (CLOSED)
[center][img][/img] [/center] [center][size=6]Welcome all to Wind Flight's first ever real life scavenger hunt!![/size] [/center] [center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [size=4]Get ready! It's time to learn more about Wind's allied Harpy clans, and we need your help to do so. We've been invited by the Harpies to explore their city and territory to form a better understanding of their culture and to strengthen the alliance between Harpy and Dragonfolk. How you can help: We're tasking YOU with cataloging various aspects of Harpy life and culture to compile for our archives. We know many of the basics, but we'd love to use this opportunity to really dig deep and get to know our neighbors. [/size] [center][size=4][b]Are you up to the task?[/b][/size][/center] -------- [center][size=3]Open to all flights Runs Sunday, March 19th - [s]Sunday, April 2nd 6AM FRT [/s] [/size] [size=5] Due to the emergency maintenance, I am extending this until Monday, April 3th 6AM FRT[/size] [/center] --------
Welcome all to Wind Flight's first ever real life scavenger hunt!!

Get ready! It's time to learn more about Wind's allied Harpy clans, and we need your help to do so. We've been invited by the Harpies to explore their city and territory to form a better understanding of their culture and to strengthen the alliance between Harpy and Dragonfolk.

How you can help: We're tasking YOU with cataloging various aspects of Harpy life and culture to compile for our archives. We know many of the basics, but we'd love to use this opportunity to really dig deep and get to know our neighbors.

Are you up to the task?

Open to all flights
Runs Sunday, March 19th - Sunday, April 2nd 6AM FRT

Due to the emergency maintenance, I am extending this until Monday, April 3th 6AM FRT


GgsD4JX.png WL
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[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b]Entering[/b][/u][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img] [nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol][size=4] 1. Make one post that you'll edit to include your images. You may format your post however you'd like, but please keep the list in order. 2. Fill out [b][url=]this google form[/url][/b], which requires only your username, user ID number, and a link to your post. [/size][/columns] [center][size=6][u][b]Participating[/b][/u][/size][/center] [columns][size=4] 1. Make an ID card for yourself - this must include your username, user ID, and MJ 2023 (or Mistral Jamboree 23, MJ '23, etc). Feel free to get creative with it, but make sure your UN, ID, and Year are legible. (see below if you don't want to make your own) 2. Once you find an item on the list, take a picture of it [b]with your ID card[/b] in the shot. See examples below. 3. Upload your images to an image hosting site such as imgur or on discord. 4. Edit your post and include the hosted photo. [/size][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] ------------------ [center][size=5][u][b]Photo Examples[/b][/u][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color] [nextcol][size=4]Picture of the object with full ID card. It's clear and easy to read and the object is fully in frame. It's fine if the object is partially obscured. You do not need the full item in frame, just the majority of it. [/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color] [nextcol][size=4]Picture of the object with partial ID card. As long as you've posted your full ID card/a picture with the full one and part of the card is visible, it's fine if it's cut off or blurry. [/size][/columns] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol][size=4]Great picture of an object, but with no ID. If the ID is not present, I will not be able to count it![/size][/columns] ------------------ [center]Don't want to make your own ID card? Print one of these and include your username and user ID! Feel free to color, add stickers, whatever you'd like! [img][/img] ----------- [img][/img] [/center]
I5DuCYf.png ____
1. Make one post that you'll edit to include your images. You may format your post however you'd like, but please keep the list in order.

2. Fill out this google form, which requires only your username, user ID number, and a link to your post.


1. Make an ID card for yourself - this must include your username, user ID, and MJ 2023 (or Mistral Jamboree 23, MJ '23, etc). Feel free to get creative with it, but make sure your UN, ID, and Year are legible. (see below if you don't want to make your own)

2. Once you find an item on the list, take a picture of it with your ID card in the shot. See examples below.

3. Upload your images to an image hosting site such as imgur or on discord.

4. Edit your post and include the hosted photo.
____ Fbz39Nn.png

Photo Examples

qDtWX8j.jpg ____ Picture of the object with full ID card. It's clear and easy to read and the object is fully in frame. It's fine if the object is partially obscured. You do not need the full item in frame, just the majority of it.
zSPfmML.jpg ____ Picture of the object with partial ID card. As long as you've posted your full ID card/a picture with the full one and part of the card is visible, it's fine if it's cut off or blurry.
eesn3WV.jpg ____ Great picture of an object, but with no ID. If the ID is not present, I will not be able to count it!

Don't want to make your own ID card? Print one of these and include your username and user ID! Feel free to color, add stickers, whatever you'd like!


GgsD4JX.png WL
V click please? V
[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol] [center][size=6][u][b]Rules[/b][/u][/size][/center] [emoji=gust size=1][size=4] Your safety is the most important rule! I encourage exploration but never at the risk of harm to yourself, others, or the environment.[/size] [emoji=gust size=1][size=4] Digital safety is equally important. Please keep all posts within TOS rules: Do not post any pictures that may include identifying information such as faces, addresses, or place names. [/size] [center][size=6][u][b]Posting[/b][/u][/size][/center] [emoji=bamboo chute size=1][size=4] Entries must be made by [b]Sunday, April 2nd, 6AM FRT[/b]. [u]DO NOT EDIT AFTER THIS TIME[/u]. While I will be doing my best to keep up with what tasks you've completed, I won't count any new edits if it's after this time. [/size] [emoji=bamboo chute size=1][size=4] All images must belong to you and must be taken during the event run time.[/size] [emoji=bamboo chute size=1][size=4] All images must include your name badge unless otherwise noted.[/size] [emoji=bamboo chute size=1][size=4] Do not edit photos outside of cropping, blurring/removing identifying information, or pointing out specific items or features (arrows/circles).[/size] [/columns] [center]If you have any questions, please feel free to pm Farore or post in the thread and I'll do my best to answer as soon as possible. [/center]
q3MPw3Y.png ____
Your safety is the most important rule! I encourage exploration but never at the risk of harm to yourself, others, or the environment.

