
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Long Drop Coliseum Challenge
[size=4][font=Century Gothic][b][url=]MASTERPOST[/url][/b][/size] [b]Venue Started 4th Dec 2016 08:23 FR Time[/b] [quote=Sandswept Delta] [b]Collecting[/b] [item=Banded Rattlesnake] [b]Other Stacks[/b] [item=Delta Orchid][item=Fragrant Orchid][item=Peacock Scorpion Tail] [b]Notable Loot[/b] [item=Scratch]x3[item=Shred][item=Mana Bolt][item=Bright Bolt][item=Dark Bolt][item=Zephyr Bolt][item=Blazing Slash][item=Jungle Slash]x2[item=Bolster][item=Ward][item=Zephyr Might Fragment][item=Dark Might Fragment][item=Shining Might Fragment][item=Magical Might Fragment][item=Fiery Might Fragment][item=Aquatic Acuity Fragment]x2[item=Dark Acuity Fragment][item=Fiery Acuity Fragment][item=Might Fragment][item=Discipline][item=Disorient][item=Enamor][item=Envenom][item=Shale Hybrid Fragment][item=Obsidian Hybrid Fragment]x2[item=Minor Health Potion]x16[item=Fishscale Basket]x17[item=Bloodscale Tail Guard][item=Shattered Serpent][item=Iridescent Scaleback][item=Greatshell][item=Serthis Alchemist][item=Fan Scorpion] [b]Food Points:[/b] 46 Insects, 70 Meat, 25 Plants [b]Treasure Earned:[/b] 2515T [/quote] [b]Venue Completed 6th Dec 2016 17:10 FR Time[/b] [b]Venue Started 6th Dec 2016 13:55 FR Time[/b] [quote=Bamboo Falls] [b]Collecting[/b] [item=Dreamwaker] [b]Notable Loot[/b] [item=Vile Bolt][item=Blazing Slash][item=Mist Slash]x2[item=Gust Slash][item=Bolster][item=Earthen Might Fragment][item=Shining Might Fragment]x2[item=Magical Acuity Fragment]x2[item=Clobber][item=Obsidian Hybrid Fragment][item=Minor Health Potion]x19[item=Dreameater]x4[item=Gale Wolf][item=Raptorik Warrior][item=Tigerblood Foo][item=Mantled Foo]x2[item=Red Crested Crate][item=Broken Penny Jar]x3[item=Burlap Sack]x11[item=Fishscale Basket]x16 [b]Food Points:[/b] 33 Insects, 91 Meat, 223 Plants [b]Treasure Earned:[/b] 18747T [/quote] [b]Venue Completed 9th Dec 2016 08:33 FR Time[/b]

Venue Started 4th Dec 2016 08:23 FR Time
Sandswept Delta wrote:
Banded Rattlesnake

Other Stacks
Delta Orchid Fragrant Orchid Peacock Scorpion Tail
Notable Loot
Scratch x3 Shred Mana Bolt Bright Bolt Dark Bolt Zephyr Bolt Blazing Slash Jungle Slash x2 Bolster Ward Zephyr Might Fragment Dark Might Fragment Shining Might Fragment Magical Might Fragment Fiery Might Fragment Aquatic Acuity Fragment x2 Dark Acuity Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment Might Fragment Discipline Disorient Enamor Envenom Shale Hybrid Fragment Obsidian Hybrid Fragment x2 Minor Health Potion x16 Fishscale Basket x17 Bloodscale Tail Guard Shattered Serpent Iridescent Scaleback Greatshell Serthis Alchemist Fan Scorpion

Food Points: 46 Insects, 70 Meat, 25 Plants
Treasure Earned: 2515T

Venue Completed 6th Dec 2016 17:10 FR Time

Venue Started 6th Dec 2016 13:55 FR Time
Bamboo Falls wrote:
Notable Loot
Vile Bolt Blazing Slash Mist Slash x2 Gust Slash Bolster Earthen Might Fragment Shining Might Fragment x2 Magical Acuity Fragment x2 Clobber Obsidian Hybrid Fragment Minor Health Potion x19 Dreameater x4 Gale Wolf Raptorik Warrior Tigerblood Foo Mantled Foo x2 Broken Penny Jar x3 Burlap Sack x11 Fishscale Basket x16

