[b]Username[/b]: Emberglo
[b]Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day)[/b]: One please
[b]Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day)[/b]: All the rest please! (19)
A handsome Spiral suddenly hovers in line at the Ember Toss.
"I beat I beat - oh. How'd you get here so fast Mystic?"
The Imperial waiting casually near the forge chuckled. "I'm not an Imp for nothing, Tohidu. And I've been here several times already this morning, looking for you. Did you sleep late?"
The Spiral spins above him, causing a small dust devil beneath him.
"I couldn't sleep at all! But neither could Emberglo - I was awake in the middle of the night chatting with our Lair Spirit."
"Really, Toh - she needs to sleep and heal. Why were you bothering her?"
"She called to me. She couldn't sleep either. Some nights she sleeps, some nights she can't. Last night was a 'can't' she told me, so we chatted about the Ember Toss."
"Ah well. Perhaps she will sleep better now that the Ember Toss has begun."
"Ok - 10 turns each. Me first?"
"Yes Toh - take your turns. I will watch and then go after you."
Username: Emberglo
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): One please
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): All the rest please! (19)

A handsome Spiral suddenly hovers in line at the Ember Toss.
"I beat I beat - oh. How'd you get here so fast Mystic?"
The Imperial waiting casually near the forge chuckled. "I'm not an Imp for nothing, Tohidu. And I've been here several times already this morning, looking for you. Did you sleep late?"
The Spiral spins above him, causing a small dust devil beneath him.
"I couldn't sleep at all! But neither could Emberglo - I was awake in the middle of the night chatting with our Lair Spirit."
"Really, Toh - she needs to sleep and heal. Why were you bothering her?"
"She called to me. She couldn't sleep either. Some nights she sleeps, some nights she can't. Last night was a 'can't' she told me, so we chatted about the Ember Toss."
"Ah well. Perhaps she will sleep better now that the Ember Toss has begun."
"Ok - 10 turns each. Me first?"
"Yes Toh - take your turns. I will watch and then go after you."
[b]Username[/b]: LadyOfTheSkies
[b]Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day)[/b]: 1
[b]Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day)[/b]: 5
Zenith has been looking forward to the Flameforger’s Festival all year, not as a chance to socialize and play games but to learn from the great forgers of the fire flight and improve his own metal working skills. As he fluttered towards the forges however, his eye was caught by the light of embers flying through the air. It wouldn’t hurt to try his skill with a few tosses of his own before inspecting the masterful craftsmanship of the dark steel metal pieces nearby...
Username: LadyOfTheSkies
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 5

Zenith has been looking forward to the Flameforger’s Festival all year, not as a chance to socialize and play games but to learn from the great forgers of the fire flight and improve his own metal working skills. As he fluttered towards the forges however, his eye was caught by the light of embers flying through the air. It wouldn’t hurt to try his skill with a few tosses of his own before inspecting the masterful craftsmanship of the dark steel metal pieces nearby...
[quote] [b]Username[/b]: Wylin[b]
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day)[/b]: 1[b]
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day)[/b]: 19[/quote]
Alicia is in!
Username: Wylin
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 19
Alicia is in!