Digital safety is equally important. Please keep all posts within TOS rules: Do not post any pictures that may include identifying information such as faces, addresses, or place names.

Entries must be made by Sunday, April 2nd, 6AM FRT. DO NOT EDIT AFTER THIS TIME. While I will be doing my best to keep up with what tasks you've completed, I won't count any new edits if it's after this time.

All images must belong to you and must be taken during the event run time.

All images must include your name badge unless otherwise noted.

Do not edit photos outside of cropping, blurring/removing identifying information, or pointing out specific items or features (arrows/circles).

If you have any questions, please feel free to pm Farore or post in the thread and I'll do my best to answer as soon as possible.

GgsD4JX.png WL
V click please? V
[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b]Tasks[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] As you journey through the Harpy settlements, please help us build our knowledge of our allies by finding the following: [b][size=4]Introduction:[/size] [/b] [size=2][i]5 points[/i][/size] Pick a dragon to represent your exploration and tell us a little about you, your clan, or your dragon.* & Post your ID card [b][size=4]General knowledge:[/size] [/b] [size=2][i]5 points each[/i][/size] 1. Something colorful 2. Something decorated 3. Festive Decoration 4. A harpy-inspired piece of art or written record [b]Physical Attributes[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 5. bird 6. feather 7. egg or nest 8. claw 9. hair adornment [b]Diet[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 10. baked good 11. vegetable 12. prepared dish 13. seasoning or garnish 14. serving dish 15. kettle [b]Trade & Artistry[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 16. pigments / paints / powder 17. a coin or coins 18. decorated pottery 19. beads 20. blank canvas 21. tapestry / scarf 22. colored pencils, crayons, or pastels [b]Clan Structure[/b] [size=2][i]10 points[/i][/size] 23. eldest female-identifying dragon in participant's clan[size=2][sup]*[/sup][/size] [b]Cities & Architecture[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 24. cliff /rocky edge / crag 25. tall place/structure 26. bridge 27. graffiti/urban art/mural/street art [b]Combat[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 28. group of things 29. mask / face covering 30. your coli team* [b]Alliances & Feuds:[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 31. scholarly knowledge 32. a gift 33. something woolen [b]Local Environment:[/b] [size=2][i]15 points each[/i][/size] 34. flowers 35. bamboo 36. balloon or kite 37. pinwheel 38. crystal or stone 39. stream, brook, creak/small body of water 40. a wind dragon in your lair, or dragon with Harpy familiar* --------------------- [size=2]*does not need to include username ticket[/size] --------------------- [center][url=]Tracking spreadsheet[/url][/center] [center][url=]Checklist version of task list[/url][/center] Make a copy for yourself to use the check boxes by going to File > Make a Copy or print out as is! ------------- Feel free to format your post however you'd like, but here's what I used for the list. No imagines are included. [code][b][size=4]Introduction:[/size] [/b] [size=2][i]5 points[/i][/size] Pick a dragon to represent your exploration and tell us a little about you, your clan, or your dragon. & Post your ID card [b][size=4]General knowledge:[/size] [/b] [size=2][i]5 points each[/i][/size] 1. Something colorful 2. Something decorated 3. Festive Decoration 4. A harpy-inspired piece of art or written record [b]Physical Attributes[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 5. bird 6. feather 7. egg or nest 8. claw 9. hair adornment [b]Diet[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 10. baked good 11. vegetable 12. prepared dish 13. seasoning or garnish 14. serving dish 15. kettle [b]Trade & Artistry[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 16. pigments / paints / powder 17. a coin or coins 18. decorated pottery 19. beads 20. blank canvas 21. tapestry / scarf 22. colored pencils, crayons, or pastels [b]Clan Structure[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 23. eldest female-identifying dragon in participant's clan[size=2][sup]*[/sup][/size] [b]Cities & Architecture[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 24. cliff /rocky edge / crag 25. tall place/structure 26. bridge 27. graffiti/urban art/mural/street art [b]Combat[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 28. group of things 29. mask / face covering 30. your coli team* [b]Alliances & Feuds:[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 31. scholarly knowledge 32. a gift 33. something woolen [b]Local Environment:[/b] [size=2][i]15 points each[/i][/size] 34. flowers 35. bamboo 36. balloon or kite 37. pinwheel 38. crystal or stone 39. stream, brook, creak/small body of water 40. a wind dragon in your lair, or dragon with Harpy familiar* [/code]

As you journey through the Harpy settlements, please help us build our knowledge of our allies by finding the following:

5 points
Pick a dragon to represent your exploration and tell us a little about you, your clan, or your dragon.*
& Post your ID card

General knowledge:
5 points each
1. Something colorful
2. Something decorated
3. Festive Decoration
4. A harpy-inspired piece of art or written record

Physical Attributes
10 points each
5. bird
6. feather
7. egg or nest
8. claw
9. hair adornment

10 points each
10. baked good
11. vegetable
12. prepared dish
13. seasoning or garnish
14. serving dish
15. kettle

Trade & Artistry
10 points each
16. pigments / paints / powder
17. a coin or coins
18. decorated pottery
19. beads
20. blank canvas
21. tapestry / scarf
22. colored pencils, crayons, or pastels

Clan Structure
10 points
23. eldest female-identifying dragon in participant's clan*

Cities & Architecture
10 points each
24. cliff /rocky edge / crag
25. tall place/structure
26. bridge
27. graffiti/urban art/mural/street art

10 points each
28. group of things
29. mask / face covering
30. your coli team*

Alliances & Feuds:
10 points each
31. scholarly knowledge
32. a gift
33. something woolen

Local Environment:
15 points each
34. flowers
35. bamboo
36. balloon or kite
37. pinwheel
38. crystal or stone
39. stream, brook, creak/small body of water
40. a wind dragon in your lair, or dragon with Harpy familiar*

*does not need to include username ticket
Make a copy for yourself to use the check boxes by going to File > Make a Copy or print out as is!