Food Points: 33 Insects, 91 Meat, 223 Plants
Treasure Earned: 18747T

Venue Completed 9th Dec 2016 08:33 FR Time
please be food.... it was not food. there goes my streak. whoop wasn't here for like 3 days whoop... aaaand i keep skipping days whoop [center] [quote=Bamboo Falls] [b]Dec 5 - Dec 13[/b] ------ [b]collecting:[/b] [item=ceremonial sash] 99/99 [b]notable drops:[/b] [item=blacktalon striker][item=raptorik warrior][item=dreameater][item=gray wizard hat][item=raptorik warrior][item=baku][item=hainu][item=fungalhoof qiriq][item=tigerblood foo][item=vista: Bamboo Falls][item=veteran's shoulder scars][item=raptorik warrior][item=raptorik crate][item=bloodscale bracers][item=ambush] [item=glimmerscale basket][item=fishscale basket]x34[item=broken penny jar]x7[item=burlap sack]x17 [b]other stacks:[/b] [item=forester squirrel][item=feverfew][item=puddlehopper][item=dried anchovies][item=dreamwaker][item=umbra parthenium][item=hainu's eye][item=tigereye squirrel][item=stolen mantle][item=intricate weaving][item=wispy foxtail][item=woodland acorn][item=airborne warrior belt][item=black hainu collar][item=hainu collar] [/quote] [url=]masterpost[/url][/center]
please be food.... it was not food. there goes my streak. whoop wasn't here for like 3 days whoop... aaaand i keep skipping days whoop
Bamboo Falls wrote:
Dec 5 - Dec 13

Ceremonial Sash 99/99

notable drops:
Blacktalon Striker Raptorik Warrior Dreameater Gray Wizard Hat Raptorik Warrior Baku Hainu Fungalhoof Qiriq Tigerblood Foo Vista: Bamboo Falls Veteran's Shoulder Scars Raptorik Warrior Raptorik Crate Bloodscale Bracers Ambush
Glimmerscale Basket Fishscale Basket x34 Broken Penny Jar x7 Burlap Sack x17

other stacks:
Forester Squirrel Feverfew Puddlehopper Dried Anchovies Dreamwaker Umbra Parthenium Hainu's Eye Tigereye Squirrel Stolen Mantle Intricate Weaving Wispy Foxtail Woodland Acorn Airborne Warrior Belt Black Hainu Collar Hainu Collar

-,-. ~ Crow
~ 3 hrs+ fr time
~ he/they
~ RP clan!
-,-. tumblr_ozyeyeBUQR1w8xkufo1_250.png -,. ~ FR Tumblr
~ Pinkerlocke
[url=]Training Fields[/url] | [url=]Woodland Path[/url] | [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] | Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rinsing Jungle | [url=]Boreal Woods[/url] | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop [quote name="Sandswept Delta"] [b]Item to get:[/b] [item=peacock scorpion tail] (99/99) [b]Notable Loot:[/b] [item=wave slash][item=scholar][item=fuiran][item=zephyr might fragment][item=fishscale basket]x16[item=dark might fragment][item=leaf bolt][item=greatshell crate][item=disorient]x3[item=scratch]x2[item=natural acuity fragment]x2[item=magical might fragment][item=fan scorpion]x2[item=acuity fragment][item=dark bolt][item=blazing slash][item=enamor][item=dark acuity fragment]x2[item=nightsky fuiran]x2[item=ward][item=earthen might fragment][item=fossilize][item=regeneration][item=aquatic acuity fragment]x2[item=concentration][item=vista: sandswept delta][item=shining might fragment]x2[item=shroud] [/quote] [quote name="Forgotten Cave"] [b]Item to get:[/b] [item=spineback slug] (99/99) [b]Notable Loot:[/b] [item=earthen might fragment]x2[item=peacevine aardvark][item=venomblade assassin]x2[item=cursed bat][item=mist slash][item=shining might fragment][item=zephyr acuity fragment][item=rune slash][item=centaur berserker][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=dark might fragment][item=magical acuity fragment][item=corpse cleaner][item=crimson reef snail]x2[item=rock slash][item=diseased might fragment][item=blue dragon reef snail][item=blinding slash][item=aquatic acuity fragment] [/quote]
Training Fields | Woodland Path | Scorched Forest | Sandswept Delta | Forgotten Cave | Bamboo Falls | Redrock Cove | Waterway | Arena | Rinsing Jungle | Boreal Woods | Crystal Pools | Harpy's Roost | Ghostlight Ruins | Mire | Kelp Beds | Golem Workshop
Sandswept Delta wrote:
Item to get: Peacock Scorpion Tail

