

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | The Conflict of Myths and Magic - IC
Ashlynn - Snek House - Interactions: Open

Ashlynn blearily sipped on a cup of coffee as she listened to the late morning radio, not quite awake enough to catch what was playing on the broadcast. It probably wasn't anything new, anyways. The news only seemed to be covering the ever-bloodier confrontations and attacks from the Tamorrah. Magic purists who couldn't seem to leave normal folk alone. Sure, Ashlynn might have understood and even supported a resistance against the Templar, but the Tamorrah rarely got into confrontations directly with the Templar. A lot of normal people were killed because they were easy targets and didn't fit in with the ideal the Tamorrah wanted to see.

Ashlynn paused as the broadcast began detailing a recent break-in. It was close - too close for comfort - actually. It was a restaurant that she would often order from. Simple takeout, but they were close enough that the food was always piping hot when it arrived, and the owners didn't seem to care that she was, well... a freak.

"At this time, no injuries have been reported, although the assailants made off with heirlooms worth almost five thousand dollars," the woman on the broadcast said over emphatically.

"At least no one was hurt," Ashlynn said, before continuing to drink her coffee.
@RaccoonusDoodus @speedyturtle @SmilodonLady @DragonQueenHi @WarriorsFan - IC open!
Ashlynn - Snek House - Interactions: Open

Ashlynn blearily sipped on a cup of coffee as she listened to the late morning radio, not quite awake enough to catch what was playing on the broadcast. It probably wasn't anything new, anyways. The news only seemed to be covering the ever-bloodier confrontations and attacks from the Tamorrah. Magic purists who couldn't seem to leave normal folk alone. Sure, Ashlynn might have understood and even supported a resistance against the Templar, but the Tamorrah rarely got into confrontations directly with the Templar. A lot of normal people were killed because they were easy targets and didn't fit in with the ideal the Tamorrah wanted to see.

Ashlynn paused as the broadcast began detailing a recent break-in. It was close - too close for comfort - actually. It was a restaurant that she would often order from. Simple takeout, but they were close enough that the food was always piping hot when it arrived, and the owners didn't seem to care that she was, well... a freak.

"At this time, no injuries have been reported, although the assailants made off with heirlooms worth almost five thousand dollars," the woman on the broadcast said over emphatically.

"At least no one was hurt," Ashlynn said, before continuing to drink her coffee.
@RaccoonusDoodus @speedyturtle @SmilodonLady @DragonQueenHi @WarriorsFan - IC open!
xCQDmTE.png K8vHloq.png wzWQdIO.gif
Dagger Kairlot-Roslayer
Location: Out in the wilds of the city
Interactions: Markus, Open

Dagger was reading over a news article over the latest dumb thing the Tamorrah had done, Mark looking over from her shoulders as he was currently in his smaller form to maintain some secrecy while he spoke with his cousin. She then shook her head and said,
"Their lucky I don't have descriptions, or I'd go yell at them."
She was currently on her way to a local coffee shop.

Mark squeaked a bit as he replied,
"Please don't… We don't want to risk your cover."
He curled his tail around Dagger's shoulder. He then pulled part of his hair over with a claw to keep it out of his cousin's face.

Dagger stroked him lightly as she said,
"Oh relax, they like me too much to just yeet me out to the curb. Unlike your people that look at any oddity and start screaming like when you discover cockroaches can fly… But I know they have some enchanted crap."

Markus wheezed as they walked and said,
"Yeah, that really is what they are like. Like if they knew I was a shifter I'm pretty sure I could get that exact reaction. Better yet I could hide you under my coat and they would have the dawning horror that you can fly, Dagger."
He fluttered his fins a bit, causing Dagger to reach up and gently touch it as the fin has brushed against her neck.
Landon Rockcrowne
Location: Home
Interactions: Open

He had an Emerald Tree Boa coiled around his shoulders and a cup of coffee in his hands. Landon could hear the news as he stepped outside and inwardly cringed as he thought,
To think I was once associated with these people… They really could have been something but instead chose to be the other extreme.
A real shame since I would have been more than happy to support them if they just wanted to beat the Templar back into hiding.