Feel free to format your post however you'd like, but here's what I used for the list. No imagines are included.
[b][size=4]Introduction:[/size] [/b] [size=2][i]5 points[/i][/size] Pick a dragon to represent your exploration and tell us a little about you, your clan, or your dragon. & Post your ID card [b][size=4]General knowledge:[/size] [/b] [size=2][i]5 points each[/i][/size] 1. Something colorful 2. Something decorated 3. Festive Decoration 4. A harpy-inspired piece of art or written record [b]Physical Attributes[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 5. bird 6. feather 7. egg or nest 8. claw 9. hair adornment [b]Diet[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 10. baked good 11. vegetable 12. prepared dish 13. seasoning or garnish 14. serving dish 15. kettle [b]Trade & Artistry[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 16. pigments / paints / powder 17. a coin or coins 18. decorated pottery 19. beads 20. blank canvas 21. tapestry / scarf 22. colored pencils, crayons, or pastels [b]Clan Structure[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 23. eldest female-identifying dragon in participant's clan[size=2][sup]*[/sup][/size] [b]Cities & Architecture[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 24. cliff /rocky edge / crag 25. tall place/structure 26. bridge 27. graffiti/urban art/mural/street art [b]Combat[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 28. group of things 29. mask / face covering 30. your coli team* [b]Alliances & Feuds:[/b] [size=2][i]10 points each[/i][/size] 31. scholarly knowledge 32. a gift 33. something woolen [b]Local Environment:[/b] [size=2][i]15 points each[/i][/size] 34. flowers 35. bamboo 36. balloon or kite 37. pinwheel 38. crystal or stone 39. stream, brook, creak/small body of water 40. a wind dragon in your lair, or dragon with Harpy familiar*

GgsD4JX.png WL
V click please? V
[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b]FAQ[/b][/u][/size][/center] [b]Do I have to complete every challenge to be eligible for prizes or badges? [/b] No! Each task is worth a set amount of points. 1 point = 1 ticket towards winning a prize. The more tasks you complete, the more entries you'll have to win. You can get up to 420 tickets max. The participation badge may be claimed with your first task (yes it can be a non-photo task). The completion badge may be claimed when you've finished every task and I've let you know you can claim it! [b]How do prizes work? [/b] The tasks you complete is the amount of entries you have towards the prizes; 420 tickets per person is max. Prizes will be drawn using a random number generator in batches of 10 with the names in order. The first person will list their choice, second person will list their top 2 choices, etc. You can only win once unless there are enough prizes/few enough people to repeat once everyone has a won something. [b]Can I use one picture for multiple tasks?[/b] Yes! Please list what tasks you're using the picture for. [b]What if I can't complete a task due to access, ability, etc? [/b] Some tasks are meant to be hard, but tasks are also open to interpretation. For instance, a claw could be a cat claw, an illustrated dragon claw, a claw machine, or even acrylic nails. While most are straight-forward, feel free to get creative with your entries. If you still are unable to complete a task, pm me and I'll see what we can do. And again, [u]safety first[/u] - never put yourself in a dangerous situation for this hunt! (**if the food section is not supportive to you, you can pm me). [b]Can I change my responses?[/b] Sure! If you find something that you feel fits the task better, go ahead and either edit or add to it. However, please know that responses are counted once and you will not receive additional points. [b]Can I make multiple posts?[/b] You [i]can[/i] but it's easier for me if you make a single post and edit it. If you do make multiple posts, it would be helpful if you link to your other posts when you do! It's fine if you want to wait to add all your pictures at once or add them as you go along. Just make sure your final edit is before the end time above. If you want to post other things in the thread such as questions or comments on other people's responses, go for it!! [b]How do I...?[/b] [u]Host images:[/u] I suggest using imgur! You'll need to sign up for an account first. After you have an account, click the "New Post" button on the top left of the screen. You can then either drag the image(s) from your computer folder or select them. [u]Post images (from imgur): [/u] When you view your uploaded image, hover over it and there should be a 3-dot menu in the top right corner of the image. Click that and then click "Get share Links" and copy and paste the one under "BBCode (Forums)". You may also copy the "Share Link" url and use Flight Rising's Insert Image button. OR you can also just type: [code][img]linktophotohere.png[/img][/code] -------------------------------- [center]If you have any additional questions feel free to post or pm me! :) [img][/img] [/center]

Do I have to complete every challenge to be eligible for prizes or badges?
No! Each task is worth a set amount of points. 1 point = 1 ticket towards winning a prize. The more tasks you complete, the more entries you'll have to win. You can get up to 420 tickets max.

The participation badge may be claimed with your first task (yes it can be a non-photo task). The completion badge may be claimed when you've finished every task and I've let you know you can claim it!

How do prizes work?
The tasks you complete is the amount of entries you have towards the prizes; 420 tickets per person is max.
Prizes will be drawn using a random number generator in batches of 10 with the names in order. The first person will list their choice, second person will list their top 2 choices, etc. You can only win once unless there are enough prizes/few enough people to repeat once everyone has a won something.

Can I use one picture for multiple tasks?
Yes! Please list what tasks you're using the picture for.