Notable Loot: Wave Slash Scholar Fuiran Zephyr Might Fragment Fishscale Basket x16 Dark Might Fragment Leaf Bolt Greatshell Crate Disorient x3 Scratch x2 Natural Acuity Fragment x2 Magical Might Fragment Fan Scorpion x2 Acuity Fragment Dark Bolt Blazing Slash Enamor Dark Acuity Fragment x2 Nightsky Fuiran x2 Ward Earthen Might Fragment Fossilize Regeneration Aquatic Acuity Fragment x2 Concentration Vista: Sandswept Delta Shining Might Fragment x2 Shroud
Forgotten Cave wrote:
Item to get: Spineback Slug

Notable Loot: Earthen Might Fragment x2 Peacevine Aardvark Venomblade Assassin x2 Cursed Bat Mist Slash Shining Might Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment Rune Slash Centaur Berserker Frozen Acuity Fragment Dark Might Fragment Magical Acuity Fragment Corpse Cleaner Crimson Reef Snail x2 Rock Slash Diseased Might Fragment Blue Dragon Reef Snail Blinding Slash Aquatic Acuity Fragment
[center]I spend so much time in the coli anyways, might as well do a challenge :p[/center] [center]started: 12/5/16[/center] [quote] [center][b][Completed][/b][/center] [center][b]Boreal Woods[/b][/center] [center]collecting -[/center] [center][item=Shalefin][/center] [center]99/99[/center] [center]noteable drops -[/center] [center][item=Shalebuck]x3[item=Venerable Shalebuck]x2[item=Vista: Boreal Wood]x2[item=Elk]x5[item=Snowfall Elk][item=Fossilize]x5[item=Poultrygeist][item=Maned Rasa]x2[item=Squall Rasa][item=Longneck Hunter][item=Permafrost Impaler]x3[item=Haunted Crate][item=Winter Wolf][item=Morganite Flourish Tail Clasp]x2[/center] [center]other stacks -[/center] [center][item=Elk Pelt][item=Snowfall Elk Pelt][item=Black Wolf Pelt][item=Unnatural Leg Bones][item=Twitching Leg Bones][item=Ice Crystal][item=Shalebuck Horn][item=Ghostly Aura][item=Decorative Rasa Shard][item=Rasa Pottery Fragment][item=Crystalline Myctophid][item=Elk Ear][item=Snowfall Elk Ear][item=Incorporeal Dinner][item=Black-lipped Wolfsbane][item=Winterbelle][item=Blue-Stripe Centipede][item=Berry and Nut Trail Bar][item=Polar Wooly][item=Wooly Bear][/center] [/quote] [quote] [center][b][Completed][/b][/center] [center][b]Harpy's Roost[/b][/center] [center]collecting -[/center] [center][item=Frost Whisper][/center] [center]99/99[/center] [center]noteable drops -[/center] [center][item=Stonewatch Crate][item=Fallen Streak]x2[item=Masked Harpy]x3[item=Bluemoon Aviar]x3[item=Eliminate][item=Roc][item=Death Seeker]x2[item=Windcarve Harpy][item=Clouddancer][/center] [center]other stacks -[/center] [center][item=Fallout Whisper][item=Engorged Skytick][item=Stonewatch Flatblade][item=Stonewatch Scrub][item=Bluemoon Dartling][item=Greyback Sparrow][item=Carved Harpy Mask][item=][/center] [/quote]
I spend so much time in the coli anyways, might as well do a challenge :p
started: 12/5/16
Boreal Woods
collecting -

noteable drops -
Shalebuck x3 Venerable Shalebuck x2 Vista: Boreal Wood x2 Elk x5 Snowfall Elk Fossilize x5 Poultrygeist Maned Rasa x2 Squall Rasa Longneck Hunter Permafrost Impaler x3 Haunted Crate Winter Wolf Morganite Flourish Tail Clasp x2

other stacks -
Elk Pelt Snowfall Elk Pelt Black Wolf Pelt Unnatural Leg Bones Twitching Leg Bones Ice Crystal Shalebuck Horn Ghostly Aura Decorative Rasa Shard Rasa Pottery Fragment Crystalline Myctophid Elk Ear Snowfall Elk Ear Incorporeal Dinner Black-lipped Wolfsbane Winterbelle Blue-Stripe Centipede Berry and Nut Trail Bar Polar Wooly Wooly Bear

