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TOPIC | A Writer's Doors Game
@DrRain [b]2- Oh, that's easy! You were only meant to run a simple errand, and got mixed up on the way.[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] Pleonasm presses a paw to her forehead, her desperate attempt to soothe the headache yielding naught but a futile attempt. She growls as she felt a sharp pain radiating from her paws, only to notice them both bandaged. She tries to pull herself upwards to sit upright, but the throbbing headache would only keep her down. “I… well,” she groans, trying to jog her memory before all this happened. “I was in the Rainsong Jungle, last I recall. Hendiadys and I were there to hunt for something. Was it an Overcharged Silverbeast? I think that’s what it it was supposed to be. It was really dark, and we eventually lost each other. I probably took a wrong turn somewhere, and the last thing I remember was falling, and darkness, and then now I’m here.” She gives the other dragon a look of desperation, and perhaps, a tinge of helplessness. “I don’t know how you found me, but would you happen to know how to get back? I think Hendiadys must be very, very worried trying to look for me.”

2- Oh, that's easy! You were only meant to run a simple errand, and got mixed up on the way.


Pleonasm presses a paw to her forehead, her desperate attempt to soothe the headache yielding naught but a futile attempt. She growls as she felt a sharp pain radiating from her paws, only to notice them both bandaged. She tries to pull herself upwards to sit upright, but the throbbing headache would only keep her down.

“I… well,” she groans, trying to jog her memory before all this happened. “I was in the Rainsong Jungle, last I recall. Hendiadys and I were there to hunt for something. Was it an Overcharged Silverbeast? I think that’s what it it was supposed to be. It was really dark, and we eventually lost each other. I probably took a wrong turn somewhere, and the last thing I remember was falling, and darkness, and then now I’m here.”

She gives the other dragon a look of desperation, and perhaps, a tinge of helplessness. “I don’t know how you found me, but would you happen to know how to get back? I think Hendiadys must be very, very worried trying to look for me.”
art shop | skin shop

Alright, thank you everyone! Will have the responses set up this weekend at most! As always, feel free to ping me if I miss it ^^
Alright, thank you everyone! Will have the responses set up this weekend at most! As always, feel free to ping me if I miss it ^^
========= tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif She/he/they
Fav Dragon
@Serendipityy The dragon doesn't seem much bothered by the lack of answers -she figures it must be normal to be a bit lost in your head after waking up from a huge injury to the head. The good thing is that this dragon can at least talk! The answers she's given aren't particularly informative, though. "I never heard of anyone actually losing their memories from being attacked by wild beasts!" There's a hint of suspicion in her gaze, but another look at you, and she seems to dismiss whatever though she just had. "Seems like something straight out of a story book!" She moves to a bag over to the side, looking to full to the point of being ready to burst. "If you want, I'm sure I could convince my uncles to let you walk with us until the next city!" As she speaks, she starts pulling out various fabrics, fans, paints and small trinkets out of the bag, looking for something. "I'm Sunrise, by the way! Do you know your name, at least?" A few more moments, and she manages to find what she was looking for. Sunrise pulls out a mantle, presenting it to the other. "Found it! If you're tagging along, you should wear this! We don't know if you were running away from someone, and you *are* very eyecatching!" Sure, Sunrise is as well, but there is no one hunting her hide just yet. [item=Hewn Mantle] @carroi The dragon whistles, looking impressed. "Woah, hunting at night? That makes you almost as cool as my Uncle Sha." She stands up, leaning down to give you a paw so you can do so as well. "And it explains all the armor we found you in! They're just over here, by the way, we even spruced them up a bit!" She points over to the pieces carefully placed into a pile next to a few other travel bags. Spruce them up is an understatement, the hide practically seems to glow with a new shine, the scuffs and scratches smoothed over. "Well... only I did, I got bored waiting for you to wake up." She claps her paws together. "But, yes, we can take you there! We're still in the jungle, so it shouldn't be too hard to find your way back... I can take you to the hole we found you in!" "Now that I think about it, it would be sooo embarrassing if you came back with nothing to show, huh? Here, take these, too!" Without second thought, she hands over two bags, looking full of food, not seeming to care about just how much she is giving away. [item=Writhing Treesnake]x99[item=Bluebell Clownfish]x99 @Sons "A carnaval? Well, that explains it! I've never seem a tiger out and about like you! I didn't even know they could talk! Are you an extra special tiger?" Either uncaring or unaware of how her question might have sounded, the dragon stands up, stretching. "I haven't heard of any traveling circuses, but maybe my uncles have?" She frowns in thought for a second, before punching a closed fist into another paw. "Oh, no wait! I remember now, some fancy lady came looking for a circus as well! She looked very suspicious, I'll be honest, but I guess that won't matter too much, she can probably take you to it! Or you two can go looking together..." The dragon motions for the tiger to stand up. "C'mon, let's go, I don't think she can have moved too far." After half an hour of chatting and walking -Sunrise having introduced herself at some point-, the dragon stops. "Oh, there she is!" The other, a pearlcatcher, startles, and looks downright terrified at the sight of the tiger. "Hey, lady!" Sunrise proceeds, running closer. "We're looking for a circus too, did you find where it is yet?" [url=][img][/img][/url]