What if I can't complete a task due to access, ability, etc?
Some tasks are meant to be hard, but tasks are also open to interpretation. For instance, a claw could be a cat claw, an illustrated dragon claw, a claw machine, or even acrylic nails. While most are straight-forward, feel free to get creative with your entries. If you still are unable to complete a task, pm me and I'll see what we can do. And again, safety first - never put yourself in a dangerous situation for this hunt! (**if the food section is not supportive to you, you can pm me).

Can I change my responses?
Sure! If you find something that you feel fits the task better, go ahead and either edit or add to it. However, please know that responses are counted once and you will not receive additional points.

Can I make multiple posts?
You can but it's easier for me if you make a single post and edit it. If you do make multiple posts, it would be helpful if you link to your other posts when you do! It's fine if you want to wait to add all your pictures at once or add them as you go along. Just make sure your final edit is before the end time above.

If you want to post other things in the thread such as questions or comments on other people's responses, go for it!!

How do I...?

Host images: I suggest using imgur! You'll need to sign up for an account first. After you have an account, click the "New Post" button on the top left of the screen. You can then either drag the image(s) from your computer folder or select them.

Post images (from imgur):
When you view your uploaded image, hover over it and there should be a 3-dot menu in the top right corner of the image. Click that and then click "Get share Links" and copy and paste the one under "BBCode (Forums)".

You may also copy the "Share Link" url and use Flight Rising's Insert Image button. OR you can also just type:

If you have any additional questions feel free to post or pm me! :)

GgsD4JX.png WL
V click please? V
[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b]Badges[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center][size=4][u][b]Participation Badge[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center]The participation badge may be claimed with the posting of at least 1 task. [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [/center] [center][size=4][u][b]Finisher Badge[/b][/u][/size][/center] [center]The finisher badge may be claimed when you complete all tasks! Please wait to claim until Farore pings/messages you! [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code] [img][/img] [code][img][/img][/code][/center] [center]A huge thank you to BeeWhisperer for making these. [/center] ------------------------------
Participation Badge
The participation badge may be claimed with the posting of at least 1 task.




Finisher Badge
The finisher badge may be claimed when you complete all tasks!
Please wait to claim until Farore pings/messages you!




A huge thank you to BeeWhisperer for making these.