Harpy's Roost
collecting -
Frost Whisper

noteable drops -
Stonewatch Crate Fallen Streak x2 Masked Harpy x3 Bluemoon Aviar x3 Eliminate Roc Death Seeker x2 Windcarve Harpy Clouddancer

other stacks -
Fallout Whisper Engorged Skytick Stonewatch Flatblade Stonewatch Scrub Bluemoon Dartling Greyback Sparrow Carved Harpy Mask
z3ouQq5.gif i don't subscribe to threads - please ping me if you want me to see!
vass | they/them | 23
[center][b]Challenge started:[/b] 06/12/2016 Completed sections will be moved to [url=]collections post[/url]. [quote=GOLEM WORKSHOP] Drop to collect: 8/99 [item=high-voltage almonds] Notable drops: [item=toolbox] [/quote] 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 [item=fragile moth wings][item=decorative feather fan][item=miniature potash peach][item=banded rattlesnake][item=black diamond stingray] 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 [item=emetic russula][item=airborne warrior belt][item=ghostcrab][item=jar of slime][item=golden coa moth] 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 [item=inferno possum][item=redclaw scorpion][item=black-lipped wolfsbane][item=chalcedony craylet][item=fallout streak pinion] 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 [item=sharpened scythe][item=dung beetle][item=copperband butterflyfish]
Challenge started: 06/12/2016
Completed sections will be moved to collections post.
Drop to collect:
High-Voltage Almonds

Notable drops:


99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99
Fragile Moth Wings Decorative Feather Fan Miniature Potash Peach Banded Rattlesnake Black Diamond Stingray

99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99
Emetic Russula Airborne Warrior Belt Ghostcrab Jar of Slime Golden Coa Moth

99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99
Inferno Possum Redclaw Scorpion Black-lipped Wolfsbane Chalcedony Craylet Fallout Streak Pinion

99/99 | 99/99 | 99/99
Sharpened Scythe Dung Beetle Copperband Butterflyfish
___________________ 70571229.png adult player | FR+9 | lore fanatic
Mourning Flowers
Clan Valhall
Tragic Tales Hatchery
Teeny Tiny Lore Shop
Troll Hunters
I'm totally doing this. Dergs- [Quote=Training Fields] Item to get- [item=Glowing Pocket Bauble] 99/99 Noteable items Random [item=Meal Moth] x 11(Had no idea those could drop.), [item=Minor Health Potion] X17, [item=Leafy pack] x18 , [item=Magical Acuity Fragment] , [item=Meditate] x2, [item=Earthen Acuity Fragment] x 2, [item=Boulder Bolt] x 3, [item=Earthen Might Fragment] ,[item=Magical Might Fragment] x2, [item=Disorient] x 2, [item=Ember Mouse] x2, [item=Ruby Webwing] x1,[item=Natural Might Fragment] x2, [item=Leaf Bolt] x 2 [item=Frozen Acuity Fragment] , [item=Bolster] x 2, [item=Luna Mith] x 2, [item=Aquatic Might Fragment], [item=Regeneration] , [item=Shining Acuity Fragment], [item=Diseased Acuity Fragment] , [item=Concentration], [item=Ward] ,[item=Death's-Head Stag] x2, [item=Glowing Pocket Mouse], [item=Zephyr Might Fragment] Other Stacks- [item=Dwarf Fawn],[item=False Leaf],[item=Reverse Silkworm Moth], [item=Micro Deer], [item=Serrated Beak], [item=Blue Spot Pygmy Wrasse],[item=Blue Honeycomb],[item=Jagged Beak] [/quote] [Quote=Woodland Path] [item=Blooming Vine] 99/99 Noteable items- [item=Leafy Pack] x46 [item=Strangler] x2 [item=Janustrap] x2 [item=Envenom] [item=Bluefin Charger] x2 [item=Frozen Might Fragment][item=Zephyr Might Fragment][item=Boulder Bolt] [item=Minor Health Potion] x18 [item=Fiery Might Fragment] [item=Natural Might Fragment] X4 [item=Dryad] [item=Rock Slash] [item=Sakura Owl] x2 [item=Bolster] x2 [item=Vile Bolt] [item=Earthen Acuity Fragment] x2 [item=Clown Charger] [item=Greenroot Jaunstrap] x3 [item=Autumn Dryad] x2 [Item=Leaf Bolt] [item=Death's-Head Stag] [item=Coral Basilisk] [item=Natural Acuity Fragment] [item=Sand] x2 ???? [item=Grouse Basilisk] [item=Dryad] [item=Broken Flower Pot]x 2[item=Dented Iron Helmet] (OH MY GOODNESS.) [item=cockatrice] [item=Dented Iron Tail Cuffs] (AGAIN. MY GOODNESS.) [item=Regeneration][item=Bamboo Phytocat] [item=Sear] x2 [item=Wildwood Owl] [item=Earthen Acuity Fragment] [item=Zephyr Acuity Fragment] [item=Pestilent Slash] x2 [item=Freezing Slash] [item=Blooming Strangler] [item= [ITEM=UNHATCHED FIRE EGG] (HOW DID THIS HAPPEN. I CAN'T EVEN FINNISH THE LONG DROP ITSELF, BUT I CAN GET AN EGG? REALLY?) Extra stacks- Notes- [i] Actually managed to level a team member from lvl 1 to lvl 9 [/quote] [quote=Scorched Forest] [item=Bottled Embers] 3/99 Noteable items Extra Stacks- [/quote]
I'm totally doing this.