The dragon doesn't seem much bothered by the lack of answers -she figures it must be normal to be a bit lost in your head after waking up from a huge injury to the head.

The good thing is that this dragon can at least talk! The answers she's given aren't particularly informative, though.

"I never heard of anyone actually losing their memories from being attacked by wild beasts!" There's a hint of suspicion in her gaze, but another look at you, and she seems to dismiss whatever though she just had. "Seems like something straight out of a story book!"

She moves to a bag over to the side, looking to full to the point of being ready to burst. "If you want, I'm sure I could convince my uncles to let you walk with us until the next city!" As she speaks, she starts pulling out various fabrics, fans, paints and small trinkets out of the bag, looking for something. "I'm Sunrise, by the way! Do you know your name, at least?"

A few more moments, and she manages to find what she was looking for. Sunrise pulls out a mantle, presenting it to the other. "Found it! If you're tagging along, you should wear this! We don't know if you were running away from someone, and you *are* very eyecatching!" Sure, Sunrise is as well, but there is no one hunting her hide just yet.

Hewn Mantle


The dragon whistles, looking impressed. "Woah, hunting at night? That makes you almost as cool as my Uncle Sha."

She stands up, leaning down to give you a paw so you can do so as well. "And it explains all the armor we found you in! They're just over here, by the way, we even spruced them up a bit!" She points over to the pieces carefully placed into a pile next to a few other travel bags.

Spruce them up is an understatement, the hide practically seems to glow with a new shine, the scuffs and scratches smoothed over. "Well... only I did, I got bored waiting for you to wake up."

She claps her paws together. "But, yes, we can take you there! We're still in the jungle, so it shouldn't be too hard to find your way back... I can take you to the hole we found you in!"

"Now that I think about it, it would be sooo embarrassing if you came back with nothing to show, huh? Here, take these, too!"

Without second thought, she hands over two bags, looking full of food, not seeming to care about just how much she is giving away.

Writhing Treesnake x99 Bluebell Clownfish x99


"A carnaval? Well, that explains it! I've never seem a tiger out and about like you! I didn't even know they could talk! Are you an extra special tiger?" Either uncaring or unaware of how her question might have sounded, the dragon stands up, stretching.

"I haven't heard of any traveling circuses, but maybe my uncles have?" She frowns in thought for a second, before punching a closed fist into another paw. "Oh, no wait! I remember now, some fancy lady came looking for a circus as well! She looked very suspicious, I'll be honest, but I guess that won't matter too much, she can probably take you to it! Or you two can go looking together..."

The dragon motions for the tiger to stand up. "C'mon, let's go, I don't think she can have moved too far."

After half an hour of chatting and walking -Sunrise having introduced herself at some point-, the dragon stops. "Oh, there she is!"

