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TOPIC | Familiar Bonding and Boolean Familiar??
Hi! So I was actually wondering if, say, you purchase a familiar from someone else and say that they had already gotten it to the Awakened state.

Would that transfer between users or is it like a clean slate sort of deal so the new owner can get that same benefit? I'm thinking it's the latter but still was curious.

Firstly; if certain familiars can be traded, like a Boolean ((since it came from a very specific event near opening) And if that's so, I wanted to know if anyone that did have an Awakened Boolean familiar if they would be willing to do a loan of it to me for the sake of me obtaining that bond level. I am not someone who likes to take things and run and I am adamant about the daily bonding thing. It would be returned (should said original owner still want it) once the Awakened State had been achieved.

(I know that is a HUGE ask considering that it is a super rare familiar but I'm vying for that completionist state, lol.)

Thank you in advance to anyone who answers!
Hi! So I was actually wondering if, say, you purchase a familiar from someone else and say that they had already gotten it to the Awakened state.

Would that transfer between users or is it like a clean slate sort of deal so the new owner can get that same benefit? I'm thinking it's the latter but still was curious.

Firstly; if certain familiars can be traded, like a Boolean ((since it came from a very specific event near opening) And if that's so, I wanted to know if anyone that did have an Awakened Boolean familiar if they would be willing to do a loan of it to me for the sake of me obtaining that bond level. I am not someone who likes to take things and run and I am adamant about the daily bonding thing. It would be returned (should said original owner still want it) once the Awakened State had been achieved.

(I know that is a HUGE ask considering that it is a super rare familiar but I'm vying for that completionist state, lol.)

Thank you in advance to anyone who answers!
It's a clean slate sort of deal - your bond level with a familiar is your bond level, it doesn't transfer over from somebody else.

I'm afraid I don't have a Boolean to lend you, but if you don't get any takers, Fiona over at the Trading Post has one, and every so often she'll let you bond with hers. The more familiars you yourself have gotten to Awakened, the more often her Boolean will show up in her daily offering. (that's actually the whole purpose of Fiona, letting you hit Awakened with familiars you have little to no hope of obtaining yourself)
It's a clean slate sort of deal - your bond level with a familiar is your bond level, it doesn't transfer over from somebody else.

I'm afraid I don't have a Boolean to lend you, but if you don't get any takers, Fiona over at the Trading Post has one, and every so often she'll let you bond with hers. The more familiars you yourself have gotten to Awakened, the more often her Boolean will show up in her daily offering. (that's actually the whole purpose of Fiona, letting you hit Awakened with familiars you have little to no hope of obtaining yourself)
bond level is tied to the account, not the individual familiar - so every baku i own would be at the companion level, every heartred croaker would be at the awakened level, etc.

that's also how fiona is able to let you gain bonding progress with familiars you don't own at all - it stays even if you don't currently own the familiar
bond level is tied to the account, not the individual familiar - so every baku i own would be at the companion level, every heartred croaker would be at the awakened level, etc.

that's also how fiona is able to let you gain bonding progress with familiars you don't own at all - it stays even if you don't currently own the familiar
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Your bonding status with your familiars is yours and yours alone, since familiar bonding levels are tied to your account, not the individual familiar. There is no way to change your familiars' bond levels aside from actually bonding with them. Doesn't matter if you give away your only copy of that familiar; if you ever re-obtain it, it will be at the same bond level since you last bonded with it.

The only way to get an Awakened Boolean is to actually bond with a Boolean and Awaken it yourself, and since Booleans are retired and incredibly rare, your only method of bonding will likely be through Fiona (she may have a Boolean pop up every now and then in her roster).

Also, you likely will not find anyone willing to lend you their Boolean. Those who have Booleans and are still active players on the site absolutely know of how valuable they are. Like, INSANELY valuable. So valuable that it's way too risky to lend them out to anyone. So yeah, Fiona will be your best bet!
Your bonding status with your familiars is yours and yours alone, since familiar bonding levels are tied to your account, not the individual familiar. There is no way to change your familiars' bond levels aside from actually bonding with them. Doesn't matter if you give away your only copy of that familiar; if you ever re-obtain it, it will be at the same bond level since you last bonded with it.

The only way to get an Awakened Boolean is to actually bond with a Boolean and Awaken it yourself, and since Booleans are retired and incredibly rare, your only method of bonding will likely be through Fiona (she may have a Boolean pop up every now and then in her roster).