Training Fields wrote:
Item to get- Glowing Pocket Bauble

Noteable items
Random Meal Moth x 11(Had no idea those could drop.), Minor Health Potion X17,
Leafy Pack x18 , Magical Acuity Fragment , Meditate x2,
Earthen Acuity Fragment x 2, Boulder Bolt x 3, Earthen Might Fragment , Magical Might Fragment x2,
Disorient x 2, Ember Mouse x2, Ruby Webwing x1, Natural Might Fragment x2, Leaf Bolt x 2
Frozen Acuity Fragment , Bolster x 2, Luna Mith x 2, Aquatic Might Fragment ,
Regeneration , Shining Acuity Fragment , Diseased Acuity Fragment ,
Concentration , Ward , Death's-Head Stag x2, Glowing Pocket Mouse ,
Zephyr Might Fragment

Other Stacks-
Dwarf Fawn , False Leaf , Reverse Silkworm Moth , Micro Deer , Serrated Beak ,
Blue Spot Pygmy Wrasse , Blue Honeycomb , Jagged Beak
Woodland Path wrote:
Blooming Vine 99/99

Noteable items-
Leafy Pack x46 Strangler x2 Janustrap x2 Envenom Bluefin Charger x2 Frozen Might Fragment Zephyr Might Fragment Boulder Bolt Minor Health Potion x18 Fiery Might Fragment Natural Might Fragment X4 Dryad Rock Slash Sakura Owl x2 Bolster x2 Vile Bolt Earthen Acuity Fragment x2 Clown Charger x3 Autumn Dryad x2 Leaf Bolt Death's-Head Stag Coral Basilisk Natural Acuity Fragment Sand x2 ???? Grouse Basilisk Dryad Broken Flower Pot x 2 Dented Iron Helmet (OH MY GOODNESS.) Cockatrice Dented Iron Tail Cuffs (AGAIN. MY GOODNESS.) Regeneration Bamboo Phytocat Sear x2 Wildwood Owl Earthen Acuity Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment Pestilent Slash x2 Freezing Slash Blooming Strangler [item=

Extra stacks-

Notes- Actually managed to level a team member
from lvl 1 to lvl 9
Scorched Forest wrote:

Bottled Embers 3/99

Noteable items

Extra Stacks-
Sanidars_Sorrow.png[/left] FObX7rS.png rix3ppo.png Most of my Permas are in my HibDen, please check there for Forum Games too please.
I will have to try this.

Dragon: Thanatos, Zeus and Styx.

Location: Training Fields

Item: Emerald Brooch (99/99)


Location: Woodland Path

Item: Dust Slither (1/99)

Blooming Vine (99/99)

Items of interest: Vista, crate, ICE EGG, ELIMINATE


Location: Scorched Forest

Item: Songbird Mimic (1/99)

Pineapple Shiner (99/99)

Items of interest: Couple familiars


Location: Sandswept Delta

Item: Nightsky Furian Hide (99/99)

Items of interest: ELIMINATE, shattered crate


Location: Forgotten Cave

Item: Dwarf Mushroom 2/99
I will have to try this.

Dragon: Thanatos, Zeus and Styx.