The other, a pearlcatcher, startles, and looks downright terrified at the sight of the tiger. "Hey, lady!" Sunrise proceeds, running closer. "We're looking for a circus too, did you find where it is yet?"

========= tumblr_ospvc67HxP1v8lm95o1_r2_250.gif She/he/they
Fav Dragon
[font=calibri]You could've sworn you had fallen asleep inside that random cave. In fact, you could bet a hundred gems that when you fell asleep, that there was [i]nothing[/i] for miles. And yet, here you were, poking your head out into some poor Wildclaw's stall, just barely escaping the painful bite of him as you scrambled into the middle of the path, surrounded on both sides by seemingly never-ending stalls and crafts. [i]... what.[/i] Still disoriented from the sudden and drastic change of scenery, you stumbled down one way, passing and bumping into dragons that seemed to come from every crawl of Sornieth...Until you bumped into a tiger of all things, frantically reading through a scroll over and over again. He seemed to not notice you, walking straight past and muttering about "performers". He only noticed you when one of the vendors, older yet covered in swathes of moss, tapped him and pointed him in your direction. He jumped like a puppy, and scrambled over to you, holding the scroll up. [url=][img],25021,35542,25020,25025,35536&xt=dressing.png[/img][/url] "Oh, Kudzu was right! Excuse me, but you look like you'd be great as an entertainer?" You nodded slowly, unsure where he was going but still letting him finish. "Well, you should sign up for Cirque's Circus Show tonight! A...well, more than a few of our performers planned either got sick or mysteriously disappeared, and we [i]really[/i] need a finale act!" You point out the fact that he was a talking tiger. He doesn't seemed amused. "Talking animals are [i]yesterday's[/i] thing, hatchlings don't care about them anymore! You, however—You look perfect! Whaddya say? You'll be paid for your assistance!" Well, payment certainly sounded nice...but you didn't feel right just easily accepting some stranger's invitation to a Circus you had never even heard of. Really, you could easily turn around and leave without answering if you wanted to, either to explore the rest of the markets or to find your way back home...but would you deny him when he seemed to desperate? [b]So...[i]what do you do?[/i][/b] [s]I. Accept the tiger's offer and perform for the circus' finale—what harm could it do? You're getting paid, anyways![/s] claimed by @/Azurenight [s]II. Refuse and explore the markets. You were supposed to be out hunting, anyways, you might as well grab some food![/s] claimed by @/RavenzzCall [s]III. Leave and go home. You had been gone for a while, and you had an uneasy feeling about this whole thing anyways.[/s] claimed by @/NemusNoctis
You could've sworn you had fallen asleep inside that random cave. In fact, you could bet a hundred gems that when you fell asleep, that there was nothing for miles.

And yet, here you were, poking your head out into some poor Wildclaw's stall, just barely escaping the painful bite of him as you scrambled into the middle of the path, surrounded on both sides by seemingly never-ending stalls and crafts.



Still disoriented from the sudden and drastic change of scenery, you stumbled down one way, passing and bumping into dragons that seemed to come from every crawl of Sornieth...Until you bumped into a tiger of all things, frantically reading through a scroll over and over again.

He seemed to not notice you, walking straight past and muttering about "performers". He only noticed you when one of the vendors, older yet covered in swathes of moss, tapped him and pointed him in your direction. He jumped like a puppy, and scrambled over to you, holding the scroll up.


"Oh, Kudzu was right! Excuse me, but you look like you'd be great as an entertainer?"

You nodded slowly, unsure where he was going but still letting him finish.

"Well, you should sign up for Cirque's Circus Show tonight! A...well, more than a few of our performers planned either got sick or mysteriously disappeared, and we really need a finale act!"

You point out the fact that he was a talking tiger. He doesn't seemed amused.

"Talking animals are yesterday's thing, hatchlings don't care about them anymore! You, however—You look perfect! Whaddya say? You'll be paid for your assistance!"