Also, you likely will not find anyone willing to lend you their Boolean. Those who have Booleans and are still active players on the site absolutely know of how valuable they are. Like, INSANELY valuable. So valuable that it's way too risky to lend them out to anyone. So yeah, Fiona will be your best bet!
pet the dogy :) ..... Marsh / Basset
She/Her | +3 FR Time | Pings always okay!
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My joints hurt.
so I dont have a boolean, but I was able to awaken it w/o borrowing or purchasing it! I did it through fiona; it takes a while longer since the boolean didnt always show up for me (the KS fams and sprites beat it out sometimes), but its definitely doable with how fiona prioritizes things. who knows you may get a boolean owner on this post--but for now, I'd focus on getting all the other familiars you possibly can, to force fiona to give you the boolean (or other "unobtainables") since she'll always give you at least 3 familiars that you dont own and haven't awakened. I can spot you a couple right now at least [emoji=coatl tongue size=1]
so I dont have a boolean, but I was able to awaken it w/o borrowing or purchasing it! I did it through fiona; it takes a while longer since the boolean didnt always show up for me (the KS fams and sprites beat it out sometimes), but its definitely doable with how fiona prioritizes things.

who knows you may get a boolean owner on this post--but for now, I'd focus on getting all the other familiars you possibly can, to force fiona to give you the boolean (or other "unobtainables") since she'll always give you at least 3 familiars that you dont own and haven't awakened. I can spot you a couple right now at least
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@WitchKnight I'm gonna echo what everyone here is saying. AFAIK there's an estimated 80 booleans on the site, like [i]in total[/i], and trying to get every familiar is extremely hard. I know someone who's done it, and it took them five years of constant grinding, exchanging treasure for gems, listing on the AH, and buying next to nothing. Nobody is going to be lending a Boolean unless they are 100% certain they can get it back, and even then, Fiona makes lending somewhat pointless. On the topic of [url=]Fiona's fantastic familiars,[/url] she supplies you with 8 random familiars to bond with per day. While she can give you familiars you already have, she's more likely to give you ones you don't have - this includes the Kickstarter familiars and Boolean. The best way to fully bond all the familiars is to get as many of the regular familiars as you can, so that Fiona has a higher chance of showing you the rare or semi-impossible ones. [img][/img] For example, here's a screengrab of what she offered me today. The Cog Frog is a Kickstarter familiar and the Water Sprite is from the first water festival on the site. She's offered Boolean many times before, so as long as you visit her on the daily and grab as many different familiars as you can, you can use Fiona to get to the complete bonding goal. Good luck!
@WitchKnight I'm gonna echo what everyone here is saying. AFAIK there's an estimated 80 booleans on the site, like in total, and trying to get every familiar is extremely hard. I know someone who's done it, and it took them five years of constant grinding, exchanging treasure for gems, listing on the AH, and buying next to nothing. Nobody is going to be lending a Boolean unless they are 100% certain they can get it back, and even then, Fiona makes lending somewhat pointless.

On the topic of Fiona's fantastic familiars, she supplies you with 8 random familiars to bond with per day. While she can give you familiars you already have, she's more likely to give you ones you don't have - this includes the Kickstarter familiars and Boolean. The best way to fully bond all the familiars is to get as many of the regular familiars as you can, so that Fiona has a higher chance of showing you the rare or semi-impossible ones.

For example, here's a screengrab of what she offered me today. The Cog Frog is a Kickstarter familiar and the Water Sprite is from the first water festival on the site. She's offered Boolean many times before, so as long as you visit her on the daily and grab as many different familiars as you can, you can use Fiona to get to the complete bonding goal.

Good luck!
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V Hard:

You are not very likely to find someone loaning you a Boolean. Someone did that years ago for the achievement that used to exist for owning one and theirs got stolen. Staff returned it but made it very clear that lending is not a site-sanctioned thing.

I only ever lend mine out once, right before the old achievements were turned off, and that was to an old, active and very reputable user. And I got a Gen1 Imp as collateral. Nowadays I wouldn't lend it out anymore. Not for a whole month and not when Fiona is a thing. If you want it to show up more frequent, try getting as many familiars as possible. She is supposed to favor familiars you don't own.
You are not very likely to find someone loaning you a Boolean. Someone did that years ago for the achievement that used to exist for owning one and theirs got stolen. Staff returned it but made it very clear that lending is not a site-sanctioned thing.

I only ever lend mine out once, right before the old achievements were turned off, and that was to an old, active and very reputable user. And I got a Gen1 Imp as collateral. Nowadays I wouldn't lend it out anymore. Not for a whole month and not when Fiona is a thing. If you want it to show up more frequent, try getting as many familiars as possible. She is supposed to favor familiars you don't own.
Skycat Cog Frog
You'd be lucky to find a Boolean for sale these days, let alone one being lent out. Fiona has completely removed the need for lending anyway.
Edit: I was curious about this actually so had a little looksies and one sold recently for 3 million gems. Obviously gameplay would have contributed to that number to some degree, but it puts the value of a Boolean at over $25,000 USD currently. No one is lending that out to an internet stranger!
You'd be lucky to find a Boolean for sale these days, let alone one being lent out. Fiona has completely removed the need for lending anyway.
Edit: I was curious about this actually so had a little looksies and one sold recently for 3 million gems. Obviously gameplay would have contributed to that number to some degree, but it puts the value of a Boolean at over $25,000 USD currently. No one is lending that out to an internet stranger!