GgsD4JX.png WL
V click please? V
[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b]Prizes[/b][/u][/size][/center] [b][center][size=5]Vista, Scenes, Den items[/size][/center][/b] [center] [quote="Den items"][item=Iridescent Cloth][item=Sweetpuff Feather][item=Zalis Weaving][item=Cheerful Chime][item=Featherfall Pack][item=Harpy Masque][item=Pristine Harpy Leathers][item=Prehnite] [size=2]Iridescent Cloth x 15, Sweetpuff Feather x15, Zalis Weaving x15, Cheerful Chime x 20, Featherfall Pack x5, Harpy Masque x10, Pristine Harpy Leathers x15, Prehnite x15[/size] [/quote] [b][center][size=5]Apparel[/size][/center][/b] [quote="Tropical bird"] [img],2985,2986,2987,2988,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Tropical Birdskull Armband][item=Tropical Birdskull Headdress][item=Tropical Birdskull Legband][item=Tropical Birdskull Necklace][item=Tropical Birdskull Wingpiece] [size=2]Tropical Birdskull Armband, Tropical Birdskull Headdress, Tropical Birdskull Legband, Tropical Birdskull Necklace, Tropical Birdskull Wingpiece[/size] [/quote] [quote="Brown bird"] [img],281,283,282,284,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Brown Birdskull Armband][item=Brown Birdskull Headdress][item=Brown Birdskull Legband][item=Brown Birdskull Necklace][item=Brown Birdskull Wingpiece] [size=2]Brown Birdskull Armband, Brown Birdskull Headdress, Brown Birdskull Legband, Brown Birdskull Necklace, Brown Birdskull Wingpiece[/size] [/quote] [/center] -------- -------- [center][size=6][u][b]Claimed[/b][/u][/size] [quote="Call to the Sky"][item=Accent: Call to the Sky] [size=2]Accent: Call to the Sky[/size] [/quote] polefish [quote="Shiny"][item=prismatic token][item=Gilded Decorative Chest] [size=2]Prismatic Token x1, Gilded Decorative Chest x5[/size][/quote] TETRAHEDR0N [quote="Ancient Aerie genes (Modern)"][item=Primary Gene: Boulder][item=Secondary Gene: Myrid] [size=2]Primary Gene: Boulder x1, Secondary Gene: Myrid x1[/size] [/quote] Snowpiercer [quote="Pigment"][center][b][size=4]Level 25 - g1 - battlestones[/size][/b][/center] [center][columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][item=Breed Change: Banescale] [item=Primary Gene: Pinstripe (Banescale)] [item=Secondary Gene: Seraph (Banescale)] [item=Tertiary Gene: Plumage (Banescale)] [/columns] [item=Scratch] [item=shred][item=sap][item=eliminate] [item=berserker][item=berserker][item=berserker] [item=ambush][item=ambush] [/center] [center][emoji=peacock feather size=1]Scry with genes [emoji=peacock feather size=1] [/center] [center] [img][/img][/center] [size=2]Level 25, g1 - comes with the following: Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Pinstripe (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Seraph (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Plumage (Banescale)|| Battlestones: Scratch, Shred, Sap, Eliminate, Berserker x3, Ambush x2[/size] [/quote] beargirl1393 [quote="Breath of the Wind"][item=Accent: Breath of the Wind] [size=2]Accent: Breath of the Wind[/size][/quote] PsydrateSky [quote="Mistral Goods"][item=Wind Aura][item=Song of the Western Wind][item=Breezeback Slink][item=Scene: Windsinger's Domain] [item=messengers scroll]x99 [size=2]Wind Aura x1, Song of the Western Wind x1, Breezeback Slink x1, Scene: Windsinger's Domain x1, Messengers Scroll x99 [/size] [/quote] sockmonkeygerald [quote="Wind's ambassador"][item=aerborne ambassador] [size=2]Aerborne Ambassador[/size][/quote] ThrenHasHat [quote="Map Kit"] [img],22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=map kit] [size=2]Map Kit[/size][/quote] LuckyStarline [quote="Windsong Adept"][item=Skin: Windsong Adept] [size=2]Skin: Windsong Adept[/size] [/quote] SherlockWolf [quote="Magical colors"]Winner's [b]choice of 1[/b] "Unicorn Magic" gem bundle: Flaxen, Obsidian, Scarlet, Seaweed, or Sunrise unicorn magic [item=Sunrise Unicorn Magic] [img],32295,32297,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [/quote] Islet - obsidian set [quote="Brewed MJ looks"][item=Skin: Gustgather Guise][item=Skin: Chiming In] [size=2]Skin: Gustgather Guise, Skin: Chiming In[/size] [/quote] windymountaintop [quote="Harpy egg"][item=Unhatched Nocturne Egg][item=Iron Treasure Chest] [size=2]Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1, Iron Treasure Chest x5[/size][/quote] Pygo [quote="Harpies and friends"][item=mesacliff painter][item=windcarve miller][item=Windcarve Bladedancer][item=Mesacliff Assassin][item=Masked Harpy][item=Stonewatch Harpy][item=Chillwind Harpy][item=Stormcloud Harpy][item=Harpy Ancestor][item=Bonecarver Ancient][item=Windcarve Fugitive][item=Stonewatch Prince][item=Windcarve Harpy] [item=veiled vision][item=Masked Phantom][item=sunspot clouddancer][item=clouddancer][item=bush dodo][item=Pet Roc] [size=2]1 of each of: Mesacliff Painter, Windcarve Miller, Windcarve Bladedancer, Mesacliff Assassin, Masked Harpy, Stonewatch Harpy, Chillwind Harpy, Stormcloud Harpy, Harpy Ancestor, Bonecarver Ancient, Windcarve Fugitive, Stonewatch Prince, Windcarve Harpy Veiled Vision, Masked Phantom, Sunspot Clouddancer, Clouddancer, Bush Dodo, Pet Roc[/size][/quote] hzsky [quote="Rainbow starsilks"] [img],30859,30860,30861,30862,30863,30864,30865,30866,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Rainbow Starsilk Circlet][item=Rainbow Starsilk Cloak][item=Rainbow Starsilk Earrings][item=Rainbow Starsilk Scarf][item=Rainbow Starsilk Shawl][item=Rainbow Starsilk Sleeves][item=Rainbow Starsilk Socks][item=Rainbow Starsilk Tailwrap][item=Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes] [size=2]Rainbow Starsilk Circlet, Rainbow Starsilk Cloak, Rainbow Starsilk Earrings, Rainbow Starsilk Scarf, Rainbow Starsilk Shawl, Rainbow Starsilk Sleeves, Rainbow Starsilk Socks, Rainbow Starsilk Tailwrap, Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes[/size] [/quote] Juxta13 [quote="Colors of the wind"] [img],11226,6705,7684,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=spring's breath][item=summer swelter][item=autumn breeze][item=winter wind] [size=2]Spring's Breath, Summer Swelter, Autumn Breeze, Winter Wind[/size] [/quote] Ajgreelyfan3 [quote="Ancient Aerie genes (Ancient)"][item=Primary Gene: Candy (Aether)][item=Secondary