Well, payment certainly sounded nice...but you didn't feel right just easily accepting some stranger's invitation to a Circus you had never even heard of. Really, you could easily turn around and leave without answering if you wanted to, either to explore the rest of the markets or to find your way back home...but would you deny him when he seemed to desperate?

So...what do you do?

I. Accept the tiger's offer and perform for the circus' finale—what harm could it do? You're getting paid, anyways! claimed by @/Azurenight

II. Refuse and explore the markets. You were supposed to be out hunting, anyways, you might as well grab some food! claimed by @/RavenzzCall

III. Leave and go home. You had been gone for a while, and you had an uneasy feeling about this whole thing anyways. claimed by @/NemusNoctis
@Sons I. [i]Accept the tiger's offer and perform for the circus' finale—what harm could it do? You're getting paid, anyways![/i] [center] [url=][img][/img][/url][/center] [center][url=][img][/img][/url][/center] "I have a hard time seeing anyone losing interest in such a magnificent creature, but I will take your word for it," Fulgur said. "You are in luck, my partner and I are some of the best acrobats in our circus-- "Which we are late getting back to," the red Obelisk interjected, "Fulgur we should get back home." "Oh come now, Tam, we have time to help the nice tiger out." Fulgur offered Tamua one of his charming smiles and like normal it left her unimpressed. He could tell she was going to refuse so he did what any civil dragon would do. He tossed himself upon the ground at her feet and pleaded. "But Tam... think of the hatchlings!" Tamua watched him grovel for a moment before yielding to his desire with a sigh. "Fine Fulgur. But [i]you[/i] get to explain this to Harlequin when we get home!" "I can do that!" Fulgur lifted himself from the ground with a smile stretched from ear to ear. "Thank you, dear." He gave Tamua a quick peck on the cheek and then turned to the tiger before she could change her mind. "Where do you want us?"
I. Accept the tiger's offer and perform for the circus' finale—what harm could it do? You're getting paid, anyways!

"I have a hard time seeing anyone losing interest in such a magnificent creature, but I will take your word for it," Fulgur said. "You are in luck, my partner and I are some of the best acrobats in our circus--

"Which we are late getting back to," the red Obelisk interjected, "Fulgur we should get back home."

"Oh come now, Tam, we have time to help the nice tiger out." Fulgur offered Tamua one of his charming smiles and like normal it left her unimpressed. He could tell she was going to refuse so he did what any civil dragon would do. He tossed himself upon the ground at her feet and pleaded. "But Tam... think of the hatchlings!"

Tamua watched him grovel for a moment before yielding to his desire with a sigh. "Fine Fulgur. But you get to explain this to Harlequin when we get home!"

"I can do that!" Fulgur lifted himself from the ground with a smile stretched from ear to ear. "Thank you, dear." He gave Tamua a quick peck on the cheek and then turned to the tiger before she could change her mind. "Where do you want us?"
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
buffer text
2 - Refuse and Explore the Markets Sulphur shook her head, still disoriented. Her yellow wings fluttered exhaustedly and she decided to voice her concerns. "[b]No... I'm not really feeling very well, and even if you pay me a million in gems, I'm not going to put my personal health at risk in exchange for a couple hours of whimsy.[/b]" She sighed, her turquoise eyes lowered as a chilling wave of watery guilt washed over her. "[b]Tell you what, though. If we meet again, I might take ya up on your offer. Or I could help you in finding someone for your show. But for now...[/b]" A rumble erupted from deep within the Everlux's stomach. "[b]I'll find something nice to eat.[/b]" Her mouth watered at the thought of it, and she fluttered off into the distance. [url=][img][/img][/url] Gazing upon all the stalls, she meticulously searched for a merchant who sold plant-based foods. One of the disadvantages of being a wee little Everlux was that you were only able to eat plants. Along with being ridiculously tiny. Well, Sulphur may be a tiny, glorified centipede, but her wallet was not a tiny little glorified bug. Her clients were high paying customers after all...
2 - Refuse and Explore the Markets

Sulphur shook her head, still disoriented. Her yellow wings fluttered exhaustedly and she decided to voice her concerns. "No... I'm not really feeling very well, and even if you pay me a million in gems, I'm not going to put my personal health at risk in exchange for a couple hours of whimsy." She sighed, her turquoise eyes lowered as a chilling wave of watery guilt washed over her. "Tell you what, though. If we meet again, I might take ya up on your offer. Or I could help you in finding someone for your show. But for now..." A rumble erupted from deep within the Everlux's stomach. "I'll find something nice to eat." Her mouth watered at the thought of it, and she fluttered off into the distance.