He gently stroked the snake on the head with the back of a finger and said,
"Still pretty cringe on their part. That story makes it sound more like a particularly confused young dragon trying to build a hoard than magic supremacists."
Landon had his own beef with the Tamorrah that was similar to his roommate's as they'd both made the mistake of assuming they were just against the Templar initially.
Darius Tenner
Location: The hippie rock shop he works at
Interactions: Open

Darius pulled open the door, causing the windchimes that hung from it to jingle.
"Hey Lilly, give me a second to get clocked in and I'll help sort through the rocks."
He called out, as the store was small enough she probably heard him from the back. As he walked behind the counter to use the computer for a moment.

"When you get a moment, could you pass me a glowing crystal? The light back here is janky."
A woman's voice called out from the back of the store.

Darius made sure the computer actually logged him in right as he called back,
"Lilly, just get the wires checked at this point. But I think I've got a few fire ones on hand."
He reached into his pocket and could feel the warm crystal in question and walked into the back for a moment to hand over the crystal.

As he did that, Lilly traded him a box of various crystals in the somewhat dim and flickering light and replied,
"Can you handle the cash register for today? Use the back counter for sorting these… As umm… There was a break in earlier at a restaurant and I'm worried they might try and sell some of the heirlooms here. It was that group of mages that give off bad vibes."

Darius looked at her funny for a moment before the realization struck, taking the box under one arm as he said,
"Oh dammit, I think I know who you're talking about… I'll take over the front for today."
He reached his other hand around and broke off a green crystal a bit larger than his hand and held it out to Lilly as he added,
"You are a nature mage if anyone asks and if you need to show proof just stand near a plant while hiding this in your pocket and it should start growing."
He then went back out to the front, putting the box on the back shelf and started sorting through the crystals in it.

((I will figure out my other two characters later, but for now have this))
Dagger Kairlot-Roslayer
Location: Out in the wilds of the city
Interactions: Markus, Open

Dagger was reading over a news article over the latest dumb thing the Tamorrah had done, Mark looking over from her shoulders as he was currently in his smaller form to maintain some secrecy while he spoke with his cousin. She then shook her head and said,
"Their lucky I don't have descriptions, or I'd go yell at them."
She was currently on her way to a local coffee shop.

Mark squeaked a bit as he replied,
"Please don't… We don't want to risk your cover."
He curled his tail around Dagger's shoulder. He then pulled part of his hair over with a claw to keep it out of his cousin's face.

Dagger stroked him lightly as she said,
"Oh relax, they like me too much to just yeet me out to the curb. Unlike your people that look at any oddity and start screaming like when you discover cockroaches can fly… But I know they have some enchanted crap."

Markus wheezed as they walked and said,
"Yeah, that really is what they are like. Like if they knew I was a shifter I'm pretty sure I could get that exact reaction. Better yet I could hide you under my coat and they would have the dawning horror that you can fly, Dagger."
He fluttered his fins a bit, causing Dagger to reach up and gently touch it as the fin has brushed against her neck.
Landon Rockcrowne
Location: Home
Interactions: Open

He had an Emerald Tree Boa coiled around his shoulders and a cup of coffee in his hands. Landon could hear the news as he stepped outside and inwardly cringed as he thought,
To think I was once associated with these people… They really could have been something but instead chose to be the other extreme.
A real shame since I would have been more than happy to support them if they just wanted to beat the Templar back into hiding.

He gently stroked the snake on the head with the back of a finger and said,
"Still pretty cringe on their part. That story makes it sound more like a particularly confused young dragon trying to build a hoard than magic supremacists."
Landon had his own beef with the Tamorrah that was similar to his roommate's as they'd both made the mistake of assuming they were just against the Templar initially.
Darius Tenner
Location: The hippie rock shop he works at
Interactions: Open

Darius pulled open the door, causing the windchimes that hung from it to jingle.
"Hey Lilly, give me a second to get clocked in and I'll help sort through the rocks."
He called out, as the store was small enough she probably heard him from the back. As he walked behind the counter to use the computer for a moment.

"When you get a moment, could you pass me a glowing crystal? The light back here is janky."
A woman's voice called out from the back of the store.

Darius made sure the computer actually logged him in right as he called back,
"Lilly, just get the wires checked at this point. But I think I've got a few fire ones on hand."
He reached into his pocket and could feel the warm crystal in question and walked into the back for a moment to hand over the crystal.

As he did that, Lilly traded him a box of various crystals in the somewhat dim and flickering light and replied,
"Can you handle the cash register for today? Use the back counter for sorting these… As umm… There was a break in earlier at a restaurant and I'm worried they might try and sell some of the heirlooms here. It was that group of mages that give off bad vibes."

