
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | The 100 Hatchling Challenge!
[b]MAJOR EDIT:[/b] There is now a forum thread for challengees who wish to swap their male hatchlings to other challenge-takers. [url=]Click here[/url] to see what lovely boys could be your matriarch's next mate while helping others complete their own challenge! ~ As of tomorrow, it will be one month ago since I posted a Flight Rising variant of the popular The Sims [url=]Breed Out the Ugly Challenge.[/url] Since then, it's gained a lot of challengees and I couldn't be happier with much it's grown on this website! To celebrate, I've decided to take another The Sims challenge -- one that I've personally beaten after many trying days -- and transform it into something we can do on Flight Rising. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the [b]100 Hatchling Challenge![/b] [quote] 1. [b]This challenge begins with the selection of your matriarch.[/b] To pick one, she must fulfill two requirements. The first, obviously, is that she has to be biologically female. The second is that she must [i]have never been bred before now.[/i] That's it; anything else goes! She can be from your clan already, from the Auction House, have any breed / color / gene combination, be immediately RTB or not -- the sky is the limit. The one thing I recommend without a doubt is that she'd be a dragon you'd permanently keep, because you're going to have her in your hands for quite some time. [LIST] [*]If you find that you're tiring of your matriarch's look, feel free to scatterscroll her, breed change her, or alter her genes as much as you'd like. The only thing you cannot do is replace her with any other dragoness after the challenge begins. [/LIST] 2. Select the first mate for your matriarch. You may retrieve him over the Auction House, borrow a stud, or pick a permanent resident of your clan -- literally the only requirement for him is that he's biologically male and thus can produce offspring with her. [LIST] [*]Note how this step says "first" mate. This is because [b]your matriarch cannot breed with the same dragon twice across the duration of this challenge.[/b] [/LIST] 3. Breed them once they're both RTB and you have sufficient space! Make a note of how many children they've had and keep it. Maintaining count is key. I'd also recommend making a note of who the mate was, so that you never accidentally "double-dip." 4. When the hatchlings are born, you cannot just immediately exalt them or sell them over the Auction House. On the contrary, [b]you must ensure every hatchling gets a long-term home.[/b] This could be anything from becoming someone else's permanent dragon to being bred at least once in someone else's lair. Either way, they need to be kept by someone for a while before being exalted or exalt-trained, if ever. If you want, you may keep any hatchlings you get as long-term residents of your own clan. [LIST] [*]If you end up selling someone a hatchling and they change their mind and either resell or exalt it, then you are not held accountable for it; after all, the matter at that point would have been out of your hands. However, it might be wise to not sell that person another hatchling for the duration of the challenge. [/LIST] 5. Repeat the process from finding a new mate to sending the hatchlings off to find long-term homes until all 100+ hatchlings have found a place they belong! [/quote] Unlike with the Breed Out the Ugly Challenge, there is no scoring system for this one. As a side note, the shortest this challenge can be beaten is with 20 separate breedings, and that's by defying all odds and getting 5-egg nests every time. But with folks out there who have beaten the Extreme Coliseum Patience Challenge, I'm certain some of you would have the patience and willingness to see the 100 Hatchling Challenge through to the end! Feel free to ping me if any of you are interested in this long challenge, and to show off your matriarchs and their first mates! If enough people take it on, I'll put up the code for a button that one can put in their signature which will show off their victory once it's completed. [quote="Challenge Variations"] For an easier variation, you may sell hatchlings or adults through the Auction House at above-fodder prices. Remember to always check where the adult or hatchling price floor is if you go this route, since it can rise during dom battles! For an easier variation, you may sell adults through the Auction House [i]once they hit breeding age.[/i] This can be at the fodder price. For an easier variation, ensure that every mate your founder breeds with [i]does not share[/i] your founder's species. This ensures that she can always have a maximum of five eggs per nest. For a neutral variation, you may do this challenge with a patriarch instead of a matriarch. Same general rules apply, only with the biological sexes of the dragons reversed. For a neutral variation, ensure that your matriarch and every mate that you find for her are triple-gened. For a harder variation, ensure that every mate your founder breeds with shares your founder's species. This ensures that she can only have a maximum of four eggs per nest instead of five. For a harder variation, ensure that there's a "family trait" that [i]must[/i] be passed on. This can be a certain colored part (ex: a navy primary), a gene (ex: Cherub), or both (ex: navy Cherub). In order to do this variation, every mate you find for your matriarch [i]must also[/i] possess this same trait in order to keep it in the family line! [/quote] [b]EDIT:[/b] Regarding Rule #4, here's some clarification on the meaning of "long-term home." [quote name="Dreamnorn" date=2016-09-01 21:22:21] [T]he fourth rule isn't about finding [all of the hatchlings] a permanent home per say. Just something that's not "buy, then get instantly exalted or exalt-trained." They could be used for a single breeding for a challenge, become a stud in a hatchery, be an intermediate on someone's quest to achieve a dream dragon, become someone else's fodder mill for a time. ... Of course, them becoming a permie in someone's lair would be wonderful, but it's not required and certainly not expected for 100 separate hatchlings. Basically, as long as they stay in someone's lair for a couple weeks (at least until they're RTB), they can be exalted without impacting the challenge negatively since they found a home for a little while.* ... [size=2]*If you want to do the traditional rules, though, this is not something to exploit. Selling or giving away your hatchlings and just saying "I don't care what happens as long as they're not exalted until they're RTB" doesn't keep to the spirit of ensuring a good life for the matriarch's offspring.[/size] [/quote]
MAJOR EDIT: There is now a forum thread for challengees who wish to swap their male hatchlings to other challenge-takers. Click here to see what lovely boys could be your matriarch's next mate while helping others complete their own challenge!