Gazing upon all the stalls, she meticulously searched for a merchant who sold plant-based foods. One of the disadvantages of being a wee little Everlux was that you were only able to eat plants. Along with being ridiculously tiny. Well, Sulphur may be a tiny, glorified centipede, but her wallet was not a tiny little glorified bug. Her clients were high paying customers after all...
ZGyIiJq.png GO1zI9z.gifBtqrfPP.png
@Sons [size=2][i]III. Leave and go home. You had been gone for a while, and you had an uneasy feeling about this whole thing anyways.[/i][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] Something was wrong. Delph couldn't quite put her claw on it but something about this was making her mane puff up. The fact that she couldn't remember how she got here was bad enough, but the offer from the tiger seemed almost too convenient. The offer of pay and a starring role? That would draw in all but the shyest of dragons. Even then, his desperation would make anyone with shred of empathy hesitate. If it was a trap they had layered the bait quite well. [i]"I wish you the best in finding a closing act but I've been away from home too long already."[/i] Backing away from the tiger she quickly turned and scurried into the crowds. It was easy to follow the rush of bodies as countless dragons scurried between the stalls. The more she walked, the more uneasy she became. The stalls seemed to go on forever. She had never heard of a festival this large, and she was sure she wouldn't have missed the buzz it would have created among the artisans and traders of her home clan.
III. Leave and go home. You had been gone for a while, and you had an uneasy feeling about this whole thing anyways.


Something was wrong. Delph couldn't quite put her claw on it but something about this was making her mane puff up. The fact that she couldn't remember how she got here was bad enough, but the offer from the tiger seemed almost too convenient.

The offer of pay and a starring role? That would draw in all but the shyest of dragons. Even then, his desperation would make anyone with shred of empathy hesitate. If it was a trap they had layered the bait quite well.

"I wish you the best in finding a closing act but I've been away from home too long already."

Backing away from the tiger she quickly turned and scurried into the crowds. It was easy to follow the rush of bodies as countless dragons scurried between the stalls.

The more she walked, the more uneasy she became. The stalls seemed to go on forever. She had never heard of a festival this large, and she was sure she wouldn't have missed the buzz it would have created among the artisans and traders of her home clan.
Ask me about one of my dragons lore!
Warning: High chance of forcing me to actually write the lore
Hello there, I'm letting everyone know that an extension has been offered to help Sons with their set. RL has snuck up on them and they need a bit more time. Thanks to everyone for being patient [emoji=coatl star size=1] I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night!
Hello there, I'm letting everyone know that an extension has been offered to help Sons with their set. RL has snuck up on them and they need a bit more time. Thanks to everyone for being patient