Darius looked at her funny for a moment before the realization struck, taking the box under one arm as he said,
"Oh dammit, I think I know who you're talking about… I'll take over the front for today."
He reached his other hand around and broke off a green crystal a bit larger than his hand and held it out to Lilly as he added,
"You are a nature mage if anyone asks and if you need to show proof just stand near a plant while hiding this in your pocket and it should start growing."
He then went back out to the front, putting the box on the back shelf and started sorting through the crystals in it.

((I will figure out my other two characters later, but for now have this))
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Dress up
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Basilisks
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif She/her
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Writer/artist

arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Lady, Smiles
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Theatre Kid/FR+ 3
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Roleplayer - Kamura Kingdom (Open)
arrow_left_by_drawn_mario-d7yqvjz.gif Blood Wyverns
Cal Townsend
Location: Tamorrah base
Interactions: open

Cal sat quietly at the back of the room. The strategists were currently lecturing everyone on the results of the most recent operation in the city. A few people had been sent to obtain some particular items, and, well, they were not subtle about it. Cal rolled his eyes, but anyone who looked at him would have seen a perfectly neutral face. He used his illusion magic to hide his annoyance at the situation. If they had sent me on this mission, this never would have happened, Cal thought. They would have been in and out, and no one would have even noticed that anything happened until they noticed the items were missing. But not only did the break-in end up all over the news, the mages sent were blatant enough with their powers that everyone knew it was the Tamorrah responsible for it.

Cal appreciated that the Tamorrah weren't afraid to get things done, weren't afraid to take risks to make a change in the world. But some situations called for subtlety, which was an art that it seemed many of his peers lacked. Many members of the Tamorrah rather enjoyed flaunting their powers, which was an impulse Cal understood. He had been forced to suppress his powers for a long time, so he knew how stifling that felt. But he also knew there was a time and a place for it, and making it known that the Tamorrah is breaking into seemingly random restaurants was not something he thought would endear their organization to the general public.

Though they may be receiving a thorough reprimand—in front of everyone currently present at the base, no less—Cal knew the errant mages would not experience any serious consequences. They were too useful to the movement. Cal wondered if anything would actually change after this lecture, or if operations would continue to end in chaotic, and publicized, ways.
Cal Townsend
Location: Tamorrah base
Interactions: open

Cal sat quietly at the back of the room. The strategists were currently lecturing everyone on the results of the most recent operation in the city. A few people had been sent to obtain some particular items, and, well, they were not subtle about it. Cal rolled his eyes, but anyone who looked at him would have seen a perfectly neutral face. He used his illusion magic to hide his annoyance at the situation. If they had sent me on this mission, this never would have happened, Cal thought. They would have been in and out, and no one would have even noticed that anything happened until they noticed the items were missing. But not only did the break-in end up all over the news, the mages sent were blatant enough with their powers that everyone knew it was the Tamorrah responsible for it.

Cal appreciated that the Tamorrah weren't afraid to get things done, weren't afraid to take risks to make a change in the world. But some situations called for subtlety, which was an art that it seemed many of his peers lacked. Many members of the Tamorrah rather enjoyed flaunting their powers, which was an impulse Cal understood. He had been forced to suppress his powers for a long time, so he knew how stifling that felt. But he also knew there was a time and a place for it, and making it known that the Tamorrah is breaking into seemingly random restaurants was not something he thought would endear their organization to the general public.

Though they may be receiving a thorough reprimand—in front of everyone currently present at the base, no less—Cal knew the errant mages would not experience any serious consequences. They were too useful to the movement. Cal wondered if anything would actually change after this lecture, or if operations would continue to end in chaotic, and publicized, ways.
location=Outside, close to Tamorrah base

Nylah glanced at her watch, her face screwed up in annoyance. why schedule a meeting that I HAVE to be at, during the work that THEY make me do? the tamorrah made little sense to her sometimes. It was probably another yelling session, anyway. She wasn’t missing much, might as well walk slow.
She glanced at her surroundings, passing by a small newsstand. She looked down at the headlines. Not having actually bothered checking, she wasn’t 100% sure what had happened this time.
god, what are they DOING these days? If I had been there, maybe… she shook her head. No, she wasn’t particularly good at the whole “be quiet and don’t attract attention” business. Probably better than those who had gone, though.
She pulled the brim of her rather large hat down slightly. She should probably get going. Maybe she’d at least catch the end of the meeting.
location=Outside, close to Tamorrah base

