
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
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Day 1 final:
After Usiel and Iliana grab what they could they grouped back together along with a sulking Nekhbet in which Iliana Gave his loot to her to make her happy. They all agree it would be best to follow the MOSS pathway to see where it leads.
Day 1 final:
After Usiel and Iliana grab what they could they grouped back together along with a sulking Nekhbet in which Iliana Gave his loot to her to make her happy. They all agree it would be best to follow the MOSS pathway to see where it leads.
@voidbeast [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable. [br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br] [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later).[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.[br][br]You have found some [b]RARE LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!). How awesome is that!?[br][br]------[br]You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.

This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later).

It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.

You have found some RARE LOOT (will be sent to you later!). How awesome is that!?

You're exhausted and decide to rest for the day. No more daily interactions available.
nXERsAh.gif x

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Tracker shook out her wings, displeased to have been proven right so soon into the adventure. She expected Parry to fall down a pit at some point, but immediately? Really? It was truly a strange twist of fate they could be considered related.

She decided to investigate the TUNNELS, to get a sense of the predicament they were in. It was clear that with the strange breezes and how high and narrow the hole they fell down was that their Mirror wings would not be able to pull them back up.

Parry was already too distracted to notice what her sister was doing, darting around the room like an excited hatchling. The first thing that drew her attention was the PEDESTAL. That was an artifact right? See, she was already doing... anthropology? Archeology? Science? Something. She was helping!
Tracker shook out her wings, displeased to have been proven right so soon into the adventure. She expected Parry to fall down a pit at some point, but immediately? Really? It was truly a strange twist of fate they could be considered related.

She decided to investigate the TUNNELS, to get a sense of the predicament they were in. It was clear that with the strange breezes and how high and narrow the hole they fell down was that their Mirror wings would not be able to pull them back up.

Parry was already too distracted to notice what her sister was doing, darting around the room like an excited hatchling. The first thing that drew her attention was the PEDESTAL. That was an artifact right? See, she was already doing... anthropology? Archeology? Science? Something. She was helping!
UiEAFzH.png She/her

+2 FR Time

Cryptid Collection
Beregond carefully brings back his finds to the main room, “I think we may have been smiled upon today sister, look at what I uncovered.”
Laiqua starts and makes her way over to him from where she had been trying, unsuccessfully, to study the runes inscribed on the pedestal again. “Better luck than I, fortunately, let’s see what you have!” As she drew closer and was able to see what he was holding she exclaimed “Wow, B, you did a great job with those, that’s an amazing find especially.” pointing to one of the items.
“Thanks L, shall we get them packed away and then decide which direction to go foward?” Beregond suggests.
“Absolutely, then we can rest up before making a move.” Laiqua replies.
Quickly getting the necessary items packed away, they look at the options before them.
Sniffing the air Laiqua sneezes and says “I’m not sure I want to go wherever that scent is coming from. It doesn’t seem quite right to me.”
“I can’t say I disagree. We will not go that way then. That leaves the moss tunnel and whatever that is” Beregond nods to each.
Laiqua debates for a moment before saying, “Fancy getting out of this cave for a bit, brother?”
“I’m always up for adventure, sister.” He replies.
They share grins and settle down for the day, exciting for what they next day will bring. UNREAL SCENE here they come.
Beregond carefully brings back his finds to the main room, “I think we may have been smiled upon today sister, look at what I uncovered.”
Laiqua starts and makes her way over to him from where she had been trying, unsuccessfully, to study the runes inscribed on the pedestal again. “Better luck than I, fortunately, let’s see what you have!” As she drew closer and was able to see what he was holding she exclaimed “Wow, B, you did a great job with those, that’s an amazing find especially.” pointing to one of the items.
“Thanks L, shall we get them packed away and then decide which direction to go foward?” Beregond suggests.
“Absolutely, then we can rest up before making a move.” Laiqua replies.
Quickly getting the necessary items packed away, they look at the options before them.
Sniffing the air Laiqua sneezes and says “I’m not sure I want to go wherever that scent is coming from. It doesn’t seem quite right to me.”
“I can’t say I disagree. We will not go that way then. That leaves the moss tunnel and whatever that is” Beregond nods to each.
Laiqua debates for a moment before saying, “Fancy getting out of this cave for a bit, brother?”
“I’m always up for adventure, sister.” He replies.
They share grins and settle down for the day, exciting for what they next day will bring. UNREAL SCENE here they come.
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Hope you have
a great day
@AloVra [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The sconce on the wall flares into existence as you enter one of the tunnels. The tunnel twists to the left, and then to the right, leading past a few small alcoves that have some dusty old artifacts in them.[br][br]When the tunnel finally comes to its end, you realize you have exited the tunnel next to the tunnel you just entered, and you're back in the room you started in.[br][br]You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later).[br] If you're ready to leave this area, you can either go down the [b][color=green]S[/color]WEETWATER[/b] tunnel, into the [b][color=red]M[/color]OSS[/b]y tunnel, or you can check out the [b][color=grey]U[/color]NREAL SCENE[/b] outside. [br] What would you like to do? (1/3 daily interactions available)[br][br][b]REST[/b][br]Look in the [b]CHAMBER[/b][br]Clear away the [b]RUBBLE[/b][br]Investigate the [b]SCONCES[/b][br]

