2- Oh, that's easy! You were only meant to run a simple errand, and got mixed up on the way.

Pleonasm presses a paw to her forehead, her desperate attempt to soothe the headache yielding naught but a futile attempt. She growls as she felt a sharp pain radiating from her paws, only to notice them both bandaged. She tries to pull herself upwards to sit upright, but the throbbing headache would only keep her down.
“I… well,” she groans, trying to jog her memory before all this happened. “I was in the Rainsong Jungle, last I recall. Hendiadys and I were there to hunt for something. Was it an Overcharged Silverbeast? I think that’s what it it was supposed to be. It was really dark, and we eventually lost each other. I probably took a wrong turn somewhere, and the last thing I remember was falling, and darkness, and then now I’m here.”
She gives the other dragon a look of desperation, and perhaps, a tinge of helplessness. “I don’t know how you found me, but would you happen to know how to get back? I think Hendiadys must be very, very worried trying to look for me.”
2- Oh, that's easy! You were only meant to run a simple errand, and got mixed up on the way.

Pleonasm presses a paw to her forehead, her desperate attempt to soothe the headache yielding naught but a futile attempt. She growls as she felt a sharp pain radiating from her paws, only to notice them both bandaged. She tries to pull herself upwards to sit upright, but the throbbing headache would only keep her down.
“I… well,” she groans, trying to jog her memory before all this happened. “I was in the Rainsong Jungle, last I recall. Hendiadys and I were there to hunt for something. Was it an Overcharged Silverbeast? I think that’s what it it was supposed to be. It was really dark, and we eventually lost each other. I probably took a wrong turn somewhere, and the last thing I remember was falling, and darkness, and then now I’m here.”
She gives the other dragon a look of desperation, and perhaps, a tinge of helplessness. “I don’t know how you found me, but would you happen to know how to get back? I think Hendiadys must be very, very worried trying to look for me.”