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I want to live in Theory. Everything works there.

Have you checked the Gem MP for Gene and Breed scrolls before buying an AH listing from me ending in 5g?
@dotjpeg Pricing dragons is difficult. The best you can do is search for similar looking dragons on the AH to get an idea.
For your dragon you'd want to look at other level 25s. Search through them to find other dragons with eliminate, that's sometimes mentioned in their broadcast message otherwise you'd have to check their profiles, and price around there. Start high and gradually lower the price if you like. You might have to knock a bit off because of all the Unnamed offspring.
@dotjpeg Pricing dragons is difficult. The best you can do is search for similar looking dragons on the AH to get an idea.
For your dragon you'd want to look at other level 25s. Search through them to find other dragons with eliminate, that's sometimes mentioned in their broadcast message otherwise you'd have to check their profiles, and price around there. Start high and gradually lower the price if you like. You might have to knock a bit off because of all the Unnamed offspring.