The sconce on the wall flares into existence as you enter one of the tunnels. The tunnel twists to the left, and then to the right, leading past a few small alcoves that have some dusty old artifacts in them.

When the tunnel finally comes to its end, you realize you have exited the tunnel next to the tunnel you just entered, and you're back in the room you started in.

You search with all your might, but you cannot find anything worthwhile.

The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later).

If you're ready to leave this area, you can either go down the SWEETWATER tunnel, into the MOSSy tunnel, or you can check out the UNREAL SCENE outside.

What would you like to do? (1/3 daily interactions available)

Look in the CHAMBER
Clear away the RUBBLE
Investigate the SCONCES
nXERsAh.gif x

vqpPMnZ.png x tumblr_inline_ny7iufldYa1qmzhvw_540.png
[url=][img][/img][/url] Mary dusted herself off from the fall. "What on Earth have I gotten myself into? I know I volunteered to investigate but I never expected a rude fall!" Sighing, she shakes her head and gathers her supplies that fell out of her pack in the fall. They include various geology tools like a rock pick, chisel and hammer, markers and of course plenty of smoked fish to sustain her on her journey into the necropolis. She's thankful for the light of the moss and her faithful hazebeacon companion. "Alright then... what looks interesting? Hmm... What could that pedistal be for?" She approaches the PEDESTAL with a curious archaeologist's eye.

Mary dusted herself off from the fall.

"What on Earth have I gotten myself into? I know I volunteered to investigate but I never expected a rude fall!"

Sighing, she shakes her head and gathers her supplies that fell out of her pack in the fall. They include various geology tools like a rock pick, chisel and hammer, markers and of course plenty of smoked fish to sustain her on her journey into the necropolis. She's thankful for the light of the moss and her faithful hazebeacon companion.

"Alright then... what looks interesting? Hmm... What could that pedistal be for?"

