
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [PLAGUEDOM] - Artist Alley
Friendly germ bump [emoji=plague rune size=1] and a @DarkElite020 just for easy access :P
Friendly germ bump and a @DarkElite020 just for easy access :P
Another germ bump for easy access ~ [emoji=plague rune size=1]
Another germ bump for easy access ~
hA5Szug.png Sig is WIP
Hello! We're proud to announce six new toucans are available at [url=]our stall[/url]! Two new natural toucans: [img][/img][img][/img] Two new costumed toucans in con-staple outfits: [img][/img][img][/img] This one assures me that it is a toucan despite its cawing: [img][/img] And I think this is a glitch in our system, but I'll sell them anyway: [img][/img] Thank you all for your interest, we at the Toucanarium are ecstatic that Sornieth loves these birds as much as we do :] @pinglist-38655
Hello! We're proud to announce six new toucans are available at our stall!

Two new natural toucans:
Two new costumed toucans in con-staple outfits:
This one assures me that it is a toucan despite its cawing:
And I think this is a glitch in our system, but I'll sell them anyway:

Thank you all for your interest, we at the Toucanarium are ecstatic that Sornieth loves these birds as much as we do :]

@Artist's Alley: New Toucans!


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[center]@pinglist-38949 [pinglist=38949] booth art and mascot coming soon! If I take more than 48 hours to DM you after you send payment, feel free to DM me and remind me![/center] Edit: [b] If purchasing a badge, please PM me! It's easier for me to keep track that way <3[/b] [size=4][b]PRIDEBRINGER BADGES[/b][/size] [LIST] [*]Each badge is [b]20g/kt[/b]. [*]Don't see your flag? Don't fret! You can sponsor a new flag recolor at [u]no additional cost[/u], no matter how niche the flag is! Please read below how you can request a new flag recolor. [*]Wanna mix and match different flags and colors? I can ALSO do that! [u]For [b]5g/kt[/b], I can use a different flag palette for the flag, body, and stroke gradient.[/u] [*]The body is colored based on what I think is closest to the Plaguebringer as well as what I find most pleasing. [*]Don't be afraid to ask me questions! [/LIST] The images below are 100x100 pixels. The image links to a version that is 250x250 pixels. After ordering, I will PM you with the individual image codes (with alt text) for ease! [center][u][url=]Don't see your flag? More badges located [b]here[/b]![/url][/u][/center] [columns][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in rainbow colors carrying the rainbow pride flag"][/img][/url] Rainbow [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in trans colors carrying the trans pride flag"][/img][/url] Trans [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in lesbian colors carrying the lesbian pride flag"][/img][/url] Lesbian [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in bi colors carrying the bi pride flag"][/img][/url] Bi [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in gay colors carrying the gay pride flag"][/img][/url] Gay[/columns] [columns][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in gray aroace colors carrying the gray aroace pride flag"][/img][/url] Gray Aroace [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in ace colors carrying the ace pride flag"][/img][/url] Ace [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in nonbinary colors carrying the nonbinary pride flag"][/img][/url] Nonbinary [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in pan colors carrying the pan pride flag"][/img][/url] Pan [nextcol][center][url=][img alt="Plaguebringer recolored in aroace colors carrying the aroace pride flag"][/img][/url] Aroace[/columns] [b]FORM - REGULAR[/b] [code] @SillyFilly Badge(s): Username: Notes: [/code] [b]FORM - SPONSOR[/b] When listing hex codes below, please list them in order from top to bottom and list the colors! (Ex. Dusty rose #(hex), pink #(hex), white #FFFFFF, etc). It saves me the work of having to look up the codes <3 [code] @SillyFilly Flag: Username: Flag Reference Link/Image: Flag Color Hex Codes: Notes: [/code] [b]MIX-AND-MATCH[/b] These are the following aspects of the badge that can be customized: [LIST] [*]Plaguebringer body color [*]Flag [*]Stroke gradient (50% white by default, can be altered to be completely white or in full color by request) [/LIST] [b]FORM - MIX-AND-MATCH[/b] If a flag has not been listed above as an example, please link the flag you want and list their hex codes as if you were sponsoring it (this won't add to the cost!) Instructions above <3 [code] @SillyFilly Body Color Flag: Main Flag: Stroke Gradient Flag: Username: Notes: [/code] [center]More badges TBA![/center]

booth art and mascot coming soon!

If I take more than 48 hours to DM you after you send payment, feel free to DM me and remind me!