Gene: Icing (Aether)] [size=2]Primary Gene: Candy (Aether) x1, Secondary Gene: Icing (Aether) x1[/size] [/quote] Mazatl23 [quote="Spring Breeze"][item=Skin: Spring Breeze] [size=2]Skin: Spring Breeze[/size] [/quote] Kywren [quote="A Pearl's Refraction"][item=Accent: A Pearl's Refraction] [size=2]Accent: A Pearl's Refraction[/size] [/quote] awsten [quote="Friend Budgies"][img],22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Friend Budgies] [size=2]Friend Budgies[/size][/quote] ProbablyAlien [quote="Sapphire Feathers"][img],5403,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Sapphire Feathered Wings][item=Sapphire Tail Feathers] [size=2]Sapphire Feathered Wings, Sapphire Tail Feathers [/size][/quote] lunawolf23 [quote="A Grand Feast"] [item=Frost Whisper][item=Fallout Whisper][item=Engorged Skytick] [item=Vampiric Featherflea][item=Blue Fly][item=Craig Fly] [item=Dodo Leg][item=Spurred Dodo Leg][item=Dodo Wing] [item=Greyback Sparrow][item=Sunspot Sparrow][item=Squall Seeker][item=Omen Seeker] [item=Dogtooth Wrasse][item=Blacksaddle Wrasse][item=Eyebiter][item=Bluemoon Dartling][item=Renegade Dartling] [item=Cliffside Milkweed][item=Golden Milkweed][item=Maple Seed][item=Stonewatch Flatblade][item=Stonewatch Scrub] [size=2] Frost Whisper x99, Fallout Whisper x99, Engorged Skytick x99, Vampiric Featherflea x99, Blue Fly x99, Craig Fly x99 Dodo Leg x99, Spurred Dodo Leg x99, Dodo Wing x99, Greyback Sparrow x99, Sunspot Sparrow x99, Squall Seeker x99, Omen Seeker x99 Dogtooth Wrasse x99, Blacksaddle Wrasse x99, Eyebiter x99, Bluemoon Dartling x99, Renegade Dartling x99 Cliffside Milkweed x99, Golden Milkweed x99, Maple Seed x99, Stonewatch Flatblade x99, Stonewatch Scrub x99[/size] [/quote] Zenhugz [quote="Laced"][item=Primary Gene: Laced] [size=2]Primary Gene: Laced[/size] [/quote] Airplanefoxx [quote="Wind Bearers"][item=Accent: Wind Bearers] [size=2]Accent: Wind Bearers[/size][/quote] Nabriales [quote="Cloudy Feathers"][img],5159,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Cloudy Feathered Wings][item=Cloudy Tail Feathers] [size=2]Cloudy Feathered Wings, Cloudy Tail Feathers [/size] [/quote] Xirei [quote=Orchid Feathers"][img],5401,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Orchid Feathered Wings][item=Orchid Tail Feathers] [size=2]Orchid Feathered Wings, Orchid Tail Feathers [/size][/quote] Goldia [quote="Scenes"][item=Scene: Harpy City][item=Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon] [size=2]Scene: Harpy City, Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon[/size][/quote] xenonentity [quote="Airheaded"][item=Accent: Airheaded] [size=2]Accent: Airheaded[/size][/quote] L1br4 [quote="Skilled Bonecarver"] [img],45158,45182,45171,45179,45163,45166,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2]Skilled Bonecarver's Cage, Skilled Bonecarver's Claws, Skilled Bonecarver's Jar, Skilled Bonecarver's Mask, Skilled Bonecarver's Scythe, Skilled Bonecarver's Spine, Skilled Bonecarver's Wings[/size][/quote] Sharanay [quote="Wise Bonecarver"] [img],45157,45165,45181,45180,45172,45164,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2]Wise Bonecarver's Cage, Wise Bonecarver's Claws, Wise Bonecarver's Jar, Wise Bonecarver's Mask, Wise Bonecarver's Scythe, Wise Bonecarver's Spine, Wise Bonecarver's Wings[/size][/quote] Kahvinporo [quote="Brave Bonecarver"] [img],45175,45162,45170,45178,45167,45183,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2]Brave Bonecarver's Cage, Brave Bonecarver's Claws, Brave Bonecarver's Jar, Brave Bonecarver's Mask, Brave Bonecarver's Scythe, Brave Bonecarver's Spine, Brave Bonecarver's Wings[/size][/quote] Zytolo [quote="Golden bird"] [img],2975,2976,2977,2978,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Golden Birdskull Armband][item=Golden Birdskull Headdress][item=Golden Birdskull Legband][item=Golden Birdskull Necklace][item=Golden Birdskull Wingpiece] [size=2]Golden Birdskull Armband, Golden Birdskull Headdress, Golden Birdskull Legband, Golden Birdskull Necklace, Golden Birdskull Wingpiece[/size] [/quote] WanderingTurtle [quote="Rose Feathers"][img],5402,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Rose Feathered Wings][item=Rose Tail Feathers] [size=2]Rose Feathered Wings, Rose Tail Feathers [/size][/quote] Doozie [quote="Supportive Bonecarver"] [img],45176,45168,45161,45169,45177,45184,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [size=2]Supportive Bonecarver's Cage, Supportive Bonecarver's Claws, Supportive Bonecarver's Jar, Supportive Bonecarver's Mask, Supportive Bonecarver's Scythe, Supportive Bonecarver's Spine, Supportive Bonecarver's Wings[/size][/quote] dragonlady1803 [quote="Wavespun Feathers"][img],5405,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Wavespun Feathered Wings][item=Wavespun Tail Feathers] [size=2]Wavespun Feathered Wings, Wavespun Tail Feathers [/size] [/quote] PawnsVictory [quote="All Roads Lead To..."][item=Skin: All Roads Lead To...] [size=2]Skin: All Roads Lead To...[/size][/quote] Cronch [quote="Purple bird"] [img],2980,2981,2982,2983,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Purple Birdskull Armband][item=Purple Birdskull Headdress][item=Purple Birdskull Legband][item=Purple Birdskull Necklace][item=Purple Birdskull Wingpiece] [size=2]Purple Birdskull Armband, Purple Birdskull Headdress, Purple Birdskull Legband, Purple Birdskull Necklace, Purple Birdskull Wingpiece[/size] [/quote] PetriDish [quote="Chestnut Feathers"][img],5396,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Chestnut Feathered Wings][item=Chestnut Tail Feathers] [size=2]Chestnut Feathered Wings, Chestnut Tail Feathers [/size][/quote] Shrapnarl [quote="Crimson Feathers"][img],5398,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Crimson Feathered Wings][item=Crimson Tail Feathers] [size=2]Crimson Feathered Wings, Crimson Tail Feathers [/size][/quote] Beatoriche [quote="Sunburst Feathers"][img],5404,22046&xt=dressing.png[/img] [item=Sunburst Feathered Wings][item=Sunburst Tail Feathers] [size=2]Sunburst Feathered Wings, Sunburst Tail Feathers [/size] [/quote] SatyrGatyr [quote="Vista"][item=Vista: Harpy's Roost] [size=2]Vista: Harpy's Roost[/size][/quote] odyssia