She approaches the PEDESTAL with a curious archaeologist's eye.
Ferberus tumblr_inline_odefuuK3iq1s3vc1u_400.png Calico Ferberus
[quote][b]Name:[/b] J0taro [b]Flight:[/b] Plague [b]Adventurer(s):[/b] [columns][center][color=#BA1819][b]Void[/b][/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [nextcol][center][color=#3C4F2A][b]Baphomet[/b][/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center][color=#111415][b]Chariot[/b][/color] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [center]A small ragtag group of adventurers. All got a taste for the dangerous life and all of them belong in the Maledictum Clan of the Plague as known warriors. Dare mess with them, you may be in trouble![/center] [/columns] [b]The Adventure Begins!:[/b] [center]Never the one to turn down the desires of gold and riches, it would bring prosperous fortune to the clan so there was nothing stopping Baphomet from gathering their closest allies and go on this quest for glory! They'll do just about everything for an ounce of treasure that could benefit the clan. So, along with Void and Chariot, they're ready to take on this new journey. [/center][/quote] [center][size=5][b][u]Day 1:[/u] I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up[/b][/size][/center] [center]With aching bones and a discombobulated brain, Baphomet was the first to drag herself up from the ground, realizing the moss underneath their paws had broken the fall. Such a sturdy build of a gaoler was helpful in such cases but perhaps, it mattered not for the moss broke the fall. The annoyed grumbling of Void and the mumbling noises coming from Chariot alerted them that their partners were alright. Looking around in the fire-lit room, they are able to spot the two not too far away. Making way over to Chariot first, they made sure she was alright to stand and that her pearl had not drifted too far away. [b]"It seems like we're not going to be able to get out of here,[/b]" observed the gaoler as Void had fluttered over, having seemed to recover rather quickly compared to Chariot who was still rubbing at her temples with her paws. [b]"Should. Look. Around."[/b] Void added in a raspy voice. Communication has always been a struggle for this ancient spiral. Only capable of managing a word at a time often with a slight slur and accent to the spoken verbiage. Baphomet looked towards him and gave an agreeing nod. [b]"It would be best if we split up and reunite once we're done going through our areas."[/b] It was a reasonable plan. Of course, Baphomet let Chariot reorganize herself while they and Void had chosen their mini-quests to complete. Baphomet found curious the pile of rubble blocking an entrance. Much like their profound desire for glory, perhaps there would be something useful awaiting behind the chamber doors. Beginning to [b]CLEAR AWAY THE RUBBLE[/b], they wonder what could be inside. Void was never the type to be afraid of anything. Immediately slinking over to the chamber, they take a [b]LOOK INSIDE THE CHAMBER[/b] and blinked a few times to right their vision and came to find...[/center] ----- [center][i][b]2/3 Interactions Used![/b] / Look in the CHAMBER & Clear away the RUBBLE[/i][/center]
Name: J0taro
Flight: Plague
A small ragtag group of adventurers. All got a taste for the dangerous life and all of them belong in the Maledictum Clan of the Plague as known warriors. Dare mess with them, you may be in trouble!
The Adventure Begins!:
Never the one to turn down the desires of gold and riches, it would bring prosperous fortune to the clan so there was nothing stopping Baphomet from gathering their closest allies and go on this quest for glory! They'll do just about everything for an ounce of treasure that could benefit the clan. So, along with Void and Chariot, they're ready to take on this new journey.

Day 1: I've Fallen & I Can't Get Up
With aching bones and a discombobulated brain, Baphomet was the first to drag herself up from the ground, realizing the moss underneath their paws had broken the fall. Such a sturdy build of a gaoler was helpful in such cases but perhaps, it mattered not for the moss broke the fall. The annoyed grumbling of Void and the mumbling noises coming from Chariot alerted them that their partners were alright. Looking around in the fire-lit room, they are able to spot the two not too far away. Making way over to Chariot first, they made sure she was alright to stand and that her pearl had not drifted too far away. "It seems like we're not going to be able to get out of here," observed the gaoler as Void had fluttered over, having seemed to recover rather quickly compared to Chariot who was still rubbing at her temples with her paws.

"Should. Look. Around." Void added in a raspy voice. Communication has always been a struggle for this ancient spiral. Only capable of managing a word at a time often with a slight slur and accent to the spoken verbiage. Baphomet looked towards him and gave an agreeing nod. "It would be best if we split up and reunite once we're done going through our areas." It was a reasonable plan. Of course, Baphomet let Chariot reorganize herself while they and Void had chosen their mini-quests to complete.

Baphomet found curious the pile of rubble blocking an entrance. Much like their profound desire for glory, perhaps there would be something useful awaiting behind the chamber doors. Beginning to CLEAR AWAY THE RUBBLE, they wonder what could be inside.

Void was never the type to be afraid of anything. Immediately slinking over to the chamber, they take a LOOK INSIDE THE CHAMBER and blinked a few times to right their vision and came to find...

2/3 Interactions Used! / Look in the CHAMBER & Clear away the RUBBLE
EDEN (he/it)
Dragon Hoarder
Obelisks & Gaolers!
FR +1
Excited about her find, Parry ran over to her bewildered sister, who had been walking in circles for some time now.

"Look, I found something on the pedestal. You should take some charcoal rubbings of the runes," Parry declared proudly, puffing out her chest.