Edit: If purchasing a badge, please PM me! It's easier for me to keep track that way <3

  • Each badge is 20g/kt.
  • Don't see your flag? Don't fret! You can sponsor a new flag recolor at no additional cost, no matter how niche the flag is! Please read below how you can request a new flag recolor.
  • Wanna mix and match different flags and colors? I can ALSO do that! For 5g/kt, I can use a different flag palette for the flag, body, and stroke gradient.
  • The body is colored based on what I think is closest to the Plaguebringer as well as what I find most pleasing.
  • Don't be afraid to ask me questions!
The images below are 100x100 pixels. The image links to a version that is 250x250 pixels. After ordering, I will PM you with the individual image codes (with alt text) for ease!
Plaguebringer recolored in rainbow colors carrying the rainbow pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in trans colors carrying the trans pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in lesbian colors carrying the lesbian pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in bi colors carrying the bi pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in gay colors carrying the gay pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in gray aroace colors carrying the gray aroace pride flag
Gray Aroace
Plaguebringer recolored in ace colors carrying the ace pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in nonbinary colors carrying the nonbinary pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in pan colors carrying the pan pride flag
Plaguebringer recolored in aroace colors carrying the aroace pride flag

@SillyFilly Badge(s): Username: Notes:

When listing hex codes below, please list them in order from top to bottom and list the colors! (Ex. Dusty rose #(hex), pink #(hex), white #FFFFFF, etc). It saves me the work of having to look up the codes <3
@SillyFilly Flag: Username: Flag Reference Link/Image: Flag Color Hex Codes: Notes:

These are the following aspects of the badge that can be customized:
  • Plaguebringer body color
  • Flag
  • Stroke gradient (50% white by default, can be altered to be completely white or in full color by request)

If a flag has not been listed above as an example, please link the flag you want and list their hex codes as if you were sponsoring it (this won't add to the cost!) Instructions above <3
@SillyFilly Body Color Flag: Main Flag: Stroke Gradient Flag: Username: Notes:
More badges TBA!
Mr. Capgras stamp SELF-iSH stamp The Normal Album stamp Tomcat Disposables Stamp Slouching Tour stamp
Name: Monty He/it/veil Will Wood Fandragons Skin Shop
Username: Jeon
Badge(s) Purchased: Ice's cottoncandy soda
Any Resizes?: n/a
Total price: 20kt

Username: Jeon
Badge(s) Purchased: Icewarden deity keychain
Notes: 20kt

@Ekphrasis - Rot Alley Art!
Username: Jeon
Badges to Purchase: basic budgie buddies bag for Ice
Payment: 20kt

I want badges!
Badges you're buying: Icewardmeer
Payment method: 20kt
Username: Jeon
Badge(s) Purchased: Ice's cottoncandy soda
Any Resizes?: n/a
Total price: 20kt

Username: Jeon
Badge(s) Purchased: Icewarden deity keychain
Notes: 20kt

@Ekphrasis - Rot Alley Art!
Username: Jeon
Badges to Purchase: basic budgie buddies bag for Ice
Payment: 20kt

I want badges!
Badges you're buying: Icewardmeer
Payment method: 20kt
Username: FlowerEevee
Badge(s) Purchased: Bisexual Pin
Any Resizes?: no
Total price: 15kt
Other: n/a
Username: FlowerEevee
Badge(s) Purchased: Bisexual Pin
Any Resizes?: no
Total price: 15kt
Other: n/a
She/They ZQr4gN8.png 8GgdVkW.png
G8AyR6r.png cjVsXOX.pnggYW0j5f.png
Username: harpyja
Badge(s) Purchased: O.O, Socko, Bread narwhal-corn, Agent Yawn, Weird lookin' cat, Froggy Apple
Notes: 150kt

@Ekphrasis - Rot Alley Art!
Username: harpyja
Badges to Purchase: Pack of Penguins, Scraggle Rat, Shark Jump
Payment: 30kt
Username: harpyja
Badge(s) Purchased: O.O, Socko, Bread narwhal-corn, Agent Yawn, Weird lookin' cat, Froggy Apple
Notes: 150kt

@Ekphrasis - Rot Alley Art!
Username: harpyja
Badges to Purchase: Pack of Penguins, Scraggle Rat, Shark Jump
Payment: 30kt
Ashen Lightning Glass

((They/Them)) ((Ve/Vir))

@swevery I NEED you to stop making cool toucans my wallet cannOT handle this :weep:
@swevery I NEED you to stop making cool toucans my wallet cannOT handle this :weep:
xx GIkf7bR.png Wishlist
qCgaJQc.gif Chibi Plaguebringer keychain
@Swevery omg you did not just make a fake toucan from a CROW well that's torn it lol expect my order shortly...
@Swevery omg you did not just make a fake toucan from a CROW well that's torn it lol expect my order shortly...
Crosswinds Kites dragonCrosswinds Kites peacockCrosswinds Kites breezeback slinkCrosswinds Kites Roaming AriesCrosswinds Kites Gusting Goblin
@Fledhyris Hehe, thank you! Props to @ClovenHeart for the idea, it was a cute one :]
@Fledhyris Hehe, thank you! Props to @ClovenHeart for the idea, it was a cute one :]


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