Vista, Scenes, Den items
Den items wrote:
Iridescent Cloth Sweetpuff Feather Zalis Weaving Cheerful Chime Featherfall Pack Harpy Masque Pristine Harpy Leathers Prehnite
Iridescent Cloth x 15, Sweetpuff Feather x15, Zalis Weaving x15, Cheerful Chime x 20, Featherfall Pack x5, Harpy Masque x10, Pristine Harpy Leathers x15, Prehnite x15


Tropical bird wrote:
Tropical Birdskull Armband Tropical Birdskull Headdress Tropical Birdskull Legband Tropical Birdskull Necklace Tropical Birdskull Wingpiece
Tropical Birdskull Armband, Tropical Birdskull Headdress, Tropical Birdskull Legband, Tropical Birdskull Necklace, Tropical Birdskull Wingpiece
Brown bird wrote:
Brown Birdskull Armband Brown Birdskull Headdress Brown Birdskull Legband Brown Birdskull Necklace Brown Birdskull Wingpiece
Brown Birdskull Armband, Brown Birdskull Headdress, Brown Birdskull Legband, Brown Birdskull Necklace, Brown Birdskull Wingpiece

Call to the Sky wrote:
Accent: Call to the Sky
Accent: Call to the Sky

Shiny wrote:
Prismatic Token Gilded Decorative Chest
Prismatic Token x1, Gilded Decorative Chest x5

Ancient Aerie genes (Modern) wrote:
Primary Gene: Boulder Secondary Gene: Myrid
Primary Gene: Boulder x1, Secondary Gene: Myrid x1

Pigment wrote:
Level 25 - g1 - battlestones
73848631_350.png Breed Change: Banescale

Shred Sap Eliminate
Berserker Berserker Berserker
Ambush Ambush
Scry with genes
Level 25, g1 - comes with the following: Breed Change: Banescale, Primary Gene: Pinstripe (Banescale), Secondary Gene: Seraph (Banescale), Tertiary Gene: Plumage (Banescale)|| Battlestones: Scratch, Shred, Sap, Eliminate, Berserker x3, Ambush x2
Breath of the Wind wrote:
Accent: Breath of the Wind
Accent: Breath of the Wind
Mistral Goods wrote:
Wind Aura Song of the Western Wind Breezeback Slink Scene: Windsinger's Domain
Wind Aura x1, Song of the Western Wind x1, Breezeback Slink x1, Scene: Windsinger's Domain x1,
Messengers Scroll x99
Wind's ambassador wrote:
Aerborne Ambassador
Aerborne Ambassador
Map Kit wrote:
Map Kit
Map Kit
Windsong Adept wrote:
Skin: Windsong Adept
Skin: Windsong Adept
Magical colors wrote:
Winner's choice of 1 "Unicorn Magic" gem bundle: Flaxen, Obsidian, Scarlet, Seaweed, or Sunrise unicorn magic
Sunrise Unicorn Magic
Islet - obsidian set
Brewed MJ looks wrote:
Skin: Gustgather Guise Skin: Chiming In
Skin: Gustgather Guise, Skin: Chiming In
Harpy egg wrote:
Unhatched Nocturne Egg Iron Treasure Chest
Unhatched Nocturne Egg x1, Iron Treasure Chest x5
Harpies and friends wrote:
Mesacliff Painter Windcarve Miller Windcarve Bladedancer Mesacliff Assassin Masked Harpy Stonewatch Harpy Chillwind Harpy Stormcloud Harpy Harpy Ancestor Bonecarver Ancient Windcarve Fugitive Stonewatch Prince Windcarve Harpy

Veiled Vision Masked Phantom Sunspot Clouddancer Clouddancer Pet Roc

1 of each of: Mesacliff Painter, Windcarve Miller, Windcarve Bladedancer, Mesacliff Assassin, Masked Harpy, Stonewatch Harpy, Chillwind Harpy, Stormcloud Harpy, Harpy Ancestor, Bonecarver Ancient, Windcarve Fugitive, Stonewatch Prince, Windcarve Harpy
Veiled Vision, Masked Phantom, Sunspot Clouddancer, Clouddancer, Bush Dodo, Pet Roc
Rainbow starsilks wrote:
Rainbow Starsilk Circlet Rainbow Starsilk Cloak Rainbow Starsilk Earrings Rainbow Starsilk Scarf Rainbow Starsilk Shawl Rainbow Starsilk Sleeves Rainbow Starsilk Socks Rainbow Starsilk Tailwrap Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes
Rainbow Starsilk Circlet, Rainbow Starsilk Cloak, Rainbow Starsilk Earrings, Rainbow Starsilk Scarf, Rainbow Starsilk Shawl, Rainbow Starsilk Sleeves, Rainbow Starsilk Socks, Rainbow Starsilk Tailwrap, Rainbow Starsilk Wingdrapes
Colors of the wind wrote:
Spring's Breath Summer Swelter Autumn Breeze Winter Wind
Spring's Breath, Summer Swelter, Autumn Breeze, Winter Wind

Ancient Aerie genes (Ancient) wrote:

Primary Gene: Candy (Aether) x1, Secondary Gene: Icing (Aether) x1
Spring Breeze wrote:
Skin: Spring Breeze
Skin: Spring Breeze
A Pearl's Refraction wrote:
Accent: A Pearl's Refraction
Accent: A Pearl's Refraction
Friend Budgies wrote:
Friend Budgies
Friend Budgies
Sapphire Feathers wrote:
Sapphire Feathered Wings Sapphire Tail Feathers
Sapphire Feathered Wings, Sapphire Tail Feathers
A Grand Feast wrote:
Frost Whisper Fallout Whisper Engorged Skytick
Vampiric Featherflea Blue Fly Craig Fly
Dodo Leg Spurred Dodo Leg Dodo Wing
Greyback Sparrow Sunspot Sparrow Squall Seeker Omen Seeker
Dogtooth Wrasse Blacksaddle Wrasse Eyebiter Bluemoon Dartling Renegade Dartling
Cliffside Milkweed Golden Milkweed Maple Seed Stonewatch Flatblade Stonewatch Scrub