Tracker figured that wasn't the worst idea Parry had ever had, so she obliged after looking around the room one more time.

"You're supposed to be a big strong warrior, right?" Parry was noticeably larger when they were standing next to each other. Tracker blamed it on her own egg hatching sooner. "Why dont you clear the RUBBLE from that doorway? Maybe there's a way out, or more artifacts to find. As long as we're here, we should try to do our jobs."

Encouraged by Tracker's cooperation, Parry set to work, leaning on her hind legs so she could pull at the stones more easily. As long as she kept finding things, maybe her sister would be nice for once.
Excited about her find, Parry ran over to her bewildered sister, who had been walking in circles for some time now.

"Look, I found something on the pedestal. You should take some charcoal rubbings of the runes," Parry declared proudly, puffing out her chest.

Tracker figured that wasn't the worst idea Parry had ever had, so she obliged after looking around the room one more time.

"You're supposed to be a big strong warrior, right?" Parry was noticeably larger when they were standing next to each other. Tracker blamed it on her own egg hatching sooner. "Why dont you clear the RUBBLE from that doorway? Maybe there's a way out, or more artifacts to find. As long as we're here, we should try to do our jobs."

Encouraged by Tracker's cooperation, Parry set to work, leaning on her hind legs so she could pull at the stones more easily. As long as she kept finding things, maybe her sister would be nice for once.
UiEAFzH.png She/her

+2 FR Time

Cryptid Collection
@Chaosarceus [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!). If you're ready to leave this area, you can either go down the [b][color=green]S[/color]WEETWATER[/b] tunnel, into the [b][color=red]M[/color]OSS[/b]y tunnel, or you can check out the [b][color=grey]U[/color]NREAL SCENE[/b] outside. [br][br] What would you like to do? (2/3 daily interactions available)[br][br][b]REST[/b][br]Check out the [b]TUNNELS[/b][br]Look in the [b]CHAMBER[/b][br]Clear away the [b]RUBBLE[/b][br]Investigate the [b]SCONCES[/b][br]

The pedestal clearly used to be much grander than it is now. There's old runes etched into the surface, but looking at them for too long makes your eyes hurt. In front of it there's a shallow dish that looks similar to an incense dish, and a few dusty remains that were probably once offerings to whatever idol used to rest on the now-empty marble.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

If you're ready to leave this area, you can either go down the SWEETWATER tunnel, into the MOSSy tunnel, or you can check out the UNREAL SCENE outside.

What would you like to do? (2/3 daily interactions available)

Check out the TUNNELS
Look in the CHAMBER
Clear away the RUBBLE
Investigate the SCONCES
nXERsAh.gif x

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@J0taro [br][br][emoji=torch size=1] It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.[br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later!).[br][br][br][br][emoji=torch size=1] This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable. [br][br]You have found some [b]COMMON LOOT[/b] (will be sent to you later). If you're ready to leave this area, you can either go down the [b][color=green]S[/color]WEETWATER[/b] tunnel, into the [b][color=red]M[/color]OSS[/b]y tunnel, or you can check out the [b][color=grey]U[/color]NREAL SCENE[/b] outside.[br][br] What would you like to do? (1/3 daily interactions available)[br][br][b]REST[/b][br]Check out the [b]TUNNELS[/b][br]Look at the [b]PEDESTAL[/b][br]Investigate the [b]SCONCES[/b][br]

It takes some effort, but you manage to shift the rubble away from an old half-rotten door and investigate the room behind it; which appears to be a former armory. There's some old poles that might have once been halberds and some dented pieces of armor scattered across the floor.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later!).

This chamber used to be a pantry, and its full of shelves that clearly used to house much more than they currently do. As it stands, there's a few jars here and there, though the contents are probably questionable.

You have found some COMMON LOOT (will be sent to you later).

If you're ready to leave this area, you can either go down the SWEETWATER tunnel, into the MOSSy tunnel, or you can check out the UNREAL SCENE outside.

What would you like to do? (1/3 daily interactions available)

Check out the TUNNELS
Look at the PEDESTAL
Investigate the SCONCES
nXERsAh.gif x

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