1. as far as treasure goes, you should check out the fairgrounds! glimmer and gloom is probably the best game to play in order to meet that 75,000 treasure daily limit fast- check out
this forum post to learn how to play it! for gems, its definitely a slower climb- i get most of my gems from familiar bonding. basically, you can add a familiar to each of your dragons by opening their profile, and by bonding with them daily, you can get free chests when their bond level levels up. it takes 87 days to fully bond a familiar, and youll get 3 rusted treasure chests (gives around 2000 treasure and some items, sometimes apparel), 2 iron treasure chests (gives around 5000 treasure, some items, at least one piece of apparel or a familiar item, and a few gems), and one gilded treasure chest (same loot as the iron ones but with far more gems and lots more treasure) by the end of those 87 days. its a lot of time, so its best to have a familiar on each dragon and be bonding each day if you want to invest in it. however, you can also make gems from selling art on the forums and selling items and dragons on the auction house!
2. go visit the auction house and go to the dragons tab! there are soooo many baby dragons for cheap (called "fodder floor"), and they're just as good as the high priced dragons. the only traits that really warrant paying more are if the dragon is a G1 with "good" colors (aka a dragon hatched from an egg item that has no parents and thus a totally random array of colors) if it is Really Old, or if it has been leveled up in the coliseum. you can pretty easily find dragons with cool rare eyes, gem genes, and other stuff for cheap (usually around 5000-6000 treasure at the minimum), so dont waste money on people who overprice things if you dont need to.
3. nope! the coliseum is a place to grind for items (food, materials, apparel, familiars, battle items, some genes, some skins, and trinkets), not dragons. you can get unhatched eggs from the coliseum, but theyll only be one of four (common) dragon species (faes, guardians, tundras, and mirrors) and are Incredibly Incredibly rare drops.
4. go check
this thread out!
5. the coliseum is great for getting food if youre willing to click for hours, but you can also get food through gathering, and if you want you can buy stacks (99 items) of food on the auction house for about 20,000 treasure.
if you want help making your ocs on here (my favorite thing to do) or just want some free dragons, hit me up! ill be around :3