As of tomorrow, it will be one month ago since I posted a Flight Rising variant of the popular The Sims Breed Out the Ugly Challenge. Since then, it's gained a lot of challengees and I couldn't be happier with much it's grown on this website! To celebrate, I've decided to take another The Sims challenge -- one that I've personally beaten after many trying days -- and transform it into something we can do on Flight Rising. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the 100 Hatchling Challenge!

1. This challenge begins with the selection of your matriarch. To pick one, she must fulfill two requirements. The first, obviously, is that she has to be biologically female. The second is that she must have never been bred before now. That's it; anything else goes! She can be from your clan already, from the Auction House, have any breed / color / gene combination, be immediately RTB or not -- the sky is the limit. The one thing I recommend without a doubt is that she'd be a dragon you'd permanently keep, because you're going to have her in your hands for quite some time.

  • If you find that you're tiring of your matriarch's look, feel free to scatterscroll her, breed change her, or alter her genes as much as you'd like. The only thing you cannot do is replace her with any other dragoness after the challenge begins.

2. Select the first mate for your matriarch. You may retrieve him over the Auction House, borrow a stud, or pick a permanent resident of your clan -- literally the only requirement for him is that he's biologically male and thus can produce offspring with her.

  • Note how this step says "first" mate. This is because your matriarch cannot breed with the same dragon twice across the duration of this challenge.

3. Breed them once they're both RTB and you have sufficient space! Make a note of how many children they've had and keep it. Maintaining count is key. I'd also recommend making a note of who the mate was, so that you never accidentally "double-dip."

4. When the hatchlings are born, you cannot just immediately exalt them or sell them over the Auction House. On the contrary, you must ensure every hatchling gets a long-term home. This could be anything from becoming someone else's permanent dragon to being bred at least once in someone else's lair. Either way, they need to be kept by someone for a while before being exalted or exalt-trained, if ever. If you want, you may keep any hatchlings you get as long-term residents of your own clan.

  • If you end up selling someone a hatchling and they change their mind and either resell or exalt it, then you are not held accountable for it; after all, the matter at that point would have been out of your hands. However, it might be wise to not sell that person another hatchling for the duration of the challenge.

5. Repeat the process from finding a new mate to sending the hatchlings off to find long-term homes until all 100+ hatchlings have found a place they belong!

Unlike with the Breed Out the Ugly Challenge, there is no scoring system for this one. As a side note, the shortest this challenge can be beaten is with 20 separate breedings, and that's by defying all odds and getting 5-egg nests every time. But with folks out there who have beaten the Extreme Coliseum Patience Challenge, I'm certain some of you would have the patience and willingness to see the 100 Hatchling Challenge through to the end!

Feel free to ping me if any of you are interested in this long challenge, and to show off your matriarchs and their first mates! If enough people take it on, I'll put up the code for a button that one can put in their signature which will show off their victory once it's completed.

Challenge Variations wrote:
For an easier variation, you may sell hatchlings or adults through the Auction House at above-fodder prices. Remember to always check where the adult or hatchling price floor is if you go this route, since it can rise during dom battles!

For an easier variation, you may sell adults through the Auction House once they hit breeding age. This can be at the fodder price.

For an easier variation, ensure that every mate your founder breeds with does not share your founder's species. This ensures that she can always have a maximum of five eggs per nest.

For a neutral variation, you may do this challenge with a patriarch instead of a matriarch. Same general rules apply, only with the biological sexes of the dragons reversed.