Location: Training Fields

Item: Emerald Brooch (99/99)


Location: Woodland Path

Item: Dust Slither (1/99)

Blooming Vine (99/99)

Items of interest: Vista, crate, ICE EGG, ELIMINATE


Location: Scorched Forest

Item: Songbird Mimic (1/99)

Pineapple Shiner (99/99)

Items of interest: Couple familiars


Location: Sandswept Delta

Item: Nightsky Furian Hide (99/99)

Items of interest: ELIMINATE, shattered crate


Location: Forgotten Cave

Item: Dwarf Mushroom 2/99
Heck yeah I'm gonna do this! [b][size=4]Dragons[/size][/b] ----- [url=] [img][/img] [/url][url=] [img][/img] [/url] ----- [b][size=4]Training Fields : 12/6/16 - 12/6/16 COMPLETE[/size][/b] Item to get: [item=blue spot pygmy wrasse] 99/99 Notable Drops - [item= aquatic might fragment][item=leafy pack]x4[item=magical might fragment][item=leaf bolt]x2[item=earthen might fragment][item=haste][item=minor health potion]x4 ----- [b][size=4]Woodland Path : 12/6/16[/size][/b] Item to get: [item=blooming vine] 59/99 Notable Drops - [item=frigid bolt][item=leafy pack]x9[item=minor health potion]x5[item=zephyr might fragment]x2[item=coral basilisk][item=rock slash]x2[item=earthen acuity fragment][item=natural might fragment]x2[item=basilisk][item=pincushion urchin]x3[item=natural acuity fragment]
Heck yeah I'm gonna do this!




Training Fields : 12/6/16 - 12/6/16 COMPLETE

Item to get: Blue Spot Pygmy Wrasse 99/99

Notable Drops - Aquatic Might Fragment Leafy Pack x4 Magical Might Fragment Leaf Bolt x2 Earthen Might Fragment Haste Minor Health Potion x4

Woodland Path : 12/6/16

Item to get: Blooming Vine 59/99

Notable Drops - Frigid Bolt Leafy Pack x9 Minor Health Potion x5 Zephyr Might Fragment x2 Coral Basilisk Rock Slash x2 Earthen Acuity Fragment Natural Might Fragment x2 Basilisk Pincushion Urchin x3 Natural Acuity Fragment
Zs4DK7W.gifJust an artist who loves bumbles and faes. ndWpHgK.gif
Completed venues: [url=]Training Fields, Woodland Path, Scorched Forest, Mire[/url] [url=]Crystal Pools and Waterway[/url] [url=]Arena[/url] [url=]Sandswept Delta and Forgotten Cave[/url] [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] [url=]Rainsong Jungle[/url] [url=]Boreal Wood[/url] [url=]Harpy's Roost [/url] Current venue: [quote=Ghostlight Ruins] [item=flameweed]99/99 Notable loot: [item=bonebound chest]x23[item=pestilent slash][item=wraith hound][item=health potion]x18[item=fire runestone][item=hydro bolt][item=dark bolt]x2[item=carrioncorn]x3[item=swallow's helmet][item=discipline][item=nightmare]x2[item=tatterwing carcass][item=shroud]x4[item=scratch][item=enamor][item=lux spectre][item=meditate]x2[item=swallow's leg armor][item=shatterbone vulture][item=shred][item=somber spirit] [/quote]
Completed venues:
Training Fields, Woodland Path, Scorched Forest, Mire