I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night!
buffer text buffer text Tropical post card that says, Hello from The Explorer's Club.  Wish you were here
buffer text
Yo i just wanted to say sorry for taking a bit longer to finish these, and for the slight bareness of the responses. long story short, life happened and is Still Happening :thumbs up: It's super late IRL right now, so i'll send out gifts tomorrow during the day! ----- ----- @Azurenight Nyembe smiled at their eagerness, and led them to the circus tent. Inside a crowd was already forming, and the duo had to fight their way through to follow the tiger. "Ah, I know you said you two were acrobats, but surely this is just reflavored acrobatics!" Before they could ask what he meant, they were blocked in an a massive chest emerged...Great, they suddenly understood why everyone else had cancelled. No matter; the mimic was large but weak, and easily lost, though the crowd was no less entertained. Nyembe gave them food and medicine for their troubles...and the mimic [i]insisted[/i] on following as well. [item=Ectoplasmime][item=minor health potion][item=infested cotton candy] ----- @RavenzzCall Sulphur felt like she had been wandering for hours when a pearlcatcher suddenly manifested in front of her. She could barely understand what he was talking about, mentioning [i]Fate[/i] and [i]Poor thing[/i] and [i]Help her leave[/i]. She was tired, though, and passed out right there. The next time she awoke, she was in the talons of a dragon much larger, much stronger—but she was also outside of the bazaar now. "Sorry about that—the name's Gillespie!" The sandsurge grinned easily. "The merchant was giving me a fate-test about my next home, and you appeared! It...might take a bit to get back home, to be honest, but he gave us food!" Oh. Well, clans were no stranger to bringing home strangers as new neighbors. And the food given to them? Plant-based! [url=][img][/img][/url] [item=Coneflower Cotton Candy] ----- @NemusNoctis Delph sighed in annoyance and paranoia as she circled the same shops for what felt like the thousandth time. To her surprise and for the first time since she's arrived here, she saw a familiar pecking at some flowers left on the ground. When she went to pick him up, she was approached by a pearlcatcher. "Ah! It seems fate has chosen another companionship," He said easily. "I've seen you circle about ten times in the past hour—this friend showed up at my stall early morning and hasn't left since. Maybe he'll be able to help you out?" Delph was desperate, so she let the pearlcatcher give her food and took the petal-covered murkbird with her. It flew above and guided her with it's shadow, and Delphe cursed the closeness of the stalls preventing her from taking off. No matter—she was getting out now, and soon she'd be home. [item=fishy cotton candy][item=red rose flowerfall][item=Murkbottom Gull]
Yo i just wanted to say sorry for taking a bit longer to finish these, and for the slight bareness of the responses. long story short, life happened and is Still Happening :thumbs up:

It's super late IRL right now, so i'll send out gifts tomorrow during the day!


Nyembe smiled at their eagerness, and led them to the circus tent. Inside a crowd was already forming, and the duo had to fight their way through to follow the tiger.

"Ah, I know you said you two were acrobats, but surely this is just reflavored acrobatics!"

Before they could ask what he meant, they were blocked in an a massive chest emerged...Great, they suddenly understood why everyone else had cancelled. No matter; the mimic was large but weak, and easily lost, though the crowd was no less entertained.

Nyembe gave them food and medicine for their troubles...and the mimic insisted on following as well.

Ectoplasmime Minor Health Potion Infested Cotton Candy


Sulphur felt like she had been wandering for hours when a pearlcatcher suddenly manifested in front of her.

She could barely understand what he was talking about, mentioning Fate and Poor thing and Help her leave. She was tired, though, and passed out right there.

The next time she awoke, she was in the talons of a dragon much larger, much stronger—but she was also outside of the bazaar now.

"Sorry about that—the name's Gillespie!" The sandsurge grinned easily. "The merchant was giving me a fate-test about my next home, and you appeared! It...might take a bit to get back home, to be honest, but he gave us food!"

Oh. Well, clans were no stranger to bringing home strangers as new neighbors. And the food given to them? Plant-based!

Coneflower Cotton Candy


Delph sighed in annoyance and paranoia as she circled the same shops for what felt like the thousandth time.

To her surprise and for the first time since she's arrived here, she saw a familiar pecking at some flowers left on the ground. When she went to pick him up, she was approached by a pearlcatcher.

"Ah! It seems fate has chosen another companionship," He said easily. "I've seen you circle about ten times in the past hour—this friend showed up at my stall early morning and hasn't left since. Maybe he'll be able to help you out?"

Delph was desperate, so she let the pearlcatcher give her food and took the petal-covered murkbird with her. It flew above and guided her with it's shadow, and Delphe cursed the closeness of the stalls preventing her from taking off.

No matter—she was getting out now, and soon she'd be home.

Fishy Cotton Candy Red Rose Flowerfall Murkbottom Gull