For a neutral variation, ensure that your matriarch and every mate that you find for her are triple-gened.

For a harder variation, ensure that every mate your founder breeds with shares your founder's species. This ensures that she can only have a maximum of four eggs per nest instead of five.

For a harder variation, ensure that there's a "family trait" that must be passed on. This can be a certain colored part (ex: a navy primary), a gene (ex: Cherub), or both (ex: navy Cherub). In order to do this variation, every mate you find for your matriarch must also possess this same trait in order to keep it in the family line!

EDIT: Regarding Rule #4, here's some clarification on the meaning of "long-term home."

Dreamnorn wrote on 2016-09-01:
[T]he fourth rule isn't about finding [all of the hatchlings] a permanent home per say. Just something that's not "buy, then get instantly exalted or exalt-trained." They could be used for a single breeding for a challenge, become a stud in a hatchery, be an intermediate on someone's quest to achieve a dream dragon, become someone else's fodder mill for a time. ... Of course, them becoming a permie in someone's lair would be wonderful, but it's not required and certainly not expected for 100 separate hatchlings. Basically, as long as they stay in someone's lair for a couple weeks (at least until they're RTB), they can be exalted without impacting the challenge negatively since they found a home for a little while.*


*If you want to do the traditional rules, though, this is not something to exploit. Selling or giving away your hatchlings and just saying "I don't care what happens as long as they're not exalted until they're RTB" doesn't keep to the spirit of ensuring a good life for the matriarch's offspring.
So number 4, does that mean if i give away or sell a dragon and its not bred and is exalted do i lose the challenge? Or is it fine as long as the person originally inted or told me they intended to keep it and then decided not to.
So number 4, does that mean if i give away or sell a dragon and its not bred and is exalted do i lose the challenge? Or is it fine as long as the person originally inted or told me they intended to keep it and then decided not to.
@FantasyFreak I added an addendum to Number Four. c: Here's what it says:

If you end up selling someone a hatchling and they change their mind and either resell or exalt it, then you are not held accountable for it; after all, the matter at that point would have been out of your hands. However, it might be wise to not sell that person another hatchling for the duration of the challenge.

This may be edited for clarification of wording later, but it would be ridiculous to be held accountable for something someone else does and to have your whole challenge overhauled because of it. If they say in the moment that they'll totally keep that dragon for a long-term purpose, then that counts; but yeah, I definitely wouldn't sell them a hatchling again if they go back on their word. ^^ Thank you for asking so that I could clarify this for anyone who may be tempted to try this challenge out!
@FantasyFreak I added an addendum to Number Four. c: Here's what it says:

If you end up selling someone a hatchling and they change their mind and either resell or exalt it, then you are not held accountable for it; after all, the matter at that point would have been out of your hands. However, it might be wise to not sell that person another hatchling for the duration of the challenge.

This may be edited for clarification of wording later, but it would be ridiculous to be held accountable for something someone else does and to have your whole challenge overhauled because of it. If they say in the moment that they'll totally keep that dragon for a long-term purpose, then that counts; but yeah, I definitely wouldn't sell them a hatchling again if they go back on their word. ^^ Thank you for asking so that I could clarify this for anyone who may be tempted to try this challenge out!
@Dreamnorn Oh my, this seems hella fun. :0 [sub][size=3](what is spell style, wtf @ me)[/size][/sub] Lemme find a matriarch that's already stuck butt-deep in my lore and I'll put her here. Edit has happened!: [url=] [img][/img] [/url] This lady is my matriarch now. I'll be spending her kidmoney on improving her slowly, and also sticking appealing things on the children so they sell to better homes. She can breed tomorrow, so I can figure out what poor soul gets caught by her and then ditched like she's Elle frickin' King.

Oh my, this seems hella fun. :0 (what is spell style, *** @ me)
Lemme find a matriarch that's already stuck butt-deep in my lore and I'll put her here.

Edit has happened!:


This lady is my matriarch now. I'll be spending her kidmoney on improving her slowly, and also sticking appealing things on the children so they sell to better homes.
She can breed tomorrow, so I can figure out what poor soul gets caught by her and then ditched like she's Elle frickin' King.
sigsize_bapy_2.png ++++ .
// your local they/he - call me phoenix //_____

P9aWhak.png LRdLP2V.png JvUa9ma.png

Disregard everything I just typed. I'm going with a dragon with low cooldown. Which means I gotta fish one from the AH.