Tosses through Wylin have been recorded, and our amazing delivery dragons have been alerted! The daily pinglist has also been updated through here.
The small fae backwings at the sudden appearance of the odd spiral, but drifts forward in the air as the other talks out of curiosity. Cait wasn't looking so much at the spiral's face, but examining the stranger's cape and smoke trails in an odd manner.
[b]"Could you just explain how you did that? And don't mind me, I'll just be taking some notes."[/b] The fae had buried his nose into his book so quickly that he did not realize that the spiral had already made his exit.
From Fuller's expression when she glanced over, she fully expected the fae to be engrossed in waiting on a response for quite some time before he moved on.
Fuller invited he spiral forward with a broad smile and a wave of her heavy arm. [b]"C'mon, no need t' be shy!"[/b] She deftly collected the embers and lined them up on the pedestals across from the bellows. [b]"Jus' push down on the bellows, and see where your sparks fly! Uh, make sure t' try an' hit th' bottle openings. Not wanting t' set th' tent on fire again!"[/b] The comment was an honest one, though it was clear that Fuller didn't actually mind the tent catching flames and that it might actually be a fairly common occurrence.
Tosses through Wylin have been recorded, and our amazing delivery dragons have been alerted! The daily pinglist has also been updated through here.
The small fae backwings at the sudden appearance of the odd spiral, but drifts forward in the air as the other talks out of curiosity. Cait wasn't looking so much at the spiral's face, but examining the stranger's cape and smoke trails in an odd manner.
"Could you just explain how you did that? And don't mind me, I'll just be taking some notes." The fae had buried his nose into his book so quickly that he did not realize that the spiral had already made his exit.
From Fuller's expression when she glanced over, she fully expected the fae to be engrossed in waiting on a response for quite some time before he moved on.
Fuller invited he spiral forward with a broad smile and a wave of her heavy arm.
"C'mon, no need t' be shy!" She deftly collected the embers and lined them up on the pedestals across from the bellows.
"Jus' push down on the bellows, and see where your sparks fly! Uh, make sure t' try an' hit th' bottle openings. Not wanting t' set th' tent on fire again!" The comment was an honest one, though it was clear that Fuller didn't actually mind the tent catching flames and that it might actually be a fairly common occurrence.
[b]Username[/b]: Arianethel
[b]Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day)[/b]: 1
[b]Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day)[/b]: 19
May I be added to the pinglist, please? :)
Username: Arianethel
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 19

May I be added to the pinglist, please? :)
[b]Username[/b]: Gladicent
[b]Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day)[/b]: 1
[b]Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day)[/b]: 19
Caust wanders the festival with his eyes half closed, enjoying the rare and luxurious feeling of finally, [i]finally[/i] being warm enough without being buried under several layers of cloth, fur, and heating spells when he nearly runs snout first into a very large and very sturdy tent. He shakes his head, blinks several times, inspects before him the dazzling array of bottles, bellows, embers and... seeds? And prizes! Prizes that presumably aren't cursed or tainted and wouldn't need to be iced over forever once he gets home. His clan would like that part. But the competition? That's the part that sets Caust's eyes alight, and gets him to spill all his embers in a flickering, tumbling pile on the counter. Challenge accepted!
(Oh, nearly forgot -- could I be added to the pinglist? Thanks!)
Username: Gladicent
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 19

Caust wanders the festival with his eyes half closed, enjoying the rare and luxurious feeling of finally,
finally being warm enough without being buried under several layers of cloth, fur, and heating spells when he nearly runs snout first into a very large and very sturdy tent. He shakes his head, blinks several times, inspects before him the dazzling array of bottles, bellows, embers and... seeds? And prizes! Prizes that presumably aren't cursed or tainted and wouldn't need to be iced over forever once he gets home. His clan would like that part. But the competition? That's the part that sets Caust's eyes alight, and gets him to spill all his embers in a flickering, tumbling pile on the counter. Challenge accepted!
(Oh, nearly forgot -- could I be added to the pinglist? Thanks!)
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day):1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day):19
can i also have daily reminders? thanks!
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day):1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day):19
can i also have daily reminders? thanks!
@Falconair I'd like to be added to the pinglist!
And i'd also like to toss!
[b]Username[/b]: LunahPeixvey
[b]Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day)[/b]: 1
[b]Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day)[/b]: 19
A coalt with flame burning at zir feathers approached, eyes hidden behind a polished birdskull mask. Zirs voice was low and rumbling as ze looked at Cait, "I...would like to toss."
Placing the bellows down, ze moved to pounce zir front paws onto it, watching the embers blow off.
Falconair I'd like to be added to the pinglist!
And i'd also like to toss!
Username: LunahPeixvey
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 19

A coalt with flame burning at zir feathers approached, eyes hidden behind a polished birdskull mask. Zirs voice was low and rumbling as ze looked at Cait, "I...would like to toss."
Placing the bellows down, ze moved to pounce zir front paws onto it, watching the embers blow off.
This sounds like fun, I'll send a few Embers your way!
Username: RemanLT
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 4
This sounds like fun, I'll send a few Embers your way!
Username: RemanLT
Number of Free Tosses (max. 1/day): 1
Tosses Purchased (max. 19/day): 4