Frost Whisper x99, Fallout Whisper x99, Engorged Skytick x99, Vampiric Featherflea x99, Blue Fly x99, Craig Fly x99
Dodo Leg x99, Spurred Dodo Leg x99, Dodo Wing x99, Greyback Sparrow x99, Sunspot Sparrow x99, Squall Seeker x99, Omen Seeker x99
Dogtooth Wrasse x99, Blacksaddle Wrasse x99, Eyebiter x99, Bluemoon Dartling x99, Renegade Dartling x99
Cliffside Milkweed x99, Golden Milkweed x99, Maple Seed x99, Stonewatch Flatblade x99, Stonewatch Scrub x99
Laced wrote:
Primary Gene: Laced
Primary Gene: Laced
Wind Bearers wrote:
Accent: Wind Bearers
Accent: Wind Bearers
Cloudy Feathers wrote:
Cloudy Feathered Wings Cloudy Tail Feathers
Cloudy Feathered Wings, Cloudy Tail Feathers
Orchid Feathers" wrote:
Orchid Feathered Wings Orchid Tail Feathers
Orchid Feathered Wings, Orchid Tail Feathers
Scenes wrote:
Scene: Harpy City Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon
Scene: Harpy City, Scene: Ancient Harpy Canyon
Airheaded wrote:
Accent: Airheaded
Accent: Airheaded
Skilled Bonecarver wrote:
Skilled Bonecarver's Cage, Skilled Bonecarver's Claws, Skilled Bonecarver's Jar, Skilled Bonecarver's Mask, Skilled Bonecarver's Scythe, Skilled Bonecarver's Spine, Skilled Bonecarver's Wings
Wise Bonecarver wrote:
Wise Bonecarver's Cage, Wise Bonecarver's Claws, Wise Bonecarver's Jar, Wise Bonecarver's Mask, Wise Bonecarver's Scythe, Wise Bonecarver's Spine, Wise Bonecarver's Wings
Brave Bonecarver wrote:
Brave Bonecarver's Cage, Brave Bonecarver's Claws, Brave Bonecarver's Jar, Brave Bonecarver's Mask, Brave Bonecarver's Scythe, Brave Bonecarver's Spine, Brave Bonecarver's Wings
Golden bird wrote:
Golden Birdskull Armband Golden Birdskull Headdress Golden Birdskull Legband Golden Birdskull Necklace Golden Birdskull Wingpiece
Golden Birdskull Armband, Golden Birdskull Headdress, Golden Birdskull Legband, Golden Birdskull Necklace, Golden Birdskull Wingpiece
Rose Feathers wrote:
Rose Feathered Wings Rose Tail Feathers
Rose Feathered Wings, Rose Tail Feathers
Supportive Bonecarver wrote:
Supportive Bonecarver's Cage, Supportive Bonecarver's Claws, Supportive Bonecarver's Jar, Supportive Bonecarver's Mask, Supportive Bonecarver's Scythe, Supportive Bonecarver's Spine, Supportive Bonecarver's Wings
Wavespun Feathers wrote:
Wavespun Feathered Wings Wavespun Tail Feathers
Wavespun Feathered Wings, Wavespun Tail Feathers
All Roads Lead To... wrote:
Skin: All Roads Lead To...
Skin: All Roads Lead To...
Purple bird wrote:
Purple Birdskull Armband Purple Birdskull Headdress Purple Birdskull Legband Purple Birdskull Necklace Purple Birdskull Wingpiece
Purple Birdskull Armband, Purple Birdskull Headdress, Purple Birdskull Legband, Purple Birdskull Necklace, Purple Birdskull Wingpiece
Chestnut Feathers wrote:
Chestnut Feathered Wings Chestnut Tail Feathers
Chestnut Feathered Wings, Chestnut Tail Feathers
Crimson Feathers wrote:
Crimson Feathered Wings Crimson Tail Feathers
Crimson Feathered Wings, Crimson Tail Feathers
Sunburst Feathers wrote:
Sunburst Feathered Wings Sunburst Tail Feathers
Sunburst Feathered Wings, Sunburst Tail Feathers
Vista wrote:
Vista: Harpy's Roost
Vista: Harpy's Roost

GgsD4JX.png WL
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[center][size=2] | [color=#68AD00][url=]MJ 2023 Hub[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Intro[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Entry[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Rules[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Tasks[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]FAQ[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Badges[/url][/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Prizes[/color] | [color=#68AD00][url=]Credits[/color] |[/size][/center] [center][size=6][u][b]Credits & Acknowledgements[/b][/u][/size][/center] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]____[/color][nextcol][size=4] Big thank you to Nature flight for the inspiration! Definitely check out their scavenger hunts in the future! @/BeeWhisperer (badges + prizes) @/MythicalViper (main banner) @/WanderingTurtle @/shiro3tora @/Zombrigit @/L1BR4 @/KaitoWang I could not have done this without the help of all of you. Between brainstorming with me and donating prizes, you really helped me make this event special. Thank you all again!! A huge extra special shoutout to BeeWhisperer who made our beautiful badges and donated a number of prizes including the dragon! Thank you all for making this first time event one to remember!! [/size][/columns]
Credits & Acknowledgements
lm5jTPZ.png ____
Big thank you to Nature flight for the inspiration!
Definitely check out their scavenger hunts in the future!

@/BeeWhisperer (badges + prizes)
@/MythicalViper (main banner)

I could not have done this without the help of all of you. Between brainstorming with me and donating prizes, you really helped me make this event special. Thank you all again!! A huge extra special shoutout to BeeWhisperer who made our beautiful badges and donated a number of prizes including the dragon!

Thank you all for making this first time event one to remember!!

GgsD4JX.png WL
V click please? V

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[center] [img][/img] [size=6][color=#336633]Welcome to the Mistral Jamboree for 2023! [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [code][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][/code] [/center]

Welcome to the Mistral Jamboree for 2023!



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