Disregard everything I just typed. I'm going with a dragon with low cooldown. Which means I gotta fish one from the AH.
This sounds really interesting but the real challenge is finding homes for the children...if you hatch one ugly baby you have to keep it forever, because for me even gorgeous babies dont sell!
This sounds really interesting but the real challenge is finding homes for the children...if you hatch one ugly baby you have to keep it forever, because for me even gorgeous babies dont sell!
I'm like considering doing it but at the same time it's such a longtime commitment, like if you have both be mirrors, with 15 days cooldown, and a 4 egg nest every time. That's 375 days. That's A YEAR
I'm like considering doing it but at the same time it's such a longtime commitment, like if you have both be mirrors, with 15 days cooldown, and a 4 egg nest every time. That's 375 days. That's A YEAR
mby23.gif • +9 FR, She/Her, all mirror clan (2 exceptions,,,,, *shakes fists at aberrations*)
• I collect Mossy Cerdae's (930) and Cerdae Sparkle (17.8k). (Updated 2022-08-28)
Fixing up my lair
Like 3 of mine, I like 10 of yours!
[quote name="RottingFlesh" date=2016-08-29 06:45:31] I'm like considering doing it but at the same time it's such a longtime commitment, like if you have both be mirrors, with 15 days cooldown, and a 4 egg nest every time. That's 375 days. That's A YEAR [/quote] o h O H das a long time and imagine if you get one-egged the entire time. whoa
RottingFlesh wrote on 2016-08-29:
I'm like considering doing it but at the same time it's such a longtime commitment, like if you have both be mirrors, with 15 days cooldown, and a 4 egg nest every time. That's 375 days. That's A YEAR
o h
das a long time
and imagine if you get one-egged the entire time. whoa
sigsize_bapy_2.png ++++ .
// your local they/he - call me phoenix //_____

P9aWhak.png LRdLP2V.png JvUa9ma.png
@Neowulf Ooh, she's a lovely Mirror. :D (Her lore description and name are top notch, by the way. XD) Good luck on finding a mate for her!


@smeen Haha, I actually didn't see what you had typed in the first place. But that's all fine. :D Best of luck scouring the AH for a perfect matriarch!


@Christovski Exactly! This challenge is more than a waiting game partly thanks to the original one's rules, where a baby sim doesn't "count" unless you properly raise it to adulthood and then move it out of the house. While this might not be as intense as micromanaging an in-game house with seven children (all of which have their own autonomies), it still can be quite hard to find even beautiful dragons permanent homes.

Feel free to share your matriarch and her first mate if you decide to take on this challenge, though. :D Who knows what kind of crazy luck can happen?


@RottingFlesh Yep! And even if you have two different breeds and stick only to basics with five-egg nests every time, that's 20 generations x 15 days each. I was hesitating posting this challenge on this website for that reason, but there are people attempting and beating things like the Extreme Coli Patience Challenge or the Determination Challenge and I was like... you know what? This could totally work here. ^^

I mean, you can always consider your matriarch to be like your "baby factory" for nice hatchlings that would go for a pretty penny for the right audience. But whether or not you'd like to see this challenge through is totally up to you. :D If so, then good luck!
@Neowulf Ooh, she's a lovely Mirror. :D (Her lore description and name are top notch, by the way. XD) Good luck on finding a mate for her!


@smeen Haha, I actually didn't see what you had typed in the first place. But that's all fine. :D Best of luck scouring the AH for a perfect matriarch!


@Christovski Exactly! This challenge is more than a waiting game partly thanks to the original one's rules, where a baby sim doesn't "count" unless you properly raise it to adulthood and then move it out of the house. While this might not be as intense as micromanaging an in-game house with seven children (all of which have their own autonomies), it still can be quite hard to find even beautiful dragons permanent homes.

Feel free to share your matriarch and her first mate if you decide to take on this challenge, though. :D Who knows what kind of crazy luck can happen?


@RottingFlesh Yep! And even if you have two different breeds and stick only to basics with five-egg nests every time, that's 20 generations x 15 days each. I was hesitating posting this challenge on this website for that reason, but there are people attempting and beating things like the Extreme Coli Patience Challenge or the Determination Challenge and I was like... you know what? This could totally work here. ^^

I mean, you can always consider your matriarch to be like your "baby factory" for nice hatchlings that would go for a pretty penny for the right audience. But whether or not you'd like to see this challenge through is totally up to you. :D If so, then good luck!
@Dreamnorm I always loved this challenge in the Sims so I think I might attempt it here also! My Matriarch: Jasmina [url=] [img][/img] [/url] Her 1st Mate: Pactmaker [url=] [img][/img] [/url] The result: 3 eggs for first nest!
@Dreamnorm I always loved this challenge in the Sims so I think I might attempt it here also!

My Matriarch:



Her 1st Mate:


The result: 3 eggs for first nest!