Nylah glanced at her watch, her face screwed up in annoyance. why schedule a meeting that I HAVE to be at, during the work that THEY make me do? the tamorrah made little sense to her sometimes. It was probably another yelling session, anyway. She wasn’t missing much, might as well walk slow.
She glanced at her surroundings, passing by a small newsstand. She looked down at the headlines. Not having actually bothered checking, she wasn’t 100% sure what had happened this time.
god, what are they DOING these days? If I had been there, maybe… she shook her head. No, she wasn’t particularly good at the whole “be quiet and don’t attract attention” business. Probably better than those who had gone, though.
She pulled the brim of her rather large hat down slightly. She should probably get going. Maybe she’d at least catch the end of the meeting.
xmScPts.png TB6EYwU.png
I’m also a K-pop stan and I watch ranboo/Tommyinnit BUT IM NOT LIKE THE OBSESSED FANS PLEASE BELIEVE ME
Other YouTubers I watch are kallmekris and laurenzside :) and my Pinterest is @dying_esque
Alex - Location: Snek House
Interactions: Ashlynn and Landon (hopefully)

The doctor, who isn't a medical doctor but instead has his doctorate in Magical Sciences, walked down the sidewalk, looking for the correct address. He had managed to get a lead of not one, but two different people who used to be a part of the two groups hunting him down. He figured if the Templar and Tammorah know so much about himself, then he could at least try and get some information as to how the groups work.

Alex avoided puddles on the sidewalk, glad it was no longer raining. As he got to a rather large house, he double and triple checked the address before firmly knocking on the door.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Alexander Dumont. May I speak with the current residents?" the Russian announced after his knock, feeling it'd be impolite to not announce himself. He had made the assumption that if he was right about who lived here, they may be nervous about unexpected visitors.

Angel - Location: Hippie Rock Shop
Interactions: Darius

Angel walked into the rock store. Damien had always warned her not to go in, but there wasn't really much harm in a rock store, right? Not to mention, their anniversary was coming up, and she wanted to get her husband something nice and special. Damien had an ever-growing rock and crystal collection he kept at the house, which he came by honestly. Sirens were known to collect some shiny objects. So what better gift than to help him grow his collection.

As she walked in, she looked around in awe at the crystals. She knew her husband didn't believe in rock magic, but instead he has the mindset of 'ooooh shiny!' Angel walked over to the counter, hoping to find help picking out the perfect rocks and crystals for her husband.

"Excuse me, I have a question," she asked the man behind the counter. "Do you have any naturally teal crystals? My husband has been looking for teal to add to his collection. He has this rainbow set up in our living room. It's quite gorgeous. It's our anniversary coming up and -- oh, I'm sorry. You don't want my life story."

Damien - Location: His cafe
Interactions: Open (threw him here because in Dagger's section, it was mentioned she was on her way to a local coffee shop)

Damien sighed softly, bored out of his mind. It had been an unusually slow day. He had already cleaned all of the machines behind the counter, made sure all of the food was fresh, mopped the floors, and scrubbed the tables.

He sat on a stool, and pulled out his phone to use the camera as a mirror. He pulled an eyeliner pen out of his pocket deciding to fill in the designs his wife had put on his face that morning. While he could do his own makeup, he thought his artist wife would be much better at actually getting the eyeliner to match. The designs were simple scales, so he didn't fill them in completely, more like just adding some shading during his down time.

Xander - Location: (unknowingly) outside of the Tammorah base
Interactions: Nylah

"Jeez, I need a shower," Xander mumbled to himself, looking down at his dirty clothes. Sometimes, he wondered if night shift nurse was the best job he could get. Sure, it's nice to talk to the ghosts and walk them through the fear they usually feel shortly after passing, but at the same time, he was constantly understaffed and overworked.

'Yeah, you stink,' one spirit grumbled next to him. The elderly man had been following the poor necromancer for the last week, invisible to those without ghostly powers.