Crystal Pools and Waterway


Sandswept Delta and Forgotten Cave

Bamboo Falls

Redrock Cove

Rainsong Jungle

Boreal Wood

Harpy's Roost

Current venue:
Ghostlight Ruins wrote:
Flameweed 99/99
Notable loot:
Bonebound Chest x23 Pestilent Slash Wraith Hound Health Potion x18 Fire Runestone Hydro Bolt Dark Bolt x2 Carrioncorn x3 Swallow's Helmet Discipline Nightmare x2 Tatterwing Carcass Shroud x4 Scratch Enamor Lux Spectre Meditate x2 Swallow's Leg Armor Shatterbone Vulture Shred Somber Spirit
[quote name="Completed Venues"] [url=]Training Fields[/url] - [url=]Woodland Path[/url] - [url=]Scorched Forest[/url] - [url=]Sandswept Delta[/url] - [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] - Bamboo Falls - [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] - [url=]Waterway[/url] - Arena - Rainsong Jungle - Boreal Wood - [url=]Crystal Pools[/url] - [url=]Harpy's Roost[/url] - [url=]Ghostlight Ruins[/url] - [url=]The Mire[/url] - [url=]Kelp Beds[/url] - [url=]Golem Workshop[/url] [/quote] [quote name="Boreal Woods"] [item=unnatural leg bones] 99/99 Notable Loot: [item=longneck wanderer][item=elk][item=longneck hunter][item=thunder slash][item=elk][item=nochnyr][item=freezing slash][item=unhatched ice egg][item=poultrygeist][item=poultrygeist][item=shalebuck][item=morganite flourish tail clasp][item=snowfall elk][item=morganite flourish wing drape][item=maned rasa][item=poultrygeist][item=berserker][item=elk][item=eliminate][item=fossilize][item=elk] [/quote] [quote name="Golem Workshop"] [item=high-voltage almonds] 99/99 Notable loot: [item=swift lumen][item=swift volt][item=copper filigree wing guard][item=black iron creeper][item=swift volt][item=envenom][item=swift volt][item=maren scout][item=swift lumen][item=mistral minion][item=construction mith][item=sentinel mith][item=swift lumen][item=gust slash][item=spellbound golem][item=black iron creeper][item=swift lumen][item=sap][item=construction mith] [/quote] [quote name="Best Loot overall"] [item=Unhatched Wind Egg][item=Vista: Waterway][item=Vista: Sandswept Delta][item=crystalhide jester][item=unhatched Light egg][item=unhatched Nature egg][item=disoriented spirit][item=vista: forgotten cave][item=unhatched arcane egg][item=unhatched ice egg]
Completed Venues wrote:

Boreal Woods wrote:
Unnatural Leg Bones 99/99

Notable Loot:
Longneck Wanderer Elk Longneck Hunter Thunder Slash Elk Nochnyr Freezing Slash Unhatched Ice Egg Poultrygeist Poultrygeist Shalebuck Morganite Flourish Tail Clasp Snowfall Elk Morganite Flourish Wing Drape Maned Rasa Poultrygeist Berserker Elk Eliminate Fossilize Elk

Golem Workshop wrote:
High-Voltage Almonds 99/99

Notable loot:
Swift Lumen Swift Volt Copper Filigree Wing Guard Black Iron Creeper Swift Volt Envenom Swift Volt Maren Scout Swift Lumen Mistral Minion Construction Mith Sentinel Mith Swift Lumen Gust Slash Spellbound Golem Black Iron Creeper Swift Lumen Sap Construction Mith
Best Loot overall wrote:
Unhatched Wind Egg Vista: Waterway Vista: Sandswept Delta Crystalhide Jester Unhatched Light Egg Unhatched Nature Egg Disoriented Spirit Vista: Forgotten Cave Unhatched Arcane Egg Unhatched Ice Egg

All the Festivals

You heard right. This image rotater randomly displays one of the exisiting signatures.
You'll see something new everytime you refresh. I'll try to keep this link up to date with new sets.





Commissions & Requests

Commissions - CLOSED
Since some of you asked for it: I'll draw a single familiar/creature/Pokémon/etc.
Please keep in mind that the festival familiars will most likely arrive for their festivals. Let me know whether you want your commissioned adoptable to be free to use for everyone or not.

Requests - CLOSED
You can always make free suggestions if you want me to draw specific familiars for everyone to use. If there's enough interest and i have some spare time, i might add them as well!


