hype hype [emoji=mirror size=1]
hype hype
Timezone, fair citizens of Sornieth! Lots of foddart going around this week, huh? Do you perhaps need several skins, a portrait, [i]and[/i] a cute little guy? However will you find the time to level the fodder to pay for it all?
Worry not! Gale Force, Wind's mercenary company, is here for YOU. Bountiful levels at reasonable prices (we usually recommend +2kt above fodder floor, but all prices negotiable) and sent as fast as, well, the wind!
Points of contact based on rough timezone:
EU: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/2226]Rifter[/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/2350]Humboldt[/url]
Americas: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/115371]Cloudydawn[/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/58994]Sassypants[/url], [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/117684]Panderz[/url]
Flexible: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/212290]tarshaan[/url]
Feel free to DM any of us in the timezone right for you, and we'll set up an order. We are also available via discord upon request.
Timezone, fair citizens of Sornieth! Lots of foddart going around this week, huh? Do you perhaps need several skins, a portrait,
and a cute little guy? However will you find the time to level the fodder to pay for it all?
Worry not! Gale Force, Wind's mercenary company, is here for YOU. Bountiful levels at reasonable prices (we usually recommend +2kt above fodder floor, but all prices negotiable) and sent as fast as, well, the wind!
Points of contact based on rough timezone:
Feel free to DM any of us in the timezone right for you, and we'll set up an order. We are also available via discord upon request.
The abbyversary header is amazing, great concept and adorably drawn <3
@ufology Cool cute banners! I love water and nature :D
Light doesn't seem to have a pool, unless... we're rolling in the mud?! XD Most un-Light-like behaviour, it would obscure all the shiny! Don'tcha know we keep our scales pristine or enamor would never work! [emoji=imperial winking size=1]
*Takes the abers to a nice clean health spa with sweet scented mineral salts, flower petals and (lots of) candles and gives them a refreshing mint and cucumber face mask*
No, the face mask is NOT going to give you a new mutation, actually it might help with that interesting skin condition...
ufology Cool cute banners! I love water and nature :D
Light doesn't seem to have a pool, unless... we're rolling in the mud?! XD Most un-Light-like behaviour, it would obscure all the shiny! Don'tcha know we keep our scales pristine or enamor would never work!
*Takes the abers to a nice clean health spa with sweet scented mineral salts, flower petals and (lots of) candles and gives them a refreshing mint and cucumber face mask*
No, the face mask is NOT going to give you a new mutation, actually it might help with that interesting skin condition...
@Fledhyris this you? Light evaporated your pool?
[img alt="Light banner"]https://imgur.com/m8sG1Ue.png[/img]
Also got RNG to true Imgur… will keep digging until I find Nature and save it with my OOF boarding badges [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
[img alt="Arcane banner"]https://imgur.com/ErFabEp.png[/img]
[img alt="Earth banner"]https://imgur.com/D5nJhRF.png[/img]
[img alt="Fire banner"]https://imgur.com/AuhUMzh.png[/img]
[img alt="Ice banner"]https://imgur.com/9yP0fnb.png[/img]
[img alt="Light banner"]https://imgur.com/m8sG1Ue.png[/img]
[img alt="Lightning banner"]https://imgur.com/oHSglNZ.png[/img]
[img alt="Nature banner"]https://imgur.com/56IMtve.png[/img]
[img alt="Plague banner"]https://imgur.com/pAe3NVq.png[/img]
[img alt="Shadow banner"]https://imgur.com/6XyewaV.png[/img]
[img alt="Water banner"]https://imgur.com/x24bozj.png[/img]
[img alt="Wind banner"]https://imgur.com/Oy9W6AP.png[/img]
[img alt="Arcane banner"]https://imgur.com/ErFabEp.png[/img]
[img alt="Earth banner"]https://imgur.com/D5nJhRF.png[/img]
[img alt="Fire banner"]https://imgur.com/AuhUMzh.png[/img]
[img alt="Ice banner"]https://imgur.com/9yP0fnb.png[/img]
[img alt="Light banner"]https://imgur.com/m8sG1Ue.png[/img]
[img alt="Lightning banner"]https://imgur.com/oHSglNZ.png[/img]
[img alt="Nature banner"]https://imgur.com/56IMtve.png[/img]
[img alt="Plague banner"]https://imgur.com/pAe3NVq.png[/img]
[img alt="Shadow banner"]https://imgur.com/6XyewaV.png[/img]
[img alt="Water banner"]https://imgur.com/x24bozj.png[/img]
[img alt="Wind banner"]https://imgur.com/Oy9W6AP.png[/img]
We're sunbathing in Light! Not a pool, but still a bath of sorts. Gotta soak up those nice UV rays for the best mutations [emoji=aberration winking size=1] (Lightning also doesn't have water; they're havin' a dustbath!)
The Abbies appreciate your spa offer! I'd be careful bringing them somewhere so clean though... their presence alone will probably infect the area, haha!
And thank you to everyone for the kind words about the header [emoji=familiar heart size=1] I had lots of fun drawing it!
We're sunbathing in Light! Not a pool, but still a bath of sorts. Gotta soak up those nice UV rays for the best mutations

(Lightning also doesn't have water; they're havin' a dustbath!)
The Abbies appreciate your spa offer! I'd be careful bringing them somewhere so clean though... their presence alone will probably infect the area, haha!
And thank you to everyone for the kind words about the header

I had lots of fun drawing it!
• ufology
ufology if this spoiler is in bad taste, I’ll take it down now that I finally located my home flight.
I think your work looks even MORE inspired side by side to really appreciate each one’s uniqueness!
As Nature I am squealing for these colors and fact that it’s a pitcher plant!
Edit: LOL above to UV rays because it’s scarily true
ufology if this spoiler is in bad taste, I’ll take it down now that I finally located my home flight.
I think your work looks even MORE inspired side by side to really appreciate each one’s uniqueness!
As Nature I am squealing for these colors and fact that it’s a pitcher plant!
Edit: LOL above to UV rays because it’s scarily true
@NerdMom I don't mind, it's probably gonna be helpful to people who don't want to sit here refreshing the page over and over, haha! Great work getting all those images together [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
I'm glad you like the pitcher plant; it was interesting trying to fit it into the banner, since it doesn't have the same shape as the rest of the scenes!
NerdMom I don't mind, it's probably gonna be helpful to people who don't want to sit here refreshing the page over and over, haha! Great work getting all those images together
I'm glad you like the pitcher plant; it was interesting trying to fit it into the banner, since it doesn't have the same shape as the rest of the scenes!
• ufology
@ufology Ohhhhhhh of course, SUNBATHING! [emoji=imperial star size=1]
I was being too literal and looking for any kind of ground-level pool, that's clever :D
I did notice the lightning dust (sand) bath *g*
The pitcher plant is probably my fave too, but if Nature have pitcher plants the size that Abers can bathe in them, I'm steering clear of Rainsong Jungle from now on XD Snakes and gorillas and carnivorous plants, oh my!
Don't worry about the spa. We have special decontamination procedures. Probably also using UV light lol, it's very versatile!
ufology Ohhhhhhh of course, SUNBATHING!
I was being too literal and looking for any kind of ground-level pool, that's clever :D
I did notice the lightning dust (sand) bath *g*
The pitcher plant is probably my fave too, but if Nature have pitcher plants the size that Abers can bathe in them, I'm steering clear of Rainsong Jungle from now on XD Snakes and gorillas and carnivorous plants, oh my!
Don't worry about the spa. We have special decontamination procedures. Probably also using UV light lol, it's very versatile!