"You can't even smell me," Xander replied, not paying complete attention to where he was walking, passing by a female with long, black hair. To anyone around him, it'd of course look like he was talking to himself. The elderly ghost moved through the girl, not bothering to walk around her. Xander didn't miss a beat scolding the spirit. "Don't do that. People don't like that. It feels weird."
Alex - Location: Snek House
Interactions: Ashlynn and Landon (hopefully)

The doctor, who isn't a medical doctor but instead has his doctorate in Magical Sciences, walked down the sidewalk, looking for the correct address. He had managed to get a lead of not one, but two different people who used to be a part of the two groups hunting him down. He figured if the Templar and Tammorah know so much about himself, then he could at least try and get some information as to how the groups work.

Alex avoided puddles on the sidewalk, glad it was no longer raining. As he got to a rather large house, he double and triple checked the address before firmly knocking on the door.

"Hello, my name is Dr. Alexander Dumont. May I speak with the current residents?" the Russian announced after his knock, feeling it'd be impolite to not announce himself. He had made the assumption that if he was right about who lived here, they may be nervous about unexpected visitors.

Angel - Location: Hippie Rock Shop
Interactions: Darius

Angel walked into the rock store. Damien had always warned her not to go in, but there wasn't really much harm in a rock store, right? Not to mention, their anniversary was coming up, and she wanted to get her husband something nice and special. Damien had an ever-growing rock and crystal collection he kept at the house, which he came by honestly. Sirens were known to collect some shiny objects. So what better gift than to help him grow his collection.

As she walked in, she looked around in awe at the crystals. She knew her husband didn't believe in rock magic, but instead he has the mindset of 'ooooh shiny!' Angel walked over to the counter, hoping to find help picking out the perfect rocks and crystals for her husband.

"Excuse me, I have a question," she asked the man behind the counter. "Do you have any naturally teal crystals? My husband has been looking for teal to add to his collection. He has this rainbow set up in our living room. It's quite gorgeous. It's our anniversary coming up and -- oh, I'm sorry. You don't want my life story."

Damien - Location: His cafe
Interactions: Open (threw him here because in Dagger's section, it was mentioned she was on her way to a local coffee shop)

Damien sighed softly, bored out of his mind. It had been an unusually slow day. He had already cleaned all of the machines behind the counter, made sure all of the food was fresh, mopped the floors, and scrubbed the tables.

He sat on a stool, and pulled out his phone to use the camera as a mirror. He pulled an eyeliner pen out of his pocket deciding to fill in the designs his wife had put on his face that morning. While he could do his own makeup, he thought his artist wife would be much better at actually getting the eyeliner to match. The designs were simple scales, so he didn't fill them in completely, more like just adding some shading during his down time.

Xander - Location: (unknowingly) outside of the Tammorah base
Interactions: Nylah

"Jeez, I need a shower," Xander mumbled to himself, looking down at his dirty clothes. Sometimes, he wondered if night shift nurse was the best job he could get. Sure, it's nice to talk to the ghosts and walk them through the fear they usually feel shortly after passing, but at the same time, he was constantly understaffed and overworked.

'Yeah, you stink,' one spirit grumbled next to him. The elderly man had been following the poor necromancer for the last week, invisible to those without ghostly powers.

"You can't even smell me," Xander replied, not paying complete attention to where he was walking, passing by a female with long, black hair. To anyone around him, it'd of course look like he was talking to himself. The elderly ghost moved through the girl, not bothering to walk around her. Xander didn't miss a beat scolding the spirit. "Don't do that. People don't like that. It feels weird."
location=Outside Tamorrah base

Nylah was looking down at the ground, wondering whether to just walk right in- would it seem confident, or cocky? One of those was right, at least- when a tall man walked past her, seemingly talking to nobody. is he Tamorrah? No, I would have seen him. He also would look more.. put together. she shuddered suddenly, without warning. impractical. “…hello? Can I help you?” She asked, wrinkling her nose.
location=Outside Tamorrah base

Nylah was looking down at the ground, wondering whether to just walk right in- would it seem confident, or cocky? One of those was right, at least- when a tall man walked past her, seemingly talking to nobody. is he Tamorrah? No, I would have seen him. He also would look more.. put together. she shuddered suddenly, without warning. impractical. “…hello? Can I help you?” She asked, wrinkling her nose.
xmScPts.png TB6EYwU.png
I’m also a K-pop stan and I watch ranboo/Tommyinnit BUT IM NOT LIKE THE OBSESSED FANS PLEASE BELIEVE ME
Other YouTubers I watch are kallmekris and laurenzside :) and my Pinterest is @dying_esque