-0rangedragon -Kaitorubel -Nulume -Juri01 -Chiliphantump122 -Dreamcoyote -PoisonedTea -TheEmptyCity -SimFeetUnder -CrystalBones -Zenium -Reckless -RedlaSunShowers -AeonsMusings -Cerdae -genmoi -ScarletWolfsong -snickers629 -Anarthyan -Atzien -miirshroom -pooses -Gibby -Maegelcarwen -Kapara -rooty -Stormdragon -Vanitas -ClearLakes44 -Kissie -Nympharia -Luca20 -Yara -OpalDreams -nemodave -CatsAndMaths -Kiryn -Kpribbit -Perrydotto -BobEvans -Splatoon -Aiden -quilliper -rantothedevil -bcrush -kriski -Dest -BianchaJo -Autopsy -CircusCuties -Wolvenrose -SoulLugia11 -Crisp -Tigenki -FoolishRay -icecreamdude26 -Gardenie -ShiroiYoukai -Fellefan -ThornOfStorm130 -WeyrLeader -lovesnivy -PhoebeBird -KCDragons -Marceline -Cyrsei -Poppystar -Hyperbole -Xotis -ToothyApocalypse -absolmon -NicoleEirin -heartcrusher1 -WickedHorror -SilverLanayru -OpalSplash514 -StellarWing -Maximum4 -Syncogon -Dreamcoyote -Mriikel -GhostFromTheMoon -GrumpyCatlover -LucarioLand -Parda -Vistron -SoullessRogue -Ethras -Valthan -Tacodoodle -WolfSong -Decarnard -WingedClaymore -Zephyr23 -Minimum -Meda -lackingsanity -Suttungr -Sevenink -xXDarkeXx -Yanisha -Effervessa -Kibble -Yolindanne -Doggo -IamPainIamGod -ClawOfLife -koolkabe -jazzyjaz -Minxwolfie -TheTigersDen -Niya -Trippfaerie -somnomania -Airys -TheMathematician -MawkishMuse -ElecSquirrel10 -Alcina -AlexBleurose -Pasteluma -vulstal -joy1joy1 -MLSmith995 -Ookamiotoko -Animequeen -PositiveDragon -VodkaGhosts -sarcastickitten -freshpeachez -Anacapri -timetot -KyaruTheWriter -Evolution2 -Aquastargirl123 -kipinae -bellzan -sunsetfire -NanamiChiaki -Kattata -Broderick -DiamondNoodles -Arrakis -Exaltier -LittleRogue -Quinnigan -ShouLyon -Nydra -Vulqostrun -raiikyuu -Aquacoral -LilCipherz -Harbinger -NerdyBirdieLove -Pieeee -Thestoneofdoom -Lundlaeva -Lolschen -Cryptozoolo -kriskrossness -Starrlight -SimplePianist -rene92 -zzzhorses -CosmicSummer -Carnimirie -TalonOcharria -Myrrien -Forestglade -Icefire55 -Starmax -LeMuffinMaster -RoseyVaporeon -MissFortune17 -Ririterasu -Elysianibata -Beezadrella -Ellapinky -Rosie -Ellapinky -Jetfeather -Onikuma -WillowtheWisp -Geist -Spookery -MacyCat -SamIamLuvDov -Harpyed -Kimdra -Oroline -JadeJewels -mokalynn -Rirukagi -Mle -arlyn -aussievinegar -LostCircuit -Siouxsie -mossyaki -IzzyWizzy -MonoshiriAvi -MusicalBean -Serpenrosa -Namira -Rhaeyne -Koneko -DousedInPetrol -Latchley -MovesLiekJaeger -Cyrya -GreywarenX -Demiguise -wolfayal -TheSoapyDolphin -jr413 -Opal99 -Oaergni -Epor10 -Eiira -Nofsky8 -Jestro -MuffinCloud -Omemega -Rulient -RinnyRoo -Tirtouga678 -Linako -Smalldoll -GooglieSalmon -sweetnightmare -DraconianLucian -FlutteringMist -peepsnibbles -jesse0319 -SerpentineSage -Lishadra -MitraSunshine -EagerNicol -RockyDrago -MasterEggy -Spedmyha -Zoroark4ever -NerraVostra -brandonjui
Last edited on Aug 08, 2018 11:53:41 by Lichtdrache
June 28, 2016 08:12:49
wow they are so cute!!!
June 28, 2016 08:13:39
may i use it in my sig? ><
June 28, 2016 08:24:12
Thank you!

Of course, I'm happy to see it in use :)
June 28, 2016 08:26:51
thank you for creating such a cute sig! :3
June 28, 2016 08:55:54

You realize, of course, that when the new familiars are released for each upcoming holiday you are going to have to make new familiar signature banners, right? :D
Please note: When pinging me the first 'letter' in my name is actually a zero.

My familiar trading thread!
June 28, 2016 09:41:54
You're welcome, I'm happy you like it!

Please no. As much as I love the holiday familiars, I don't think I'll be able to do that. Sorry ^^'
June 28, 2016 10:37:10

Awwww :(

Just kidding by the way. I'm sure it's a lot of work and you should definitely draw what you want. :)
Please note: When pinging me the first 'letter' in my name is actually a zero.

My familiar trading thread!
June 28, 2016 11:08:17
Haha, I know. I might doodle another set if I find the time :)
June 28, 2016 11:19:53

these are super cute i might put this in my light rep's bio and I'll be sure to give you credit.
which if you ever do more of these I would love to know.
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